Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 15, 1999, Page 3, Image 3

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    New Retail Outlet
Opens on MLK Blvd.
Portland, O regon - TSR W Prod­
ucts, Inc., m anufactures o f a full
line o f F iberglass, M etal and Vinyl
cleaners, polishes and Protestants,
have opened their first store located
at 6019 NE M artin L uther K ing Jr.
Blvd. In Portland. O ver the past
eight years their RV and M arine
fiberglass cleaners and Protestants
have been sold at M arine and lim ­
ited RV stores and via telephone
and trade show s. “ W e have opened
this store in direct responses to our
custom ers and our expanding prod­
uct line, says H arry Barm on, P resi­
dent o f T SR W Products. People
like to see the products w ork on
their Boats and R V ’s. T his gives
them the opportunity to see exactly
w hat our product can do to im prove
the appearance o f their Boat or R V.”
Now custom ers can call TSRW ’s
store locally at 283-7006 or toll-free
at 800-455-8779 and schedule an
appointm ent to get a test done on
their RV or Boat. “ By improving the
appearances o f your RV or Boat you
can get hundreds or thousands m ore
w hen you go to sell it, w ithout buff­
ing or w axing and in less time. O ur
Protestant System will drastically
im prove the appearance o f any fiber­
glass, but the protectant is not ju st for
fiberglass, says Mr. Barmon. U se it
on your tires, plastic, acrylics, vinyl,
enam el, LPU and all metals to pro­
tect against oxidation, corrosion, and
tarnish. Better yet, 12 Plus is recom ­
m ended for use on non-skid surfaces.
as it w ill not m ake them slippery’. It
can also be used on hot tubs, as it has
an upper tem perature range of 236
degrees.” TSRW has also added to
its product line two additional p ro d ­
ucts. Easy W ipe, an Anti-Static Anti-
Fogcleaner that eliminates static from
freshly polished surfaces. N itrile
G loves are m ore durable and last
longer than latex. Holds up to A c­
etone, M inerals Spirits, Solvents, Oil
and other fluids. Stop by T SR W new
store at 6019 NE M artin Luther King
Jr. Blvd., for a free dem onstration on
your boat or R V and/or a free sam ple,
parking available in the rear o f the
building. You can also visit them on
the Internet at www tsrw .com . o r E-
mail at info@ tsrw.com. to learn more
about protecting fiberglass, tires, v i­
nyl, rubber and plastics.
Applications Open For New
Enterprise Zones
In Areas Outside State’s Metropolitan Areas
Cities and countries are invited to
apply for one o f up to seven new
“enterprise zone” destinations that
w ill be m ade by the O regon Eco­
nomic and C om m unity Development
Departm ent. Enterprise zones help
private industry grow and diversify
in areas o f the state that need assis­
tance in creating better em ploym ent
opportunities. House Bill 2247, as
enacted by the 1999 Legislature au­
thorized the new zones. The bill
specifies that some o f the zones will
be located in eastern O regon and that
all designations w ill be only in ‘non-
urban" areas outside the state’s m a­
jo r m etropolitan regions. State law
September 15, 1999
ÿ a rtla n b ©bseruer
Page A3
previously lim ited the total num ber
o f enterprise zones to 37, w hich are
all currently designated. H ouse Bill
2247 allow s for the additional zones.
E nterprise zones w ire first estab­
lished by the O regon L egislature in
1985 to expand existing businesses
and attract new investm ent w ithin
the designated zone through prop­
erty tax incentives on new buildings,
additions, m achinery and equipm ent
and through other efforts. T o allow
com m unities around the state to cre­
ate hundreds o f local jobs by encour­
aging existing m anufacturers and
other com panies to expand their use
o f enterprise zones. All enterprise
zones “sunset” 10 to 11 years after
designation. A pplications are avail­
able by calling the D epartm ent o f
Econom ic and C om m unity D evel­
opm ent toll-free at 1-800-233-3306
(TD D ) and asking to speak to the
regional team for the area interested
in the designation. Applications must
be completed and postmarked no later
than Oct. 29, 1999. The O regon
Econom ic and Com m unity D evel­
opm ent Departm ent is a state agency
that invests lottery, federal and other
funds to help com m unities and busi­
nesses build quality com m unities and
im prove the econom ic opportunities
for all Oregonians.
