. V ... • V \ ( t l i i i n c \ \ l \ , ’Num ber 37 www.portlandobserver.net C om m itted to C u ltu ra l Diversity .«J Septem ber 15, 1999 (Lhe ^íortíanh (Observer City Council Approves New Drug Free Zone nm tn u n ity a I r n fi a r CC Voice Your Opinion City Commissioner Dan Saltzman will discuss issues o f interest to minorities in Portland. Discussion with the Asian A m eri­ can Community will be on Thursday, Sep­ tember 16 at Buckman Elementary School in the cafeteria (320 SE 16th ) from 7-8:30 PM. Discussion with the African American community will be on Saturday, September 18 at King Elementary Schoool Cafeteria (4906 NE 6th Avenue) from 11 AM until 1 PM. Discussion with the Hispanic Com m u­ nity will be on Tuesday, September 21 at Whitaker Middle School (5700 NE 39th) from 7-8:30 PM. Discussion with the Native American Community will be on Thursday, September23 at Southeast Uplift Neighbor­ hood Program (3534 SE Main Street Fireside Room) from 7-8:30 PM A fi fter hearing an afternoon o f tes afi 2 1 tim ony, the Port­ Juneteenth 2000 T he Juneteenth A ssociation N W in­ vites you to the Reflections C offeeshop on Septem ber 25th to becom e a m em ber in the Juneteenth Association NW. The m eet­ ing will begin at 2 PM. Juneteenth 2000 is com ing! W e are looking for volunteers to staff the planning com m ittee, board o f directors, logistics, security, fundraising and m ost o f all you! Call W oodrow V. B roadnax at 503/281-8472. The Horse Whisperer Monty Roberts, whose book “The Man Who Listens to Horses” created a break­ through in humane training for horses, will visit Salem on September 25 to demonstrate his groundbreaking Join-Up technique. The event will take place from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center and will benefit Project Agape Institute o f Sherwood. Tickets are available by calling 888/U2-M ONTY (888/826-6689). The Wellness Village The African American Health Coalition need volunteers to staff the 4th Annual Wellness Village, scheduled for October 23rd at the Center ofSelfEnhancem ent. The W ellness Village is a one day event drawing people from the community for interactive activities such as health screenings, physical fitness, healthy cooking demonstrations, dy­ namic speakers, health education workshops andchildren’sactivities. Call 503/413-1850. Borders for the Ainseworth & newly approved “Drug Free Zone” for Woodlawn residential Area land City Council last week approved a new drug free zone, and the expansion o f an existing one, in north and north­ east Portland. Council voted four to zero to ap­ prove the zones, with com m issioner Erik Sten absent for the vote. A new W oodlaw n zone will be bounded by N ortheast M allory and 15th avenues, Portland Boulevard and Lombard Street, with a short pan­ handle extending south to N ortheast Ainsw orth Street. The new zones are sm all com pared to an earlier proposal to take in nearly all the territory b e tw e e n N o rth an d N ortheast D ekum and R ussell streets, N orth C oncord and N ortheast 15th avenues, w ith an extension to N ortheast 33rd A venue north o f Prescott Street. The cur­ rent proposed zone is “ very narrow ly draw n around specific drug traffic problem s,” H ayden said. “T he more loosely draw n it is, the m ore vulnerable we are to charges that the zone d o e s n 't address the (drug) problem .” A p o lic e o ffic e r can o rd e r a p erso n a rrested fo r sale o r p o sse ssio n o f illeg al d ru g s to be ex c lu d e d from all city drug free zones for 90 days. A ju d g e ca n o rd er so m eo n e c o n v icte d o f such o ffe n ses ex ­ clu d ed for a y ear. A n y o n e e x c lu d e d w ho is fo u n d w ith in the zone is su b je c t to a “ crim in al tre sp a ss” arrest. A n y o n e e x ­ clu d ed has sev en days to ch a lle n g e the e x c lu sio n , or to seek a v aria n ce to travel to or from a jo b , trea tm e n t p ro g ra m or th e ir ow n ho m e i f it is w ith in a zone. Sten, the o n ly C o u n cil m e m b er to vote ag a in st esta b lish in g the B eech zo n e tw o y ears ago, sa id he w as “ p le a sa n tly su r­ p rised by the w ay th is has gone. I f y o u ’re a rrested and th e re ’s no ro o m fo r in c ar­ c e ratio n , it m ak es sen se to e x c lu d e .” He said th at in tw o y ears “ th e re d o e s n ’t seem to b e a ton o f ev id en c e th at th e re ’s abuse g o in g o n .” D uring public testim ony the w eek b e­ f o re , R e p r e s e n ta tiv e s o f th e B o is e , H um boldt, K ing, Piedm ont