Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 15, 1999, Page 8, Image 8

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® lje IJorU aitfr (Observer
Open Champs Bring
Life Back to Tennis
Milton named AL
Player of the Week
S po r ts I k h i r
NEW YORK (Ticker) — In a
week of dazzling pitching perfor­
mances, Eric Milton of the Min­
nesota Twins had the best of all.
M ilton, who tossed the
fourth no-hitter in Minnesota
Twins history Saturday, today
was named American League
Player o f the Week for the pe­
riod ending Sunday.
Milton, acquired prior to last
season from the New \ ork
Yankees in the deal that sent
Chuck Knoblauch to the Bronx,
retired the final 18 batters.
o f young peo p le,
black and w h ite ,
w ho m ight never
have paid attention
to the sport.
O ne indication:
The television rat­
ings for the women’s
final between Serena
W illia m s
Martina Hingis were
up 92 percent over
last year, when an­
o th e r A m e ric a n ,
Lindsay Davenport,
beat Hingis.
Unlike the 1950s
w hen
A lth e a
Gibson shook ten­
n is w ith h e r tr i­
um phs
W im bledon and the
fo rm e rly w h ite s
only West Side Ten­
nis Club in Forest
Serena Williams’ upset of No. 1 Monica Hingis Hills, there is an op­
made for excitement in the women's final. (AP) portunity now for
tennis to broaden its
roots to include players o f all races.
change w ould be little more than
That is precisely the goal o f the
U.S. Tennis A ssociation’s inner
W h at th e W illia m s s is te r s
city program , the A rthur Ashe
brought goes deeper. Their suc­
Foundation and John M cEnroe,
cess, their unabashed cockiness,
the new U.S. Davis Cup coach
their youthful coolness from the
who is bound to add his own cha­
beads in their hair to their reveal­
n risma
sm a to tne
the resurgence in tennis.
ing dresses, is capturing m illions
C 7 wf A ss o c h te d P kess
NEW YORK (Sept. 13) — One
o f the most memorable images of
the U S. Open is Serena W illiams
launching herself toward the net
for a volley, her legs spread wide
far above the court, her racket high,
poised to strike.
In that moment o f attack, when
the light glints o ff her taut, thick
m uscles and her face is filled with
voracious delight, she resembles
no one so much as M ichael Jordan
on a fastbreak, tongue wagging as
he leaps to dunk the ball.
W illiam s brought a new level
o f athleticism to w om en’s tennis
in her surge to the Open title Sat­
urday, ju st as M artina N avratilova
did in the early 1980s and Steffi
G ra f did later that decade.
M ore than that, the 17-year-old
W illiam s and her big sister Venus,
a finalist at the same age two years
ago who, no doubt, will be a cham ­
pion h erself someday, brought a
new level o f interest to tennis.
That interest goes beyond the
obvious, the hundreds ofblack tans
suddenly sitting in a crowd that
ways .e n a sea o f wl 'e
faces. Even if there were thou­
sands o t black tans, as well there
"light be in year to com that
Uruguayans Bid
Farewell to CART
Driver Killed in
The crash occurred Satur­
day in Monterey, Calif., where
Rodriguez died ofmassive head
and neck injuries, authorities
for the CART Indy-car FedEx
Series said.
Rodriguez was approaching
the famed corkscrew turn on the
road course at Laguna Seca Race­
way when his brakes locked and
his car hurtled offthe track, struck
a tire barrier and slammed into a
concrete wall behind the tires,
then launched in the a.: before
landing upside down. After
Saturday' s accident, team owner
Roger Pen<ke withdrew his team,
including \ eteran driver Al Unser
Jr., from the event.
The crashed stunned Uru­
NFL Scores |
guayans and dominated news­
paper and television coverage.
“We will never forget you,”
read one banner hoisted at a
sports stadium after word of
the crash spread.
Detroit 2 8 .................... ..............Seattle 20
Jacksonville 4 1 .......... .... San Francisco 3
Hal Sutton Wins
Canadian Open
Chicago 2 0 .................. .... Kansas City 17
Tennessee 3 6 .............. ....... Cincinnati 35
C T m A ssociatib P ot »
OAKVILLE, Ontario (AP)
- With a six-stroke lead that
looked like it would get even
larger, Hal Sutton blasted an­
other perfect drive down the
middle o f the 11th fairw ay at
the Canadian Open and put on
a game face that belongs in a
sudden-death playoff.
