Septem ber 1, 1999 ^ortlanb (Dbseruvr Page B5 i r * ' —’“j y J Remodeling Carpenter The Neil Kelly Company is the leading design/build firm in the Portland area. We need a finish carpenter for our Home Repair Team who: takes pride in his/her craftsmanship, I ikes getting th in g s d o n e rig h t, has good communication skills, has strong listening skills, and does beautiful finish work. If you qualify, you can earn union wage with all benefits. We offer you the opportunity to have your personal growth match your effort, to re ce ive re c o g n itio n fo r your accomplishments, and to work with people who support your efforts. One of Oregon Business Magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For. Send resume, vehicle type, and tool list to Diane Stark, Human Resources Dept., Neil Kelly Company, 804 North Alberta S t, Portland, OR 97217. A D V E R T IS IN G Full-time Opening for an AMERICORPS MEMBER The Council for Prostitution Alternatives Working with Multnomah County to Reduce Adolescent Pregnancy Volunteer Opportunities Recruiting Volunteers and practicum students to work with Survivors of the sex industry and their children. We need su p p o rt in advocacy, emergency services, facilitating Groups, child care, office work, fundraising and board members. Please contact Audrey at 282-1082 for applications and / or questions Are you Interested In ...7 Serving one year of fulltime service in your com m unity to work toward reducing teen pregnancy? Receiving valuable training in job skills, communications, relationships and personal growth? Being a part of establishing vital comm unity programs to make a difference in the lives of young people? Earning an educational award of $4.725 after one year’s service, which can be used to pay off existing student loans or pay for further college or trade school expenses? As an Americorp Volunteer you will receive a living allowance of $8,730 ($727 per month) during fulltime service, and paid medical insurance and childcare for those who qualify. For more inform ation call Diane Ruminski or Kathy Norman at (503) 2 4 8 3842 x260 or 261.__________ Social Services: Community Educator on issues of domestic and sexual violence; .5FTE; $ 1 2 /h r.; pro-rated benefits; send cover letter and resume to: PWCL, PO Box 42610; Portland, OR 9 7 2 4 2 . Open u n til fille d . EEOC employer. WASHINGTON COUNTY DATE CONTROL COORDINATOR $3,141 $3,817 / mo Closes September 10, 1999 W h e n it c o m e s to k e e p in g O r e g o n h e a lth y , w e c o u ld n 't ca re m o re . Since 1941, Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to superior health care. Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurabie Oregonians. O u r people understand that while quality often has a pnce. efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthw hile pursuit to you, consider our possibilities: P ro du ctio n C o n tro l O p e ra to r (job #3375) You will be responsible fo r outgoing manual mass mailing pre-assembly and mailing o f Individual MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES COORDINATOR 1 (DD) $2,918 $ 3 ,5 4 4 /M 0 Closes September 10, 1999 Call (503) 846 8606/TTY (503) 846 4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n . County a p p lic a tio n and s u p p le m e n a l application forms required. Women, m in o ritie s , and p e o p le w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: W a sh in g to n C ounty H um an Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 Literature packets, and processing special mailing projects and miscellaneous forms as needed. Dubes will include operating controlling and monitonng the Master Mailer inserting machine; documenting and reporting problems with daily producbon: and maintaining sufficient amount o f postage in meters. Requires a High School educabon, GED o r equivalent a valid dnver's license previous office and accounting expenence. College level accounbng courses are desired. Must have strong verbal and w ritten communicabon skills and be a team player with the ability to w ork (Job #3531) You will be responsible fo r contacting and monitonng group accounts and providing accurate and bmely information and related customer service. Duties include researching delinquent and canceled accounts; providing member relabons and service by supplying mformabon through w ntten correspondence and responding to phone inquires; and completing accurate follow-up reports. Requires a High School Diploma, GED o r equivalent plus office and accounting expenence. Strong knowledge o f PC software, accounting pnnciples and group and miscellaneous over $ 9 ,0 0 0 toward your college