ir*"- -T » f ‘ .• » t • . * . > - • * ' « . •* fi» i*-.» <••» ÌEIje Fortiani» ffibaeruer IM w G E H August 25, 1999 O H H O O D Page 5 S T A ? opm ent • O regon C onvention Center: Land acquisition and developm ent, Broadw ay/W eidler infrastructure to the Expo C enter. T he new area could bring m uch needed revital ization to the area and could help site a proposed 5.6 m ile light rail that w ould be linked to the rest of im provem ents South Park Blocks: New Park B lo ck , H a m ilto n R e p la c e m e n t the M AX system . Other projects that will be funded with tax increment funds in the next H ousing II PSU Urban Plaza ■ Downtown: Multi-family hous­ ing preservation and developm ent, creative services industries center, few years include: • Airport Way: Airport Light Rail, trail developm ent, business devel­ opm ent • Central Eastside: EastbankPark - MLK street im provements • Lower Burnside area redevel­ job developm ent ■ Lents: Public im provem ents (sidew alks, parks, parking, streets), econ om ic and com m ercial d ev el­ opm ent and h ou sin g d evelopm ent River District: H ousing, new parks, new streets and Central City Streetcar transit improvements and retail redevelopm ent. Martha R ichm onds is the Pub lie Affairs M anager at PDC. PDC holds public m eetin gs usually on th e th ird W e d n e sd a y o f ea ch m onth at 3 PM. T hey are located Allen Frem ont Plaza on Fre­ mont, an urban renewal project, offers safe alter­ native housing for seniors. at 1900 SW Fourth A venue, Suite 100. For more infor­ m ation, call 5 0 3 /823-3200. James DePreist, Music Director & Conductor Historical Highlights On MLK Blvd. By Carl Abbott Contributing Writer from PSU’s School of Urban Studies and Planning • T he boulevard was originally nam ed Union Avenue in honor of the unification o f the separate cities o f P ortland, East P ortland, and A lbina into a single city in 1889. T he nam e was chosen in part because the street ran th rou gh East P ortland (now southeast Portland) and A lbina (now north­ east and north Portland). • T h e street was an early focus of settlem ent for G erm a n an d . S c a n d a n a v ia n im m i­ gran ts. T h e n e ig h b o r ­ hoods around the inter­ section o f MLK and Fre­ m ont had the city’s sec­ ond-largest concentration m o v ie h o u se s (a lo n g w ith th e Baghdad, the Hollyw ood, and de­ m olished Oriental). - T he U nion Avenue streetcar line was the longest north-south line in Portland Streetcar riders sup ported the developm ent of clusters of businesses at major intersections such as Russell, Alberta, and Killingsworth. ■ Business on the street de­ clined rapidly in the 1960s, in part because of racial distur­ bances. Business revival be­ gan slowly around 1990 and has accelerated in recent years. A F R IC A N A M E R IC A N M E N ’S C L U B A Non-profit Organization P R E S EN TS 1999-2000 Season Opening Gala Thursday,September 9 at 7:00pm James DePreist, conductor Nadja Salemo-Sonnenberg, violin Weber: Invitation to the Dance Rossini: Overture to La Gazza Ladra Khachaturian: Adagio from Spartacus Strauss: Overture to Die Fledermaus Bruch: Violin Concerto Ravel: Tzigane fYulay tN^bt Out D N of im m igrants in a 1930 study. ■ T he m iddle section of the avenue (R ussell to Alberta) was lined with G erm a n -o w n e d b u s i­ nesses in the early part of the cen tu ry. W eim er’s hardware store (recently closed and reopened un der a new nam e) was the last of these businesses. • T he Egyptian T h e­ ater near the intersection of Russell was one o f four especially fancy eastside Friday, August 27 9 PM - 2 AM E lk ’ s L odge 6 N Tillamook St. • Portland ¿Music by: *DJ ’Papa ‘J u the community...... -for tbe community AND DON’T MISS THESE EVENTS: Sept. 9, noon to 1pm: Meet Nadja at Classical Millennium, 3144 E. Burnside Sept. 10-14: Northwest Film Center (221-1156) presents “Speaking in Strings," the acclaimed documentary of Najda's struggles and achievements.