Page B4 September 1, 1999 aitje |lortkuit' ©beeruer Request fo r Proposals # 9 9 27 CITY OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON INVITATION TO BID I STREET LIGHTING AND INTERCONNECT IMPROVEMENTS ANDRESEN ROAD FROM MILL PLAIN BOULEVARD TO 40™ STREET Not.ce is herby given th a t the City of Vancouver, W ashington, will receive sealed bids up to the hour o f 1 1 :0 0 a m .. Pacific Standard lim e , Monday, September 2 7 ,1 9 9 9 , and publicly opened and read aloud a t that tim e on the sam e day in the Council Chambers, 1” Floor o f City Hall, 2 1 0 East 13 Street, Vancouver, W ashington, for the following: Installation of Street Lighting and Interconnect Conduit from 4 Plain I Boulevard to 4 0 ” Street on Andreaen Road; Installation of Street Lighting from 1 8 ” S treet to approximately 1 8 0 0 South of 1 8 “ Street on Andreaen Road; Installation of Interconnect conduit from M ill Plain t o » * ” * t0 Street on Andreaen Road. A portion of 4“ Plain Boulevard to 4 0 Street work will be done In Washington State Department of Transportation a RIght-of-Way. Projects specifications and Installation methods may vary S S docum ents be exam ,™ » in O wner's r f h c . CTy W ashington, Financial Services Building, Basem ent, 1 0 0 E 13 S Vancouver W ashington. Bidding docum ents may be obtained from the Owner's office upon payment o f $ 5 0 .0 0 plus sales tax, (if applicable) for each set o f docum ents. Return of the docum ents is not required, and the am ount paid fo r the docum ents is nonrefundable. (City Ordinance M 3 4 2 ) C om pany/C ashiers Checks or money orders shall be made payaP'e *° of Vancouver. Firms ordering docum ents shall provide a street address a n d / I or Dost office box where additional inform ation (Addenda) may be delivered " , U s S X t s w . l l b . flehvereo UPS o , U S . Mai» A lis t of plan cen ters th a t have received sets o f Bidding D e m e n t s contem plated herein is available from Purchasing at (36 0) 6 9 6 -8 1 8 1 . Do not shah be in accordance with the spe cifica tions and other contract I docum ents on file in Purchasing, Basem ent, City Financial Services Building, phone (36 0) 6 9 6 8 1 8 1 , where copies may be obtained^ Bid results: may be obtained the m orning after the bid opening by calling (360) 6 9 6 - 8 1 2 5 ^ All bids shall be addressed to the attention o f the Purchasing Agent, City of Vancouver Financial Services Building, 100 East 13” Street, P.0. Box 1995, Vancouver, W ashington 9 8 6 6 8 . All bids delivered shall be de ivered to the I Purchasing Agent, Basem ent, City Financial Services Building, 1 0 0 East 13 I Street. Bids shall be placed in an envelope which is sealed and which clearly sta te s the name o f the bidder, th e date o f th e bid opening, and appropriate I wording to indicate definitely the nature of the contents. Do not send bids by I Fax. Bids subm itted via Fax w ill not be accepted I The City o f Vancouver is c om m itted to providing equal opportunities to s ta te I of W ashington certified M inority, disadvantaged and W om en's Business I Enterprises in contracting activities. (Section 4 o f Chapter 56, Laws of 19 75 , 1 1 " Ex. Sess., S tate o f W ashington). I All bid proposals m u st be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, I certified check, cash ie r's check, or surety bond in an am ount equal to five I percent (5%) o f the am ount o f such bid proposal. Should the successfu I bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory perform ance I bond within th e tim e stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit I shall be forfeite d to th e City o f Vancouver. I The City of Vancouver reserves the right to cancel th is invitation or reject any I and all bids subm itted or to waive any m inor form alities o f th is call if in the I judgem ent o f the City Council the best in te rest of the city would be served. I No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereo , I unless the award o f contract is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. I V. Marcelyn Jandreau I Purchasing Agent Request For Proposals City of Portland, Oregon Portland Development Commission Second Notice o f Request for Proposals (RFP) Park Terrace Apartments # 9 9 -1 4 The Portland Developm ent C om m ission (PDC) is requesting proposals from qualified owners or developers of M ultifam ily Housing Property, who are