Volume \ \ l \ . Number 3K Committed to Cultural Divenuti m ww. port lamlohserx er.net September 22, 1999 B u lk R a te Hispanic Tualatin High School Heritage Dance Team Races Month For 4 Cure See Focus See A 5 U .S . P o s ta g e PAID Look for Popeye's Coupons Inside! P o rtla n d , OR P e rm it N o. 1610 ©b sewer University ot Oregon Knight Library Newspaper Section 1 igene OR 97403 S ecció n en E sp a n o l T U E WEEKl I IK IIM REVIEW Hurricane Gert N o in ju ries w ere rep o rted after H u rrican e G ert sm ash ed the w alls o f f seaside cottages and w ashed aw ay th re e m iles o f B e rm u d a ’s p rim e beach. T op su stain e d w in d s slow ed to 105 m ph and ex te n d e d up to 140 m iles from the h u rric a n e ’s center. East Timor Refugees D ili re fu g e e s o f E ast T im o r re ­ tu rn e d to th e ir ho m e c ity to fin d it lo o te d and b u rn ed a n d h av in g no a v a ila b le w ate r o r e lec tric ity . A bout 3 ,0 0 0 m u ltin a tio n a l tro o p s from 10 c o u n trie s w ill be e n te rin g the p ro v ­ in c e to re sto re o rd e r w h ere th o u ­ sa n d s o f p e o p le w ere d riv e n from th e ir h o m es a n d k ille d b y m ilitia s. Mikhail Gorbachev’s Wife Dies at 67 R aisa G orbachev, the sp irite d and o u tsp o k e n w ife o f th e last S oviet lead er, M ik h a il G o rb a ch e v d ied at 67 o f leukem ia. M rs. G orb ach ev w as ad m ired in the W est and long re ­ se n ted at ho m e, d ie d o f circ u lato ry and in n e r o rg an failu re afte r u n d e r­ g oing c h e m o th e ra p y at G e rm a n y ’s U n iv ersity H ospital. Locating 911 Calls T h e F e d e ra l C o m m u n ic a tio n s C om m ission w ants cell-phone com ­ panies to im plem ent technology that allow s em ergency d isp atch ers to au­ tom atically locate som eone w ho calls 911 from a cell phone. L an d lin e phones currently have that tech n o l­ ogy. T he FCC hopes cell com panies w ill begin providing phones w ith call- locator technology w ithin tw o years. Motorola Buys General Instrument M otorola m ade a bo ld bet on the future o f cable television, announc­ ing it had agreed to pay about $11 billio n in stock for G eneral Instru­ m ent, the largest pro d u cer o f cable TV se t-to p boxes. W ith the new equipm ent available today, the tele­ visions o f tom orrow can offer many m ore “b roadband" cable services, in­ cluding Internet access, interactive video gam es and telephone services. Board Responds to Concerns uane Bosworth, C hair o f the Board o f Directors o f the Urban League o f Portland, announced that the Board unanim ously ap­ proved the following actions: The Board has voted to engage an inde­ pendent fiscal auditor, to conduct an audit o f all League fiscal matters. This auditor will report directly and only to the Board o f Directors. As soon as that engagem ent is com pleted, the name o f the auditor will be released and the audit will commence. The Board has agreed to contract with V olunteers o f Am erica for the im m ediate provision o f m anagem ent o f all day-to-day financial operations and control. In addi­ tion, the B oard accepted the offer from the V olunteers o f Am erica to serve as a lead agency in service contracts, w ith the urban L eague as subcontractor. The Institute o f Non-Profit M anagement and the Division o f Public A dm inistration at Portland State University will conduct a m an­ agement and procedures audit concerning all operational procedures and administrative- Bv W ILLIA M FOREMAN______________ C and his w ife, M e lin d a , w ere sc h e d ­ u le d to a n ­ nounce it for­ m ally. T he co m ­ m itm ent is by far th e la rg ­ e s t fo r an y sin g le cau se by G ates and is am ong the la rg e st ev er for any ch a ritab le p u rp o se, m atch in g a $ 1 b illio n pled g e to th e U nited N atio n s by C ab le N ew s N etw o rk fo u n d er T ed T urner. G ates, the w o rld 's rich e st in d iv id u al w ith a fo rtu n e w o rth n early $100 b illio n , has step p ed up his ch a ritab le ac tiv itie s d ram a tic ally in recen t y ears, d o n atin g a sig n ific an t p o rtio n of his M ic ro so ft stock Lawrance Dark to th e fo u n d a tio n , n o w th e n a tio n ’s w ealthiest. G ates has in d icated he w ants to use his w ealth to im prove ed u catio n and health, p articu la rly in th e d ev elo p in g w orld. Prior to the scholarship program . G ate s’ b ig g est sin g le co n trib u tio n w as $200 m il­ lion to lib raries in the U n ited States and C anada, largely to b rin g In tern et access to poor co m m unities. He also has d o n ated $100 m illion to ­ w ard b rin g in