- » * y-Tj‘1 • «*• V» • •w'- ♦•**'■ m m py • Page A5 m m m m m % % 3Hje ^lortlanb ©beeruvr September 8, 1999 r I nA : 4.\ ; % Key ChildCare Bills To e Signed By Governor Salem— House Bills 2240 and 2241 were signed into law by Gover­ nor Kitzhaber on September 1st in the G overnor’s Ceremonial Office at 1:10 p.m. These bills are the result o f the efforts o f advocate groups, including the Oregon Com­ mission for Child Care, who want to ensure each Oregon child has ac­ cess to safe, dependable and devel- opmentally appropriate child care. Unlike other states, Oregon does not have on-site reviews o f family childcare facilities to ensure basic health and safety standards are met. Thanks to three important bills, Or­ egon is about to take major steps to remedy these problems: House Bill 2240 - requires the Child Care D ivision to respond to all serious com plaints about child detection training before register­ ing with the state. Rep. Kitty Piercy (D -Eugene) an d S en. V e rn e D u n c a n (R - M ilw aukie) will be on hand to speak about the efforts to increase safety for Oregon children. “ Parents, providers and com ­ m unity leaders wanted the state to take additional measures to en­ sure basic health and safety stan­ dards for our children in child care,” said Rep. Piercy. “On this im portant issue, the 1999 Legisla­ ture stepped up to the plate and made a difference.” Both bills were pushed through by a non-partisan coalition o f ad­ vocates, agencies and legislators dedicated to improving the health and well being o f Oregon children. care businesses. It will provide staffing to review , assess and pri­ oritize all o f the com plaints re­ ceived so that on-site investiga­ tions can be conducted. House Bill 2 2 4 1-requires the state to review all new in-home fam ily childcare facilities before issuing a registration certificate. These on-site reviews will ensure th at p ro v id e rs m eet m inim um health and safety requirem ents, receive inform ation on childcare health and safety and are made aw are o f local resources and avail­ able training and supporters. Senate Bill 110— requires fam­ ily child care providers to take in fan t and c h ild first-aid/C P R courses, obtain food handling cer­ tificates and attend child abuse Festival ’99 Brings in 14 Tons of Donated Food In addition to the music and the message, the 90,000 people who attended the Luis Palau Festival 99 at W aterfront Park A ugust 20 and 21 contributed over 14 tons o f non-perishable food to local relief agencies. T h at’s enough food to fill a sem i-truck, provide 22,007 m eals or fill 817 thirty-five pound foodbaskets. According to Evelyn A lexander, Executive D irector o f CH O W , C hurches H elping our W orld, the donated food will be d is trib u te d to ten m e tro -a re a churches, the Salvation A rm y, the Water Conservation Workshop H a p p y 2 n d B ir th d a y Ó u i n d re a X . Hi ne s ¡V- Do you want a free watering can, hose nozzle, wildflower seeds andmuchmore? By attending a free Water Conservation Workshop, you can receive a tree kit of water-conservation materials that can help you save up to $80 a year on your water andsewerbills. The workshop will teach you how to detect leaks around your home, control your water-sew er bill, re­ pair leaky faucets and toilets, and more. We will also share ways we all can live comfortably while reducing water use. All Portland residents will receive a kit worth $25... for FREE. Call the Com­ munity Energy Project at 284-6827 with questions or to register. Sponsored by the Portland Water bureau. i '- Í ; « •’ Ï K* X- 4 W ednesday, Septem ber 15 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Hosford Community School 2303 SE 28th PL. T » Tuesday, Septem ber 21 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. OckleyGreenCommunity School 6031 N. Montana s Quindrea and Ivrln Hines A lthough the number o f tourist There were a few more dow n­ visiting the country are down and sides to visiting this lovely part o f mage stepping off a plane into a the governm ent is unable to spur A frica. In Nairobi, K enya, scan­ dals top the headlines o f many country thousands o f miles from growth according to the Daily N a­ local new spapers. The govern­ home. A place where English is tion, Kenya should be on your list ment ordered tear gas on peaceful spoken but yet very difficult to un­ o f places to visit in the near future, derstand because it’s not American if you travel to Africa. From the protesters o f a proposed budget. English. A place where the govern­ beautiful beaches o f Malindi and In accordance with the turm