interested in purchasing and operating the 88-unit housing project known as the Park Terrace Apartm ents. The Park Terrance A partm ents is currently fully occupied, and is located at 3 1 5 N Alberta Street in Portland. The selected purchaser m ust dem onstrate sufficie nt experience, com m itm ent, capacity and financial strength to preserve the long-term affordability of the Park Terrance Apartm ents. A copy o f the requirem ents for subm itting a proposal may be obtained by calling Shelly Bird a t 8 2 3 -3 2 6 9 . Proposals m u st be sub m itte d to: Bruce S. Wade Portland Developm ent C om m ission 1 9 0 0 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7 0 0 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1 The Portland Development Commission must receive submittals no later than 3 :0 0 P M , Thursday October 2 1 ,1 9 9 9 . The Portland Development Commission strongly encourages the participation o f M inority, W om en and Emerging Small Business contractors in its projects. The successful contractor m ust be certified by th e City as an Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity Employer and be licensed to do business in the City o f P o r t l a n d . ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS Re-Roofing W ork a t Dahlke Manor & Sellwood Center JOB NO. M X -00-02-99 Sealed bids w ill be received a t the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP), 8 9 1 0 M. W oosley Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 3 , until 2 :0 0 p.m ., Thursday. Septem ber 2 3 .1 9 9 9 for labor m aterials to Re-Roof tw o apartm ent buildings Shortly th e re a fte r, bids will be opened and publicly read. No bidder may withdraw th e ir bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty 6 0 ) days from the bid opening. Attendance o f bidders is encouraged at a pre-bid tour of the project com m encing on Monday, Septem ber 1 3 . 1 9 9 9 a t 1 0 :0 0 AM at Dahkle M anor 9 1 5 N.E. Schuyler and continuing at Sellwood Center 1 7 2 4 S.E. Tenino. Q uestions posed during the tour, not addressed in the documents, will be answered by addendum . Execution o f an Affidavit o f MBE Participation (HAP form 4 2 1 subm itted with bid) is required o f each bidder in order to qualify as a qualified bidder for this work The H ousing Authority o f Portland may reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed biding procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and waive all in fo rm alities if. in th e judgm ent of HAP, it is in the public in te re st to do so. Q uestions regarding th is project should be directed to H. David W alter a t 7 3 6 4 2 1 0 . Housing Authority of Portland MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON Request ter Proposal No: P 9 5 2 -0 6 5 5 5 8 Request for Proposal due by 4 :0 0 p.m . on: 1 0 / 1 1 / 9 9 Project Name: Ryan W hite Care Act: In-Home Care For Persons Living With HIV/AIDS Proposals will not be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposals must be seeled In their entirety, and the packaging clearly marked w ith th e Proposer's name, addrees, and RFP number. Proposals will be received until, b u t not after, 4 :0 0 p.m ., by M ultnom ah County Purchasing. 2 5 0 5 SE 11” Ave , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 2 . for: HIV Client Services Administration o f the Multnomah County Health Department is seeking proposals for services designed to improve the utilization and effective ness o f O regon's Client Employed Provider (CEP) Program and W ashington's Com m unity Options Program Entry System (COPES)for persons living w ith HIV/AIDS (PLWH/A). An op tion al Pre Proposal m eeting will be held on Septem ber 8 .1 9 9 9 , at 1 :0 0 p.m .. in th e M arlene Bldg., 20, NE 1 O \ 2'” floor conference room M ultnom ah County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if not in com pliance with the Request for Proposals (RFP) procuress and requirements S pe cifica tions may be obtained from M ultnom ah County Purchasing, 2 5 0 5 SE 11 ” Ave , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 2 Phone (5 0 3 ) 2 4 8 5 1 1 1 Fax (50 3) 24 8 3 2 5 2 B id lis t an d O c c a s io n a l d o w n lo a d s a v a ila b le a t: h t t p : / / w w w .oo.m u ltnom a /p urch / City of Portland, Oregon Portland Development Commission Project M anagem ent Services for Arts Facility Feasibility Study The Portland