» *■ * •*» V-e-. rw w *. k w Page A4 September 1, 1999 (The Çortlanh (©baeruer I A L E D IT O R IA L A B y D aryl G reen |3ortlaub USPS 959 680 Established 1970 S T A F F B L I S H E R Charles Washington d it o r Larry J. Jackson, Sr. C E opy d it o r Jov Ramos B M u s in e s s A d m in is t r a t iv e ir e c t o r of A s s is t a n t d v e r t is in g Tony Washington G r a p h ic D e s ig n e r Heather Fairchild D is t r ib u t io n M anager M ark Washington C o n t r ib u t in g W r it e r Richard Luccetti 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503 288-0015 e-mail pdxobserv@aol.com P ostmaster : Send address changes to PO Box 3 1 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are $60.00 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED MATERIALS: ARTICLES: Friday by 5 p . m . ADS: M onday by noon The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill he returned i f accompanied by a se lf addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or per­ sonal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the c li­ ent has purchased the composition o f such ad © 1996 TH E PO R TLA N D A L L R IG H T S R E ­ S E R V E D . R E P R O D l'C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T W IT H O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D . The Portland Observer--Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member o f the National Newspaper As­ sociation-Founded in 1885. and The National Advertising Representative A m algam at'd Publishers. Inc. New York. N Y . and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Port­ land and Vancouver and fam ily life. Can we really have it all? A m ericans have become very busy people. Be­ cause society teach es us we can have it a ll, we becom e frenzied trying to fu lfill the A m erican D ream H o w ev er, life is re a lly a b o u t tr a d e ­ offs.A fter many sch ed u le co n ­ flicts and m isu n d erstan d in g s, our family came to the con­ clusion that we co uld not co n ­ tinue to segm ent o ur life as if the other parts did not exist. M anaging a fam ily is d ifficu lt. It is an ev e r-c o m p ro m isin g , c o lla b o r a tin g , c o n f r o n tin g , avoiding, and n eg o tiatin g p ro ­ cess. Below are som e helpful tips to increase your success in m anaging your fam ily: 1. Fam ily focus. C reate a w ritten fam ily plan to balance your work and fam ily life .2. P rio ritiz e . D eterm in e w h a t’s really im portant to your fam ­ ily. This w ill allow you to b e t­ te r s c h e d u le y o u r t i m e . 3. C om m itm ent. D o n 't ov erco m ­ m it y o u rse lf to too m any o r­ g an izatio n s or p eo p le.4. L is­ ten. Set asid e tim e for your c h ild re n . A c c o rd in g to one s tu d y , th e a v e ra g e p a re n ts spends only 15 m inutes a day per c h ild .5. P lanning. Allow your ch ild ren to pick one m a­ jo r ac tiv ity for the sem ester. M any p a re n ts try to do too m uch ( b a ll e t, s o c c e r, G irl S couts, etc.) and get stressed. 6. Fam ily calendar. E stablish a fam ily calendar to b e t t e r s c h e d u le e v e n ts around your fa m ily .7. R efo ­ cus. Lim it the am ount o f TV/ com puter gam e tim e th at you and your ch ildren h av e.8. Fam ­ ily tim e. Set aside at least one day a w eek w ith your fam ily (q u iet tim e) w here you focus on its n e e d s.9. School time. S ch ed u le p la n n e d /u n p la n n e d t r i p s to y o u r c h i l d r e n ’s sch o o ls. It show s them you c a r e . 10. P h y s ic a l tim e. Set aside perso n al tim e for ex e r­ c i s e . 11. M en tal tim e. Know w hen you are stressed and take action. R em em ber, the home is the basic foundation for our so ci­ ety and strong com m unities are b u ilt by strong fam ilies who can p roperly balance work and fa m ily .D a ry l and E s tra le tta G reen, T h irtysom ethings with ch ildren, are national speakers and fam ily advisors. They ap ­ ply a lo g ical fam ily process sprinkled w ith common sense and sp iritu ality . unending cycle. critical acceptance o f duplic­ The only people who benefit ity and deceit it beams at us 24/ are the dope p u sh ers, retail 7 /3 6 5 . We are d is c o u ra g e d You can’t hide from yourself. stores, charlatans and con art­ from thinking for