expenses. For one weekend a month and W e offer a competibve salary and comprehensive benefits package. Pre-employment drug indicate job number and/or title at the top of your resume or cover letter and submit to: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Regence H M O Oregon, Human Resources, P. O. Box 12 7 1, Portland, OR »72O7-I27O,TTY (S03) 225-6780. W e are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment if T b ÖYE & B E Y O N D Visit Vs On The Web! @ h ttp ://w w w Parking at 2 1 5 SW 6’ ,. .7 n Oregon, opportunity mean» a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the related to information systems and specifically the data resource. Preference will be given to applicants that nave expenence in data administration, database administration an d /o r m anagem ent of an organization's data resource section. Salary is $ 4 .8 9 0 to $ 7 ,2 2 3 a month. Along with a competitive salary, this position provides an excellent benefit bridges. Requires an Oregon General Journeyman or General Supervisor Electrician License plus five years' expenence maintaining, testing and package A great job. great benefits and a great team committed to providing exceptional IT services! For a dstatad Job Announcement M £ 9 9 0 7 8 0 . vtoK our web site at»/ OR ca# Vicki Ctoyri te (503) 9 4 6 5693. Application materials can ba sent to the loSowIng emaM adtaaaa; Please include the announcement number in your subject line. Closing date is September 8, 1 9 9 9 . Office of Medical Assistance Programs (0MAP) lor announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Submit application and Program Technician 2 Quality Improvement Program Coordinator copy of license by September 1 4 ,1 9 9 9 . The Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP, m the Department of Human Services (DHS). formerly the Department of Human Resources) is recruiting for a creative and energetic person to act as a Quality Improvement Program Coordinator, located in Salem. This position is responsible for developing and improving standards for access to care and quality of care by m a n n e d care entities and systems contracting to provide services to clients m the Medicaid Demonstration Project under the Oregon Hearth Plan. TO and one year experience QUALIFY, you must shew that you have two years expenence with responsibility for program or project monitoring and coordination. The In experience must have included program evaluation responsibility and you must be a licensed registered nurse. Salary is $ 2 ,8 9 8 to $ 4 .0 5 8 a month transportation engineering; or four years' engineering expenence and nave a PE. PLS, FE/EIT or FLS/LSIT. Salary $ 2 ,8 9 1 - $4.14O /m on th + excellent TO APPLY, you may obtain State of Oregon appbcatlon materials and Job Announcement «LE990758 by ytoMng our web oRo at or contact your local employment department ortca, or cs8 the 0 » « Job toe at (503) 9 46 5 7 4 2 . Send or do«vor your completed appScabon .iLOtwlta to: Department of Human Services. Records and Recruitment UNL 500 Sumner Street NE. 4th Floor. Satan. OR 9 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 5 or you may tax you appMcabon materials to either (503) 3 7 6 2 2 4 9 , (503) 3 7 6 6 4 6 3 , (503) 3 7 6 3 6 8 9 . The Department of Human Services is committed to benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 1 0 paid holidays, and full employer-paid retirem ent contribution. Announcem ent SOCDT9453. Contact OOOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 986-4030 (TTY (503) 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired) or visit lor — wMincement and application. OOOT is an AA/EEO Employer committed /a n n u a l sales of more than $700 Million, may be the will lead, train and supervise a team of 3 to 4 persons performing field | e for you! The Lottery is a very successful revenue-pro- surveying for the development, design and monumentation of highway ronment. The Oregon Lottery o tte ry g p g j& b opportunity to ^ m o n s tra te your talents, creativity, and drive! W > Use your knowledge in the accounting and f i n a n c e * ! <° manage the overall financial strat ^ < r > l a n n m g , annual fiscal year b u d g e W j ^ ncial Plan' and condud comp,eX f' " an’ F c ia S n tfe s Reports to the Chief Financial Officer Announcement # 011 77169. supervisors and empli Human Services (DHS), formerly trie Department of Human Resources) located in Salem , is recruiting for a part-time (3 0 hours per week) Research Analyst 2 . FLS/LSIT. Salary $ 2 ,6 2 2 - $ 3 ,7 5 2 /m o n th + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 10 paid holidays, and full •nt desired. Provides^ Deadline