Tistilal Village
Tomorrow, Low-Incom e housing
for Native American o f Portland,
Oregon (LIHNAPO) will dedicate
their third housing d ev elo p m en t
project, Tistilal Village. The project
features 34 rehabilitated affordable
apartments at 7622 N. G loucester in
th e P o rts m o u th n e ig h b o rh o o d
LIHNAPO will hold a nam ing and
blessing ceremony from 1-4 p.m. fea­
turing drumming and a blessing from
elders in the Native A m erican com ­
m unity LIHNAPO purchased the
property; the former Parkside A part­
m ents built in 1973, in Septem ber
1998. Tistilal Village contains 34
tw o-bedroom units, six o f w hich are
larger tow nhouse style units w ith 1 '/ j
baths. All units are designed to serv e
families living at or below 30% , 50%
and 60% and will be kept affordable
for 60 years. LIHNAPO intends to
support qualified tenants through
partnership with the St. Johns YW CA
Tribal Fishers to Make a SPLASH!
In Upcoming Fishery
Direct-to-Public Sales and Events to Highlight Brief Commercial Season
Portland - The public will have
the opportunity to purchase
fresh Columbia River Indian-
Caught fish direct from individual
trib al fishers a n d /o r a tte n d
c u ltu ra l e v e n ts w h en th e
c o m m e rc ia l fis h e ry op en s
August 3 1 . Buyers can expect
to choose from a selection of
“b rig h t” fall Chinook, coho,
steelhead, shad and walleye.
Salm on Splash! A day-long fam ­
ily event featuring tribal dancers,
c h ild r e n ’s a c tiv itie s, trad itio n al
salm on preparation dem onstrations
and giveaw ays, w ill be held Satur­
day, Septem ber 11 at M arine Park
in C ascade Locks, O regon. This
event w ill run from 10:00 a.m. until
5:00 p.m. M ajor sales locations
include M arine Park in C ascade
Locks, Lone Pine in The D alles, the
boat launch near Roosevelt, W ash­
ington and for the first tim e ever,
C olum bia Point in R iceland. Sales
to them that a traditional b ank m ay
not offer. “ By offering these valu ­
able services to our clients w e are
providing them w ith not only an
education on H om e M ortgage loans
but also w hat it takes to go about
purchasing the A m erican D ream ,”
said Joel M artin P resident o f C om ­
m unity L ending Solutions. “As
P resident and ow ner o f C om m unity
Lending Solutions M y goal is to
teach as m any people as possible
how to realize their ow n personal
goals o f hom e ow nership either their
first or second hom e,” said Joel M ar­
tin. C om m unity Lending Solutions
If you are after a job with one o f
Oregon’s top companies, brush up on
those interview skills, craft that power
resume and head on down to the job fair
at P C C ’s P ortland M etro p o litan
Workforce Training Center on Thurs­
day, Sept. 16 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The fair, located at 5600 N.E. 42nd
in the Building 2 Auditorium o f the
center, boasts an employer line-up of
hig h -tech m an u factu rer W acker-
Siltronic,FredMeyer, PacifiCare. ODS,
Nationwide Insurance, the Portland F ire
Department, the City o f Portland and
several other high-profile companies.
Organizers o f the event hope it will
provide networking opportunities forstu-
dents. people seeking new career op-
northeastern Oregon.
Bob M ink, D H S D eputy D irec­
tor, and R am ona Foley, A dm inistra­
tor o f the State O ffice for Services to
C hildren and Fam ilies, will travel to
La G rande (9/14), B aker City (9/15)
and O ntario (9/16).
“ 1 like to know from ou r sta ff
and p artners w h a t’s w orking and
not w o rking, p articu la rly in rural
O regon,” said M ink. “ I really value
these tim es to o b se rv e rural service
d eliv ery system s. T hey are d iffe r­
ent from u rban system s and m ust
be to be su ccessfu l."
M ink said this w ould be a great
opportunity for Foley to learn more
about the child w elfare issues facing
O regonians in rural areas.
“W hether the setting is urban or
rural, our approach to case practice
m ight be sim ilar,” said Foley. “But
w e have to take into consideration
the unique challenges facing fami­
lies in rural parts o f our state. M any
fam ilies are dealing w ith issues o f
transportation and housing, scarce
resources and access to treatment.
M eetings scheduled for M ink and
Foley include those with DHS staff,
tribes, county officials, faith com ­
m unity leaders, legislators, judges,
journalists and coalitions involved
w ith teen-pregnancy prevention.
T he d ep u ty d ire c to r o f the O r­
egon D ep a rtm en t o f H um an S er­
v ices and a d m in istra to rs o f tw o
D H S d iv isio n s w ill v isit p ro g ram s
and m eet w ith lo cal o ffic ia ls in
c i t i e s fro m H o o d R iv e r to
P en d leto n Sept. 7-10.
D eputy D irector B obby M ink;
Roger A uerbach, adm inistrator o f
the S enior and D isabled Services
D ivision; and B arry S. K ast, adm in­
istrator o f the M ental H ealth and
D ev e lo p m e n tal D isa b ility S er­
vices D iv isio n , w ill sto p in H ood
R iver, T he D alles, H erm isto n and
P endleton.