g v ac cin es to ch ild ren in d e ­ v eloping co u n tries, $50 m illio n to d e­ velop a v accine for m alaria and $50 m il­ lion to help red u ce m atern al deaths in d ev elo p in g co u n tries. G ates has been criticized for not giving m ore o f his w ealth aw ay sooner, although he has said he u ltim ately plans to give aw ay m ost o f his fortune, leaving a relatively sm all portion for his tw o young children. Church Shooting Victims Mourned B\ STEFANI G. KOPENEC_________________ C T he A ssociated Puss F O R T W O R T H . T exas (A P ) - F rien d s an d stra n g e rs b o th h u rtin g an d h o p efu l tu rn e d to S crip tu re on a S atu rd ay " o f p h en o m en a l sad n ess and m o u rn in g to re m e m b e r v ic tim s cut dow n in th e m ost sa c re d o f p la ce s - a house o f w o rsh ip . T he fu n erals for four o f th e v ic tim s w ere the first held as a resu lt o f W e d n e s­ d ay n ig h t’s m a ssacre at W ed g w o o d B a p ­ tis t C h u rc h G unm an L a rry G en e A sh b ro o k k ille d sev en p e o p le b efo re A gunman shouting antl-rellglous curses and ordered his victims to “stay still" then pumped a hall of bullets into hymn singing teen-age worshipers in a Baptist church last Wednesday, killing seven people and wounding seven others, three of them seriously. The gunman then killed himself. c o m m ittin g su icid e T h o se m o u rn ed w ere a S u n d ay sch o o l te a c h e r s tu d y in g to be a youth m in iste r, a se m in a ry stu d e n t w ith a b rig h t sm ile, a fa v o rite ch u rc h so lo ist who ta u g h t in n er- c ity y o u th and a high school stu d e n t w ho d rea m ed o f ow n in g a film an d sound p ro d u c tio n co m p an y . T hree o f th e se r­ v ices w ere at S outhw estern B a p tist I heo- lo g ic a l S em in a ry , w hile the fu n eral for th e h ig h sc h o o l student w as h eld at a M e th o d ist ch u rch T he A ssociated P ress TAIPEI, Taiwan (Sept. 21) Twentyfour hours after a powerful earthquake hitTaiwan, toppling high-rise buildings and destroying homes across the island, rescue workers pulled bodies from the ruins one by one. The death toll topped 1,7 00 early Wednesday. Tli© Gates Millennium Scholarships Will Be Given To 1,000 Students a Year R euters SEA T T L E . W ash. (Sept. 16) - M icrosoft C orp chairm an Bill G ates will announce plans on T hursday to donate at least $1 billion to fund full college scholarships for m inority students, by far his biggest chari­ table contribution to date. T he G ates M illennium Scholarships will cover room , b o ard and tuition for at least 1,000 high school students a year o v er the next 20 years in the fields o f education, m ath, en g in eerin g and science, according to a source clo se to the $ 17-b illio n Bill and M elinda G ates F oundation. S tu d en ts co v e red by the sc h o larsh ip s w ill b e fu lly fu n d ed for th e ir en tire c o l­ lege e d u c atio n in clu d in g any g rad u ate w o rk , ac co rd in g to the so u rce, w ho ask ed n o t to be id e n tified . N ew s o f the sch o larsh ip program first w as re p o rte d in T he N ew Y o rk T im es ah ead o f a new s co n fe re n ce w here G ates Rescue Workers Continue Search for Survivors Gates Gives $1 Billion for Minority Scholarships Long Distance Prices Rise L ea d in g c o n s u m e r g ro u p s d e te r­ m in e d that a m a jo rity o f U .S. c o n ­ su m ers are p ay in g m o re, not less for long d ista n c e te le p h o n e se rv ice s in c e C o n g r e s s o v e r h a u le d th e n a tio n ’s c o m m u n ic a tio n s law s in 1996. L ong d ista n c e c a rrie r co m ­ p a n ie s have im p o sed m in im u m s o f $3 to $5 p er m o n th on alm o st all c u sto m e rs, e v e n to th o se w ho m ake no calls. T he F ed era l C o m m u n ic a ­ tio n s C o m m issio n (F C C ) w an ts to p ro h ib it the lo n g d ista n c e c o m p a ­ n ie s from ch a rg in g m o n th ly m in i­ m um fees. management practices o f the Urban League. This audit will commence immediately, These auditors will re­ port only and directly to the Board o f Directors. In addition, the U rban League con­ firmed once again that it would provide the County with responses to all ques­ tions raised in the County ’ s letter, to be delivered as requested, on or before September 23.1999, both to the County and to the public. The urban I eague is also delivering the requested manage­ ment letter tomorrow. The B oard m et w ith President Lawrence Dark in executive session, and Mr. Dark has expressed his firm support for each o f the actions taken by the Board. Bosworth emphasized that “the Board’s commitment is to the community, includ­ ing youth, the unemployed, families in poverty, and seniors, which the Urban 1 eague has so successfully served through­ out its history in Portland." Taiwan Quake Kills More Than 1,700 M ore th an 1,000 p eo p le p a c k ed the sem in ary a u d ito riu m fo r the fu n eral o f Shaw n B row n, th e 2 3 -y e a r-o ld S u n d ay sc h o o l teach er. P asto r A1 M ered ith to ld th o se g riev in g to b reath e d eep ly an d focus on th e ir faith “ to get y o u r m ind o f f the pain, and ju s t hang in th e re .” “ D o n 't ex p en d to o m uch f n ergy try in g to u n d e rsta n d w hat h a p p e n e d ... th e o th e r n ig h t,” sa id M e re d ith , w ho c a lle d the fu n erals “ a day o f p h en o m en a l sa d n ess an d m o u rn in g .” Shaw n Brow n w as studying at the sem i­ n ary for his m a s te r’s d eg re e and h o p ed to b eco m e a youth m in iste r. H e w as e u lo ­ g ized as fu n -lo v in g an d e a g er to learn, stu d y in g g u ita r an d sig n lan g u ag e. “ He was alw ays ready to laugh and m ake you laugh.” Biaz said “ Shawn ran the race victoriously, all the w ay to G o d ’s arm s," she said. V IC TIM S MOURNED CONTINUED ON PAGE B3 M ore than 100,000 Taiwanese were left hom eless by the quake, w hich shook m illions aw ake at 1:45 a.m. today (1:45 p.m. EDT M onday), buckled roads, sev­ ered bridges and cut o ff electric service. By early Wednesday, officials said 1,712 people were dead, more than 4,000 were hurt and almost 3.000 were believed trapped in the rubble. Another 216 were missing, according to the InteriorMinistry ’s disaster management center. ” W e' re pulling the dead out one by one, but it’s hard to get an overall picture o f the number offatalities, ’’ said Chen Wen- hsien, a rescue official in the central city o f Fengyuan. In the hills above the city, a concrete Buddhist temple folded in on itself during the quake, killing at least three people With a preliminary magnitude o f 7.6, the quake was the strongest to hit Taiwan in a decade and was about the same strength as the devastating tremor that killed more than 15,000 people in Turkey last month. T he quake’s epicenter was 90 m iles south o f Taipei, near the central city o f Taichung. M ore than 700 people died in Taichung County and about 500 died in nearby N antou County. The area has seen a burst o f developm ent in recent years, often w ith shoddy construction. M ost o f the structures that collapsed in Taiwan were new high-rises. The founda­ tions o f some o f the apartment blocks in the cities crumpled into piles o f concrete boulders, sending the structures crashing into neighboring buildings. Soldiers raced out o f buildings with bloodied victims moaning in pain on stretchers. In Taipei, the capital, the quake wrecked the 78-room Sungshan Hotel, collapsing the bottom stories and setting the badly dam aged structure leaning on a neighbor­ ing commercial building. About lOOpeople were rescued and 80 were trapped inside the concrete structure, which also housed a bank and several apartments, officials said. O ne 81-year-old survivor said he ‘ ’ crawled like a mouse' ’ through the rubble ofhis ninth-floor apartment to his balcony, where rescuers pulled him to safety. " Y o u c a n ’t imagine how terrible it w as,” said survivor Chen Chih-yun, who only suffered bruises. Fire crews turned hoses on the w reck­ age as sm oke poured from fires raging in several d estroyed room s. A w om an pulled from the building urged rescuers to keep looking for survivors. ‘ 'Hurry.go rescue people They’rem there. They'reinside.' ” said the unidentified woman, who was dressed in street clothes and did not appear to be seriously injured. *’I lived on the ninth floor, but now it’s the 4th floor.” Today’s quake was Taiwan’s worst since a 7.4 magnitude temblor hit the is­ land in 1935,killing3,276people. Taiwan is hit by dozens o f quakes each year, but most are centered in the Pacific Ocean east o f the island and rarely cause damage. Chinese President J tang Zemin extended condolences following the quake, and today offered aid to the quake victims, even though the disaster occurred at a time o f tense rela­ tions between China and Taiwan. China considers Taiwan a breakaway province. The quake ‘ ’ hurt the hearts o f people on the mainland as the Chinese people on both sides o f the Taiwan Strait are as closely linked as flesh and blood,” C hina's state run Xinhua News agency said in a para­ phrase o f Jiang's remarks. China’s Red Cross said it would provide $100,000 in disaster aid and $60,000 in relief supplies.