r»s« »s______________________________ OUI» ÇurUanh tfibsewvr----------------------------------- s .P,.mb«rg,i99g urtlatth ve ■V u u n v c u o n Sum m it Hit by Worldwide Headlines, Chavez Launches Campaign to Counter B i B a r i J ones Kicks O ff on October 12 Goal: To provide a forum for community, government and school districts to address factors which Im pact the a tta in m e n t of a quality education and high school completion by Latino youth. O n June 29th, the first Latino E ducation Sum m it brought together over 250 parents, resources tow ard the shared goal o f their ideas, concerns and suggestions. Superintendent and Com m issioner the Summit. This fall. Part Two o f the Latino Education Summit, the Kick-off, will further review key recom m endations and strategies o f im plem entation that Cruz felt that it was their duty to take it to the com m unity - they may have concerns or see solutions yet unex­ plored. A nother im portant purpose o f the Summit was also to create partnerships am ong local govern­ m ent, school districts, and com m u­ nities that other districts and regions can be used in our schools. T he K ick­ o ff is scheduled for O ctober 12th; time and location will be determ ined in the upcom ing weeks. O ur plan­ ning com m ittee and research sub­ m stu­ ay model. educators, com m unity members, The summit provided venues in dents, governm ent and com m unity- which to identity areasofconcem within based organizations that shared sim i­ tour groups responsible for Latino’s lar concerns about Latino student student success: Student Responsibil­ academ ic and social success. The ity, School Responsibility, Parent Re­ idea w as borne o f talks betw een sponsibility andCommunity Responsi­ Dr. Ben C anada, Superintendent o f bility. Participants were asked to brain­ Portland Public Schools, and C om ­ storm ideas and suggestions that spe­ m issioner Serena C ruz about why com m ittee are now w orking to en­ sure that the fall K ick-off is ju st as beneficial to our m ission as our sum ­ m er W ork-session. Dr. C anada and Com m issioner Cruz are com m itted to changing and m odifying system s in order to m ake sure they w ork for our youth and com m unity. W e invite you to becom e part o f Latino youth drop-out rate in Port­ land Public Schools was dispropor­ tionately higher than other groups. Rather than solely addressing the cifically address key areas o f concern. A nother aspect o f com m unity in­ volvem ent that was key was the indi­ vidual com m itm ents made by par­ problem at a bureaucratic level, an idea em erged o f convening a gather­ ticipants. O ver 45 individual com ­ ing m ore inform ation or to b e added m itm ents w ere made by Summit p ar­ ticipants in w hich they pledged vol­ unteer efforts, programs and other to our Summit database, please call me at 503/248-5239 or em ail me at carm en.c.rubioihco.multnomah. ing, or “summ it” o f com m unity m em ­ bers to have the opportunity to share this very im portant process. I f you are interested in participating in one o f our four w ork groups, are request­ Consulado de Mexico Portland, Oregon T h e C o n s u la te G e n e r a l o f M exico in P ortland, O reg o n has the p leasu re to invite the Portland co m m unity to attend the official cerem ony o f the 189th anniversary o f the M exican Independence D ay, “T he G rito ” , w hich this y ear w ill taking Venezuela toward dictatorship. President Hugo Chavez acknowledges he has an image problem. The former coup leader is launch­ ing a cam paign to counter the critics. Democracy in V enezuela can ’t be in danger, he says, because it never really existed. V enezuela “ is com ing out o f its tom b,” C havez told rep o rters in Manaos, Brazil, on Saturday after m eeting w ith B razilian P resident Fernando H enrique Cardozo. O ld- style politicians "transform ed the country into a tyranny. They robbed, they looted, they hum iliated, they massacred the V enezuelan people.” Chavez is ordering the country’s embassies to step-up efforts to spread the government ’ s viewpoint, and has brought in a well-known local reporter who spe­ cializes in international news, Walter Martinez, to help handle the foreign media. Once reserved Cabinet members suddenly are loquacious and accessible. Controversy has broken out in Ven- ezuela over a constitutional assembly that was elected in July to write a new constitution. Last m onth the pro- be held at the W orld T rade C en ter e x p la n a d e , lo c a te d at 121 SW S alm on St. in dow ntow n, Portland tio n a lly a n d w e ll- a c c la im e d “Com apañia Regional de Danza de Puebla,” a group that is the second on W ednesday, S eptem ber 15th, b e s t in o u r c o u n try , a f te r th e Folklórico Ballet o f G uadalajara. For more inform ation, please call the C onsulate at 503/274-1442. from 5 - 7 PM. To m ake this a special occasion, we will be presenting the intema- CARACAS, V ENEZUELA (AP) - Wildly popular at home, but w eath­ ering criticism abroad that he m ay be Chavez assembly declared itself the outside the Middle East, but more than suprem e pow er o f the nation, giving itself the power to fire judges and half the population lives in poverty. T he assem bly is helping push overhaul the justice system. Last week, the assembly virtually shut dow n Congress, provoking a street melee outside the Capitol build­ ing betw een pro- and anti-Chavez dem onstrators. About a half-dozen opposition lawmakers climbed over a through long-delayed investigations fence to try to retake their chambers. C ritics charged that Chavez, a former paratrooper who led a failed 1992 coup attem pt and was elected sion is to write a constitution. C havez, who enjoys a 70 percent approval rating, said new, more demo­ cratic institutions will soon be cre­ ated: a national