P O L IC E N E W S (Obscrmitg Police D.A.R.E. Officers Gear Up For School Year V ancouver Police Drug A buse R esistance E ducation (D .A .R .E .) O fficers S teve R hodes and Je ff Privette are getting their lesson plans ready for another year o f D .A .R.E. in 15 elem entary schools in the V ancouver School D istrict and one in the Evergreen School District. Lesson topics include safety, risks, consequences, and violence and d ru g a b u s e p r e v e n tio n . T h e D.A R E program targets students in the fifth grade and covers 17 Page A2 Fortiani» ffibaerUer September 8, 1999 lesson plans in 15 weeks. O fficers Rhodes and Privette w ill also visit students in kindergarten to fourth grade to prepare them for p artici­ pating in D.A.R.E. in the fifth grade. E lem entary schools participat­ ing in the D A R E, program are; O gden, T ru m a n , M a rs h a ll, M in n e h a h a , L in c o ln , H a rn e y , H ough, W ashington, O ur Lady ot L o u rd e s , S t. J o s e p h , K in g , Roosevelt, Franklin, Fruit Valley, Im age and Firgrove. In a d d itio n to th e s ta n d a r d D .A .R .E . l e s s o n s , O f f i c e r s R h o d es and P riv e tte are d e v e lo p ­ in g a m e n to rin g p ro g ra m th ro u g h the Y M C A , sta rtin g a P o lice A th ­ l e tic L e a g u e ( P A L ) a n d a r e p a rtn e rin g w ith th e B o y s & G irls C lu b s o f SW W a sh in g to n to p ro ­ v id e ad d itio n a l p ro g ra m s. For additional inform ation, co n ­ tact Ofc. Steve R hodes, (360) 696- 8292 Ext. 8138 o r O fc. Je ff Privette, (360) 735-8800 Ext. 3261. Sixteen Juveniles Taken Into Protective Custody Between the late night hours o f Fnday, September 3, and early m orn­ ing hours o f Saturday. Septem ber 4. 1999, N ortheast Precinct Uniform O fficers and G ang E n fo rcem en t Team Officers, targeting com pliance o f the curfew ordinance, took sixteen juveniles into protective custody. The sixteen juveniles, consisting o f four white males, nine black males, and three black females, ranged in age from thirteen to seventeen years. T he p u rp o s e o f N o rth e a s t 14-18 years old: Precinct’s C urfew C om pliance M is­ sions is to prevent and protect youths from becom ing victims o t gang vio­ lence and or other crim es. 10:15 P.M. - 6 :0 0 A.M. School D ays Curfew Hours Are: 0-14 years old: 12:00 M idnight - 6:00 A.M. N on-school Days 9:15 P.M. 6:00 A.M. School D ays Northeast Precinct U niform O f­ ficers and G ang Enforcem ent Team O fficers will be conducting more curfew com pliance missions. 10:15 P.M. - 6:00 A M. N on-school Days City Seeks Applicants For Building- Fire Code Board Of Appeals The City ofV ancouver has extended the deadline for applications for vacan­ cies on the Building-Fire Code Board o f Appeals to Monday, Sept 27. The board is seeking a licensed architect, residential contractor, mechanical en­ gineer, and electrical engineer. This seven-m em ber board makes recom m endations to the V ancouver City C ouncil regarding building and fire c o d e s a n d p ro p o se d c o d e changes. It hears appeals on code enforcem ent and interpretation; in­ vestigates building code, fire and construction-related problem s; and recom m ends uniform construction and fire-prevention regulations. Board members can serve a m axi­ mum o f two six-year terms. The board is "on call" and m eets as needed. City residency is not a re­ quirem ent. M em bers are selected by the mayor and C ity Council. Applications are available through Peggy Fum o, City M anager’s O f­ fice, City o f V ancouver, PO Box 1995, V ancouver, W A 98668-1995, or by Fax at 696-8049. C om pleted applications m ust be subm itted by M onday, Sept. 27_ City Seeks Applications Foi On Public Facilities District The City o f V ancouver is accept­ ing recommendations and applications for board o f directors positions on the new Public Facilities District (PFD). The PFD w ill be created by the V ancouver City Council to finance and own the Special Events Center in downtown Vancouver. W ashington law requires that the board consist of five members appointed by the City Council. Two o f the five positions may be appointed by the City Council at will. Three o f the five positions must be appointed by the City Coun­ cil only after soliciting advice from local community groups. To