. s « * /•• i a * * »K* I a- a r • • *• * i « ••# **• • \ •*"’ « • * • •»<<>» s ; ■t ». Accounting Mental Health COST ACCOUNTANT Clerical ♦ September 8,1999 (£hv flartU nb (fìheeruer Page B7 Columbia S p o rtsw e a r C o m p a n y « Work for One Tough Mother Colum bia Sportswear Company has proven th a t quality construction, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for success. Join our Product Developm ent group in th e follow ing position: M a te ria ls Research Assistant - Requirem ents include high school diplom a or equivalent and two to three years adm inistrative experience p r e fe r a b ly in a m a n u fa c tu r in g environm ent. Advanced knowledge of com puter data entry, proficiency in M icrosoft Word, Excel and Access, r e p o r t g e n e r a tio n s , a n d f ile m aintenance techniques. Ability to read, write, and speak English. ' C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe r s com petitive com p e n sa tio n /b e n e fits package, and a team environm ent. Please send resum e and salary history to: Human Resources, Dept. MRA, PO Box 8 3 2 3 9 , Portland OR 9 7 2 8 3 , or Fax to: (5 0 3 ) 7 3 5 ^ 5 9 7 . International MultFbillion dollar manufacturing company is seeking an experienced Cost Accountant in Portland to be responsible for: developing and maintaining standard co sts; fu ll a b sorp tion costin g; inventory valuation accounting; inventory con tro l and an alysis processes; profit margin analysis; shop floor production reporting; and operational variance analysis. The selected individual m ust have a 4 year college degree with knowledge of GAAP, an understanding of basic F ina ncial and G eneral Ledger Accounting and Manufacturing in a process environm ent (preferably paper). Strong PC skills with exposure to integrated manufacturing systems (preferably Oracle), ability to work well in team environment, and proven m o tiv a tio n /d e d ic a tio n a re all essential. System implementation experience is preferred. M ake the move that pays. Earn extra income, insurance and retirement benefits. Sharpen your career skills, and get advanced training, or qualify for over $9,000 toward your college expenses. For one weekend a month and two weeks a year, make the move that pays off. For information, call: 1-800-232-3421 Training Supervisor* - FT Motivated, caring and energetic individuals needed to supervise adults w/DD in voc workshop. $ 7 .5 0 /h r to start, plus benefits Abie to lift 50 lbs Pick up app. Mon.-Fri 8-4 at 1847 E. Burnside, Port. A i r F o r c e R eserve . BEYO ND h t t p : / / www. portlandobserver.net or e-mail us at PDXOBSERV.com Prison Siting P R O P O S E D STATE C O R R E C T IO N A L F A C IL IT Y S IT E PUBLIC NOTICE OF PROPOSED SITE Parking Facility Operator Pursuant to »Engrossed Senate Bill 6 8 6 which was adopted by th e Legislature In 1 9 9 9 and signed by the Governor on August 2 0 . 1 9 9 9 OREGON PRISON SITES On August 20, 1999. Governor Kitzhaber issued Executive Order No. 99-12 initiating the siting process defined in »Engrossed Senate Bill 686 (SB 6861 tor the siting of a Women s Pnson and Im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r fu ll and part-tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith P o rtla n d ’ s leading parking Company. We are seeking dependable individuals w ith a n eat appearance and a positive attitude. • $ 7 .2 5 sta rtin g wage • Advancem ent p o tential • M edical, D ental and 4 0 1 K available A p p lic a n ts m u s t have va lid Men's and Women's Intake Center Complex. SITING PROCESS Under SB 686, the Oregon Department of Corrections must propose a site for a Women's Pnson and Men's/Women's Intake Center Complex. On August 2 4,1999, the Director of the Oregon Department of Corrections proposed the Day Road site as the vocation tor the Complex and issued an Initial Report on the proposed site The site is located at the intersection of Day Road and Graham’s Ferry Road in unincorporated Washington County, northwest of Wilsonville and southwest of Tualatin and is within the proposed Urban Reserve #42 The Department will conduct an informal informational meeting that will oe open to the public, and will hold a separate public hearing on the proposed Day Road site. The Department will then prepare a Final Report to the Governor on the proposed Day Road site, and the Governor will make a final decision on acceptance of the proposed site. INFORMATIONAL