referendum on the new constitution is likely in N ovem­ ber, with congressional elections likely to follow a month later. Congress and president in December, is taking Ven- ezuela tow ard dictatorship by abol­ ishing its other government bodies. During an interview with foreign correspondents aboard the presiden­ tial jet as he returned from Brazil on Saturday, Chavez insisted that the as­ sembly is provoking criticism mainly because it is attacking the interests o f V enezuela's corrupt oligarchy. “The world is coming to realize that I’m not the tyrant they said, the mon­ ster, the Hitler, the Mussolini,” he said. He said the referendum voters ap­ proved in April to create the assembly instructed it to reform Venezuela’s public institutions, which are riddled with some o f the worst political cor­ ruption in the world. Venezuela sits atop the world’s largest oil reserves o f the nation’s judges, some 80 p er­ cent o f w hom are accused o f corrup­ tion, Chavez said. The Supreme Court has backed the move, though its presi­ dent resigned in protest and the court earlier ruled that the assem bly's m is­ the assembly are close to reaching an agreement through Catholic Church- m ediated talks to coexist peacefully in the meantime, he said. Chavez got a boost on Friday when V en ezu ela’s richest businessm an, Gustavo Cisneros, met with assembly leaders and saidhesupported theirwork. Critics warn that Chavez may find ways to pack the new courts and congress with supporters, and that his move to give the military a bigger role in society - he’s appointed many soldiers to top government posts raises the specter o f a return to the days o f repressive mili­ tary regimes m Latin America. DMV and Community Partners Join to Aid Hispanic Drivers O nasum m er evening ina Hillsboro classroom, 25 students listen to a guest speaker from the W ashington County S h eriffs Office explain his role in enforcing certain traffic laws. O n an­ other evening the same students might have another guest speaker - from the insurance industry, a judge, or an em ployee o f the DMV. The class is the result o f the H is­ panic Education and Licensing Pro­ gram , also know n as HELP. The partnership includes O regon DMV, the W ashington C ounty S h e riffs O ffice, and Centro Cultural, an ad­ ness o f w hat we require as far as legal dents are just getting ready to gradu­ ate. M ore than 70 percent o f the students who com pleted the course have passed the DM V know ledge docum entation.” As an exam ple o f that aw areness, O liver said that few er people are bringing in unacceptable identifica­ test on their first try, O liver said. “For the dem ographic, there was only about a 40 percent success rate before the program ," O liver said. In addition to being beneficial to the students, the program also helps the com m unity and the DMV. It fits right in with many o f D M V 's goals, O liver said. The H illsboro office is tion papers. HELP is also beginning to evolve, O liver said. M ore people are becom ­ ing interested in participating - there is a waiting list forupcom ing classes. Currently there are two instructors, already seeing a payoff. “W e’re fostering an understand­ vocacy group for the W ashington County Hispanic com m unity. H ELP allows students to receive ing about DMV and what w e're here for,” O liver said. “W ord o f mouth is also helping to educate the public 24 hours o f classroom instruction with the intent ofhaving graduates pass the about how we fit into the community, and w e ’re seeing increased aw are­ knowledge tests on their w ay to re­ ceiving driver licenses. Hie six-week course involves an in-depth study o f the Oregon D river M anual. group dis­ We really hope we can find continued funding to keep the program going." ¿LASTIMADO? ! Piense: Su hijo es inteligente saludable y encabeza la lista para ir a la universidad. Le encanta la trayectoria que su c a rre ra h a to m a d o . Está haciendo muchas de las cosas que planeó y hasta otras que no había planeado. Vivir la vida en plenitud es fácil cuando tiene una familia que lo respalda American Family Mutual Insurance. Llame ahora mismo y platique con nuestros agentes amables. sted tiene una familia que lo respalda A ccidentes de : A utom óvil, P eatones, N egligencia M édica "NO COBRAMOS SI NO GANAMOS” Comprobará por qué constantemente nos mantenemos en el rango A+ (Superior) según A.M. Best la autoridad en la puntuación de agencias de seguros. Después, vaya...sueñe...planee. Usted decida lo que haga enseguida; nosotros estaremos aqui para ayudarle Llámanos para fijar una consulta gratis. Squires & Lopez a b o g a d o s 241-4708 621 SW Morrison, Suite 1250 Portland, OR E L Z M e x ic a n a n d MEXICAN MENU SAMPLE we w ant to reduce the disparate num ­ ber o f H ispanic surnam es appearing on traffic-related court dockets." Hie program currently operates on Came Asada a grant through the W ashington C ounty Sheriff. Only two years old, HELP is Camarones Con Aros already showing signs o f success. The fifth and sixth groups o f stu­ goes away September 30 o f this year. Perm ítanos nogociar con la com pañía de seguros. cussions and guest speakers During the final two-hour session, DMV rep­ resentatives adm inister a group. "O ur partnership has three goals w ith this program ," said Bob O liver, m anager o f the H illsboro DM V of­ fice and a m em ber o f H E L P ’S steer­ ing com mittee. “W e w ant to improve highw ay safety by providing an un­ derstanding o f O regon’s laws. We w ant to build trust in law enforce­ ment and governm ent agencies. And and the group is looking for another teacher to handle the dem and. “W e really hope the program ex­ pands," Oliver said. “This is a great partnership, and w e’re having some good results. 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