Page ®^e ^ o rtla n b (If^bserucr August 25,1999 Religion Linked to Good Health Boys Choir Presentation Saturday, September 25 at 7:30 p.m. Rose City Park United Method­ ist Church will present the Boy Choirs from Portland and Salem, OR and the V ictorian Boys Choir from Melbourne, Australia in concert. The Victorian Boys C hoir is one o f A ustralia’s finest choral ensem bles. Founded in 1974, it is a non-denom inational choir which is representative o f M elbourne’s ethnic and social communities. The C hoir is made up o f boys age eight to fourteen who rehearse five hours a week and attend four weekend workshops and one ten day Music School each year. The C hoir has to u re d E n g la n d , W ales, N ew Zealand, and Italy. Their director is Paul Forster. The Portland Symphonic Boy Choir, open to all boys ages 9-18 has been in existence five years. A B' GARY P. ROBERTSON_________ wide variety o f musical literature is scheduled for each season o f the year including traditional holiday m usic, classical, and pop. The choir has been invited to perform with the Oregon Symphony, Co­ lumbia Symphony, Portland Sym ­ phonic Choir, and Choral Cross- Ties. They are directed by Dr. Thomas Iverson. The Salem Boy Choir is directed by Darrell James. The program will consistofpieces by each o f the choirs as well as joint choir numbers. A free will offering will be taken to benefit the church sound system. Rose City Park United Methodist Church is located at 5830 N.E. Alameda. Free child care is avail­ able. The church is handicapped ac­ cessible and located on Tri-Met bus lines # 12 and #71 © T m i A vso ciatio P . ivx RALEIGH (AP) - Seniors who attend church or synagogue regu­ larly might possess the secret o f longevity. In another report linking good health w ith religion, Duke U ni­ versity researchers say seniors with regular church or synagogue at­ tendance are not only healthier but also more likely to live longer than the non-religious. T h e r e s e a r c h e r s , s tu d y in g nearly 4,000 N orth C arolinians over 64 years old, found that the death rate o f the faithful was 28 percent less than those who d id n ’t attend services regularly. Studies in recent years focusing on the spiritual dim ension o f health have yet to show that religious at­ tendance or spirituality cause physi­ cal wholeness. But a mounting body o f evidence associates the religious with better mental health, lower blood pressure and other health im ­ provements. The next step, says the study’s lead author. Dr. Harold K oenig, is to identify the behavioral and bio­ logical m echanism s linking re li­ gion to disease prevention and good health. “These studies do not show that if they are going to church for health reasons, their health will im prove,” K oenig said. “ But if us.” This is the ' st event ->f its people go to church for religious kind M LMLC has coordinated reasons, they have better health since the pastor accepted the call and survive longer.” to the church a year ago. “N orth­ The findings released in the east Portland is my home. I grew July-A ugust m edical sciences edi­ up here, graduated from Concordia tion o f the Journal o f G erontology University, and now have the privi­ exam ined 3,968 adults in five lege o f leading a congregation in N orth C a ro lin a c o u n tie s from the heart o f the neighborhood,” 1986-92. rem arked Herman H aw kins, Pas- R esearchers interview ed par­ torofM L M L C an d C E O ofL IC M . ticipants each year about church “ The opportunity to reach out to attendance, their health, social our com m unity and share the joy support and alcohol and tobacco w ith my hom etow n neighborhood use. The subjects, m ostly C hris­ is a very rew arding experience.” tians and Jew s, w ere categorized Several organizations have sup­ according to whether they attended ported this event. They include religious m eetings once weekly. W idm er brew ing, Self-E nhance­ By 1992, 1,177 participants had m ent I n c .. Lutheran Brotherhood, died. and Lutheran Church - M issouri A nalyses show ed 46 percent Synod N orthw est D istrict O ffice, fewer o f the church attendees died A id A ssociation for L utherans, during the period than nonchurch­ and C oncordia U niversity. For goers. But the rate dropped to 28 m ore inform ation about this free percent when the differing ages, event, contact M artin L uther M e­ health and social factors and smok­ m orial Lutheran C hurch at (503) 281-7036. Local Church And Community Center Plans Summer Gospel Event Portland. Ore. - M artin Luther M e m o ria l L u th e rn C h u rc h (M LM LC) and Lutheran Inner- City M inistries (LICM ) in N orth­ east Portland have partnered w ith Self-Enhancem ent Inc. to host its first sum m er gospel event Satur­ day A ugust 28 from 4-7 p.m. This free event is geared toward bring­ ing fam ilies in the com m unity to­ gether for a day o f fun praise. M usical groups, including Charles Patton, Tribe Called Judah, G en­ esis and D isciples in Song, will perform ; activities are planned for kids, w hich include a giant slide, games and free root beer floats. Event coordinators hope the ex­ c ite m e n t s p re a d s th r o u g h o u t N ortheast Portland. “O ur lo ca­ tion right on MLK Blvd. is a huge asset to us since we are holding the event in our parking lot,” com ­ mented A nthony Vence, Event C o­ ordinator. “ We hope people d riv­ ing by w ill hear the m usic, see the fun and stop