Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 1999, Page 13, Image 13

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    , » w * • er • • • a * •
S e p te m b e r 2 2 ,1 9 9 9
3îl|e Jlorllanò ©baeruer
i r
Washington County
Providing Regional Services
Creating Livable Communities
C o rre ctio n s O fficer
$ 3 ,2 2 O -$ 3 ,9 1 6 /m o
C loses O ctober 15, 1 9 9 9
R e sid e n tia l C o unselor
C om m unity C orrections Center
$ 2 ,7 0 8 -$ 3 ,2 9 0 /m o
Closes O ctober 1, 1 9 9 9
Law C lerk T e m p o ra ry
$ 2 ,3 9 2 $ 2 ,9 O 7 /m o
Closes October 1, 1 9 9 9
Call (5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 8 6 0 6 /TTY (503)
8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 fo r inform ation. County
a p p lic a t io n a n d s u p p le m e n ta l
application form s required. Women,
m inorities, and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W ashington County
Hum an Resources Division
1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0
Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 _______
M ilieu Counselor needed in full
t im e p o s itio n in in te n s iv e day
tre a tm e n t program fo r se rio u sly,
em o tion ally disturbed children ages
3-6. B achelor’s in related field and
experience in m ulticultu ra l settin g
required. Group therapy experience
preferred. C o m pe titive salary and
be ne fits. Send resum e to Heather
S te in . P s y .d .; CCM H, 7 0 2 5 N.
L o m b a rd , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 3 .
Deadline Septem ber 2 7 ,1 9 9 9 .
OCC Expansion Protect
$ 6 6 ,4 7 0 - $ 1 0 3 ,8 2 6 /a n n u a lly, FT,
Deadline October 15, 1999. MERC is
seeking a construction project manager
to m a n ^ e the construction of the $105
m illio n exp a n sio n o f th e Oregon
Covention Center. The successful
FM - Hit M usic Station seeks with
5 years experience, a candidate with
a Rhythmic CHR track record. M ust be
a wizard on selector. Production skills
a plus. Tapes and resum e to General
M a n a g e r - 0 2 3 4 SW B a n c ro ft,
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1 . No calls please.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
O perator
M ust be as the journey level in an
electrical craft or have equivalent
c o m b in a tio n o f t r a in in g
experience. M ust have com pleted a
th re e -y e a r
s ta te
a p p ro v e d
a p p re n tic e s h ip in an e le c tro n ic
co m m u n ica tio n , te le m e te rin g and
control equipm ent used by the electric,
water and generation departm ents
M ust obtain a Red Cross First Aid
Card. Valid driver's license required
Application process clo ses at 5 :0 0
p.m ., Friday, October 1 ,1 9 9 9 . EWEB
requires acom pleted application form
candidate will oversee and manage
contractors, subcontractors, and other
professional and technical staff as
assigned. This job is a limited duration of
no more than three years. Requires
Bachelor’s in construction management,
engineering, architecture or related, and
5 years experience in all phases of
construction projects. Please submit a
resume with cover letter (maximum two
peges) which clearly states how you
meet the criteria for the ideal candidate
to: MERC Human Resource Manager,
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Portland OR 9 7 2 3 2 for a complete job
posting please call (503) 797-1570 or
Program Director
Human Resources
Communications & Control
Technician Trainee
positive a ttitu d e .
• $ 7 .2 5 s ta rtin g wage
• A dvancem ent p o te n tia l
• M edical, D ental and 4 0 1 K
AA.EEO Employer
Drive Hunger Out of Oregon!
D rlver/W arehouse Assistant -
energetic, reliable person for pick-up
and delivery of product in Portland Metro,
warehouse duties, and assist with
special events. Job includes loading/
unloading tru cks, m aintenance of
inventory records, and routine truck
maintenance. Supervision of volunteer
projects. Requires excellent driving
record (CDL-B w / airbrakes), minimum
o f 6 m onths experience driving 2 4 ’
s tra ig h t tru c k , and proficiency in
operatingforklifts and other warehouse
equipment. Complete appl ication by 9 /
3 0 /9 9 at Oregon Food Bank, 2 5 4 0 NE
Riverside Way, Portland, OR 97 211.
and 1 :00 PM daily at City Center
Parking at 2 1 5 SW 6'*.
