• ». ¿ ¿ ¿ .M t -, Committed to Cultural Diversity \ olumc \ \ l \ , Number 33 August IX, 1999_______________ Mb B MB (Tbr ^ o rtla n h (M srrticr SECTION . , , Camp Rosenbaum ZiT n tn nt u n it o VLka I e it it a r This year, o ver 150 children, aged 9-11, or 29 years, the w eek­ were from the housing authorities o f Port­ long cam p has offered land, S alem , P olk C o u n ty , W ash in g to n O regon’s low Income County, Y am hill County, and Vancouver, H ousing A uthority children W ash. The w eek-long citizenship cam p in­ opportunities to learn good cludes activities such as a daily antidrug citizenship skills and build program , sports, physical fitness, arts and self-esteem at Oregon N a­ leather crafts, and science projects. For many tional G uard’s Cam p Rilea on the Oregon coast. Huckleberry Festival F The C ascade G eographic Society will celebrate its 15,h A nnual Mt. Hood H uckleberry Festival & B arlow Trail D ays, a free, fam ily-oriented Festival. There is no adm ission and parking is free. T he event will be at the Mt. Hood Village (65000 East U.S. H ighw ay 26, near the V illage o f B rightw ood) on A ugust 27, 28 and 29. There will be N ative A m erican storytelling, music, and m uch more! dip in the ocean, cam ping out overnight, or making friends with an adult who listens and understands. For years. Cam p Rosenbaum has been supported by generous donations from NIKE, Inc., M uir & M cD onald Leather Com pany, the PPB G REA T program , O regon N ational G uard’s C am p Rile, and fund raising by HAP o m n ln v p p c Oregon Peace Institute The Oregon Peace Institute will offer a workshop on “ U nderstanding the Sources o f Conflict" on Thursday, A u­ gust 26 from 6:30-9 PM, at the First United M ethodist Church in Room 134, 1838 SW Jefferson St. in Portland. Please register in advance by calling 503/725- 8292. A $10 donation would be appre­ ciated. Ancient Forest Picnic Join O N R C friends and families for a day o f guided ancient forest hikes, gam es, sw im m ing, music and fabu­ lous vegetarian bar-b-que. I.eam about the O regon W ild cam paign to protect w ilderness in O regon on Sunday, A u­ gust 22 from 11 AM - 5 PM. The cost is $5 for adults, $3 for kids 8-18. This will get you the entire d ay ’s activities and all-you-can-eat. For m ore infor­ mation or directions, contact Catherine at 503-283-6343 e x t.2 11 or visit their w ebsite page at ctfr* onrc.org. Romeo and Juliet Portland A ctors Ensem ble presents their 3O'h A nnual Shakespeare-In-The- Parks production: R om eo and Juliet. This production prom ises to be the best in Portland. D o n ’t m iss the op­ portunity to bring a picnic and join us for an afternoon o f exceptional live theatre! Call our Events Line at 321- 0710 for m ore inform ation or visit our website at w w w .portlandactors.org for location m aps, cast list, and other info. Insights Teen Parent Program All are invited to attend the Family A -Faire on Sunday, A ugust 22, from 11AM to 4 PM. to celebrate 20 years o f service to fam ilies in the Portland area by the Insights Teen Parent Pro­ gram. T he event w ill be held in C olo­ nel Sum m ers Park, located at SE 2O'h and Belm ont. A picnic and BBQ will be served from noon to 2 PM. There will be live m usic. B allet Folklorico de W oodburn, henna Tattoo artists, a piñata m aker, carnival booths and m uch more. 4“ Annual Menagerie Project C om e one! C om e all! Com e on down! The Really BIG Dance C om ­ pany presents the 4 lh A nnual M enag­ erie Project (or M enagerie Q uatrc for all you fancy folks) A ugust 2 6 ,2 7 ,2 8 and S eptem ber 2,3, and 4 at 8 PM at C onduit Studio, 918 SW Y am hill. 4'h floor. In years past, y o u ’ve w itnessed dueling belly dancers, w ild animal re­ vues, as w ell as “really big" dancing fru it.. .Tap dancers, pranksters, song­ stresses, and som e really bad- (oops!) m ake that R eally BIG magic! Call 503/236-9843. Homowo Festival The H om ow o (pronounced home- oh-wah) Festival o f African Arts, a traditional G hanaian festival o f w el­ com e and thanksgiving. The tenth an­ nual event, hosted by w orld-renow ned percussionist O bo Addy, features an exciting mix o f A frican music, dance, pageantry, crafts and dem onstrations that blends tradition and fun. It will be held on Saturday, August 21 and Sun­ day, A ugust 22 at the South Park Blocks at Portland State University. The event is free, although a $3 donation for adults is encouraged. For m ore info., call 503/ 288-3025 or visit w w w .hom ow o.org. SI H M IS S K ) \ S : ( i ii u iin iiiili ( . i I v i k L ii in tin iti. itiin i « i ll be g i'e n pi ini i l l il ( la lc d I n n i i i 'i k i h e lm e till' l ' \ i n i (b ill'. Officer Cliff