• . «V « • . • • • •' * Page B8 p a r t t a n i» (© b e e ru e r REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS OREGON STATE U N IV E R S IT Y D ixon R e c re a tio n C e n te r A d d itio n NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Superior Court Of California, County Of Ventura H o g a n /P a lm q u ls t T ra ffic S ig n als In th e M a tte r o f th e P e titio n o f th e C o u n ty o f V e n tu ra , H u m a n S e rv ic e s A g e n cy o n B e h a lf o f Project No. 5 1 4 4 0 0 A n to in e tte M a r ie S w a n k » A Child For F re e d o m fro m P a re n ta l C u s to d y a n d C o n tro l Sealed proposals fo r th e H ogan/P aim quist Traffic Signals, Project: N a O regon Sure U n , verity is seeking qu alificatio ns from architectural firm s inte rested in providing design through construction phase servicesi for he OSU Dixon Recreation Center Addition. Oregon State U niversityJO S U Jis Dreparing to renovate approxim ately 5 ,0 0 0 square fe e t and add 40, square fee t to the existing stud ent recreation facility on the OSU Cam pus, The new space will accom m odate 3 basketball courts, and elevated running I , « » an S m o n » 7 .0 0 0 - 8 .0 0 0 square fe e t tor fitn a ss C a sses, a ne » J40614 5 1 4 4 0 0 will be received by Jay McCoy' P ,OJ1e^33M E a s t m a n Parkway ¡ ■ x 8c o Notice Of Hearing By Publication [Welf a ln»t Code Sec. 366.261 H earing Date: Decem ber 6 , 1 9 9 9 • Time: 8 :3 0 am • Courtroom: 4 7 2 a . „ i . The character o f the work q u a n titie s involved are: clim bing wail and an outdoor recreational equipm ent rental area. The existing building will be renovated to accom m odate ADA access at the wes entrance, relocate ad m in istra tive offices, expand the weight room and accom m odate circulation connections to the addition. . The qualification responses w ill be used to develop a s h o rtlis t ° J to five firm s who will be invited to prepare proposals and participate in an '^ ¡ t e r e s t e d firm s should contact: Lori Fulton. University Architect, OSU Facilities Services, 1 0 0 Adam s Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 2 0 0 1 , or at Fax (54 1) 7 3 7 -3 7 2 4 , to obtain a copy of the Request for Q ualifications (RFQ). Responses to th e R FQ w illbe due by 5PM, Tuesday. O cto b e r5 ,1 9 9 9 _ No responses will be accepted after the specified date and tim e. Responses may be rejected for no nco m plian ce with all response requirem ents and procedures, or for good cause upon a finding th a t it is in the in te rest o f OSU to do so. Item Measurement Quantity 1 To: Tony Swanks, fa th e r and to all persons cla im in g to be the m other or fa th e r o f the above nam ed person who is described as follow s: Name: A nto ine tte M arie Swanks Date o f Birth: 0 3 / 2 6 / 1 9 8 8 Place o f Birth: Santa Paula M em orial Hospital Traffic Signal Installation Hogan Ave at P alm quist Road LS ADA Sidewalk Ramps EA Q uestions concerning th is project should be addressed to Jay McCoy, F ather's Name: Tony LaRue Swanks M o th e r’s Name: Caryn M arie Dugas Pursuant to W elfare and In stitu tio n s Code Section 3 6 6 .2 6 , a hearing has been scheduled for your child. You are hereby notified th a t you may appear on Decem ber 6, 1 9 9 9 , at 8 :3 0 a m ., or as soon as counsel can be heard in Courtroom 47 o f th is court for tra ffic signal co n stru ctio n as required by Gresham Revised Cod a t 8 0 0 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, C alifornia ($50) the current City o f Gresham Public Works Standards (July 20, 1993), as shown by the records of the Department of Environmental S e r v ic e ^ Plans and s pe cifica tions may be examined at the office o f the Depa m o f Environm ental Services, 1 3 3 3 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham Oregon, Copies o f plans and sp e cifica tio n s may be obtained fromi t h e ^ « m 1 J You Are Further Advised as follow»: At th e hearing the Court m ust choose and im plem ent one of the follow ing perm anent plans fo r th e child: adoption, guardianship, or long-term foster care. Parental rights may be term in ated at th is hearing. On the Human Services Agency will recommend termination of parental rights. You are e n title d to be present a t th e hearing with your attorney. If you can no t afford an attorney, you are e n title d to have th e Court appoint counsel fo r you. A thirty-day continuance may be granted if necessary for counsel to Environm ental Services by paying a non-refundable fee 0 of plans and sp e cifica tio n s requested. If plans and spe cifica tions a