• *’ ?' i ‘ ^1 1 W1 *•. * . ” - i ■ t * * < , 9 • « » - * z * * M m • ,- r J. » , September 15, 1999 (Elje ^Portland ffibaeruer Page A5 Breastfeeding Moms Get Important Support (P O R T L A N D ) O reg o n ch ild ren have a better opportunity for a healthy start in life, thanks to tw o m ilestones for breastfeeding prom otion, and the O r­ egon H ealth D ivision w ants the public to know about them . M om s w h o want to breastfeed their children in public now have legal support to do so, thanks to passage o f Senate Bill 744. And, G overnor K itzhaber has issued an ex­ ecutive order directing state agencies to support nursing m others by taking steps to becom e a breast feeding friendly em ployer. A n event to celebrate these achievem ents and recognize O regon em ployers w ho have already m et Health D ivision criteria for being breastfeeding friendly w as held in Portland o n A ugust 25. Senator K ate B row n (D -Portland), prim ary sponsor ot SB 744, spoke at the celebration and presented aw ards to those w ho helped get the law passed. A lthough breastfeeding had never been illegal in a public place, som e w om en have been asked to leave for doing so. "O n e o f the best things a m other can do for her ch ild ’s health is to breastfeed. This legislation reaffirm s a w o m an ’s right to do that in apublic place.’’ B row n stated. T he H ealth D ivision has de­ signed wallet-sized cards im pnnted with the legal w ording o f SB 744 for w om en to use if they are questioned about their right to breastfeed. A lso available from the H ealth D ivision is “ Breastfeeding W elcom e H ere" notices designed for business to display, to let their custom ­ ers know they support breastfeeding custom ers. F or m any new m others, returning to w ork signals the end o f breastfeeding. H ie G o v ern o r's Execu­ tive O rder seeks to rem ove any o b ­ stacles to breastfeeding in state agen­ cies. "W e w ant to support O reg o n ’s fam ilies so they can provide their chil­ dren w ith a healthy start. M ore im por- f F o O r R ‘ ’• / Section l.A s,4te» \ woman nm\ brenstfe. her child in » public pin tantly. this Executive O rder eliminates barriers w om en face w hen breastfeeding inpublicandthew oikplace. (encourage all em ployers to adopt sim ilar policies an d help ensure the w ell being o f O re g o n ’s children,” said G o v ern o r K itzhaber. The H ealth D ivision w as the firs t s ta te a g e n c y to b e c o m e a breastfeeding friendly em ployer, and is now providing resource m aterials and technical assistance to other state agen­ cies. “ H ow to B ecom e a Breastfeeding Friendly Em ployer" guide have m ailed to over 100 governm ent agencies, ac­ cording to Kristin Sasseen. project coor­ dinator. To increase private business involvem ent, the Breastfeeding M other F riendly Employer Project w as launc hed oneyeai ago. This year’s cerem ony w as held at H anna A nderson, a children's clothing catalog and retailer com pany, in honor o f its proactive support for both breastfeeding em ployers and custom ­ ers, including aspecial place for mothers to nurse. "W e are proud that w e offer em ployees and custom ers com fortable e n v ir o n m e n t th a t a llo w th e n to breastfeed at all our locations. T he w om en w ho w ork and shop w ith us know we support their efforts to raise healthy children. In the end, w e all benefit,” says C heryl H art, benefits m anager at H anna A nderson. Being known as a com pany tirat support breast­ feeding goes along w ith the general philosophy at H anna A nderson. Re­ search show s that breastfeeding has health benefits for both m other and B A C K T U B\ CHRlsTorHtR B ald w in market with one o f the local country­ men, do so. I was able to visit the market T f y ' < y o u ’ve ever thought you could | negotiate with the best, try visiting negi -Ä th e e r many marketplaces found in most with a guide from the Tour Com pany we used. I was able to get som e advice on things, but he was m ore concerned for his countrym en m ore so than me. The vendors told m e from the start, "This is m y price, but w e can negotiate.” The vendors usually asked m e w hat I w anted to spend. Beware; if you d o n ’t give aprice the vendor will quote aprice at least three tim es the value. Believe me. I know from experience. O kay,this is where the bargaining, negotiating hus­ tling or w hat ever you w ant to call it begins. The procedures are comparable I Senate Hill 44 signed min law June 24. 1940 B A C K iuyer Beware - S C n H v 0 w com m unities in and around Kenya. A s a l e s m a n ’s playground. A h u s tle r’s dream. Ih e m arketplace is fu ll o f ebonyw ood, te a k w o o d , ro sew o o d so a p -sto n e , b ra c e le ts , Baldwin b e a d s , a rt, clothing and more. M any vendors are willing to trade for alm ost anything o f value, w hether it’s A m erican currency, tee shirts, w atches, pens o r pencils. Be­ ware! W hen you visit one vendor, you will feel obligated to visit them all. T h ey ’ll know y o u ’re a tourist at first glance. T h ey ’ll spot you before you spot them , so y o u ’re disadvantaged to begin with. V endors usually carry a lot o f the same goods, but every now and again you m ay find som ething original o r authentic. M ost o f the goods are handcrafted and painted by the local artisans. Designs feature m edicine men, drinking men, M aassi w arriors, wax paintings and the list goes on. A nother w arning, over paym ent for goods is com m on. Try