MEETING drivers license, su b m it to drug te s t and background check. Apply in person betw een 1 2 :0 0 and 1 :00 PM daily at City Center Com petitive com pensation and o u ts ta n d in g b e n e fits ! For im m ediate consideration, please send your resum e to: Cost Accountant P. O. Box 3 1 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 --------------_ Visit Us On The Web! @ The Department will host an informal informational meeting on September 8, 1999, from 6 :0 0 - 8 :0 0 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Wilsonville (just o ff Interstate 5 at the Stafford Road exit). No tes­ timony will be taken at this meeting. PUBLIC HEARING The Department will hold a Public Hearing on September 9 ,1 9 9 9 . at the Holiday Inn. The heanng will begin at 4:00 p.m. and conclude at 8:00 p.m. Oral and written testimony will be accepted during the public hearing. Written testimony may be submitted directly to the Department by mail or fax. Parking at 2 1 5 SW 6 'i. ‘ Testimony must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 1 0.1 99 9 , at which time the hear­ ing record will be closed. Testimony received after the deadline can not be accepted. Equal Opportunity Employer. Audubon Society Of Portland ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATOR Founded 1 9 0 2 , Audubon S ociety o f Portland pro m otes the enjoym ent, u n d e rsta nd ing , and p ro te ctio n of na tive birds, o th e r w ild life and th e ir h a b ita ts . We see k an exceptional e d u c a to r to jo in o u r flo u ris h in g e n v iro n m e n ta l e d u c a tio n te a m . D uties: c o o rd in a tin g sum m er and school break cam p s & pre se n tin g e d u c a tio n p ro g ra m s . Id e a l ca n d id a te : BS nat. sci., sci. ed. Or sim ila r; know ledge o f Pacific NW n a tural history; exper. in ed uca tion program s fo r ch ild re n . B e n e fits & salary $ 1 ,8 7 5 -2 ,0 8 3 /m o n th DOE. C all fo r app & jo b d e scrip (5 0 3 ) 2 9 2 6 8 5 5 . D eadline 4 :0 0 p m Oct. 6. McMenamins Kennedy School M cM e n a m in s K ennedy School (5 7 3 6 N. E. 33rd) now hiring FT and PT Theater Pubstaff and Catering Servers. Flexible schedules required and m ust be at least 21 yrs. To apply for Pubstaff. We offer excellent benefits and wages I Apply a t any M cM enam ins location or on line atw w w .m cm ena m in s.co m . No phone calls please! E.O.E. Oregon Legislature MEDIA DIRECTOR House Democratic Office $ 3 ,5 0 0 $ 4 ,0 0 0 per m onth Coordinate Media Relations for 25 M e m b e rs of th e H o use of Representatives. Design Direct Mail. Benefits include H ealth/D ental/Paid V a ca tio n /S ick Leave/H olidays. For Application Information Contact: Betsy Smith H-395 State Capitol, Salem OR 9 7 3 1 0 (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 1 9 0 0 h t t p : / / www.leg.state.or.us Deadline: 9 /2 2 /9 9 Wildlife Job* to $ 2 1 .6 0 /H R Inc. B e n e fits. Game W ardens, Security, M aintenance, Park Rangers. No Exp Needed. For APP. And Exam Info Call 1 8 0 0 8 1 3 -3 5 8 5 ,EXT 6 6 0 5 8 am - 7 pm , 7 Days fd s inc www.afreserve.com APN 10-906-0030 Michael’s Stores Relocating Fixture Liquidation Gondola, Counters, Cash Registers, Storage Shelving, Glass Display units, Floral Display Units, Misc. Items, Complete Frame Shop Equip. Everything m ust Go III S tarting 10-4 9 9 TCB Liquidator, Inc. 1-8 8 8 -3 5 3 -3 0 7 8 CONDITIONS FOR SITING Office Manager Seeking well-organized, friendly individual with excellent com puter s k ills . D u tie s in clud e re ce p tio n , program support, managmgfront office and database, and computer sup po rt/ training for other staff. Resume and cover letter to: Western States Center, PO Box 4 0 3 0 5 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 4 0 ; 5 0 3 ^2 2 8 8 8 6 6 ; Fax: 5 0 3 2 2 8 1 9 6 5 . Deadline: 9 /2 3 /9 9 . Women and people of color encouraged to apply. Oregon Legislature SB 686 provides that any affected local government or any person may submit proposed condi­ tions to the Director of the Department ot Corrections. Conditions must be submitted on or before FedEx Job Opportunities • • • • • • • • e POLICY, RESEARCH AND COMMITTEE SERVICES MANAGER $4,024 - $5,940 • Leads, coaches and manages the Policy, Research and Committee Services staff including • Committee Administrators • Administrative Support Specialists • Legislative Researchers • Ensures effective delivery of service to Legislators and