Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 1999, Page 3, Image 3

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(Elie ^ìurtlauò ffibaeruer
Page A 3
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What are the clues to tell if someone you know may snap?
ccording to a m ental health
expert, there are recogniz
able signs to detect if you or
som eone you know or love is
to “go over the edge.”
Surpising symptoms such as things
seeming unreal, deja vu and “looking
through someone else ’ s eyes" are huge
warning signals. Writing death poems,
obsessing about death and violence,
deliberately injuring or mutilating the
body, pulling out hair, road rage, ‘ ‘freak­
ing out” over minor stress, substance
abuse and punching walls should never
be ignored. Anyone talking about sui­
cide, homicide, violence, hate, or death
Established 1970
is also showing signs they may “snap”
u b l is h e r
- particularly under stress.
“ If you can spot the person before
they crack, you can help them dra­
m atically and quickly w ith the right
treatm ent,” says Dr. Leland H eller, a
Florida fam ily physician, m ental
health expert, and author o f the new
book, “ B io lo g ical U n h ap p in e ss”
(D yslim bia Press, 1999). His first
book “ Life at the Border” is on the
recom m ended reading list at the N a­
tional Institute o f M ental Health. Dr.
Leland H eller is a man on a mission.
H e’s dedicated to saving lives.
Dr. Heller says some obvious signs
that a tragedy m ay be brew ing are
when a person says things like, “ I
d it o r
ported the ads, by the way).
Brothers, anytim e a politician,
rothers, w e som etim es tend
m ale o r fem ale, w ho believes that
the best w ay you can serve as a
to believe that the battles we
husband is w ith an apron, a baby
fight daily with our feminized
and a shopping list, its tim e
culture in the U.S. only happens carrier,
our shores. This could not be further
for you— and your friends— to vote
them out o f office.
from the truth, as exempted by an
G od did not create you to be a
Assoc iated Press article that came out
m an in a dress. It is up to the husband
ofT okyo in the late spring o f this year.
to serve as head, priest, and provider
In a nutshell, the article was a
in the husband-w ife relationship; it is
play-by-play fem inist re-hashing o f
up to the wife to serve as helper,
the accusation that Japanese fathers
supporter, and follower. A nything
did not spend enough tim e raising
short o f this will lead to m assive
their children, nor helping with house
confusion— som ething that w recks
w ork, because o f the long hours that
hom es and delights feminists.
they put in on their well-paying jobs.
W om en On Strike In M exico
The re-hash cam e in the form o f anti­
M eanw hile, out o f M exico City,
m ale public service ads appearing in
according to the Tribune N ew s Ser­
governm ent-ow ned media.
vice it seems that women-housewives
This isn’t the first tim e the press
m ainly— decided to launch a July
raised this, or sim ilar accusations.
‘housew ork stoppage’. Now, this has
Back in the 198O’s, the same press
been tried in other countries, for a
that led m ore Japanese w om en into
variety o f different reasons. W enever
the w orkforce and aw ay from the
quite find out the afterm ath o f such
hom e, also ‘ham m ered’ on men be­
actions— only the prelude.
cause o f the ‘so-called sexist’ atti­
Fem inists have pum ped up the
tudes about the m ale-fem ale rela­
heads o f young, or recently-m arried
tionship. H ow ever, there were two
housew ives, and led them to believe
things that stuck out about the article:
that they have 'rig h ts’ once they slip
1) A m erican men, A ccording to a
on the w edding bands, including the
U nited N ations study, did alm ost as
right not to do housework.
m uch shopping as their w ives, and
So, how can 1 tell that the fem i­
w ere m ore involved in child care and
nists are behind this creation? W ell,
housew ork; 2) Japanese m en were
the sam e article stated that m any o f
outraged and m ay take action against
these same w om en favored the ‘pro-
governm ent officials (who have sup-
B i M ike R amey
Gary Ann Taylor
d m in is t r a t iv e
s s is t a n t
Talunaka Washington
ir e c t o r
d v e r t is in g
Tony Washington
d it o r
Joy Ramos
r a p h ic
e s ig n e r
Heather Fairchild
is t r ib u t io n
Mark Washington
o n t r ib u t in g
r it e r
Richard Luccetti
4747 NE Martin Luther
King, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
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people from snapping,” says Dr.
Heller. “ M ost o f the killing can be
prevented and the suffering stopped.”
Dr. Heller has answered a thou­
sand "ask the doctor” questions for a
website on the borderline personality
disorder (which may have afflicted
Princess Diana). You can email a
question to him at the “Borderline
Personality Disorder Sanctuary” at
http: www.navicom.com—pattv.
ISBN # 192894700X, available at
amzaon.com. B&N .com. directly from
Dyslimbia Press with a 30 day uncon­
ditional money back guarantee, 109
NE 19 Drive, Okeechobee, FI 34972
and soon m bookstores everywhere.
choice’ (or I should say ‘pro-m ur­
d er’ stand) regarding abortion, and
that many o f these women were clam ­
oring about ‘equal right’, w ithout
‘equal responsibility’.
In other words, brothers, w hen­
ever you allow outside voices into
your home, and into your m arriage,
and d o n ’t question their m otives or
agenda, you run the risk o f having
your palace turned into a w ar zone.
sides o f the political stripe have. The
conclusion is that Daddy do esn ’t
count. T h at’s enough to send me to
m y keyboard and urge that those in
the psychological profession that
support such trash be boycotted by
decent men and women everywhere.
Brothers, make no mistake about it.
These attacks on manhood and father­
hood are not by accident, but by choice.