is September 2 0 , 1 9 9 9 . w INFORMATIONSYSTEMS BUSINESS COI ($3710- $618 p t.. on the Internet at or by calling the Lottery lobLine at (503) 5 4 0 -1 ^ 8 in Salem. All finalists are subject to extensive fm a n c i^ 9 P ^ * ^ rnun<1 ****N l|N l0 « S OREGON LOTTERY environm ental programs). Applicants m ust be registered or eligible to b ecom e registered as a S a n itaria n in O regon a t _the tune of appointm ent. Salary is $ 2 ,8 9 9 to $ 4 ,0 5 9 a m onth. Ta abt a t a a n application packet. contact tha Health DMston Personnel Sarvlcaa section a t (5 0 3 ) 7 3 1 - 3 4 4 3 or vtoH th e S ta te web s ite at www.oregoi^ote.orf- Closing d ate is S eptem ber 2 0 , 1 9 9 9 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Attorney __ , The Oregon Departm ent of Justice has two Attorney vacancies x , _____ __________ ______________ Salary is $ 3 ,2 4 0 to $ 4 .3 4 8 U a montri. DOE. Duties include preparing and trying inmate cases In all state and federal courts. Litigation experience and Criminal Law background preferred. Application deadline is September 7 , 1 9 9 9 . _____ Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services DMolon 2) « s t r ic t Attorney Aaatotanea Sactton. Production Supervisor Is $ 3 .2 4 0 to $ 6 ,4 2 7 a montri. DOE. Dubes include evaluating, investigating and prosecuting cfvll and criminal construction fraud cases. Prosecutor The D e p a rtm e n t of A d m in istra tive S e rv ic e s , T ran s p o rta tio n , Purchasing and Print Services Division, is seeking an experienced Production Supervisor. This position is located at the S ta te 's central graphical reports Announcement #01177180. ^Oregon Lottery is are•atjual upportunity/affirmative action Section. AA/EEO employer com m itted to nation related to various aspects q _ _ ..s in g programs and projects Plan A desij E le c tio n methods; compile data, provide an ir fo u r ^ d to apply supports the 1-2-3. etc.); OR three years' experience assisting with trie gathenng. compiling, analyzing, and reporting of research information and statistical Unit, you will also serve on a team of six managers who provide input and recom m endations on budget, staffing, processes, procedures and issues position techniques (e g ., research design, sampling, surveying, etc.); and computer software application or packages (e g .. Statistical Analyses System. Lotus Engineenng and G eo/H ydro Sections and the Construction Contracts arious human resixirctfLissues. This Coordinator to determine trie effects of trie Oregon Healtri Plan Medicaid Demonstration Protect, and is responsible for analyzing qualitative as well Support Services Supervisor 3 Administrative Unit Manager o ther ($2120 - $2860 Monthly) Afmtysl 2 The Office of Medical Assistance Program (OMAP), In the Departm ent of facilities and will assist in providing overall goals, directions and strategies in a shared decisionmaking environment. Requires a Bachelor s degree m Civil or Transportatiorwelated Engineering; or a PE, PLS, FE/EIT or Do you have strong adm inistrative and leadership skills? If so. apply tor th is position w ith Technical S e rvices in Salem . In addition to supervising th e ad m in is trativ e s ta ff, which sup port th e Bndge i GENERALIST Experience in .(j^fljjfyee Relabbhs & Performancj i 'xe< utiyWsTMiWRlrs Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP) retirem ent contribution Announcement «OCDT9379. Contact OOOT Recnritment at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 6 6 3 8 5 4 for the Iw arii« Impaired) or visit * » application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. P LA N N IN G & ANALYSIS MANAGER ($44,280 - $63,660 Annually) Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity and workforce diversity. Application materials must be received by 5 :0 0 p.m. on September 7 , 1999. employer-paid sf SENIOR HUMAN RESOU ($44,280 - $59,580 Ai Associate Transportation Engineer Survey Crew Chief iore gon LoKery, recognized as a "National Leader" protect Oregon's envi­ s i a s ‘t throughout DHS in order to understand and assess the programmatic needs signal and Illumination installation, maintenance and repair as well as other electrical work on roadsides, buildings and grounds, partis, rest areas and Experienced surveyor with excellent leadership and interpersonal skills is needed for this position with our Region 1 Survey Group in Portland. You Oregon's economic growth, support O r e s ^ ^ f u c a t f t system, O 3 support the ongoing business needs of DHS and Its related service programs A vital function of this position is to develop and maintain communication links and contact with top managers