Executive level leadership position to
effectively apply information technology
in support of the agency’s mission,
goals and objectives. Call Marc Harrison
3 6 0 2 3 6 4 4 0 5 for job description and
application. Closes 1 0 /1 5 /9 9 .
Departm ent of Health is an EOE
Social Services
Caring Community Coordinator
We are seeking jo b applicants for
a PT coordinator position w orking with
t h e F ra n k lin HS C o m m u n ity .
A pp lication s available at Portland
Im pact, 4 7 0 7 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
D ire c t C a re W o rk e rs w ho w a n t to
learn and move up in our company.
Work with M R/DD clients and make
a difference, pay starting $ 7 .25-
$ 8 .1 0 . No experience necessary,
paid tra in in g . In s u ra n c e /s ic k /
vacation after 9 0 days. Call (503)
6 6 9 -6 6 2 2 .
Open until filled.
Put It to workl
$2 5 -7 5 hr Pt/FT
88 8 25 3 2216
www. work-fromhome. net/ownyourl ife
Internet News Person
Exciting opportunity in th is new
industry. News Reporter background
preferred. Send tapes and resume to
General Manager - 0 2 3 4 SW Bancroft
St., Portland, OR972O1. No calls please.
1 9 8 0 Beaver 2 4 ’ RV motor home.
Only 1 3 ,0 0 0 miles on new 44 0 GMC
motor. Newtires, r e f r ig & ll, 0 0 0 miles
on transm ission. Excellent condition.
$ 8 ,0 0 0 . Call pager #5068960.1
^ ►
C o lu m
Cars From $500!
Police im pounds & tax repo’s
For listings call 1-8 0 0 -3 1 9 -3 3 2 3
ext. A 603.
pm ,
Director - Program Manager
w /R e sid e n t Camp R esponsibilities
Looking for initiative, organization,
problem solving, demonstrated ability in
program management and supervision
Bach degree orequiv. Exper. In planning
& implementation to adrverse population
Res. Camp exp./ACA knowledge pref.
C o m p e titiv e s a la ry , b e n e fits &
o p p o rtu n itie s . Equal O p p o rtu n ity
Employer committed to diversity. Send
resume to: Personnel Dept., P.0. Box
2427, Lake Oswego, OR 9 7 0 3 5
$800 $1200
a ve ra g e
m o n th ly
Cost $ 2 9 9 5 . www.vendingroutes.com
O pportunity Employer.
Z . n - « ™ « « a rtiW tv mean» a variety of careers available atatawtde.
com pett^e aalariea and treat bene«». Currently, opening» exiat In the
following agencies:
Equal Opportunity Employer
M s B ’s P o ttin g P la n ts
. O u r service provides plants, pooery, soil, fertilizer, plant anng, plant socks
• We take yo ur overgrown plant out o f its old soil, clip, snip, o r trim the leaves.
. Repot the plant into a small, medium, or large, X-large pottery and water to set the plant r t o place.
• We re-visit in th irty days to see h o w the plants are surviving.
$ 2 0 /h o u r • E v e n in g a n d w e e k e n d a p p o in tm e n ts w e lc o m e d
R eferences i f n e e d e d
Just one call does it all
Nell Kelly Co., a nationally recogn ized
design/build remodeling firm , has an
immediate opening in its Remodeling
d iv is io n .
C o n s tru c tio n
Administrative Assistant m ust have
stro n g c o m p u te r s k ills in c lu d in g
Microsoft Word, Excel, and powerpoint.
Typing a b ilitie s and th e use o f
independent judgment are required.
Expected to create correspondence,
re p o rts , e tc ., u s in g a p p ro p ria te
form atting and English. Person with
necessary experience required. Strong
organizational and interpersonal skills
are required. The ability to interpret and
understand construction details for
residential and light commercial projects
with particular focus on architectural
design, interior design, and architectural
drafting is preferred. The position is
hourly with health benefits. Team
organizational structure. One of Oregon
B u s in e s s M a g a z in e ’ s 1 0 0 B e s t
Companies to Work for. For immediate
consideration, mail a resume and bnef
letterdescribingyourexperience aligned
to th is opportunity to: Diane Stark,
Human Resources Department, Neil
Kelly Company, 8 0 4 N. Alberta St.,
P ortla nd OR 9 7 2 1 7 o r e m a il to
(503) 735-9970
TO O !