Little by little, industrialized nation by
industrialized nation, the ‘feminist
creep' can be seen. Men are little more
than ‘wallets, breath, and britches’.
Seen The Fall TV Prom os Yet?
W hile it has been revealed that
various m ajor A frican A m erican and
H ispanic groups have clam oring and
threatening boycotts due to the ab­
sence o f people o f color from major
and m inor television networks this
fall, (an the networks are scram bling
to keep viewers), the mam debate has
been overlooked: the treatm ent o f
men in the new fall season.
From w hat I have seen so far, I am
not a happy man. W hile m arriage has
been m aking a com eback, and men
are being w elcom ed back by m any
com m unities in their biblical roles,
the fall schedules still have many
angry, divorced, single w omen; and
men serving either as sexual play
toys, idiot, or absent.
Brothers, maybe its tim e we wrote
a sim ple letter to the netw orks and
told them that, w hen it com es time
for the fall sports offerings, since we
aren ’t respected in the new s, public
affairs, or entertainm ent areas, we
will save our money and not partake
o f the NFL, NBA, or any other tele­
vision sports offerings.
Instead, w e’ll take our w ives and
go w atch our kids play their sports at
the local high school.
G ot a com m ent? Drop a letter
“The M anhood Line”, care o f M ike
Ramey, P O. Box 20131, Indianapo­
lis. Indiana 46220
Psychologists Aim to Push
Daddy Out-Agaln
According to various articles that
have surfaced, “The A m erican Psy­
chologist”, the top news and infor­
m ation jo u rn al published by the
A m erican Psychological A ssocia­
tion, caused some firew orks o f its
own back in its June, 1999 issue.
In short, it held that fathers were
‘harm ful’ to the child rearing process
and did not m ake a needed contribu­
tion to child development.
N ow , I have not read the study
itself, but a lot o f people on both
Copyright 1999 M.G. M ike' Ramey
Letters To the Editor
To The Editor of the Portland
P ostmaster :
ing am ount o f m urders, suicides,
road rage, fam ily abuse, drug abuse,
unhappiness, and m uch more.
Dr. H eller has a free screening
te s t
o n lin e
h ttp ://
w w w .b io lo g icalu n h ap p in ess.co m .
the test helps determ ine if someone
has any o f a variety o f disorders,
from the Borderline Personality Dis­
order or A ttention Deficit Disorder,
to B ipolar D isorder or Panic Disor­
der, all o f w hich are treatable bio­
logical conditions that can cause even
a “good person” to lose control and
com m it a horrible tragedy.
“ I f we detect and handle the prob­
lem s now, w e can help keep many
Anti Male Fever Surfaces In Japan— Again
Larry J. Jackson, Sr.
u s in e s s
d o n ’t want to live, there’s no point to
living, everyone seems to have it in
for me, life has no purpose. I’m worth­
less, why bother trying, or others
would be better o ff if I was dead.”
"Going over the edge is usually
part o f a treatable biologically based
problem ,” explains Dr. Heller. “The
trick is to recognize the problem be­
fore they snap. Many individuals have
more than one diagnosis, and some
com binations can be deadly.”
Stress at work, hom e, and even at
play is causing m ore reports o f
peo p le “ cra c k in g ,” or m en tally
"breaking dow n,” than ever before.
The problem is leading to a stagger­
The Manhood Line
Charles W ashington
JJn rtlan h (D bsm w r
Who’s Going To Crack Next?
USPS 959480
Editorial Articles Do Not Necessarily
Reflect Or Represent The Views Of
S e p te m b e r 8, 1999
O n Sunday, the 29th o f A ugust, I
was reading an article about a young
girl from Arizona who is the focus o f
an abortion debate. In an article by
D avid Schw artz he tells o f a young
girl w ho at the age o f fourteen is a
w ard o f the state o f Arizona and has
been since she was five. This little
girl is an orphan w hose m other just
recently passed aw ay and whose fa­
ther is absent. The state o f A rizona
has granted her perm ission to have a
late term abortion, for the pregnancy
was the result o f an act o f violence.
This appertains to a child who is
being victim ized by the system. A
child w ho had no choice. There is a
little girl w ho has been raped and
under no circum stances w as there a
decision process on her part o f being
im pregnated. 1 am aghast by the ac­
tions taken by anti-abortion groups
and infuriated w ith the governor’s
office for an effort to appeal the
ruling. In m y understanding o f The
C onstitution o f the United States we
have freedom o f speech and freedom
o f choice. It’s tim e to take an earnest
look at our m otives and morals in
these individualized cases. Anti-abor­
tion groups are crossing the line by
attacking a child. Being attacked may
have a potentially detrim ental effect
on her em otional and psychological
state. I firm ly believe in reevaluating
their m ovem ents in taking this to a
level o f legal action. A s a young girl
she has an irrefutable right to her
body and has been through enough
trauma. G ive her the opportunity to
get on with her life in hopes she can
make it out o f the system w ith some
shred o f her humanity.
1 find it disheartening that in a
highly advanced society w e still m an­
age to attack people for their personal
and private decisions. Living with the
decisions we make every day is oner­
ous enough, but to be personally at­
tacked, especially at the age o f four­
teen, is potentially life damaging. As
Americans, everyone has a right to
freedom o f choice. While many people
take it to extremes, if one by one we
can leam to live together and respect
every individual, then in time we will
slowly evolve to a free America. A
Society where it would be safe to send
your children to school. Consequen­
tially, where a little girl cannot be
scrutinized for a decision she should
have never had to m ake, and was
forced to since there were unfortunate
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