Sutton finished at 275 for
the widest margin o f victory in
the Canadian Open since Curtis
Strange won by three strokes
St. Louis 2 7 ................ ....... Baltimore 10
Indianapolis 31 .........
.......... Buffalo 14
Green Bay 2 8 ............
........ Oakland 24
New Orleans 19........
...... Carolina 10
Arizona 2 5 ................ ..... Philadelphia 24
New England 3 0 ....... .. New York Jets 28
in 1987.
“I hit a couple o f real good
iron shots, and he hit a couple
o f bad shots, and that’s where
the whole thing turned around,'
sa id S u tto n , w ho earn ed
Dallas 4 1 .................... ...... Washington 35
Minnesota 1 7 ............ ............ Atlanta 14
New York Giants 17 .. ....... Tampa Bay 13
Pittsburg 4 3 ............... ........ Cleveland 0
McGwire Sits with
Injured Left Grcin
Andre Agassi’s
Super Summer
The French Open title to com ­
plete a career Grand Slam, the run­
ner-up finish at W imbledon, the
U.S. Open cham pionship Sunday
— is also one o f the best things that
could have happened to the sport.
For all o f Pete Sam pras’ talent
and his 12 G rand Slam titles, h e ’s
never ignited the passion o f tans
the way the flam boyant Agassi
does. Now that A gassi is back,
w inning the m ajors and No. 1 in
the rankings again, tennis has a
cham pion who also is am ong the
most popular athletes in the coun­
try and the world.
Tennis is among the most interna­
tional o f sports, with tour events all
over the globe. The rankings in the
men’s and women’s game are filled
with players from every continent.
McEnroe and others blam ed the
injuries on the nearly year-round
season, the ranking system that
encourages players to appear in
more tournam ents and the em pha­
sis on ever more power in the game.
W hatever the causes, the inju­
ries to Sam pras, Patrick Rafter,
M ark P h ilip p o u ssis and seven
other players during the Open hurt
the tournam ent.
Agassi’s victory w asn’t cheap­
ened by their absence, but there was
a dimension o f excitement that was
missing on the days he didn’t play.
Photo by M. Washington
Jefferson High’s Football team gears up for 1999-2000 season
— ------------------------
Holmgren/Seahawks Debut Spoiled
© T i l t A s s o c i a t i b POTSS
SEATTLE (AP) - The D etroit
Lions showed they can run the ball
w ithout Barry Sanders, and pass it
without Herman Moore. They also
showed they can
win without both
o f them.
“Anytime some­
one loses a player,
the guy replacing
him wants to show
that he can really
run the ball,” new
Seattle Seahawks
M ike
Holmgren said af­
ter the L ions'28-20
victory on Sunday.
“They did.”
“This was a big
challenge to re ­
c o v e r from the
loss o f H erm an
and n o t h av in g
B a r r y ,”
sa id
D e tr o it’s G e r ­
m a n e C ro w e ll,
who caught two o f
three touchdow n
Charlie Batch.
The Lions up­
set the Seahawks
w ithout the ser­
. . . o - r f the
.1 retired Sanders
Condorc nnrl
w ithout a reception from M oore,
who was lost because o f an injury
in the first quarter.
“Not many people gave us an
opportunity to w in.” said M oore,
who is expected to be sidelined for
about four w eeks because o f a
sprained left knee. “ “This
1 his is the
m ost enjoyable w in that I’ve been
associated w ith in a w hile.”
The Lions ruined H olm gren's
coaching debut for a franchise that
made him the highest paid coach
in the NFL in January when it
lured him out o f G reen Bay.
© T ot A ssociatib P ot »
(A P) - M ark
M c G w ire
missed achance
to gain on
Sammy Sosa in
the home-run
race Tuesday,
sitting out with
an injured left
ittle pinch in
re,” manager
ny La Russa
¿ “Iflh a d to
: a dollar. I’d
y he’ll be back,
e Cardinals
W ith
o m e r s ,
cGwire was
u r b e h in d
»a. He fin-
h ed
fo u r
lead o f Sosa
his record
)-homer Bea­
rn last year.
We Feature Fubu,
Boss, Nike,
South Pole, First Down,
Fila, Adidas, Lugz
Summer’ s over and.
th e k id s are goin g back to c l a s s .
(Shou ldn’t you?)
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Freaky Chains
F ree’
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