Blood Wedding Consulado De Mexico The M ex ican G overnm ent through its Portland Consulate, filed documents (amicus curiae) today in Federal District Court in Portland in support o f Mexican workers who have filed a lawsuit against an Idaho based labor con­ tractor. In this lawsuit, named Perez-Perez V. Progressive For­ estry Services. The workers allege that progressive forestry and its representatives recruited them and numerous other Mexican citizens (almost 500) to work in Oregon and certain other states, violating the U S. and Mexican laws. Specifically, the workers claim that progressive failed to disclose the terms of employment at the time o f recruitment, failed to pay wages when due, and failed to comply with the working arrangement be­ tween progressive and the workers. Mexico believes that the law­ suit raises issues o f the utmost importance to its citizens. The con­ stitution o f the United Mexican states (Art. 123 Section A, Part XXVI) and the Mexican Federal Labor Law (Arts. 25 and 28) pro­ tect Mexican workers who are re­ cruited to work in a foreign coun­ try against indecent treatment by their employer. These laws require recruiters o f Mexican workers for foreign employment to give clear information on the wages which will be paid and other conditions o f employment. They also require September 22,1999 (Stye 'Portlanò ffibaeruer Page B5 labor contractors to pay for the w orkers’ travel expenses from Mexico to the United States, and to provide adequate food and dig­ nified housing. Under these laws, labor contractors m ust obtain Mexican government approval for recruitment o f employees. Unfortunately, U.S. Labor re­ cruiters knowingly ignore these laws. And once the workers are brought into the U.S., employer intimidation, language barriers and lack o f financial resources pre­ vent the workers form individu­ ally asserting their rights under either U.S. or Mexican laws. Court papers show that Progres­ sive Forestry Services has been one of those contractors which has violated these laws by intention­ ally failing to get Mexican gov­ ernment approval for its recruit­ ment activity. Mexico is asking the court to grant the plantiffs request to cer­ tify this lawsuit as a class action so they may assert not just their indi­ vidual rights buy the rights of all Mexican workers who are work­ ing, or may be working in Oregon thereby allowing all workers dam­ aged to receive any relief which the court finds proper. For further information contact Consul General Alma Patricia Soria, Consul Jose Luis Alvarado (503 ) 274-1442 or Gene Mechanic, Attorney At Law (503) 224-2372. Miracle Malnstage presents Blood Wedding a classic Spanish tragedy. The M iracle M ainstage opens its 15,h season with Federico G arcia L orca’s classic S panish tragedy Blood W edding. Lorca, Spain’s greatest poet and most widely read dram a­ tist, infuses this passion­ ate tale with the haunting images o f knives, blood, h o rse s, the m oon, and death, conjuring a timeless and m ythical landscape with m etaphor and poetry. Inspired by newspaper accounts of real-life events in Algeria, Spain in 1929, Blood Wedding addresses the conflict between sexual desire and societal propri­ ety. Lorca’s drama recounts the tragic tale of a young woman (Bride) who is tom between her obligation to fulfill her father’s wish that she marry a capable pro­ vider (Bridegroom) an her unquenchable desire for her form er lover (L eonardo Felix), now married to her cousin. Hoping to appease her father and finally quell her love for Leonardo, the young woman agrees to marry the Bridegroom. The Bridegroom’s mother, des­ perately protective of her only remaining son and fear- ing further violence from the mur­ derous Félix family, glimpses the shadow of danger that threatens the safety of her son on the eve of his nuptials Betrayal, hatred, vio­ lent revenge, passion and tragic death eclipse the spirited wedding celebration that follows. Fiercely intense and bursting with provoca­ tive poetry and music, Blood Wed­ ding combines theatrical surreal­ ism with Lorca’s deep admiration for Spanish tradition, painting the land o f his ancestors with a poet’s brush. Olga Sanchez, director o f last year’s highly successful produc­ tion of When the Blues Chase up a R abbitt, w ill return to the Miracle to direct Blood Wedding. The Miracle Theatre will offer a public preview o f Blood W ed­ ding on September 23rd and a gala opening reception on September 24th. Performances will continue through October 23rd, Thursday evenings at 7 PM and Friday and Saturday nights at 8 PM. Tickets