ourselves, Everywhere you go, there you ists o f all stripes and sizes.If life m aking decisions, or shaping a r e .” L y ric s from a T eddy is designed to be lived from the our lives in integrity with our Pendergrass song.M any people inside out and you desire a better best interests and our highest m istakenly believe that chang­ life, where is the obvious place to good. Becoming self-actualized ing where they live will m agi­ make changes and improvements? whole people is not prom oted. cally transform their lives. Not On the inside, of course! Stop and Too many o f us are frustrated, so. Yes, a different environm ent think about your life. What it fearful and dissatisfied with our­ may inspire you to have a differ­ would take to make you really selves and the quality and tenor ent perspective on life, for a happy? Is it a new house, a new o f our lives. We have listened to while. car. Big Willie lifestyle, “power” an d b ee n s e d u c e d by the However, as the song “You and status in the eyes of the com­ eurocentric siren song that says, C an’t Hide From Y o u rse lf’ so munity? Guess what, there are conform , buy, seek life in the aptly says, “everyw here you go, countless people who have all external, ignore your authentic there you are.” M eaning, you that and they are still miserable. self and your soul. Escapism is can run, but you can ’t escape Why? Because they haven’t real­ the order of the day. from yourself.Life is designed to ized that the genesis for happi­ We seek escape from the frus­ be lived from the inside out. We ness lies within. If you hate your­ tra tio n s , d is s a tis fa c tio n and are souls with great creative po­ self, moving into a stately man­ alienation that characterizes our te n tia l. We have p o w ers o f oppression. We defect from san­ im agination, visualization, will, ity and liberation retreating into discernm ent, the ability to gen­ consum erism , shallow relation­ erate em o tio n al force field s ships and mood altering sub­ within ourselves and create ob­ stances. However, when we ex­ jects, circum stances that we en­ perience a glim pse o f sobriety vision in our m ind’s eye. and reality, we realize that our We are powerful beings en­ lives haven’t changed or im ­ dowed with skills and talents to proved, so we take more drugs, dominate our personal space and enter into yet another debilitat­ to a large degree our lives. This ing relationship, or we purchase is how the C reator envisioned additional gizm os and gadgets and planned it for us. However, thinking they will bring us joy we live in a society that pro­ and happiness. It becomes an motes blind conform ity and un­ sion will not keep you happy tor long. Nor will having five or six cars, a fat bank account, fine women or handsome men depend­ ing upon you. It all boils down to you. You could travel to paradise, but if you have self-negating b e lie f and value systems, low self-esteem and hate anyone who remotely resembles you, you will not enjoy it. You see everywhere you go there you are.If you desire true happiness and peace o f mind it can only be found on the inside. First you need to change your fo­ cus. The universe is mental. En­ ergy follows thought. Does that mean what we see doesn’t exist or is an illusion? No. It just means that m e n ta l/sp iritu a l energy undergirds all matter. If you re- ally desire change in your life, you must first initiate lasting change in your inner mental world. Life is what you say it is and what you make it. Do you have absolute control over everything in your life? No. But you do over how you define and respond to everything in your life. You don’t have to be a puppet dangling on the stings of outward circumstances or con­ vention. Redefine yourself to/for yourself. You are far greater than you realize, you are immensely more talented and resourceful than you imagine. Get to know the real you. Discover and actualize your hidden potential. Love, honor and respect yourself. This way ev­ erywhere you go, you’ll find bring real love, respect and honor. Get The Lead Out Now Conference September 9 th Portland Observer OBSERVER front o f the school. Y our son d o e sn ’t want to get out o f the c a r .F i n a l l y , y o u a r r iv e at w ork. late. You try to unw ind