W h e n it c o m e s t o k e e p in g O r e g o n
h e a l t h y , w e c o u l d n 't c a r e m o r e .
Since 1941. Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our
exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care. Solutions like
wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians, O u r
people understand that while quality often has a pnce. efficiency and intelligent strategies can
keep costs to a minrmum. If bettenng the quality o f life ,n Oregon sounds like a worthw hile
pursuit to you. consider o u r possibilities;
M e r it U n d e rw rite r
(Job #3426)
You will be responsible fo r the calculation o f renewal ratings for a block o f existing accounts and
developing rates for prospects. This will indude ensunng proper administration o f underwriting
policies; developing renewal positions for existing group accounts utilizing existing underwriting
policies and formulas; and prepanng rate quotations and completing bid specifications for
prospectively rated groups. Requires a Bachelor’s degree in Finance. Accounting Mathematics or
Business Administration. Underwriting expenence o r a combinabon o f underwriting and insurance
expenence preferred. Must have the ability to pian and organize ass.gned w ork programs, as well
as w ork independently w ith initiative and problem-solving ability Excellent w ritten and verbal
communication skills and demonsVated proficiency with spreadsheet and word processing
software necessary.
G ro u p A c c o u n ta n t I
(Job #3725)
in this entry-level position, you will be responsible fo r performing accurate and timely ehgfority and
reconciliation tasks fo r 350-600 groups.This will include generating group bills; coordinating
eligibility changes with subsidiaries; monitoring and pursuing aged accounts; and ensunng cash is
processed through daily reconciliation. Requires a High School diploma. GED o r equivalent and
previous office and accounting expenence. College level accounting courses are desired,
have strong v e rb i and w ritten communication skills and be a warn player wrth foe abilty to work
well with all levels of employees, and identify and pnontize w ork to meet deadlines
dstark@neil kei ly.com.
C o lle c tio n A c c o u n ta n t
Oregon Legislature
(Job #3531)
You will be responsible for contacting and monitoring group accounts and providing accirate and
Policy analyst
$2717 $3462
Now hiring tw o Policy Analysts to
pe rfo rm le g is la tiv e rese arch and
analyze policy in the Oregon Senate
Dem ocratic Leadership Office. For
application information, contact Karen
Hupp at (503) 9 8 6 1 3 7 3 ,1 4 0 B S ta te
Capitol, Salem OR 9 7 3 1 0 .
h ttp : / /w w w . le g . s ta te . o r . u s .
Application m aterials m ust be received
in Employee Services by 1 0 / 4 / 9 9 .
timely information and related customer service. Dubes indude researching delinquent and canceled
accounts; providing member relations and service by supplying information through written
correspondence and responding to phone inquiries; and completing accurate follow-up reports.
Requires a High School Diploma GED or equivalent plus office and accounting experience. Strong
knowledge of PC software, accounting principles and group and miscellaneous cash procedures
necessary Effective communication skills at all levels, inside and outside the company a must
A ssistant A c tu a ry l- lll
(Job #3654)
You will provide actuarial and statistical support to a« divisions o f the organization through supplying
timely and accurate research and recommendations with respect to rate calculations and filings,
benefit pricing. financial reporting, forecasting, and expenence analysis to the Manager and upper
management to maintain Plan competitiveness and financial stabkty level I position requires a
Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Statistics, o r Quantitative Analysis. College level classes xi
education requirement Level II requires an additional 2 yean' expenence in the actuarial field, foe
° F °o
as logging or farming. This experience must
A.4' * S i- '
include operating heavy a n d /or light
'■’T ’
motorized equipment, using hand and power
F- . (» •
A k : o
to o ls, perform ing minor servicing of
m A SSJi-wk®1 ’ *
equipment and applying safety procedures.