Developm ent Com m ission (‘ P D C ), m partnership w t Regional « n s and C u lw e C u n e i C M C C ’ l '» se e tin g ,ne sen ; ^ e C onsultant to he lp m anage tne p te p a t.tio n o f a t W W M analysis of a two story concrete warehouse (Uw Maddox Building[ ) in Southeast Portland as a ‘ Combined Arts Facility. The Maddox Bui d g located at 49 SE Clay Street, has the potential to becom e an ' p r i a n t -public attractor" for th e Riverfront Project * h 'cl^ ° C Portland Parks and Recreation currently have in Phase o f deve op e it. The selected C onsultant should possess a strong knowledge of the loca and regional arts com m unities, an understanding o f the public partners ip process, and experience in facility planning. Experience in real estate developm ent is of additional benefit. The Consultant will work closely with PDC and RACC to identify th e needs of the local arts com m unity and develop a num ber o f program m atic m odels for the Maddox Building. PDC invites con sulta nts to sub m it proposals addressing the requirem ents identified in the Request for Proposals (RFP). The proposals shall be responsive to the form at, scope of work and subm ittal requirem ents described in th e RFP. __ The full Request for Proposals may be obtained by telephone to. Gail Palma Portland Developm ent Com m ission 1 9 0 0 SW Fourth Avneue, Suite 1 0 0 Portland, OR 97 20 1 Phone (503) 823-3 331 Q uestions about the RFP and the selection process should be addressed to Kirsten Cowden, Project Coordinator. Telephone (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -3 2 9 2 . Proposals must be received by the Portland Development Commission no later than 5 :0 0 PM on Tuesday, September 1 4 , 1 9 9 9 . The Portland Development Commission strongly encourages the participation of M inority, W om en and Emerging Small Business contractors in its projects. The successful contractor m ust be certified by th e City as an Equal Employm ent O pportunity Employer and be licensed to do business in the City o f Portland. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIALS BUILDING Request for Proposals Oregon State University is seeking qualifications from architectural firm s interested in providing design through construction phase services for the OSU Hazardous W aste M aterials Building project. Oregon State University (OSU) is preparing to con stru ct an 8 ,5 0 0 + /- square fo o t hazardous waste m aterials facility. The building will act as the primary storeroom fo r all hazardous chem ical and radioactive waste on cam pus. The building will be single story. Site im provem ents associated with the project include a loading dock th a t w ill need to accom m odate a sem i-truck, parking for autom obiles, and landscaping. The proposal responses will be used to develop a “ short lis t o f three to five firm s who will be invited to participate in an interview. Interested firm s should contact Lori Fulton, University Architect, OSU Facilities Services, 1 0 0 Adam s Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 2 0 0 1 , or at Fax (541) 7 3 7 -3 7 2 4 , to obtain a copy of the Request fo r Proposals (RFP). Responses to the RFP will be due by 5PM, Friday, O ctober 1, 19 9 9 . No responses will be accepted after the specified date and tim e. Responses INVITATION FOR BIDS (Solicitation No. 99-26) The Portland Development Commission will receive sealed Bids for: Building Dem olition @ 8 2 0 -8 3 8 S.W, Third Ave. Until 4 :0 0 p.m ., Pacific Standard Time (PSR) on Septem ber 17, 19 9 9 , at its office s located at 1 9 0 0 S.W. Forth Avenue, Suite 100, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 1 , at which tim e and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Work will be perform ed in accordance w ith these construction docum ents. A m andatory prebid conference will be held on Septem ber 10, 1 9 9 9 at the Portland Development Commission office. A mandatory jo b site to u r/p re b id conference will be held on Septem ber 10, 19 99 . Docum ents may be obtai ned from the Portland Development Commission. Inquiries and bids should be directed to Ross Plambeck, (50 3) 8 2 3-3 226 . Inquiries may also be addressed to Burt Stein, Capital Project Consultants, (50 3) 29 7 6 1 3 5 . All bidders m ust file for prequalification no later than Septem ber 7 ,1 9 9 9 , 1 :3 0 pm, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, and