and make the best o f the day. Y our boss com es by your o f­ fice and asks w h a t's w rong. You tell him i t ’s the first day o f school. He says he u n d er­ s ta n d s . s m ile s at y o u , and shuts the door.D oes this sound fam iliar? As m uch as we hate to adm it it, going “ B ack-T o- S ch o o l” can be very stressfu l for m ost fam ilies. C hildren are expected to be nervous. They are m oving into new areas o f learn in g and being exposed to d iffe re n t th in g s. Som e w ill need to n u rtu re new frie n d ­ ships. And m any parents m ust also cope w ith changes. The q u estio n that m any fa m ilies face is how to balance work B> J lniols R icardo S tanton Talunaka Washington D E straletta You Can’t Escape From Yourself anager Gary Ann Taylor A & Sum m er is over. These days the alarm rings at 5:30 am You get out o f bed. You w ake the kids. No one w ants to get up You lay back dow n. A fter you hit the snooze b utton for the fourth tim e, you n o tice that everyone is up. The kids are arguing about who gets in the bathroom . You need to get to work by 8:30. One ch ild c a n ’t fin d h er s h o e s . T he o th e r d o e sn ’t want to eat cold c e ­ real. You push them out o f the house into the car. I t ’s the first day o f school. You ca refu lly m aneuver through the heavy tra f fic o f s tre s s e d p a r e n ts . Some try to cut in line. T here d o esn ’t seem to be m uch c o n ­ trol. You edge your way to the © b s e ru e r E Æljc ^ o r lh tn b (Jibaerucr ‘Back To School’: How To Gain More Control < T l|e P l R T IC L E S DO NO T NEC E S S A R IL Y R E F L E C T OR R E P R E S E N T T H E V IE W S OE Because o f advances in treat­ ment and media attention focused on the health risks of lead, there is a new, more pubi ic awareness of the dangers of lead poisoning in hous­ ing. This awareness has resulted in a coalition to provide information and resources to landlords as a cru­ cial player in lead abatement solu­ tions. The coalition is planning a com­ prehensive seminar on lead abate­ ment strategies for landlords and property managers to be held Sep­ tember 9,h at the Oregon Conven­ tion Center. This seminar is further proving that Portland is an innova­ tor and model for the rest o f the country. It is rare that regulators and the regulated can come together to work to address a common con­ cern! This coalition is comprised of the Housing Authority o f Portland, landlord associations such as Metro Multifamily Housing Asso­ ciation and the Oregon Rental Hous­ ing Association, the Multnomah County Health Department, the City of Portland through various bureaus, and my involvement representing the Portland Housing Center. To register landlords or property managers for the Conference, call either Metro Multifamily Housing Association at 503/226-4533 or the Oregon Rental Housing Associa­ tion at 503/249-1728. Renters or homeowners who have questions about lead abatement can call the Multnomah County Lead Poisoning Reduction Unit at 503/248-3842, ext. 245. • Please help get the word out so that we can get the Lead Out Now! Victoria Anderson Landlord Tenant Fair Housing Specialist Portland Housing Center 503/282-1964 ATTENTION READERS! Please take a minute to send us your comments We re always trying to give you a better paper and we can t do that without your help. Tell us what you like and what you think needs improving... suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. We can take constructive criticism Get your powerful pens out and address letters to: Editor, Reader Reaponae The Portland Observer P.O.Box 3137Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Thank you for taking the time to give us some feedback. Just think: fo u r son is b rig h t, hea lth y a n d h e a d e d fo r college one day You love the direction your career has taken. You're doing a lot of the things you planned and even a few you didn't. Living life to the fullest is easy when you have family behind you. American Family Mutual Insurance. Call and talk to one o f our helpful, friendly agents. You'll find out w hy were consistently rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best, the insurance rating authority Then, go on. Dream Plan. 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