T hey w ill be in H ood R iv er on
Celebrate Y2K
with a
P o rtlan d b ased C o m p an y w hose
m ission is to educate people through
their hom e situations, their w o rk ­
shops on all d ifferen t lending p o ssi­
bilities for their unique situations,
their w orkshop also consists o f a
private consultation with a Loan O f­
ficer to provide answ ers to in d i­
v id u als q u estio n s an d co ncerns.
T hey can also refinance your cu r­
rent residence or even provide a list
o f local R ealtors to help you w ith
y o u r Real E state needs. For m ore
inform ation on their next hom ebuyer
w orkshop date, tim e and location
call (503) 287-0400.
She future is in your hands. Or could be. In
the coming months, grab a shovel and volun­
teer a fe w hours as a Seed the Future tree
planter. You'll be makincj a contribution that
will last long after January 1, 2000 Trees deliver
clean air, water and unmatched beauty and
livability to the community.
PGE is the presenting sponsor of Friends of
Trees' Seed the Future campaign, a five-year
effort to plant 144,000 trees throughout the
Portland metropolitan area by April 22, 2001.
In three years, more than 10,000 volunteers
have planted 85,000 trees and seedlings
Can you dig it? If so, join your neighbors and
help usher in a new era of green for the next
century. Call Friends of Trees at 284-TREE (8733).
Portland General Electric
P ow er
Sept. 7, T he D alles on Sept. 8,
P e n d le to n o n S e p t. 9 , a n d
H erm isto n on Sept. 10.
T hey w ill h o ld m eetin g s w ith
s ta ff at D H S o ffices in each city,
and v isit local p ro g ram s th at p ro ­
vide se rv ic es in areas su ch as a s­
sisted liv in g for sen io r citiz en s,
v o c a tio n a l p ro g ra m s fo r ad u lts
w ith d isa b ilities and local h ealth
program s.
M ink and D H S D irec to r G ary
W eeks sched u led several ro ad tn p s
in A ugust, S ep tem b er an d N o v em ­
b er to vario u s areas to m eet s ta ff
and p artn er o rg an iz atio n s that p ro ­
v ide hum an serv ices.
an d
p o s s ib il it ie s
The First Steps to Recovery
Jan invited Ned to her
survivor's group even
though he hadn't beaten
cancer or bounced back
from a heart attack.
DHS Officials to Visit
Programs in Pendleton
fions.andothers wanting to see first-hand
the multitude o f career choices available
right here in the Portland metro area
Job seekers are encouraged to bring
To learn more about the job fair, or
for a detailed list o f the companies that
will be represented there, call Eddie
Lincoln at 943-2000.
DHS Deputy Director and
Child Welfare Head Visit
NE Oregon
D epartm ent o f H um an Services’
leadership continues its series o f vis­
its to local offices, partners and fa­
cilities w ith a Sept. 14-17 trip to
hours are approxim ately 10 a.m. until
dusk. Buyers should bring su ffi­
cient ice and coolers to keep fish
fresh, sales are cash only. C u sto m ­
ers may call 1-888-B U Y -1855 for
m ore inform ation regarding loca­
tion special events and confirm a­
tion o f season dates/tim es. T he di-
rect-to-the-public fish is a p ro ject o f
C olum bia R iver Inter Tribal Fish
C om m ission, a not-for p ro fit ex ­
em pt organization.
Top Oregon Employers To Greet Job Seekers
New Portland Based
Mortgage Company
P ortland, O regon (A ugust 26,
1999) - C om m unity Lending S olu­
tions a new branch o f m ortgage one
has announced today that it is open
in the B eaum ont D istrict o f Portland
O regon. T his new local M ortgage
L ender specializes in assisting first
tim e hom ebuyers purchase hom es
w ith as little out o f pocket expenses
as possible. They offer hom e Buy­
ing w orkshops, educating their cli­
ents on issues such as w hat it takes
to get P re-approved, H ow to go
about repairing o r correcting re­
ported credit issues, to all the differ­
ent types o f loan options available
other service providers for rental as­
sistance and other em ergency ser­
vices. The nam e “T istilal" com es
from the Q uilliute tribe o f coastal
W ashington State. T he w ord m eans
“T hunderbird” and traditionally, the
Thunderbird was a protector o f the
coastal native from killer whales.
T istilal’s logo and signage depict the
Thunderbird w ith an O rca w hale
clutched in its talons.
As Jan reminded him,
problem gambling is an
illness and hed worked
hard to recover just like
the rest of them.
Like other illnesses, the key to surviving problem gambling is treatment.
If someone you know is suffering, start the healing process by calling T-8OO-233-8479.