■■/ i z .-’
Structural welding and crane operation
experience helpful. Must have a valid driver s
license with a good driving record and be able
to obtain a Class A CDL within 3 months of
h ire
Salarv $ 1 7 4 3
$ 2 ,6 3 8 /m o n th ,
depending on experience or training, plus excellent benefiti ^ Î
a p p â t a mus, P?ss drug s c r e e n e d p h y s rc a l^ iH tie s to M C o n t £
abilty to program and acceptance test new reports and the abrlrty to complete complex actuarial
and statistical studies as well as beneft vanations Level I# requres 4 yean’ expenence m foe actuarial
field Must have famibanty wrth data analysis technques and programmmg languages used m retnewig
data such as SAS. Easytneve. C O BO L BASIC o r FOCUS. Knowledge of Excel necessary
R e im b u rs e m e n t A nalyst l- lll
(|ob #3653)
You will provide support to all divisions o f the organization through supplying timely and accurato
research and recommendations wrth respect to facilty and professional reimbursement policy and
levels, financial reporting; forecasting and contracting analysis to foe Manager and upper
riKKlng'lmpalredj'or risit^yxlr k ^ i*E m p lo y n w n t^ V , r t " * " * ® ^ ’® *,*<” ’^
DMV Computer System Consultant
Information System* Speclaltot 6
management to maintain Plan competitiveness and financial stabrlty Level I position requires a
Bachelor’s degree (preferably in Business, Computer Science. Math, o r Statistics). College degree
leadership and
client /Server technology leader wanted m Salem! Provide leadersnip ana
direction for ODOT’s Driver & Motor Vehicles systems deployed statewide.
? S t e
as a member of a team focused on a n a ly z e business
State Employment Application (PtUOOL Sen^
may be substituted by at leas, 2 yean o f expenence as a programmer, statistical analyst or
committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is Fnday. October 1, 1999. a,
reimbursement field as well as the abilty to program and acceptance test new reimbursement
requirements, identifying technology solutions man* " *
pvaluatinc/selecting vendors. Provide technical consulting services and
assistance for complex, multrplatform.
environment Requires: BS degree In Computer Sc,er^eiwrth a t a u s on
5 :0 0 p.m.
systems and complete complex reimbursement analysis. Level III requires additional yean
experience ,n reimbursement field All levels require fanvliarty wrth data analysis technques and
position m health care finance The Level II position requires an additional 2 years experience «1
T h e re ^ re
positio n s
programming languages used in retnew ig data such as SAS and Easytneve Hus. Knowledge o
Excel is essential
Transactions Section of the General Counsel Division in Salem. The
successful applicants mus, nave knowledge and expertise In business
W e offer a competitive salarv and comprehensive benefits package Pre-em p lry n e n t drug
screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment To apply. P»— * *
and contract law; familiarity with general corporateHaw.
construction transactions desirable, and rT' ust have excelient w rm ng
analytical, and verbal skills. Two o f the three positions wW Ibe N W a, the
AAG level. s a l» y $3.2 40 $ 4 .3 4 8 One p o s itio n w rilb e fine a U h e Sr
freedom ring.
indicate job n u m b e r and/or tltfe a t th e to p o f your resum e o r cover le tte r and
sub m it to: Regence BlueCross B lueShield o f O re g o n and Regence H M O O r iS g A
H u m a n Reaource», F. O . Box 12 7 1. P ortland, O R » 7 2 0 7 -127» ,T T Y ( S M ) 2 2 J -6 7 M .
$6.4 27 a for
To apply.
caH (5 0 3 or
) a v l.lt
i *
W i » v » r i n Salarv
( H is
Y $4 ( ¿ 563
3 ) to
the hearing
w w w .d 5 . ^ ... A U .. AA/EOE. Deadline for appl.cat.ons
W e are strongly committed to equal opportunrtv m all phases o f employment
committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is September 30. 1999.
a ir f o r c e
R eserve
to: (5 0 3 ) 7 3 6 4 5 9 7 .
programming are desired. Expenence in insurance or research may be accepted in lieu of the
y /z ,7/zz/z Z '/ //i/zzv/zzzzzZÿ
Find out how you can receive extra
money to pursue further education,
as you develop new s k ills and
receive quality benefits through the
M ontgom ery G I B ill, in the A ir
Force Reserve. A long w ith a m onth­
ly salary, you can receive checks for
educational expenses totaling more
than $9,000. And the experience
y o u 'll gain w ill be priceless. C all
the A ir Force Reserve today. And let
M other Boyle has proven fo r m ore
than 50 years tha t quality construction
and innovation in sports apparel is a
form ula for success. W e’re seeking a
divisio na l HR R epresentative who
thrives on challenge in a fa s t paced
environm ent. This position w ill be
located in our state o f the art Rivergate
D istribution Center
In th is vital position, you w ill be
working Adjusted Swing S hift Hours
(M onday-Thursday from 1 1 :0 0 a m -
8 :0 0 p m /F rid a y s 7 :0 0 a m -4 :0 0 p m )
and be responsible for:
• M anaging and prom oting safety
w ith in th e D istrib u tio n C e nter by
overseeing th e safety com m ittee ,
p ro m o tin g s a fe ty p ro gra m s, and
coordinating all safety related training.