and W oodlaw n neighborhood associations, the C oalition o f B lack M en, Portland C om m unity College, Jefferson H igh School, and the H ope and H ard W ork C om m ittee spoke in favor o f the proposed zones. Jack Paulson o f K ing called for a six square block addition to the Beech zone expansion to take in a critical area on the north. C ouncil declined to approve this request. Piedm ont chair Betsy Radigan said that drug houses these days are "less likely to be rentals run by clueless landlords than people with nowhere to go but back to ma or grandma. The tools have to change with the problem .” Several speakers, m ost o f them lawyers, opposed the zone as a threat to civil liberties and discrim inatory in its operation. K elly Skye o f the M etropolitan Public D efender’s Office said that the w ritten inform ation given to those excluded is confusing, as is the m ap o f the zones. Exclusion puts m ost treatm ent and drug-free housing off-lim its to recover­ ing addicts, she said. Frances O ’H allorhan o f the Sabin neig h ­ borhood said she feared the zone w ould continue the process o f “disrespect” o f A f­ r ic a n - A m e r ic a n s b ro u g h t on by gentrification. She cited several cases o f A frican-A m ericans harassed by police sim ­ ply for being on the street. M ayor V era Katz, in response to Skye and others, urged the police to m ake inform ation as understandable, and legal redress as easy to obtain, as possible. Several zone supporters said the exclu­ sion actually helped recovering addicts stay clean. D aniele Johnson o f Franciscan Enter­ prise told o f being stopped for trespassing in a drug free zone. “ It show ed m e my problem was out o f control," she said. “I am a result o f this program , clean for two years.” National BBQ-Cookoff Hits Waterfront Acupuncture & Herbal Remedies The Oregon C ollege o f Oriental M edi­ cine in Portland is offering people a w ay to experience acupuncture and com plem en­ tary m edicine in a safe, educational forum. The college is sponsoring free seminars on Septem ber 11, 18 and 25. Each Saturday sem inar starts at 10 AM and lasts about 90 minutes. At the free seminars you can learn about and sample acupuncture, herbs and meditative exercise. These natural thera­ pies, used in China for centuries, can be very helpful to people o f all ages. To re­ serve youi place at the seminars, call 503/ 253-3443. The O regon College o f Oriental M edicine is a, 10525 SE Cherry Blossom Drive, next to Mall 205 in East Portland. Dream Ceremony and Workshop Ed Fox will be in Portland giving a special dream awareness workshop and ceremony based on native Toltec practices from ancient Mexico. Fox is an apprentice to the best­ selling author and nagual, Don Miguel Ruiz who wrote “The Four Agreements" and “The Mastery ofLove". An introductory lecture on the indigenous, Toltec Path will be given on September 24 and will precede the workshop and ceremony. All arc invited to attend. Call Katie at 503/234-9946. SL1 Oregon Tradeswomen Network T he n ex t m e etin g o f the O reg o n T radesw om en N etw ork is scheduled for Thursday, Septem ber 16 at 6 PM at the State O ffice Building, 800 NE O regon St., room 120. Join us for a discussion on how ergonomics (the science o fhow you move) affects you at work. M onthly m eetings are held the third T hursday o f the m onth and provide inform ation, netw ork resources and fun for all. C hildcare is provided. The m eetings are free. C all 503/943-2228. 'Bil '«M U •' ~ 1 jirja fc “ î- ¿fe Mi? » M u s í 8« itOt't MISSI f 1 aottkaiia ZZI 1 ttiB’BT SYDMfY, © JL 1999 S afeway ’s B ones & B rew N ational BBQ C ookoff finds, besides being a m ajor success donor to the O regon Food B ank, It garnered rave review s from the youngsters for its petting farm and tim e sensitive play center. All o f this m ade for a great fam ily day, w here parents sam pled BB Q from c it­ ies across the nation. All w as vying for the title to d o m their, place o f business. T he variety w as im m ense, som ething for ev ery ­ one. Som e hot, som e m ild, som e sw eet and som e tart - but all w ere filling & dependent on a hand ful o f napkins and several p o rtab le w ater stations. Portland was also ex p erien c­ ing one o f its hottest days o f the year as tem peratures toyed with the 90-degree mark. A M BM ISSK > \S : < n iiin iu iiit' ( ilc in l. il in f o r m a t io n « i ll lie ¡ í ¡ 'd i p r im i t i il il. i l i ' i l l i ' n n i e l i s helm c llic c i m l il.ilc . SSSÜ9HBBBSBMBG