Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 15, 1999, Page 18, Image 18

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(Hite Ji.Iortkuti' (Obsvnn'r
September 15, 1999
By Lennie Edwards
and the Technical O pportunities Pro­
gram , where students prepare for jobs
Plus is a college p rep arato ry p ro ­
gram th at works w ith stu d en ts who
As the 1999-2000 school year be­
gins and the 90“’ class of seniors pre­
pares to graduate from Jefferson High
School, the school of cham pions and
the school of pride, students will en­
counter year after reconstitution, re­
turning Democrats find the same Prin­
cipal. Lela Roberts and Vice Princi­
pals - Kevin Bacon, Ken Berry C ur­
riculum andPerforming Arts. They will
also see most of last year’s teachers
return. A big change from the begin­
ning of last year when fam iliar faces
in the carpentry, electrical, autom o­
tive and com puter science and repair
trades. In cooperation with Intel, As­
sociated G eneral C ontractors, the City
O f P ortland and others, students who
com plete this program will be able to
en ter apprenticeship program s with
may not be p a rt o f th e I H ave a
D ream program . T h e Betty Shabazz
A cadem y w orks w ith freshm an and
s o p h o m o re
g ir ls
p r o v id in g
m en to rin g and cu ltu ral experiences.
S tudents will also enjoy th e o p p o rtu ­
nity to be th e latest in a long history
of athletic cham pions w hen they p a r­
ticipate in and engage J e f f s athletic
were few and far between.
A lo n g w ith fa m ilia r faces,
Jefferson students will have the sam e
four specialized program s available
for them: P erform ing Arts, providing
earned credit after high school.
S tu d en ts can look forw ard to the
sam e su p p o rt program s at Je ff such
as Self E nhancem ent, Inco rp o rated
(SEI), w hose on-site co o rd in ato rs
w ork with students and teachers to
im prove academ ic achievem ent. I
H ave a D ream has 14 A m ericorps
volunteers in the b u ild in g to work
with the stu d en ts to p rep are them
for th eir college experience. Project
program . For stu d en ts w ishing to
play sports b u t unab le to pay th e $90
fee, th ere are som e fee w aivers avail­
able. T h e Students H ealth C linic will
co n tin u e to pro v id e h ealth care on a
confid en tial, free and sliding scale
new p ro g ra m s a n d o p p o rtu n itie s
av ailable to th em . A second foreign
lan guage, F ren ch , is being offered.
A d v an ced P la c e m e n t classes are
now available in C h em istry , A rt,
H istory a n d E nglish, giving college
b o u n d stu d e n ts th e o p p o rtu n ity to
go b eyond th e co u rse w ork offered
in the re g u lar c u rricu lu m . F or those
w orking on p re p a rin g to m eet S tate
B enchm arks in m ath , the PLA I O
c o m p u te r lab allow s s tu d e n ts to
w o rk on self-paced m o d u le s d e ­
signed to teach a n d reinforce those
basic skills on w hich they will be
tested. W hile th e Sylvan R eading
L ab will still be in o p e ra tio n for 9'h
and 10th g rad e stu d e n ts seeking to
im prove re a d in g skills to m eet the
S tate B en ch m ark s, an a d d itio n a l
C o rrectiv e R ead in g p ro g ram is in
place for stu d e n ts n eed in g ex tra
help. A lso new are the h o u rs o f the
school day. T h is year th e school day
is 8:15-3:00, still w ith 4 academ ic
blocks b u t w ith a ten m in u te ra th e r
th a n a five m in u te passing tim e.
T h e R enaissance Incentive P ro ­
gram head ed by R aina Beavers, host
of N o rth E ast S p ectru m , is designed
to rew ard stu d e n ts for d o in g the
rig h t things. Ms B eavers is not look­
ing at a to p dow n p ro g ram , “the
...plan is to develop an d im p lem en t
fee basis.
T h is y ear s tu d e n ts
will have a n u m b e r of
b e g in n in g
a n d
training in
D an ce,
T h e a te r ,
Music and
T elevision
P r o d u c-
tion; the Fi­
nancial Ser
vices Acad
em y, P r e ­
paring stu­
d e n ts fo r
work in the
w o rld of
b u s in e s s
a n d com
m e rc e
th r o u g h
classw ork,
m entoring,
site v is its
a n d w ork
the H ealth/
B io te c h
M a g n e t,
p r e p a r in g
s tu d e n ts
for medical
related ca-
r e e r s
through ad­
vanced sci-
e n c e
c o u rse s,
site visits,
an d p a r t ­
n e rs h ip
w i t h
O G S U ,
L egacy
E m anuel
and others;
Photos by M. Washington
For over 80 years, Jefferson High School has educated Portland's young people.
In 1974, Jefferson was designated a magnet high schools, offering a specialized
performing arts program to students throughout the city. Combined, the
Performing Arts Program with the Financial Services Academy, Health/Biotech
Magnet and Technical Opportunities Program make the school a trendsetter in
education. Jefferson's current principal is Lela Roberts (shown above).
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