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Detective Sergeant Ken W hattam and Detec­ tive Sergeant Leon LeFebvre have been assigned the investigation. Drug- Related Deaths Jump The State Medical Examiner’s Of­ fice has released new statistics show­ ing a 56% increase in drug-related deaths from the first half o f last year. Figures show 148 such deaths in the same time period this year. Heroin, the leading cause o f drug- related deaths, has seen an increase o f 75% from last year. Cocaine use rem ains the sec­ ond-leading killer and is up nearly 110% from last year. Missing Persons Dumler, Carol Ann FW. DOB 12-25-60 5’9", 160 lbs. Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes Stabbing in Downtown Portland On M onday. A ugust 16, 1999 at approxim ately 3:00 A M , o f­ ficers from C en tral P recinct re ­ sponded to a call o f a man stabbed at SW Park Ave. and SW A lder St. W hen o ffic e rs a rriv ed they located an 18-year-old m ale who w as s u ffe rin g fro m a th ro a t w ound. O fficers also found a 52- y ear-o ld m an at SW A lder St. and SW 6 ,h A ve. From the in itia l in v e stig a tio n it appears that both m en w ere stabbed on the co rn e r o f SW Park Ave. and SW A ld er St. T he circu m stan ces su rro u n d in g the a ssa u lts are u n ­ know n at this tim e. D etectives are asking anyone w ith in fo rm a­ tion regarding the circu m stan ces su rrounding the a ssa u lts, or su s­ pect in fo rm atio n to call the D e­ tective D ivision at 823-0400. Man Shoots Burglar Inside His Residence On Thursday, A ugust 19, 1999, at approxim ately 10:15 A M , 911 received a call from a m ale who resides at 341 NE 63rd Ave. The male who called stated that he had ju st shot a burglar inside his home. O fficers from Southeast Precinct responded and d isco v ­ ered an adult m ale, deceased, in side the address from an apparent gunshot wound. T here is no in d i­ cation that the deceased knew the m ale who lives in 341 NE 63rd A ve. and detectives who w ere called to the scene discovered that the front door o f the residence had been forced open. The m ale w ho resides at 341 NE 63rd Ave, and the fem ale w itness who was present during the burglary and shooting are both non-sw orn, c i­ vilian em ployees o f the Portland Police B ureau. The nam e o f the deceased is being w ithheld pen d ­ ing positive identification andno- tification o f fam ily. Another Boy on Life Support Dumler, Cary-Jo Irene FW, DOB 07-01-97 (WASHINGTON COUNTY) — Investigators are still trying to find ou, exactly what happened to M at­ thew Phipps, but teenagers who Subject left her residence on SE 72nd A venue on 11-19-98. Subject has not been heard from since. Vehicle: 1993 Nissan Pickup with canopy, Oregon plate VSG 410 Anyone having information should contact the Portland Police Bureau, Missing Persons Unit at 503-823- 0400, 823-0446, Det. Judy Eckhart. were with him a, a party are still not very forthcoming with information. Phipps , meanwhile, remains on life support. At this point Police think he may have fallen out o f a truck that another teenager was driving. He was found dum ped by the side o f the road. Gunshot Wound Investigation reveals that Richard Lynn Smith died of a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head On W ednesday, A ugust 18, 1999, the M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty M edical E xam iners O ffice per­ form ed an autopsy on the body o f R ichard Lynn Sm ith. The au ­ topsy revealed that Richard Lynn Sm ith died o f a self-inflicted gun­ shot to the left tem ple. D etec­ tives, w ho w ere processing the Toyota C orolla that Richard Smith drove, discovered a loaded .22 c a lib e r h a n d g u n b e tw e e n the d riv er’s door and the d riv e r’s sea,. A .22 caliber casing was also dis­ covered inside the vehicle. Kim and Cynthia Simonds were killed at the time o f the crash. Their seven-year-old son who was seri­ ously hurt, died o f his injuries later. Police say Chambers had a history o f driving violations in Washing- ton. He had been caught driving with a suspended or invalid license seven times and had been cited for speeding. He also had served time in jail on theft and possession o f methamphetamine charges. toy Dies City’s Community Services Expand A new service area has been created as a result o f recent reor­ ganization changes m ade by City M anager V ernon E. Stoner and D eputy C ity M anager M ary Jo Briggs. The new section, Com m u­ n ity and H o u sin g S e rv ic e s, is headed by K aren H aines, w ith ad­ m inistrative services provided by Rita Davidson. It consists o f four areas: Intergenerational Services, m anaged by C arol H ansen, will include the Foster G randparent and the Retired & Senior V olunteer program s. It w ill also include a new program , Y outh V oice, which is under developm ent. N eighbor­ hood Services includes N eighbor­ h o o d S u p p o rt, le a d by G race Farm er and N eighborhood A ction P la n n in g h e a d e d b y A n g e la M icker. The C om m unity D evel­ opm ent Block G rant program will be joined by Housing Services, which is being developed. C hris­ topher Sheesley m anages com m u­ nity M ediation Services will con­ tinue its current N eighborhood M ediation program and will ex­ pand to offer grant-support pro­ gram s in V ictim /O ffender and Com m unity Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS More) M ediation Services. N o n e w s ta li will be added as a result o f the reorganization. Current staff mem ­ bers look forw ard to new relation­ ships, new synergy and enhanced abilities to increase the level and quality o f the services they pro­ vide, says Carol Hansen. Portland Case in Washington (V A N CO U V ER, W ashington) — Ryan G alvin is standing trial in V ancouver, W ashington, on charges o f stabbing his m other to death a w eek ago at her home in V ancouver. He had been picked up by police in P ortland, O regon the night before her body was found. He said the D evil made him do it. (PORTLAND) — Another count o f second-degree manslaughter has been lodged against Kenneth Cham­ bers. He was driving the pickup truck that ran into a van Sunday on the Sunset Highway east o f Seaside. Why Advertise In The Spanish Yellow Pages? BECAUSE... It targets a SPECIFIC audience spanic Market will account for $3.5 billon purchasing dollars in Oregon this year » The MOST complete resource & business directory in Oregon • 5 years of circulation 9 out of 10 Hispanic consumers use it! NEW! 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