C o m m itte d to C u ltu ra l D iv e rs ity Bulk Rate Music Song & Dance Riverdance Storms into Blessid Union Debutes Their New CD Featuring The Song ‘I Believe’ U.S. Postage PAID Portland, OR Portland Permit No. 1610 1 niversity o f Oregon Knight Library Newspaper Section (D ie RT graie l or 0 -4 0 3 /S r . THE S > Margaret Carter Announces Candidacy For Oregon Senate REVIE B\ MARK BABINECK © T he A ssociated P ress Interest Rates Rise T h e F e d e ra l R e s e rv e h as raised interest rates by a quarter point. This is the second time this sum m er that the Fed has raised the rate. The intent o f the Fed is to boo st the federal fund rate - the interest banks charge each other on o v ernight loans, and to cool the econom y by m ak­ ing it m ore expensive for A m eri­ cans to borrow . Turkey’s Health Fears H undreds o f aftershocks in Turkey have occurred after the devastating 7.4-m agm tude quake that left 18,000 dead and 200,000 hom eless. The real heath threat stemming from the disaster is poor sanitation, contam inated w ater and the interruption o f routine m edical care, not the presence o f la rg e n u m b e rs o f u n b u rie d corpses. Collision at Sea A c ru ise sh ip , c o n ta in in g m ostly A m ericans, collided with a cargo ship o ff o f E n g lan d ’s s o u th e a st c o a st. A t le a st 20 people w ere slig h tly injured in the collision, and both ships have stayed afloat. The cargo ship, E ver D ecent was on fire and had been taking in w ater. There w ere no details on how the collision occurred. The w eather was not a factor. Photo by M. Woohlngton Margaret Carter I . greeted b , tong time hienda and confidante.. Raleigh Lewis, and Lolita tone, Darb, ormer State Representative M ar garet Carter (D dav August 21 -Portland). i w c n o Satur sea day, August 21. 1999, chose a fest’ive Block Partv in Irvington Neighborhood^ o the s rte 'to announce D 'T istrict 8. h e event was free to the public and Friends, supporters and well-wishers were elated with the announcement and the featured food, music, games for children and public safety information presented by representatives from the Portland Fire and prospects o f M argaret’s future involve- ment in the shaping ot laws that protect the qua.ity-of-.ife issues o f all Oregonians, her candidacy, for the O regon S enate, Police bureaus. Hurricane Bret H urricane Bret hit the south­ ern coast o f Texas and spun to­ ward the Rio G rande. It dumped up to 20 inches o f rain and had top winds o f 140 miles per hour. A uthorities said that there were no know n dead or even anyone su fferin g m ajor in ju ries from Bret. P o w er lines w ere down which left 10.400 people without electricity. Airlines Cut Fares Seven m ajor airlines have cut their fares by 15 to 30 percent. The sale, introduced by UAL C orp’s United Airlines, offers dis­ counts on m ost routes in the U.S. and C anada and applies to flights between Septem ber 7 and Decem­ ber 17. T ickets require a 14-day advance p u rchase, a Saturday night stay and must be bought by Septem ber 3. Portland Schools The first school day for Port­ land public school children will be W ed n esd ay , S ep tem b er 8. Teacher inservice activities will take place in schools on Tuesday, Septem ber 7 with many teachers focusing on the d istric t’s new math m aterials. Bret Down­ graded to Tropical Storm Photo by »1. W M hlngtb" enjoying the festivities, take time out to show their support for the Senate Candidate Margaret Carter. Now you can find us on the world wide web w w w .p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.n e t RIVIERA. Texas - A blustery shadow o f its form er self, H urri­ cane Bret was dow ngraded to a tropical storm as it plodded across a sp arsely p o p ulated sw ath o f southern Texas. The storm, the biggest hurricane to strike Texas in nearly 20 years, continued to drench the region with thunderous squalls, but no injuries had been reported since Bret made landfall about 6 p.m. Sunday in Kenedy County. ‘’It sounded like a big je t en­ gine w as com ing dow n on top o f us. It was very scary ,” Jesse Sali­ nas said in Sarita, the only town in Kenedy County. There was little structural dam ­ age in Sarita, a town o f 460 people, but pow er lines and trees were down, including several large trees around the courthouse square. Up to 25 inches o f rain fell by early today on the coastal plains o f Kenedy County, where the average rainfall for a whole year is 29.7 inches, the National W eather Ser­ vice said Rain tapered o ff there but continued falling elsewhere and there was a chance o f flooding in places plus isolated tornadoes. The King Ranch occupies much o f Kenedy and Kleberg counties. Ranch president Jack Hunt said about 50 people were evacuated before Bert arrived, leaving some 55,000 head o f cattle to fend for themselves. A tornado between Rockport and Aransas Pass destroyed a mobile home and damaged several other b u ild in g s, the A ransas C ounty sh e riffs department reported today. D am age w as su b sta n tia l in Falfurrias, about 60 miles south­ w est o f Corpus C hristi, M ayor M ichael G uerra said. The eye passed over the town of about 5,800 residents, ripping roofs from homes and businesses.U p to 90 percent o f the town had no elec­ tricity, he said. ” We have a lot o f debris and live pow er lines in the roads, and w e 'v e had four convenience stores lose the canopies from their gas pumps. And some o f the less-struc- turally sound buildings have lost roofs and windows, he said. Major damage also was reported in Port M ansfield, about 50 miles north o f Brownsville, especially to mobile homes. Power outages were reported from the s ta te ’s so u th e rn tip near Brownsville and McAllen to the counties surrounding Corpus Christi, said Jessica Mahaffey, spokesw oman for Central Power and Light Co. in Corpus Christi. The company serves much o f South Texas. Three o f the four m ajor pow er lines serving the lower Rio Grande V alley were down because o f the storm , said Jack Colley, assistant director o f the state D ivision o f Em ergency M anagement. Demand was low because so many people had been evacuated, he said, ' but if the fourth line goes dow n then there is a m ajor problem .” Evacuees were allow ed to re- CONTINUED ON PAGE A2