Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 1999, Image 1

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    Volume XXIX, Number 36
Committed to Cultural Diversity
The New Millenium Brings
the Third Generation o f
Winans on the Scene
September 8, 1999
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Portland, OR
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Eugene OR 97403
The Maze Craze Hits
S ecció n
E spañ ol
Portland, the Easterly brothers, along with
ith no UFO sightings re
The Pumpkin Patch, staged the mystery.
ported in Oregon this year,
“The MaiZe,” an intricate network of twists
the secret remains as to
and turns carved into five acres of com
how an extraterrestrial-like
which Island
will operate through Halloween.
design has taken shape in a Sauvie
on the expertise of Utah na-
cornfield. Bringing the “maze craze” to
Hurricane Dennis
Hurricane Dennis struck the
North Carolina coast with heavy
rain and high winds, knocking out
power to thousands o f customers.
Officials reported that two people
were killed in a head-on collision
along the coast o f Richmonds. A
tropical storm warning was issued
by the National Hurricane Center
for the Virginia Coast and a gale
warning up to Cape Henlopen in
Venezuela Clashes
Six people were injured in a
clash that involved supporters and
opponents o f Venezuelan presi­
dent Hugo Chavez. The police had
fired water canons outside the par­
liamentary building as defiant law­
makers broke through the crowd
and climbed over the fence. Crit­
ics fear that one of Latin America’s
democracies is in jeopardy.
5,000 Homeless
Buford 0. Furrow Jr.
Norplant Settlement
The makers o f Norplant, a con­
traceptive device have agreed to
offer cash settlements to more than
36,000 women. Many women
claimed that they had suffered from
nausea, irregular menstrual bleed­
ing, headaches and depression after
using Norplant. The company did
not specify yet how much would be
paid to settle the claims by those
who used the device.
Ontario. Oregon last year. This year’s
maze design is in the shape of Oregon and
features a blooming rose and the words
“City of Roses.” On average, it will take
visitors, adults and children alike, one
hour to discover the exit.
The MaiZE caters to school field trips
during the day and has created an elemen­
tary education campaign that includes:
customized ag-in-the-classroom lesson
plans and activity sheets for teachers, dis­
counted field trip opportunities, on-site
educational displays, and a “passport” that
integrates education into the maze experi­
ence and helps guide children and fami­
lies along the correct pathway.
The MaiZE opened August 21 st and is
scheduled to run through Halloween
(weather and field conditions permitting.)
Days and hours of operation are Thursday
and Friday from 2-10 PM. Saturday from
10 AM to 10 PM, Sunday from 10 AM to
10 PM and Wednesdays by group reserva­
tion only. Additional daytime hours for
school field trips are also available by
reservation. The MAiZE is located on
Sauvie Island, just 15 minutes from down­
town Portland. Take Hwy. 30 West to the
Sauvie Island Bridge. Cross the bridge,
turn left, and loop back under it. The
Pumpkin Patch and the maze site are lo­
cated two miles ahead. Cost is $6 for
adults and $4 for children 6-11, 5 and
under are free. Discounts are available for
families, groups, and field trips. For addi­
tional information call 503/4881-6293 or
visit w ww.comfieldmaze.com on the web.
Alberta Street Youth
Mural Unveiling
Turkish officials estimate that
half a million Turks are left home­
less from the recent August 13
earthquake destruction that left
13,000 dead The government is
projecting that it will need to build
about 100,000 to 120,000 new
homes for quake victims.
Buford O. Furrow Jr. faces
post-indictment arraignment for
the murder o f a Filipino postman
that preceded his alleged attack
on a Jewish community center. He
recently confessed to shooting up
the Jewish center full o f children,
then killing mailman Joseph Ileto.
tive Bret Herbst, who designed their maze
along with 44 others, brothers Casey and
Craig Easterly hope to challenge wits of
those seeking to find the one exit from
their labyrinth’s two miles of pathways.
The brothers ran a successful maze site in
art program s in
he five-year community driven
public schools.
plan to revitalize NE Alberta
Street includes projects to in
This project will
volve neighborhood youth in
benefit kids who
creating public art. Two neighborhood
have an interest in
youth, Adrian Matthews and Sheree White,
art and want to
learn more. Also,
completed a travelling mural for display
on Alberta. The kids benefited from hav­
Alberta art gallery
owners expressed
ing a one-on-one learning experience
with the professional artist Suzy Kitman
an in tere st for
and from acquiring a sense o f com m u­
Alberta Street to
nity pride and responsibility. Meet the
become a “mural
district” (there are
youth and the artist at the mural unveil­
ing W ednesday Septem ber 1, from 6 PM
already close to
to 6.30 PM, on Alberta between 14th
ten visible murals
and 15th Avenues.
within 16 blocks)
Public art has been a focus for cultural
as this is an op­
identity in the community revitalization of
portunity to en­
diverse neighborhoods of NF. Portland and
hance the street's
at the same time we are seeing a decline in
cultural identity.
New Home Sales
Sales o f new homes rose .1
percent in July, reaching the sec­
ond-highest level ever despite an
increase in 30-year mortgage rates
from 7.63 percent to 8.15 percent
in July. The Commerce Depart­
ment reported that sales o f new
single-family homes had increased
to a seasonally adjusted annual
rate of 980,000 units last month -
up from a June sales pace o f
979.000 units and much better than
analysts expected.
Sheree White and Adrian Matthews Listen as Artist Suzy
Kitman offers guidance.