* (Die IJortbxnb ffibeeruer August 25, 1999 - Ç F ocus 2Z> Page 7 Riverdance - The Show was Riverdance - The Show, the Original International Phenom­ originally conceived as a spectacu enon, is America's favorite. The lar seven-minute intermission en­ tertainment for the 1994 Eurovision internationally-acclaimed celebra tion of Irish music, song and dance Song Contest televised throughout is 1998’s #lVariety/Fam ily Enter­ Europe to an audience of over 300 ta in m en t Show in the U.S. million viewers. Following the suc­ Riverdance - The Show placed cess of that performance, producer first in the top five grossing shows Moya D oherty, com poser Bill for 1998, w ith a tten d an ce of W helan, and d irector John 787,154. Trailing behind the phe­ McColgan, expanded the piece into nomenally successful show are Lord a full length stage production. Riverdance - The Show had its of the Dance, Kings of Comedy, D avid C o p p erfield and The world premiere at the Point The­ Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey atre, Dublin, in February, 1995, Circus. Riverdance - The Show where it opened to unanimous criti­ was also one of the 50 highest cal acclaim. The show made its grossing events of the year, mak­ U.S. debut at Radio City Music ing the list eight times ahead of Hall in March, 1996, where it such superstars as E lton joh n and played eight sold-out performances, and in 1997 won the Grammy Garth Brooks. Composed by Bill Whelan, pro­ Award for “Best Musical Show Al­ duced by Moya Doherty and di­ bum.” To date, over six million rected by Joh n M cC olgan, p eo p le w orld w ide have seen Riverdance - The Show continues Riverdance - The Show live. In to play to sold-out houses all over addition, more than six million the world. The show is presently people have purchased video ver­ sions of the show. booked into the year 2000 and be For information on upcoming yond and will soon play Mexico, Japan, Denmark and Norway. The performances at the Civic Audito­ U.S. tours will continue indefinitely. rium in Portalnd, call 503/241 1407. Photo by Joan Marcus Riverdance is a celebration of Irish music, song and dance, is currently running throughout August until September 5°’ at the Civic Auditorium (SW 3rd and Clay). LDP G r a p h ic D e s ig J i G raphic • n d esig n for t o d a y ’ s g r o w in g bi sime M s . 59<----- n r s h .N • \D I.W IL T S •II.Y IR S 'I J l • BUSINESS SI TS \N D MUCH MORI M em ber vowrwwrw 1 . •t:\M I R \R EA D Y 'R'l A Complete Service Salon With A ... COLOR C O P IE S *^ O np«i 6« BLACK WHfTE " I M m i.n n I .n ir e p r v n e u r » SOUR FREE ESTIMATE. 19W CATALOG AVAILABLE SOON. ltr , DISCOUNT TO AIT. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS M s. L a u r i C h a m b e r s _ ‘? 1° oc r .4 l 1 F O R u r i n h k I h aicrc r. k h*nt r * Emaft Idovca teleport.com - JAY'S MOWER & CHAINSAW S mall E ngine R epair S harpning 8 :3 0 To 5 :3 0 T hru F 328 NG SHAVER ST. PORTLAND OR 97212 9 :3 0 To 3 :0 0 S at