com paring the prices betw een vendors for sim ilar goods ini­ tially. H ow do you know w h at” too m uch is? Y ou d o n ’t! I f y o u g o to th e child. “C om panies that have location pro gram s have low er health care costs, less em ployee tumov e r and absentee­ ism and higher em ployee m orale," ac­ cording to Sasseen. “A ll it takes to supporta w orkingm om isaclean areao r express m ilk, tw o flexible breaks a day. and a nearby sink for handw ashing," u - S - U - to that o f over-stocked A m erican car salesman. V endors rarely need m ore than verbal contracts. M ake few prom ­ ises and your shopping experience will go smoothly. Slicker than a fish out o f water, the vendors have w hat w e in A m erica have labeled, "gam e." The vendors use m ethods considered fair and unfair to sell or trade merchandise. They m ay say: ‘ ‘I painted these m yself,’ ’ or “I carved these myself.” Duplicate items m ay be on every vendor’s table in the m arket. It is not advisable to prom ­ ise to return. M ore tim es thannot, you'll end up seeing the sam e vendor again. The vendor expects you to hold your verbal contract. In m ost cases your w ord is your bond. lfy o u m e a n ." N o ," say, “N o.” V isiting the m arket is a very good expenence for anyone waiting to experience the marketplace, purchase fashions, or arts and crafts K enya has to offer. H eed this warning. Y ou may leave w ithm ore th an youintendtobuy. stated Sassen. A ny em ployee or em ­ ployer interested in finding out more about the breastfeeding M other Fnendly E m ployer Project m ay call Kristin Sasseenat 503-731 -3351. Alsoavailable are wallet-sized cards for mothers to carry and "B reastfeeding W elcom e here" notices for businesses to use. A s su m m er ends and kids head back to the classroom . T he C ontact Lens council (C L C ), en co u rag es p ar­ ents to have their children screened for vision problem s as part o f S ep tem b er' back-to-school routine. A visit to a pediatrician or an eye care specialist can rule out co m m o n m isdiagnoses o f learning d iso rd er in school age chil­ dren and better prepare a ch ild for his education. “C hildren can be easily m islabeled as ’p o o r learn ers’.w h en , in actuality, they m ay sim ply have a vi­ sual p ro b lem ,” say s D r. S tuart R. D a n k n e r, a p r o m in e n t p e d ia tric opthalm ogist in B altim ore, M D . A past president o fM a ry la n d S ociety for B ight an d a m em b er o f the A m erican A cadem y o f ophth alm o lo g y (A A O ), Dr. D anker w orks extensively w ith children and cities tw o conditions m ost frequently overlooked w ith o u t proper vision screening; am b ly o p ia and fo­ cussing problem s. “ B oth conditions can affect how w ell a ch ild learns" be cautions. “A m blyopia, co m m o n ly re­ ferred to as ‘lazy e y e ’, is entirely p re­ ventable if diagnosed early enough." says Dr. D ankner. A m b ly o p ia is gen­ erally caused by one o f three things than can m ake vision w eak er in one eye: an m uscle problem o r m isalign­ m ent called strabism us; o cclusion or disuse; o r focussing pro b lem in one eye that caused the other to grow ‘ lazy' W hile am blyopia occurs w h en vision is w eaker in on e eye, focusing prob­ lem s involves trouble w ith both eyes, and fall into three categories: m yopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsight­ edness), and astigm atism , a curvature o f the co m ea that can cau se vision distortion. E ye specialist can correct each o f these focussing pro b lem s The C L C and eye care p rofessions en co u r­ age parents to schedule regular vision screenings for their children and to consider contact lenses for vision co r­ rection. M ore children are w earing contact lenses for vision c o rre c tio tfa s , J lens w ear becom es easier and m ore convenient than ev er before There have been num erous recent develop­ THE LARGEST, HOST COMPLmRETAIL FABRIC STORE IS THE WEST September 14 through September 28,1999 MAILER SALE! 0, 0 Everything in the store include; m isaligned, o r “ lazy" eye; squinting or recurrent headaches that cannot be explained m edically; a family history o f am blyopia o r strabism us (a m isalignm ent that causes am blyopia). * SPECIAL SALE 2 DAYS ONLY - SEPT. 24th & 25th 40 %OFF ALL FA B R IC extended hour. Nalurdjv - open til 9pm Limited to stock on hand! FABRIC DEPOT COl'PON Simplicity ¿1 OQ i Patterns y 1- * / / • U n til 6 p er c o u p o n • Valid 9 2 3 /9 9 - 9 2 6 9 9 • 4 d a y s on ly C - C - E S - Doctors Recommend Routine Eye Examinations m ents in contact lens technology that allow for correction o f specific p ro b ­ lem s, such as astigm atism . Hie A A O has com plied a list o f risk factors for parents o f school-age children. These fabric Depot or prem ature birth. If a child exhibits any o f these sym ptom s (or falls into any o f these categones). the A AO recom m ends that he or she see an eye specialist. BE SERF TO CHECK O f R STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS •Discounts do not ipph to prvMotish discounted or marked doun uetns 9 14 W thru 9 2H99 1 84 RETAIL HOI KS: I 1 4 *)/ N W / / STARK STREET 55 Y a ★ VK>\-ERI 9.(IUam-9(N*|im SATt RlLAVMOaam-'pm MADAV MMMton-'pm W HOLESALE H O I RS: M OVW I ■ADaniAAIIpm SAIL RI)AV9tllUin-3pm StAiDAV 11 mtam-ipni RETAIL-WHOLESALE "OOS.E. 122nd Ave. Portland. OR 2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 V is it o u r w e b s ite at w w w f a b r ic d c p o t.c o m 1-800-392-3376