oil, we also encountered a relatively high ment can order an army to clear the M om b asa to the so a p -sto n e fa c ­ am ount o f air pollution, crow ded streets at anytime due to demonstra­ to r ie s in K is ii, to u r is t have streets and little respect for traffic tions or protests. That happens to p le n ty o f site s to see. I f you laws. Here few obey the traffic take place right outside the building d o n ’t lik e w a te rfro n t a ttra c tio n s lig h ts d an g ero u sly o v e r-fille d you are visiting. o r fine a rts e x h ib its, th e re is a l­ w ays h ik in g at Me, K enya. From m ini-vans, seating as m any as 12- B etter yet, p ic tu re y o u rse lf 15, speed through the streets with the b reath taking Mau M au caves w alking dow n a street and som e­ w indow art glorifying W estern in­ to s i t e s o v e r lo o k in g L a k e one begins talking to you because V ic to ria y o u ’re alm ost g u a ra n ­ fluences. Street hustlers in busi­ you c a n ’t understand the conver­ teed to e n jo y yo u rself. ness attire dom inate the nearly sation, they harass you. They identify them selves as the police, show false identificatio n and d e­ m and to see your passport. W hat do you do? This can happen to anyone. It happened to me. The key is to be smart. The key is to face your fear. Tourists are faced with this situa­ tion and other problems all over the world. As people begin to want to see more o f the world they have to take into consideration their duties as tour­ ists. Possession o f a visa, passport, airline ticket, confirmed hotel reser­ F O O D & DRUG vations and the booking ofa reputable tour company and guide are just a fewr things a tourist should ensure to pro­ mote a successful vacation. Q uestions to consider prior to traveling abroad should include: Did you research the plane in which you w ant to visit? Is the place relatively safe for A m ericans? Are the people and the governm ent in­ In Your Oregonian FOODday volved in conflict? Is your coun- in the Portland Metro Area i try at conflict with this country? Is it safe to drink the w ater? Is pub­ ...and save more by shopping lic transportation available? W hat is the exchange rate o f currency? at Safeway. Manor House. Do I know enough o f their lan­ Individually Quick Frozen. guage to com m unicate? Sold in 4-lb. bags only, Tourism can be an adventure for $6.76 ea. c some and a disaster for others. SAVE up to $1.05 b. Many travel agencies provide few custom er testim onials concerning dealings with tour com panies and guides. They primarily recommend the most commonly used com pa­ nies or the ones with the best re­ Visit Safeway's Web site at views. Travel agencies rarely men­ www.safeway.com tion stories like the tour guide swindled the poor old couple o f PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1W thousands o f dollars. N or the Tour Sat Wed Thor J" Sun Tu« Mon 1O 11 • Company that left the young group 9 stranded because they couldn t pro­ M m « pnem o t w ad «re « V M teal Safrw»» « rm duce more money. Nor about the n «5 M n ruai» anti at nMuBam SMs e M quanMn O '* OuanMn at wme M m ma» f» » W it and w t*O * tourist that were attacked in a world Hot to tvptxjuph« Ü at p rto t* m en * * rewrw M tarmo « prwM eon C ttoo Salma» Saim »* famous tourist area twice in a month (Standard Sunday June 20. 1999). I & £ T~p*cnn /M o m m y Portland Rescue Mission and Teen Challenge. CHOW will also help direct fam ilies in need to food as­ sistance in their area. CHOW may be reached at (503) 295-8094. r African Tourism: Through My Eyes Bi C h r iit o f h e r B aldwin I gridlock city. Tourist stand out especially those o f European dis­ sent. Black A m ericans are also unable to blend due to their d is­ tinct dialects. Despite Kenya being a so-called developing country, th e re ’s no need for foreign media to down play the social reputation o f this great country. Kenya is rich with tea and herbs, crafts, historical sites, national safari parks and abundant wildlife. W ith govern­ m ental efforts aimed to strengthen public relations in foreign media and the revam ping o f the tourist board, big things are in the future for this up and com ing country. &. D a d d y papa fllurptuft TAKE \ B A K E P IZ Z A PEPPERON PIZZA Valid through Oct 1999 OPENING IN NOVEMBER O n 1 5 t h & F r e m o n t! 4 1 S t & F re m o n t 7 1 s t & F re m o n t 503-281-6833 503-287-5520 SAFEWAY Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide Boneless Skinless Fryer Breasts L a . CI&u. ■ .. . j ‘ . D,- I Í. ï.k. SAFEWAY PACK QS CapriSun Fruit Drinks 10-pack, 6.75-oz. Assorted flavors. Limit 4.