• Coordinating accident investigations
and reporting resu lts to management.
• Developing business partnerships
w ith all division managem ent.
• Providing m anagem ent train in g on
HR policies and procedures in agroup
or individual setting.
• P ro v id in g e m p lo y e e re la tio n s
services to managers and em ployees.
Com petitive candidates will have 5+
years experience in the HR field as a
generalist or specialist, possess and
advanced level o f knowledge related to
safety, recruiting and iegai employment
practices and Federal/State labor laws,
and have excellent verbal and written
com m unications skills.
re s u m e
to :
H um an
R e so u rce s, D e pt. DHR, PO Box
8 3 2 3 9 , Portland OR 9 7 2 8 3 , or Fax
benefits. Send resum e and cover le tte r
by October 15 to Jeff Rogers, Su ite 4 3 0
City Hall, 1 2 2 1 SW 4 ,B Ave., Portland
9 7 2 0 4 . C ity o f P o r tla n d E q u a l
(503) 335-4738 or
«a i|U . Owen.»» («V W »
Employment And Labor Lawyer
P o rtla n d C ity A tto r n e y ’ s o f f ic e .
Experience required: m inim um 3 years
in em ploym ent law including handling
o f grievance arb itratio ns and other
adm inistrative hearings, advising re
employee discipline, workplace issues,
ADA, FMLA, and Title VII. Public sector
experience a plus. Salary $ 5 0 -8 0 ,0 0 0
depending on experience, plus excel lent
Construction Administrative Assistant
Candy Vending Route for Sale
17 SW S econd
P o rtla n d , Oregon 9 7 2 0 4
(5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 -1 3 1 0
Jantzen Beach Super Center
M eet Employers
Wed. Oct. 6 • 10-3
Western Rooms
requirem ents
$ 1 1 .5 1 for couriers
$ 9 .3 6 for handlers
$ 1 2 5 0 p e r y e a r T u it io n
for more inform ation.
F e d E x Job L in o
1 -8 0 0 - 8 3 2 - 1 2 1 9
A Great Interstate
Job Fair
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation Is committed to
Portland Metro area.
M ost positions offer full benefits!
Please call our jo b line for application
session dates and locations. FedEx
has a promote-from-within philosophy
and is an equal opportunity em ployer,
Please come to an application session
b ia
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Driving positions have additional
We are c u r r e n tly a c c e p tin g
applications for part-tim e casuals,
handlers and couriers throughout the
follow ing p o sitio n :
M aterials Research Assistant
Requirem ents include high school
diplom a or equivalent and tw o to three
y e a rs a d m in is tra tiv e e x p e rie n c e
p r e fe r a b ly in a m a n u fa c tu r in g
environm ent. Advanced knowledge of
com puter data entry, proficiency in
M icro soft Word. Excel and Access,
r e p o r t g e n e r a tio n s , a n d f ile
m aintenance techniques. Ability to
read, w rite, and speak English.
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe r s
com petitive co m p e n sa tio n /b e n e fits
package, and a team environm ent.
Please send resum e and salary
history to : Human Resources, Dept.
MRA, PO Box 8 3 2 3 9 , Portland OR
9 7 2 8 3 , or Fax to: (50 3) 7 3 6 4 5 9 7 .
Postal Jobs to $ 1 8 .3 5 /H R
Inc. Benefits. No Expenence. For APP.
