Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 1999, Page 19, Image 19

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    September 22, 1999
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Page 5
______ _____________ C F o c u s >
n t Cultural IM u tnity t t r t a it
„ -
to t ih t p rtttn a e io n a! trttHhonti
Z l^ M id t^ ^ iM p tc
'The T eitec AUw
our mind, were created to dream.
This is what we are: dreamers. Our
mind naturally, when confronted
I come from a lineage of ancient
with a question, is like an artist
Toltecs of Central Mexico that were
confronted with a canvas: it wants
not a race like the Aztecs, Mayans
to paint. Our mind wants to fill in
or Incas. They were actually a group
those questions and blank spaces
of people that lived in all of these
with realities, beliefs, answers - and
cultures. Toltecs were considered
these are what the Toltecs saw as
the Masters of Thought, the Socrates
dreams. We practice a special
of Meso-America. Their societal as
Dreaming ceremony called Mitote
piration was to reach enlightenment
to strengthen the dream attention
and personal freedom.
and experience the quiet mind that
Toltecs had lived 45 miles east
of Mexico City in an area called is free from chaos.
Toltecs knew that our “reason’s"
Teotichuan that was built about
perception of reality was just apoint
2,500 years ago. It was a major learn
of view which we learned as chil­
ing center with over 250,000 inhab­
dren. Shifting our personal power
itants. The city was much like a
from mind to spirit allows us to
university where they studied the
access “silent wisdom" and create
human mind. To live in harmony
the energy necessary to remember
with all life, they knew that it was
who we are. When we know who we
related to having peace of mind.
are then we can dream a new dream
Toltecs worked towards mastery
and live a life of freedom, happiness
of the Emotional Mind and undo
and love...it is simply a matter of
ing damaging belief systems. They
understood that as human beings, choice.
T oltecs also
follow a code of
By Ed Fox
behavior called
“T he
Agreements” to
counter our be­
lie fs that are
based in fear.
‘ T h e Four
A g r e e m e n ts"
that we follow are
1 ) Be impeccable
with your word,
2) D o n ’t take
th in g s person
a lly , 3) Don t
m ake assum p­
tions, 4) Always
do your best. The
first three are
tools that we use
to free ourselves
from our self
judgements and
wounds that we
Prominent thousands of years a9 ° '
all acquire a ^ i grow up. We use
them to uncover, clean and heal
those wounds - places where we felt
weren’t good enough.
The fourth agreement supports
the other three agreements. If we
are not impeccable in our dealings
with ourself or others, or take some
thing personally, or if we make an
assumption, but we did our best, we
cannot be faulted. We don’t have to
be “perfect" because our images of
perfection are just that - images
Ed Fox conducts workshops and
cerem onies in Portland on the
Toltec Path. If you are interested,
call 503/234-9946.
Knights from the ancient Toltecs o f Meso-America.
E arth Beat
Eric Bibb & Needed
Time Release Good Stuff
EwthBeall Record, continue, lobringmuriclove„everp«he„ the
Awards » d b M beeonring a leader io f t . b l« k
Your Assignment
this New York born musician has spent many years in
Sweden and is the son of singer Leon Bibb, who was on thescene m
New York coffeehouses in the early 1960’s. Ahhoug
e «
Mahal* Bibb is an original in his own righ .
T .| Mahal aod award .inningInd.peodeo,produce,
dS. X
»d“ be Cultural herbage “ ob on ,b , C r o n e ,
nominated rWldrenb album Sbakin' A T ailfr.ih.r, ev b l.b l.m n.be
“ X e d Meric Fo, Li.de People „cording label E,l= » ' •
nothing short of-diacreetl,
To request a promotional copy of Good
EarthBeat! Records, you may call 1800-34(>4445.
-y -.
Try 4 m t o f f » « * * d*fio«w
Popeyes* worM tomow Mes
Spicy*** or loeisione M iW “
Now oraltobto tor • ß«ritori 1
hxnM fy low price - io 4»e
toko homo A+ flow today!
OHei good unlit Sepiemt>ef
Do Your Hom ework!