Madison of the City of Portland’s School Police, entertains a Camp Rosenbaum Camper. iarnn Rosenbaum campers enjoying the day by making castles in tne sana. Trojan Reactor Makes Successful Voyage to Burial Site fter years o f careful planning, Port land G eneral Electric (PG E) has sue cess fully transported nuclear reactor vessel to the U.S. Ecology low-level disposal site near Richland, Wash. The steel vessel measuring 17 feet in diameter and42 feet in length and weighing two million pounds as packaged for transport began its journey aboard a specially designed barge from PG E 's Trojan Nuclear Plant in Rainier, Ore., on Friday, Au­ gust 6, at 9:20p.m . and arrived at its final resting place near midnight on Sunday, August 8. “All aspects o f the shipment went very smoothly and according to plan," said Steve Nicholas, project manager. “We evaluate sev­ eral options for decommissioning the reactor vessel and determined that shipping it in one piece by barge was the safest approach for em ­ ployees, the public and th e e n v iro n m e n t. “W e ’re very pleased with the result” Nichols added that P G E 's suc­ cessful shipment offour steam generators and a pressurizer in 1995 us­ ing the same method gave them additional confidence. The reactor vessel package, classified as ClassC low-level waste, was prepared by filing it with 200 tons o f low- density cellular concrete an d w e ld in g ste el shields around the sides. The transporter c ar- ried the vessel from the p la n t to th e T ro jan barge slip onto the 240- foot long, 55-foot wide A barge capable o f m aking ocean-going voy­ ages. Escorted by the U.S. Coast G uard and m onitored by Trojan personnel, the barge was pushed up the Colum bia River by two waste tugboats (one served as a backup) 270 miles to the Port o f Benton, near Richland, Wash From there, the entire package was m oved by truck 20 miles to the U.S. Ecology disposal site for inspection by the W ashington De­ partm ent o f Health and is now being pre­ pared for burial. The reactor was placed in a 45-foot deep trench Tuesday, Aug. 10, and w ill be covered with earth on Aug. 19. “There was several factors that played a role in determ ining when w e could actually send the reactor on its w ay," N icholas ex­ plained. “W e had to m ake sure that river conditions, w eather and other river traffic schedules met our criteria for m aking a safe shipm ent o f the Trojan reactor. W ith a little cooperation from the w eather and the exper­ tise o f our Trojan staff, the reactor was safely delivered as planned." Now that the reactor vessel is decom m is­ sioned, PGE will continue other decommis­ sioning projects as the plant through the end o f 2002 with the same high standards o f safety and en v iro n m en tal stew ardship. T hose projects include moving spent fuel to an above ground dry storage facility, equipment re­ moval, em bedded pipe surface decontamina­ tion, and final site radiological survey. PGE has offered to donate the non-industrial areas o f the Trojan site as an Oregon State Park. Cletus Moore Assumes CFO Post at Warner Pacific With bread expenence in finance and management Cletus B. Moore, Jr. has become Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs at Warner Pacific Col­ lege, according to an announcement by Dr. Jay A. Barber. Jr. president “I c a n ’t imagine a better match for this p o sitio n at Warner Pacific College," Bar­ ber went on to observe. “Cletus comes with solid skills and experience in the operations he will be directing for us. In addition he models sincere interest involvement and dedication to the community that I believe is very important.” Moore served as the ChiefFinancial Officer and Interim C E O ofthe Portland Uiban League in the early 1990's and most recently as the Director o f C ampus Operatious at Western States Chiroprac­ tic College. He also served as Commit­ tee Administrator for the House Rules, Elections, and Public Affairs Commit­ tee during the recently completed 70* Oregon State Legislative Session. Moore holds a Master o f Science in Business Administration from George Fox Univereity, where the topic o f his thesis was, "Success Through Team Building’’. He earned his bachelors degree in management form Woodbury University in Los Angeles, California. Active in the Community, Moore has been member o f the Oregon Speaker o f the House Council on Youth Drag, Al­ cohol & Tobacco Use, the Governor’s Commission on Senior Services, the Advisory Board, Housing Authority o f Portland, and External Review Panel, Senior Division. A ctiv e in th e co m m u n ity , M oore se rv e s on n u m ero u s C o m m u n ity A d v iso ry B oards. I - m * ;A , I-**' ■ M l . 1 1 ■ ■