MMWW » Page 8 4 <£he 39ortlani> ©bacruer September 15, 1999 $ It S T " X) festival of Item ßritish Cinema guru. This lively ocmedy of sexual man­ The Film Center, located at 1219SW. ners, an ALFIE for the 90s, is bolstered Park Avenue in Portland is pleased to by an energetic young cast, a director present this series of contemporary Brit who has a gifted visual sensibility and a ish film. “ Kicked off in 1996 by music track that furthers the action along. TRAINSPOTTING and mainstreamed What sounds like an exercise in nihilism bytheintemationalsuccessofrHEFULL (Are you homy, baby?) really has its MONTY, a new British cinema emerged poignant moments as Grewal, with stops at the end of 18 years of Conservative in Paris and Bombay, touches on the government and the election of New drive and desperation that are part of Labour. life in the Asian diaspora. (107 mins.) THUR-FRI, SE P T 16 17 A T 7PM SUN SE P T 26 A T 6PM, PO R I LAND PR EM IERE MON 27 A T 7PM T H E T IC H B O R N E C LA IM A N T PO R TLA N D PR EM IERES GREAT BRITAIN 1998 DIRECTOR: DAVID YATES In 1866, the aristocrat Sir Roger Tichborne disappeared at sea Sent to Find him but becoming stranded in Australia, his African manservant An­ drew Bogle decides to painstakingly transform a drunken louse into the lost aristocrat with the agreement each will share the vast Tichborne inheritance. Recounting a curiously true episode in British history, T H E TICH BO RN E C LA IM A N T draws comparison to T H E R E T U R N O F M A R T IN GU ERRE as it explores the nature of truth and identity, in this case with a peculiarly British sensibility. This “el­ egantly-crafted Victorian yam brim­ ming with intrigue, deception and class conflict. ..has an added bonus in a string of cameos from such seasoned scene stealers as Stephen Fry, Sir John Gielgud and Charles Gray. (97 mins.) WED - THUR, SEPT 22-23 A T 7PM PO R TLA N D PR EM IER ES GURU IN SEV EN GREAT BRITAIN 1998 DIRECTOR SHANI GREWAL URBAN G H O ST STO R Y GREAT BRITAIN 1998 DIRECTOR GENEVIEVE JOLLIFFE Proving there’s more than one ultra- low-budget supernatural thriller with its share of scares out there and URBAN G H O ST STORY easily holds its own with the best of them. In a run-down Glasgow housing project, 12-year-old Lizzie (Heather -Ann Foster), who has just survived a near-death experience and lives with her mother and younger brother, is terrorized by poltergeist mani­ festations. Soon the furniture is moving, the police are called in and journalists call attention to the family’s plight. Sur­ prisingly, even the parapsychologists are at a loss to explain the events. Shot in Super 16mm and blown up to 35mm, imagine POL 1 ER G E ISI given a dose of documentary realism. Jolliffe and screenwriter Chrisjones “show they can multiplex with the best of Blighty wannabes." (90 mins.) T U E S SE P T 28 A T 7PM P O R T LA N D PR EM IER ES G A L L IV A N T GREAT BRITAIN 1997 more adventurous and humane film maker than either. And his grandmother could give a lesson to Charlie Rose on how to make good conversation with strangers." - Amy Taubin, I HE VIL­ LAGE VOICE. (100 mins.) DIRECTOR ANDREW ROTTING “G alliv an t:” to roam about in search of pleasure or amuse­ ment. “ Andrew Kotting’s wildly inven t i v e GALUVAN 1.. dm m te a three-month 6,000 m ile trip he took around the coasts of England, Wales and Scotland with his re­ markably energetic 90- y ear-old grandmother and his seven-yearold daughter who suffers from the rare life- threatening neurologi cal disorder,Joubert’s Syndrome. G A LLI­ VANT, which is often hilarious, occasionally melancholy, and al­ ways profoundly aware of the fragility of life, combines Brit ish history, family his­ tory, film history, geol­ ogy, seminology, and tourism into a non-fic­ tion comedy of man­ ners. Rotting owes something to Ross Robert Pugh (left) and John Kani (right) in THE TICHBORNE CLAIMANT. McElwee and Peter Greenaway, but he’s a N a tio n a l B lu e N o te s a x o p h o n is t RONNIE LAWS Along With Craig T Cooper MARKET RESEARCH INTERVIEWERS With a refrain that could be Austin Pow­ ers’ “Do you want to shag now or do you want to shag later?," G U R U IN S E V E N gets its title from the challenge Sanjay (Nitin Chandra Ganatra), a young Punjabi artist on the dole, receives from his partying friends. When his girlfriend (E rn estin a Q u arc) leaves him and heads to L.A for a week be­ cause he won’t commit to marrieage, his pals suggest he forget her by taking on a bet If he sleeps with seven dif­ I 1 ferent women in seven days, he’ll become a Jaman Laws Tony Moore Verneii Brown Larry Antonino To P r ’ i i I lay th e 8 th A n n u a l V ir g o B ir t h d a y B a s h Equal Opportunity Employer $£oooff any regular 6”or 12” sub sandwich*, SA TU R D A Y, S E P TE M B E R 1 8™ A B O A R D T H E P O R T L A N D S P IR IT 3 — hour C l u b C r u is e Tickets Sold a t a ll G . l . 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