Legislative customers • Analyzes and evaluates potential research projects and assigns teams. • Hardware • Lawn & Garden • Appliances Paint Electronics Sporting Goods Please call our Jobline at 1-800-888-5011 x782-73277. Lloyd Center life JOB Salem. Oregon 9 7 3 0 2 -2 5 9 5 Fax: 5 0 3 -3 7 8 6 5 3 6 For que«ions on conditions submission or testimony submission, or to receive a copy of SB686 or the Initial Report call: 5 0 3 -3 7 3 -1 5 7 2 , ex t. 7 1 0 2 or 7 1 0 5 Copies of SB686 and the Department's Initial Report are also available in Wilsonville at city hall and the city library, and in Tualatin at city hall. Additional information regarding this prison siting process is available on the Internet at h ttp ://w w w .d o c.state .o r.u s/p u b llc/sltln g .h tm To create. Ä > u ? If you look deep enough, you’ll find the drive to accomplish anything At LSI Logic, those aren't just words on paper. They're the cornerstone of our success Today, you'll find our ASICs and system-on-a-chlp solutions inside some of the hottest products around—from high-performance workstations to networking cores and digital wireless devices And tomorrow? We'll reach deeper and build even better technology. By giving our people a chance to find the best w ith ­ Wafer Fab Operator/Technician (day and night positions available) Production Supervisor • Product/Devlce Engineer . X n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of c a n a r i avaHatrie statewide, competitive salaries and Yield Technician • Failure Analysis Engineer • VB Developer CAD/CAE Software Engineer • Equipment Technicians Thin Films Equipment Engineer • Test Engineers Instrumentation and Controls Technician g n a t benefits. Currently, openings exist In the toHowtag agencies: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Transportation Engineer 1 Bridge Inventory Coordinator Computer savvy engineer with knowledge of managing inientory processes and procedures wanted in Saleml Function as the Bridge Engineering Section's System Administrator for the centralized Bridge Inspection and Inventory Database Provide technical information to local, state and federal representatives concerning bridge inventory, inspection and maintenance applications and processes Provide technical guidance and training to bridge personnel on inspection coding and inventory procedures in accordance with established state and federal standards. See announcement for minimum qualifications. Salary $2.622 - $4.140/m onth (negotiable depending on level of experience) + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation and sick leaves: 10 paid holidays, and full employer-paid retirement contribution Announcement #OCDT9346. Contact OOOT Recruitment at (503) 986-4030 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing Impaired) or visit www.oregonlobe.org «or application m a te ria l. ODOT Is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce Deadline is See our Web site for more details on the above positions at: w w w .p o w e r w ith in .c o m LSI LOGIC CAREER FAIR! Sunday, S eptem ber 12th, 8 a m -6 pm September 2 3,1999. Shilo Inn, 11707 NE A irp o rt W ay (A irp o rt W ay b I 2 0 5 ) Highway Maintenance Specialist Manning Maintenance Crew Ph: (S O I) 2 5 2 7 5 0 0 (fo r directions only) Put your maintenance experience and team skills to work (dr OOOT in this permanent position in Manning. As a member of a Maintenance crew, you will perform manual labor and equipment operator to repair and maintain roadway/highway sections «Dr the safety of traveling motorists. Prefer two years' maintenance or construction experience in roadways, bridge, sign or landscape or in occupations such as logging or farming. This experience m u« include operating heavy and/or light motorized equipment, using hand and power tools, performing minor servicing ol equipment and applying safety procedures Prefer Class A or B Commercial Drivers License (CDL). Salary $1.898 $2,638/month depending on experience a id tracing, plus excellent benefits. Anal applicants will be subjected to a drug screen and physical abilities test Contact OOOT Recruitment at (5 0 3 ) 9 * 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 lor the hearing Impaired) or visit your local employment department oMca tor a State Employment J /h e e e w e j u t some of the current operringi available wRh the State ol Oregon. For addUonal Information. a copy ol the State