ORS 2 7 9 .0 3 9 (1 ), in the follow ing City o f Portland categories: 21-Structural dem olition Related Excavation and Clearing. Prevailing wage rates as set forth in the Contract Docum ents m ust be paid on the Project. The bidder m ust be licensed under ORS 4 6 8 .8 8 3 . No bids for a construction contract shall be rendered or considered by the Commission unless the bidder is licensed with the C onstruction Contractors Board. Each bid m ust contain a statem e nt as to w hether the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . The Commission may reject any bid not incom pliance with all prescribed publicbidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding o f the Commission tha t it is in the public in te rest to do so. The Portland Development Commission is com m itted to acting affirm atively to encourage and fa c ilita te the participation o f Emerging Small Businesses (ESB), M inority B usiness Enterprises (MBE), and Women Business Enterprises (WBE) in Com m ission projects and operations. Responsible bidders m ust com ply w ith established goals in th is project as stipulated in PROFESSIONAL BARBERS • Male or Female • Full or Part Tim e • Salary and Benefits /Available ED ►bby’i Barber Sh „*2535 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 331-0712 GENERATION MANAGER The Eugene W ater & Electric Board a m unicipally owned u tility located in Eugene, Oregon is seeking to fill the position o f Generation Supervisor. The position will coordinate the o jjera tion a n d m a in te n a n c e o f E W E B 's generation fa c ilitie s using assigned staff, other EWEB departm ents, and contractors. Provide leadership and supervision for generating fa cilitie s to optim ize production and value o f th e e le c tric g e n e ra tin g fa c ilitie s . M o tiv a te , c o a c h a n d d e v e lo p individuals and tea m s to focu s on generation production delivery goals through high levels o f perform ance. Effectively manage personnel conflicts and prom ote organizational learning. R equiringfour (4) years o f progressive re s p o n s ib ility in th e o p e ra tio n s , m a in te n a n c e a n d /o r c a p ita l rep la cem en t program s o f e le ctric generating fa cilitie s. Dem onstrated a b ility to sup ervise o th e rs which in c lu d e s c o a c h in g , e m p lo y e e developm ent, co n flict and em ployee discipline issues. Any equivalent c o m b in a tio n o f e d u c a tio n and e x p e rie n c e w h ic h p ro v id e s th e k n o w le d g e , s k ills , and a b ilitie s required to perform work. Training and e d uca tion in o p e ra tio n s and m aintenance at the Journey level of ge ne rating facilities or an engineering degree and supervisory management. Salary $ 7 3 ,6 7 3 - $ 8 8 ,4 0 9 / annually. Position closes on Friday, Septem ber 2 4 ,1 9 9 9 EWEB requires a com plete application form for all positions. For inform ation and application packet contact. Eugene W ater Board, PO Box 1 0 1 4 8 , 5 0 0 E 4 ” Avenue, Eugene OR 97440ATTN : Human Resources. Call 5 4 1 4 8 4 -3 7 6 9 jo b inform ation Line, E - m a i l Brenda.W asson@ o rvisit our web page at www .eweb .org. EWEB values diversity in the work force and is an equal opportunity employer. Postal Jobs to $ 1 8 .3 5 /H R Inc. Benefits, No Experience. For APP. And Exam Info. Call 1 8 0 0 813-3585, Ext 6604, 8 am - 7 p m , 7 Days Sales re 1 H W ' al BYANDBBSDT Oflbnd Escteaivsiy By Netl Kelly Renewal by Andersen, a fast-grow­ ing window replacement company, is seeking highly m otivated, people-oriented individuals to join our in-home sales team. Renewal by Andersen sells and installs custom-sized replacement win­ dows made of Fibrex, an energy- efficient composite of wood fi­ bers and a specially formulated thermoplastic polymer, developed by Andersen Windows. We are looking for sales staff who enjoys a fast-paced work environ­ ment with varying hours. Leads are provided through a compre­ hensive advertising program. We offer: competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits, and paid training. For immediate consider­ ation, send a resume and brief letter describing your experience aligned to this opportunity to: Diane Stark, Human Resources D e p a rtm e n t, R enew al by Andersen, 804 N. Alberta St., Portland OR 97217. Service Worker Cleans D istrict vehicles and facilities and perform s routine m aintenance on D istrict equipm