Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 1999, Page 9, Image 9

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    F ortiani» © beeruer---------------------------------------- September g, iw
Patrick Lamb
Patrick is o n e o f th ose extraor­
dinary talen ts w ho co m b in es raw
talen t w ith a sin gular ab ility to
ca p tivate an au d ien ce w ith his
y o u th fu l ch arm , sin cerity and
pure m agn etism . H e is a sa x o ­
p h o n e player w ho w alks the lin e
b etw e en th e tra d itio n o f ja zz
greats lik e J o h n C o ltran e and
S onn y R ollin s, and th e R&B leg­
en d s
th e
la t e
2 0 th
century...Junior W alker, M aceo
Parker and D avid Sanborn.
Born in J a ck so n , M ississip p i,
P atrick w as p layin g road h ou se
m usic as a teen ager in rural M is­
sissip p i w hen he heard the ev o c a ­
tive sou n d s o f W ayne S horter
and Stan G etz. H e im m ersed h im ­
self in the m usic o f the jazz greats
and b egan stu d y, o f this m usical
tra d ition that w ould take his far.
In the e ig h tie s his fath er, a high
sch o o l sc ien ce teach er, took the
fam ily ou t to P ortlan d , O regon.
O n ce there, Patrick’s playing and
sin g in g w ere d ev elo p in g in to a
fo rm id a b le on e-tw o punch. H e
a ccep ted the op p ortu n ity to p er­
form and tour w ith J a zz V ocalist
and G R P R ec o rd in g A rtist &
G ram m y-w inner D ia n n e Schuur
and d id so for a p eriod o f tim e
b efore m eetin g up w ith n a tion al
r e c o r d in g a r tist, J a z z P ia n ist
T om G rant. H e has recorded and
toured w orld w id e w ith the I om
G rant b and for the last few years.
O t h e r r e c e n t r e c o r d in g
p ro jec ts in c lu d e a lb u m s w ith
G in o V a n e lli, T o n y G ab le and
J o h n R a y m o n d (p e r c u ssio n is t
and gu itarist for K enn y G, re­
sp ectively), and has an album
out en titled “H om e for the H o li­
d a y s,” record ed w ith P ian ist Ed
B isquera. Y ou can hear his w ork
on C D p r o je c ts from A ly ssa
Schw ary, N orm an S ylvester, and
T o m G rant as w ell.
Patrick’s grow ing popularity as
an accom p lish ed perform ing art
ist m akes him in hot d em and all
over the P acific N orthw est. Be­
sid es playin g as a leader in club
venues and personal appearances
on local T V show s such as
A M N orthw est, he
is also an
Patrick has also d em onstrated
a deep sense o f com m unity aware­
ness and civic resp o n sib il­
ity. H e recently h osted a
show to raise co n scio u s­
ness about the loss o f
fun din g for the arts in
public schools. In ad­
d ition , he has b een
involved w ith a m a­
jor civic effort to
ra ise m o n e y for
victim s o f the d i­
sastrous N o rth ­
w est F lood s o f
’9 6 , fo r th e
A m e r ic a n
C ancer S oci­
ety, and for
H o s p i­
the W hite H ou se during the h o li­
day C ongressional V IP T o u rs and
was in attend ance at a V IP C hrist­
m as Party, lea d in g to a m eet­
in g w ith P r e sid e n t
C lin ton .
t a in -
m e n t
for m a­
jo r p a g ­
eants, cor-
p o r a t e
fu n c tio n s
and e v e n ts,
and festivals
th r o u g h o u t
th e
r e g io n .
P a tr ic k ’s g ood
lo o k s a n d c h a ­
rism a m ake him
w e ll- s u it e d
speak and entertain
on stage, radio, and
TV . H e recently was
invited to perform at
th a n k s
P a tric k Lamb for
sharing his musical gift with
audiences at the 1st Annual Urban
Festival on Saturday, August 28th In North
Portland. Tony Washington, Director o f Advertising
its hands and arms. Puppetry com
the B eijing O pera - the w ise m an,
the warrior, the beautiful w om an,
and the w om an warrior - with
others such as anim als and birds
in order to fully relate traditional
folk tales.
A b o u t Y u q u in W a n g a n d
Z h en gli “R ocky” Xu
Yuquin W ang, a master puppe­
teer, began studies at the Beijing
Opera School at the age of 10. She
lived at the school and attended
classes in opera singing, history, and
acrobatics six days a week. W hen
her training as a puppeteer began at
age 17, she liked the fact that pup­
petry performances were only lim ­
ited by the performer’s imagina­
tions: the characters could do or be
anything, while opera was lim ited to
human characters. Her husband
Zhengli “Rocky" Xu is a master
puppet maker, set designer, and
puppeter. He trained as an appren
tice to a master puppet maker for 30
years in China.
The Interstate Firehouse Cultural
Center, located at 5340 N. Interstate
Ave. is a community-based center
for the performing and visual arts
dedicated to exploring diverse cul­
tural and ethnic perspectives.
b in es the four m ain characters of
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A Complete Service Salon
With A ...
IAIDEN PEARL, a traditional Chinese rod puppetry tale will be playing
t the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center from September 17 -
ctober 3 on Fridays & Saturdays, 7:30PM and Sundays, 2PM.
You C an
Now Find
Us On The
One Childhood. 200 Animals.
Countless Smiles.
About Traditional
Rod Puppetry
D atin g from 581 B.C ., p up ­
petry is an an cien t and w ell-re­
sp ected art form in C hina. It d e­
velop ed in C h in a as a folk art
form that en tertain ed , taught cu l­
tural lesson s and con veyed new s
to au d ien ces o f adults and ch il­
dren. R od puppets are m oun ted
on a rod in the center o f the p up ­
pet. T h is allow s the p up peteer to
hold the p up pet above the stage.
T h is rods attached at the end of
the p u p p et’s arm s serve to m ove
p h on e p layin g and sm o o th sin g ­
ing Patrick Lam b is truly a v o ice
for the 21st C entury!
fyfaiden (J)ear(.
Portland, O regon - T h e Inter
state F irehouse C ultural C enter
and Y u q u in W an g & F rien d s
present the story o f M A ID E N
PEA R L, a traditional C hinese rod
puppetry tale o f fam ily loyalty,
self-sacrifice and true love running
Septem ber 17 - O ctober 3, 1999.
T he ancient legend of M A ID EN
PEARL tells the story of a pearl
who is rescued by a fisherm an and
brought to life and transformed
into a kind-hearted m aiden. This
C hinese folk tale is perform ed with
e le g a n t p r e c is io n b y m a ste r
puppeters in the honored tradition
of C hinese rod puppetry.
W orld-renow ned pup peteers,
Yuquin W ang and Zhengli Xu from
Beijing, are com plem ented by (3)
skilled O regon artists - Ping Khaw
Sutherland, Kris Bluett, and Lance
W oolen - in this rare presentation
that com bines exquisitely designed
and costum ed puppets, m usic, hu
mor and special effects to create an
enchanting theater experience for
all ages, children to adults.
c a n ’t help but be m oved by the
h u g e heart o f this y o u n g m an as
it co m e s th rou gh in h is civ ic
aw areness...and in his warm sa x o ­
I m m e d i a t e ( f p e n i n g a f o r i n f e r s less e r *
,\( ) > \ / / s.
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