and other staff if you want to wotk with highly motivated professional electricians and technicians in a team onented environment, look no further than ODOT s electrical crew serving the Portland Metro Area. You will perform traffic Engineering ’ S' Human Services (DHS). You will be responsible to direct the data resource management functions by planning, designing, implementing, and maintaining a data environment that will Traffic Signal Technician 2 Transportation-related cing business that ( Sfid '•ells entertaining games. ’ Revenues p r o d u c e ^ r o m ^ fg il games help develop ■-« We are looking for an outstanding manager to help develop a new D a ta Resource Management unit for the D epartm ent of diverse work force. Deadline Is September 2 0 ,1 9 9 9 . Your 4/ A. 'T H : * Principal Executlve/Manager F Data Resource Manager on smaller design projects and as a Project Development Team member on large complex projects. Requires a Bachelor's degree in Civil or Good Things for Oregon!" oF DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES inspections, contract change orders and payments; serve as project leader D ra w n . Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are September 13, 1999, 5:00 PM EEO Employer construction projects in the Portland Metfo area. As a member of a Project M anager's crew you will assist with contract administration, field Opportunities with the CH ANALYST My) R eserve drivers license, su b m it to drug te s t and background check. Apply in person betw een 1 2 :0 0 and 1:00 PM daily at City Center Take the challenge of coordinating contract work on transportation , - : move that pays off. A i r F o r c e available at Clackamas County Personnel, 900 Main Street, Oregon City, OR 97045, (503) 655-8459. Or download an application from our web site: h ttp ://w w w .c o .c la c k a m a s .o r.u s /p e rs o n n e l/jo b s .h tm l. Closing date Transportation Engineer 1 Construction Project Coordinator R egence i t O l l 77181. 1-800-232-3421 relations exp. Encouraged to apply. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION REQUIRED. Application materials Announcement «O C D T9451. Contact OOOT Recruitment r t (5 03 ) 9 6 6 4 0 3 0 (T r y ( 5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 for the hearing Im paired) or visit screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment. To apply, please two weeks a year, make the For information, call: Clackamas County's Public Health Division is seeking an individual with strong program development and public relations experience to oversee the Tobacco Prevention Education Program of Clackamas County. Duties include coordinating, implementing, and developing work plans/contracts, organizing activities and allocating resources for the program; leading the work of professional health educators and other personnel; providing liaison responsibilities with the Oregon Health Division Tobacco Prevention and Education Program. Persons with strong program development and public month + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 1 0 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirem ent contribution E L E C T R O N IC T L C H N IC IA ^ for Im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r fu ll and part-tim e lot a tte n d a n t w ith P o rtla n d ’ s leading parking Company. We are seeking d e pendable individuals w ith a n eat appearance and a p ositive a ttitu d e . • $ 7 .2 5 sta rtin g wage • A dvancem ent potential • M edical, Dental and 4 0 1 K available A p p lic a n ts m u s t have va lid company, a must and qualify Human Services Coordinator 2 (Public Health Tobacco Program Coordinator) $ 2 8 5 8 to $ 3 6 2 2 per month Plus 6% PERS and Excellent Benefits repairing traffic signals or electronic equipment, or an Associate's degree in Electronic Technology and two years' expenence. Salary up to $ 3 ,7 4 7 per gration support and data definition Aftnotjhcement #01177137. and get advanced training, or Parking Facility Operator TP cash procedures necessary. Effective communicabon skills at all levels, inside and outside the N u m h e r! Sharpen your career skills, 1 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION W e 'v e benefits. Candy vending route for sale: $800 $1200 average monthly income. Cost $2995. 