ent, buildings, bus stop signs and bus shelter. Starting wage $ 1 0 .7 2 per hour. Detailed description of duties, qualification requirem ents, and officia l application fo rm a v a ila b le in o u r H u m a n Resources office, Salem Area M ass T ransit D istrict, 3 1 4 0 Del Webb Ave. NE, Salem , OR 9 7 3 0 3 . Phone 503- 5 2 2 24 2 4 . Official D istrict application form m ust be com pleted and received at D istrict by 5 :0 0 p.m . Septem ber 17, 1 9 9 9 . An Equal O pportunity Employer. MONEY I s1 Financial A Mortgage Division Raymond E. Love “3% down Buys your First Home" "Or Fefinance and Lower your Monthly Payments' these bid documents. Portland Developm ent C om m ission By Ross Plambeck, Project M anager (503) 643-8002 • Fax (503) 643-6671 SUB BIDS REQUESTED Central Eastslde Housing - 9 0 Units 1 2 3 5 SE Belm ont in Portland, Oregon 4 story - 4 8 .0 0 0 s f wood fram e over parking garage BID DATE/TIME: Sept. 10, 19 99 , at 3 :0 0 pm WALSH CONSTRUCTION CO. 3 0 1 5 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1 CONTACT: Don Geddes, 5 0 3 21 9 2 9 3 4 , Dave Frey or Jean H eitschm idt 5 0 3 -2 2 2 -4 3 7 5 , Fax 5 0 3 2 7 4 7 6 7 6 ITEMS EXCLUDED: Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Framing and Concrete Labor PLANS AVAILABLE AT: WALSH Construction Co., Construction Data, DJC Plan Center, Im pact, and OAME, OREGON C ontractor Plan Center Emerging Small Business, Minority Business and Woman-owned Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid on this work 1*BBB‘A'TRACKS 71Z 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 - 2 2 5 7 rachs Alarm > Security ins tallalion / Re pair Oregon (503) 288-7716 Washington (360) 885-2001 Fax (360) 892-0761 E-mail: OAME Cascade Plaza • Room 107A 4134 North Vancouver Avenue • Portland, OR 97217 Adm Ltd Energy • JLE Oregon /' Washington • C C B #115473 • ALARMT‘016J3 A f f o r d a b le E f f ic ie n t S e c u r ity J u t F a r You! Licensed • Bonded • Insured Clerical Housing M anagem ent Staff Support Vancouver Housing Authority The Vancouver Housing Authority is currently accepting applications for the position o f Housing Managem ent S taff Support person. The position perform s clerical and record keeping duties for assigned assisted housing programs. This includes m aintenance o f te n a n t f ile s , p r o c e s s in g o f verification o f income and household s ta tu s fo rm s , in itia tio n of review process, m onitors com pletion of review p ro ce ss, m o n ito rin g o f co m p u te r s c re e n s , f ile d o c u m e n ts and s ig n a tu r e s on le a s e s an d am endm ents. M aintains good working relationships with other agencies and VHA s ta ff Salary $ 1 6 7 6 to $ 2 3 7 3 per m onth; excellent benefits. To request required application m aterials please c a ll ( 3 6 0 ) 6 9 4 2 5 0 1 o r e m a il Resumes without applications will not be accepted. C o m ple ted a p p lic a tio n s m u s t be rece ive d by 5 :0 0 p.m . Tuesday, S e p te m b e r 7, 1 9 9 9 V a n co u ve r Housing Authority, 2 5 0 0 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 9 8 6 6 0 Equal Opportunity Employer ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® In te rn a tio n a l D a ta P ro cessin g Coordinator Work for One Tough Mother! Columbia Sportswear, a global leader in the design and m anufacture of outerwear and sportswear, is seeking a Data Processing Coordinator to jo in our team . Accurately and efficiently perform data entry and processing functions for the international departm ent. Audit and reconcile input data to batch totals. Act as a departm ent resource for system programs requiring data processing. M inim um qualifications include a high school education or equivalent and 1 to 2 y e a rs re la te d e x p e rie n c e perform ing data entry and office support assignm ents Typing and 10 key proficiency required. Please send resume to: Colum bia S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m a n Resources, Dept. IDPC, Box 8 3 2 3 9 , Portland OR 9 7 2 8 3 , or Fax to: (50 3) 7 3 5 4 5 9 7 . E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity Employer. >e Smart.... Be among the first to get the updated 1999 version of The Bill Collectors Manual Send $11.95 to Money Delight • 7835 N Brandon • Portland, OR 97217 ROXANE BARTLETT O w ner Ro^ane’s Di uapeare Quality Childcare AMA State R eg F ood P rog ram (5 0 3 )3 3 1 -0 1 1 0