And Exam Info. Call 1 8 0 0 813-3585, Ext
6604, 8 am - 7 p m , 7 Days fds.inc
C olum bia S po rtsw ea r Com pany
has proven th a t qu ality construction,
engineering a nd innovation in sports
apparel is a form ula for success. Join
o u r Product D evelopm ent group in the
7 D a y s fd s inc
18 years o f age, 21 to drive
High School Diplom a/G ED
A b ilit y to l i f t 7 5 t b s , w it h o u t
assistance and above with help or
• M ost positions offer full benefits
• T h e re a re o p p o r t u n it ie s f o r
S p o rtsw e a r C o m p a n y «
W ildlife Jobe to $ 2 1 .6 0 /H R
Inc. B e n e fits. Game W ardens,
Security, M aintenance, Park Rangers.
No Exp Needed. For APP. And Exam
Info Call 1 8 0 0 8 1 3 -3 5 8 5 ,EXT 6 6 0 5
8 * m - 7
• Hardware
• Paint
• Lawn and Garden • Electronics
• Appliances
• Sporting Goods
FedEx Job Opportunities
Equal Opportunity Employer
Auto Sell
Earn up ta $21.00 per hour
Lloyd Center
Founded 1 9 0 2 , Audubon S ociety
o f Portland pro m otes the enjoym ent,
un d e rsta n d in g , and p ro te ctio n of
native b ird s, o th e r w ild life and th e ir
h a b ita ts . We see k an e xce ptio na l
e d u c a to r to jo in our flo u ris h in g
e n v iro n m e n ta l e d u c a tio n te a m .
D u ties: c o o rd in a tin g su m m e r and
scho ol bre ak cam ps & p re se n tin g
e d u c a tio n
p ro g ra m s .
Id e a l
ca n d id a te : BS nat. s ci., sci. ed. Or
sim ila r; know ledge o f P acific NW
na tural h isto ry; exper. in e d uca tion
program s fo r childre n. B e n e fits &
salary $ 1 ,8 7 5 -2 ,0 8 3 /m o n th DOE.
Call fo r app & jo b d e scrip (5 0 3 ) 292-
6 8 5 5 . D ead lin e 4 :0 0 p m Oct. 6.
Radio Continuity D ire cto r/
Traffic Assistant
P re p a re p r o d u c tio n o r d e r s ,
coordinate co-op advertising, input
data to insure proper billing. Good
c o m p u te r ,
v e rb a l
W r itte n
Com m unication skills. Detail oriented.
Send resu m e/refere nce s to Traffic
M anager, KGON Radio, 0 7 0 0 SW
Bancroft St. - Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1 .
to offer, it's easy to see w hy. A t Sean
you can b u ild your career, live y o u r
life and take your talent to all new
levels. T h a t should p u t a sm ile on
1-800-888-5011 x 782-73277
Work for One Tough Mother
$ 6 8 ,3 1 6 -$ 8 3 ,6 1 6
Washington State
D e p a rtm e n t of Health
Olympia, Washington
W h e n you lo o k at everythin g we have
is an equal opportunity employer.
Audubon Society Of
Work For One Tough M o tho r...
Divisional HR Representative
EWEB values diversity in th e work force and
Sportswear C om pany«
Our people an smiling tor a i
license, s u b m it to drug te s t
and background check.
Apply in person b e tw e e n 1 2 :0 0
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Chief Technology &
Information Officer
M erch a n d ise discounts.
alm ost anyone’s face.
A p p lic a n ts m u s t have v a lid
or visit our web page at www .eweb. org.
F lexible schedules.
Im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r fu ll and
part-tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith
P o rtla n d ’ s le a d in g p a rkin g
Company. We are se eking
dependable in d ivid u a ls w ith
a n eat appearance and a
for all positions.
For in fo rm a tio n & a p p lic a tio n
pa cket con tact: Eugene W ater &
Electric Board, PO Box 1 0 1 4 8 , 5 0 0 E
4,n Avenue, Eugene OR 9 7 4 4 0 Attn.
Human Resources. Call 5 4 1 4 8 4
3 7 6 9 Job Inform ation Line, E-Mail
Brenda.W asson@ eweb.eugene.or.us
go to www.metro-region.org
E xcellen t benefits.
is October 25, 1999.
JThaaa am Juat aom . of foe current opening. available
__ _ Maintenance Speclaltot
Mafotacwxto’ equfornert'operation and team skills are needed for this
o o s X 'T P o r t la n d
As a member of a bridge m a r n é e
State” Fob Une (Oregonian M
vritt i the
State of
Hating. c a l X
crew you wM perform manual labor or equipment o p e r t m " * * s » » » ’°
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