ordered by m ail, add a $ 5 processing and m ailing charge. All Droposals m ust be su b m itte d on the form s furnishe d by the City of Gresham b a ile d or delivered to the Departm ent o f Environm ental Services C iX o f G r e X m in a sealed envelope plainly m arked, “ Sealed Bid for the SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Department of Transportation te rm in a tio n proceedings, the Court shall consider th e w ishes of the H oga n/P aim q uist Traffic Signals, Project No. 5 1 4 4 0 0 b® ^ the and address o f th e bidder. Each m ust be accom panied by a certified check ca sh ie r's check or bid bond in an am ount not less than ten percent (10%) Shogren-Rowena Phases 2 & W M ayer S tate Park - Rowena Secs. Columbia River Hwy. & W. M ayer S tate Park Rd. Wasco County °f X X m ust con tain a s ta te m e n t as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . This project is n ot subject to the license P ro je c t N o. NH B R O -S T P -S 0 0 2 (2 6 ) ’" ¡ i S Bid Date: September 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 - 9:00 A.M. S S X X considered b , , n e C o f Gresham unless ,he b id c o n te in s a s ta te m e n t by th e bidder a s a p a rt o f th e bid th a t th e provisions o f ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 and th e Oregon Prevailing Wage Law will be com plied w t No bid shall be received or considered by th e City o f G resham unless the bidder is registered w ith th e Oregon C onstruction C ontractors Board. The City o f Gresham may waive minor in fo rm alities, reject any bid not in com pliance w ith all prescribed public bidding procedures an,1 require.Tients and may reject for good cau se any or all bids upon a find in g th a t it is in th e Kiewit Pacific Co. p .o . Box 1 7 6 9 • V a n c o u v e r, W A 9 8 6 6 8 ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 5 - 4 6 8 7 • Fax: ( 3 6 0 ) 6 9 3 - 5 5 8 2 We are ar Equal Opportune Employe, and request including Minority and Women Owned Businesses. Disadvantaged, Disabed Emerging Small Business Enterprises child and shall act in the be st in te re st o f the child. . , h. Any order o f th e Court perm anently te rm in a tin g parental rights under th is sectio n shall be conclusive and binding upon the m inor person, upon the parent or parents, and upon all oth er persons who have been servecI w ith cita tio n by publication or otherw ise. After m aking such an order the Court shall have no power to set aside, change, or m odify it, but th is shall not be co n stru e d to lim it th e rights to appeal the order. If th e Court, by order or judgm ent, declares the child free from the custody and control o f both parents, or one parent if th e other no longer has custody and control, th e Court shall, a t th e sam e tim e , order th e child referred to the licensed County adoption agency for adoptive placem ent by * * ^ e n q c The rights and procedures described above are se t forth in detail in the C alifornia W elfare and In stitu tio n s Code Section 3 6 6 .2 6 . You are referred to th a t sectio n fo r furthe r particulars. Sheila Gonzalez • Executive Office and Clerh County of Ventura • State of California Dated: 8 / 3 1 / 9 9 public in te re st to do so. The City o( Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. PSU Smith Memorial Center Im m ed PT opening fo r clie n t srvcs position. A ssist fa m ilie s in attaining s e lf s u ffic ie n c y , p ro v id e c lie n t advocacy & support. Req's BA or equivalent in social work or related field. Bilingual preferred. Excellent be ne fits. Agency appy. Req'd: Apply a t P o r tla n d Im p a c t, 4 7 0 7 SE Im m ediate openings FT/PT. No Experience needed Will tra in , Data entry for doctors PC required. Up to 50 K per year (8 8 8 ) 5 8 7 -2 6 2 4 ext 6 3 0 Bid Date: September 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 Bid Time: 3:00 m PST P ayne C onstruction , Inc- 1835 N. E. 137th Ave. • Portland, OR 97230 503-257-8221 Fax: 503-253-3247 ccaa 3821S W e are an including Equal Opportunity Employer ,nd request J ^ / o Disabled ^ l e d VWwans. suppliers Minority and Women Owned Businesses, Disadvantaged. Vetera s _____________ ________________ i n e s e ® r v i c S erving B reakfast , L unch & D inner AMA 5 0 3 -2 8 1 - 8 6 9 6 BALLOONS O A L O IK C " N * M O R S I t 1>8B8'A • TRACKS __ 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 - 2 2 5 7 Oregon (503) 288-7716 Washington (360) 885-2001 Fax (360) 892-0761 E-mail: atracks@teleport.com OAME Cascade Plaza • Room 107A 4134 North Vancouver Avenue • Portland, OR 9/41 r mj»tioul