1 8 0 0 9 6 3 -6 1 2 3 When phoning please call 315-451-3774. The 800 number is our customer line. Thank You. following agondos: C o lle c tio n A c c o u n ta n t Earn extra income, insurance retirement 13, 1999, 5 :0 0 PM. EEO Employer processed through daily reconciliabon. Requires a High School diploma, GED o r equivalent and c u rre n tly has th e fo llo w in g opportunities available: Alcohol A Drug Evaluation Make the move that pays. Application materials available at Clackamas County Personnel, 9 0 0 Main Street, Oregon City, OR 9 7 0 4 5 , (503) 6 5 5 8 4 5 9 web site h tt p :/ / Closing date September eligibility changes with subsidianes; monitonng and pursuing aged accounts; and ensunng cash is (800) 231-1417 or visit our website at Alcohol and Drug Assessment and Referral U n it' Behavioral Health Division $ 41,892 - $5 8 ,6 4 8 annually Open unit filled. Exam 900809. Application materials formal job announcements are available at: w ww .co.m ultnom in person or by mailing a self- addressed stamped envelope requesting application fo rm s to : M u ltn o m a h C ounty Employee Services, 1120 SW 5W Avenue, First Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 ^ 0 7 0 0 A ssisted access to M ultnom ah County job information and website is available at Multnomah County Libraries. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER skills are preferred. COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION REQUIRED. reconciliation tasks fo r 350-600 groups. This will include generabng group bills: coordmabng f o r m o re information about career o pp ortun itie s call o t r Job Informabon Line. Clinical Supervisor c lin ic ia n (Job #3174) In this entry-level position, you will be responsible for performing accurate and bmely eligibility and BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon Behavioral Health Division $15.21 per hour ($15.21 - $20.75 full range). Apply by September 10. Exam 629107. lev el proficient in assessment, DSM, IV, Rx planning CM, 1:1 & group Rx. QMHA BA or 3 yrs mental health experience to provide skills training, s u p p o rt in in d e p e n d e n t livin g , s o c ia liz a tio n & CM 1 :1 & in groups. Minorities encourage to apply Competitive wages no benefits. Send/ fax resume and cover letter to CCMH, Attn: M. Blum, 3716 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Port. OR 97212. Fax: (503) 288 8168 G ro u p A c c o u n ta n t I EEO Specialist Q M H P -M a s te rs maintain a flexible w ork schedule necessary. Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds. well with all levels o f employees, and idenbfy and pnontize w ork to meet deadlines. Multnomah County Community & Family Services The Permits Specialist assists the public in making permit applications, filing violation complaints and makinglimited interpretation of County codes, ordinances, and regulations. They compile and maintain permit application records, inspection requests & reports, and update data into a computerized permits system Strong customer service, record keeping, and data entry Multicultural CMHC serving adults with Ml & Dual Dx seeks 2 P/T (under 20 hrs) positions: and previous expenence working on postage meters. Excellent attendance and the ability to Edgefield Children’s Center, a mental health agency providing re s id e n tia l and day tre a tm e n t p ro g ra m s to e m o tio n a lly and behaviorally disturbed children ages 6-12, is currently recruiting a F /T Treatment Coordinator to work swing s h ift. R e sp o n sib ilitie s include s u p e rv is in g c h ild re n and implementing and participating in child treatment plans. Bachelor’s degree in behavioral science or related field required. Child management skills, counseling skills, treatment planning skills and experience working with emotionally and behaviorally disturbed youth preferred. Contact Susan Fredd Allison at 665 0157. Permit» Specialist $ 2 0 9 3 $ 2 6 2 9 Monthly Mental Health Construction - CN m M *■ » > Dtototow Satery expenence In an Oregon District Attorney's office preferred. Application deadline is September 1 5 , 1 9 9 9 . Publishing and Distribution facility in Salem . This person supervises Bob' positions require OSB membership t o aggfiL S»6 ( 6 0 3 ) ■ swing and graveyard sh ift production facilities and operations. Requirem ents are two years' supervisory experience OR two yea rs’ ex t. 3 2 1 (TTY (6 0 3 ) 3 7 6 8 6 3 8 to r th e h e a r t « t a g r t a # ) a r leedw ork experience in a publishing or distribution environm ent ■Ma a t www,i t N » a te w aa AAjTOE. Preference may be given to those candidates who have expenence in digital and traditional print and production m ail environm ents. S alary is $ 2 ,1 2 7 to » 3 ,0 0 1 a m onth. Far a d atad ad j a b Tum i tin n ~ j t M J 9 9 0 S T 4 A . c o n ta c t year la c a l am pteym aw t aTRea. vtaJt th e s t a t e w eb t r i a a t www, or ca« (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 4 6 6 6 . Closing d ate is Septem ber 1 5 , 1 9 9 9 . 2268866 STfnr. TTY