to share the day with be contacted. A nyone w ishing to contribute may do so to the M is­ sion Fund at Tri C ity B aptist Tem ple in G ladstone. The media will be allow ed to attend the fu­ neral o f Kim, Cynthia and Aaron as long as they respect the privacy o f family m em bers and do not at­ tem pt to talk with them. Q ues­ tions about the funeral and M is­ sion Fund can be directed to the church. (M a rie ) Jackson/ Jones w ent home To be w ith the Lord on Au­ gust 22, 1999 at 7 :0 0 a . m . at E m m anuel H ospital. T h e H om e going o f M is­ sio n a ry M arie Jo n e s w ill be h e ld at T he C hurch o f The L iv in g G od C .W .F .F . at 6401 N.E. 10th and H ighland at 11:00 a . m . O f f ic ia tin g is her Pastor El­ d e r S y lv e s te r G reen III Eric Ivan Tomlinson Sr. A funeral was at noon W ednesday, A ug. 18, 1999, in K illin g s w o r th L ittle C hapel o f the C him es for E ric Ivan T o m lin so n S r., w ho died A ug. 13 o f kidney failu re at age 43. Mr. T om linson w as born July 18, 1956, in B altim ore, Md. He served in the U.S. M arine C orps and then was a co rrectio n s o ffic e r in B al­ tim ore until retirin g w ith a d isa b ility in 1985, w hen he m oved to Portland. S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e h is sons, Eric I. Jr. and M ichael A., both o f Portland; daugh­ te r s , E rik a M. an d T sh a k a tu m b a N. B row n, both o f Portland; m other, M ary E.; sister, Ileath M. R o b erts; b ro th ers, Shaw n a n d J o h n ; g ra n d m o th e r, Elizabeth Lindsey all o f B al­ tim ore; com panion, Annie M arie Brow n o f Portland; and a grandchild. D isposition is by crem a­ tion. M artin L uther M emorial L utheran C hurch P resents Q&ummer y y gospel (SfvenL Share an afternoon o f gospel with your family. M U S I C B Y Charles Patton • Genesis Disciples in Song • Tribe Called Judah Free Food Fun and Games For the Kids Saturday, August 28th • 4 p . m . - 7 p . m . M artin L uther M emorial L utheran C hurch Lutheran Inner City Ministries 4219 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. From Simonds Family tal this afternoon. “ The family thanks everyone for the outpour­ ing o f love and concern. We take com fort in the fact that our loved ones had a personal relationship with Lord Jesus C hrist and that we have the absolute assurance that they are with the Lord in Heaven. We hold no anim osity tow ard the other driver and we will be pray­ ing for him .” The fam ily respect­ fully requests that the family not Missionary Mozella ing and alcohol use w ithin the sam ple w ere taken into account. The respective mortality risks are comparable to those experienced by smokers versus nonsmokers, Koenig said. The risk decline was 35 per­ cent in women and 17 percent in men, according to the study. The report, funded by the N a­ tional Institutes o f M ental H ealth, is not the first to tie religious prac­ tice to a low er risk o f dying. A C alifornia study o f 5,300 people over 28 years generated sim ilar findings, but the survey sam ple ranged from 21 to 65 years o f age. And the sam ple's m ortality was 15 percent, com pared with about 30 percent for the Duke study. The health benefits o f church attendance may be related to the increased social support found in religious groups, K oenig said. “O ther m em bers are com m itted to you, praying for you,” he said. “ You get sick and do n ’t show up for church, and people call you and ask why you w e re n 't there.” C hurch attendance also may prom pt the faithful to be more con­ scientious about taking m edica­ tion. A deep religious faith, w hile not synonym ous with attending church, also helps people cope with tragedy and may relieve stress, K oenig said. Stan Kasl, an epidemiology pro­ fessor at the Y ale University m edi­ cal school, called the Duke study “ an im portant co n trib u tio n ” to firm ing up the church-good health association. “W e d o n ’t have many o f these kind o f studies,” said Kasl. Urgent Statement (Portland OR) - The follow ing statem ent comes from the family o f the late Kim, Cynthia and Aaron S im o n d s. 7 -y e a r o ld A aro n Sim onds passed away at Legacy Em m anuel C hild ren ’s H ospital. He died from injuries suffered in a m otor vehicle accident Sunday af­ ternoon in w hich his parents lost their lives. 12-year old Benjam in Simonds, who injured his right el­ bow, was released from the hosp i­ O b itu a rie s For more information contact MLMLC/LICM at 503-281-7036 Talk about looking good! Have you seen the Fall schedule for NORTH PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE? A community Bible College for local community concerns More classes - more variety - new teachers - practical help Who goes to Bible college? Preachers? Yes, but also teachers, social workers, office personnel, community activists, child-care providers, church leadership at all levels, parents looking for answers to give their children, searchers for the meaning of life, discoverers of the joy of knowing God better the list goes on. Is college for you? Many have found the answer to that question by attending classes at NPBC. Begin your college career while still working. NPBC classes are mostly in the evening. Affordable - only $25 per credit hour Call the NPBC office for a free copy of the entire Fall 1999 Schedule (503)288-2919 North Portland Bible College 4905 N. Vancouver Ave., 97217, at Humboldt I • • • ......... ' •* ’*