are $12 on Thursdays and $14 Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets to the September 23rd preview are $7; September 24,h opening night gala performance and reception are $17.50. Make your reserva­ tions now - tickets are already selling quickly! For reservations, call 503/ 236-7253. Latino Communities Urged to Prepare for Census 2000 methods for ensuring a better count half were children. They often live WASHINGTON - “American in next year’s census,” Blackwell in hard-to-count areas such as bar­ Hispanics and Latinos represent said. “WE are urging local and rios, inner-city neighborhoods, res­ one o f the fastest growing commu­ state officials to form Complete ervations and remote rural areas.” nities in our society and have much Count Committees such as the one The congressionally appointed to gain in being fully counted in in Houston to work with the Cen­ members o f the Census Monitor­ the 2000 cen su s,” J. Kenneth sus Bureau to identify the hard-to- ing Board, a bipartisan panel cre­ Blackwell, Co-Chairman o f the count areas and focus the resources ated by Congress to oversee the U.S. Census Monitoring Board necessary to count the residents of preparation and implementation of said Wednesday. those areas." the 2000 Census, have been visit­ Blackwell’s comments came “The Board extends its appre­ ing with local leaders and resi­ during a Capitol Hill press confer­ ciation to Councilman Castillo and dents o f h a rd -to -co u n t areas ence with Houston City Council all the other residents and commu­ around the nation, listening to their Member John Castillo to preview nity officials in H ouston and concerns and incorporating their a video produced by the congres­ Brownsville that made this video suggestions for conducting a bet­ sionally appointed members o f the possible," concluded Blackwell. ter count in the Board's reports to Census Monitoring Board. Coun­ For further information regard­ Congress. cilman Castillo hosted a recent ing the Census Monitoring Board "W e have found that involving visit by members o f the Board to or the 2000 Cenusus. please visit local officials and residents from Houston to meet with Hispanic and our web page at the beginning is one o f the best Latino elected officials, civic and community leaders, and residents in some of the hardest-to-count ¿LASTIMADO? neighborhoods in the nation. Ma­ P erm ítanos nogociar co n la com pañía de seguros. jo r portions o f the video were A ccid en tes de : A u tom óvil, P eatones, N egligencia M édica filmed on location in Houston as "NO COBRAMOS SI N O GANAM OS” well as the colonias, poor neigh­ Llám anos para fijar una consulta gratis. borhoods near Brownsville, Texas. The video features interviews with Hispanic and Latino elected A B O G A D O S officials, civic and community 241-4708 leaders and residents in Houston 621 SW Morrison, Suite 1250 Portland, OR and Brownsville telling of the im­ portance o f the Census to their communities and what they are doing to ensure a more accurate a n d S a l v a d o r e n F o o d count. The Board will provide cop­ * M e x i c a n MEXICAN MENU SAMPLE: SALVADOREN MENU SAMPLE ies of the video to Hispanic and Pupusa De Queso Carne Asada Latino leaders and organizations Cheese Pupusa............................... $250 j/.y o tironea oteók.............. Pupusa De Chicaron Y Queso around the country. Cheese and Pork Pupusa.............. $2 50 Gamita De Puerco “Over four million people were Yuca Sancochada $7.95 missed in the 1990 census,” noted Boiled Yuca..................................... $2.50 Camarones Con Aros Plántanos Fritos Con Crema Blackwell. “A disproportionate $7.95 Shnm p with Rice........ Fried Plantain with Cream............. $375 number were HispanicT.atino. Af­ rican-American. Asian American 825 N. Killingsworth • Portland, o s 97217 and Native American. More than Squires & Lopez E L z O C A L O (503)247-9132 ¡Sí! ¡Ya le toca a usted! No pudo haberlo soñado mejor si lo hubiera intentado Ha aprendido que esas largas horas de trabajo duro definitivamente valieron la pena, y que es más fácil salir adelante cuando lo respalda la familia. Asi es con American Family Mutual Insurance. Como usted, nosotros sabemos que el buen desempeño día tras dia crea reputaciones sólidas. Es sólo una de las razones por las cuales, año tras año, mantenemos el rango A+ (Superior) de la autoridad en la puntuación de agencias de seguros, A.M. Best. Antes de que haga su próxima movida, haga una llamada, y un agente amable con mucho gusto le dará más detalles. 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