avoid duplication o f efforts and possible disagreem ents between the boards o f the Downtown Rede­ velopm ent A uthority (DRA) and the PFD, Steve Burdick, the C ity 's m an­ ager o f Economic D evelopm ent Ser­ vices is recom m ending that PFD d i­ rector positions be filled from the Board o f the DRA. Recommendations and applications should be sent to Peggy Fumo, City M anager'sO ffice,210E. 13th St.. P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668. phone; 360-696-8484, Fax: 696-8049. City Invites Application for Civil Service Commission Vacancy T he city o f V ancouver is se ek ­ ing applications to fill a vacancy on the C ivil S ervice com m ission. The C iv il S erv ice C o m m issio n is a three-m em b er b oard that adopts rules co nsistent w ith state for reg u ­ lation o f u niform ed personnel ad­ m inistration in V ancouver F ire and police Services. It also provides for com p etitiv e exam inations to determ ine qualifications ol persons for em ploym ent and prom otions in such uniform ed services an d hears and determ ines appeals. A ppli­ cants m ust have been a city resi­ dent for at least three years prio r to appointm ent. Term s are T H R E E years. M eetings are the T H IR D W E N P E S D A V o f each m onth at 7 a.m . in C ity H all C ouncil C ham ­ bers. F or ap p licatio n s or further in form ation, co n tact Peggy F um o in the C ity M a n ag e r’s O ffice, 210 E. 1 3 th S t., P .O . B o x 1995 V ancouver, W A. 98668 or call 696- 8484 (fax 696-8049). A pplications m ust be su b m itted by Sept. 30. City Invites Applications For Position On Board Of Adjustment The City Of Vancouver is Seeking Applicants to Fill 3 Vacancies on the Vancouver Board of Adjustment. The B oard o f A djustm ent is a five-m em ber c itiz en s group ap ­ pointed by the City Council to con­ sider variance requests for relief to ow ners o f individual parcels o f land from "unnecessary hardships or prac­ tical difficulties” created by strict application o f provisions o f the Zon­ ing ordinance to such parcels. The board also hears appeals o f the Zon­ ing A dm inistrator's decision relat­ ing to interpretation and adm inistra­ tion o f the Zoning Ordinance. M embers serve five-year terms. The Com m ission meets on an “on- call’’ basis. Applications are available through Peggy Fumo, VancouverCity Hall, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, W A 98668-1995 or by calling 696-8484. Applications must be submitted by Sept. 27. Now you can find us on the world wide web w w w .p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.n e t O T I C E Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) is in the process of issuing its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Plan for FY 99-2000. Tri-Met would like to have your thoughts, ideas and insights in Tri-Met s DBE program. The goal of this feedback portion of Tri-Met’s DBE program is to gamer information and ideas concerning contracting opportunities and potential barriers for DBEs. Tri-Met’s overall goal for DBE certified participation is 16% of capital funded contracts. You may review the plan at either of the following locations from September 8 to October 8, 1999: Tri-Met Procurement Department 4012 SE 17th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 M on -F ri , 8:00 a . m . to Tri-Met Interstate Max Information Office 5101 N. Interstate Avenue Portland, Oregon 97217 M on - F ri , 5 p . m . 11:00 a . m . to 5 p . m . S m a ll classes If you would like to offer information or suggestions relative to Tri-Met’s R e a l- w o r ld efforts regarding DBE participation, please send your written comments to: In s t r u c to r s Jilma Meneses Easy tra n s fe r L o w cost If you think these add up to a great education, you’ve already passed your first test. Classes start September 20. Call 503-614-7171. www.pcc.edu Portland Community College College That fill Tour lift Director of Civil Rights and DBE Programs Tri-M et 4012 SE 17th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Comments@trimet.org You may submit comments from September 8 to October 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 . There will be an opportunity for public comment on: September 15, 1999 • 9:30 am - 11:30 am Tri-Met • 4012 SE 17th Avenue* Portland, Oregon 97202