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Business Manager Copy Editor Mark Washington Heather Fairchild Distribution Manager Graphic Designer Tony W ashington Director o f Advertising Contributing Writer: Richard Luccetti 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. • Portland, Oregon 97211 583-288-0033 • Fax 503-288-0015 Email: PdxobservtaaoLcom DEADLINE FOR ALL SUBMITTED MATERIALS: Articles:Friday, 5:00 pm Ads: Monday, Noon POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes To: Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. Periodicals postage paid at Portland, Oregon. Subscriptions: $60.00 per year D ie Portland O baerver w e lc o m e s freelance submrerions. M a n u scn p e and photographs should be clearly labeled a n d w ill be rew rned if accom panied by aaeK addreased env elo p e AU crealed d esign display ads b e c o m e the so le property o f the n e * ¡¡paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the written c o n a e n to f the general m anager, unless the client ba« purchased the com position o f such I have seen evil in my life and 1 ha ve alw ays been aw are o f its p re s­ en ce w hen 1 w as n ear it. I could feel evil in the air w hen 1 trav eled to ap arth eid South A frica in the 1980’s. It w as p alp ab le, like static elec tricity in the air and I w as alw ays co n scio u s o f the b attle b e­ tw een good and evil w hich w as going on around me. 1 saw evil again a few w eeks ago in a little tow n in southern Illinois. I saw it in the eyes o f the lead er o f the W orld C hurch o f the C rea to r, a C h ristian identity, w hite su p rem a­ cist group w hich claim s B enjam in S m ith, the m an w hose shooting ram page ended in the w ounding an d death s o f b lack s, orth o d o x Jew s and A sian A m erican s in Illi­ n o is and Indiana. It w as to that sam e church that tw o C alifo rn ia b ro th ers belonged and w ho have been charg ed in the m u rd er o f a gay couple and w ho are th o u g h t to be b ehind the b u rnings o f three sy nagogues in S acram ento. N ow , these hate crim es seem to b e e s c a la tin g a n d l i t t l e p r e ­ sch o o lers at a Los A ngeles Jew ish co m m unity cen ter program h av e been shot it seem s by an o th er w hite suprem acist from a d ifferen t group o f hate m ongers. D esp ite the fact that w e no lo n g e r read ab o u t them in n ew sp ap er h ea d lin e s or see the reports on C N N , A frican A m eri­ can and m u lti-ra c ia l ch u rch es are still b u rn in g , som e even on the sam e F o u rth o f Ju ly w eek -en d where B en jam in S m ith carried out his killing sp ree, w h ile the rest o f the nation c e le b ra te d o u r in d ep en ­ dence. We are still n o t free from the hate it seem s. A nd so the q u estio n m ust com e - how m any p eo p le have to be m urdered, how m any ch ild ren and innocents sh o t, how m any Jam es Byrds or M atthew S h ep ard s have to be k illed in o rd er for o u r C o n ­ gress to act to ex p an d the federal hate crim es le g isla tio n ? The p ro p o sed leg islatio n has been languishing in the halls o f C ongress for m onths and w as fi­ nally passed by the S enate in late July. The H ate C rim es Prevention A ct o f 1999 w as inco rp o rated into the C om m erce, S tate, Ju stice A p­ propriations bill. T his m odest leg­ islation w ill elim in ate the highly r e s tric tiv e c irc u m s ta n c e u n d e r w hich crim es based on race, n a­ York. N Y , and 7tie W e « C o m Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and V aneouver SUBSCRIBE TO (The Portland ®bBeruer T he P ortland O bserver can be sent directly to your home for only $60.00 per year. Please fill out, enclose check or money order, and mail to: S ubscriptions T he P ortland O bserver ; PO B ox 3137 P ortland , O regon 97208 Name: Address: City, State: Zip-Code: T hank Y ou F or R eading T he P ortland O bserver O C T O R W a r n s More Shootings To Come Say Treatable “ Biological Unhappiness" Causing Problems Teenagers shooting classmates. Employees killing coworkers. Suicides accounting for more deaths that murder. Mental health costing $200 billion a year in the US alone. “Unless we do something about the causes behind these problems, they'll continue and even escalate,” says Dr. Leland Heller, a Florida family physician, mental health expert, and author o f the new book, “Biological Unhappiness” (Dyslimbia press, 1999). The irony, says Dr. Heller, is that virtually all o f die problems are biologi­ cally based and treatable. “There are common neurological p roblem s b eh in d m o st o f these shootings," explains Dr. Heller. “And these problems are treatable with the right combination o f medica­ tion and counseling. Making all the diagnoses and treating them compre­ hensively is crucial, but rarely done.” Dr. Heller has a free screening test to find out if a person has one or more neurological disorders leading to un- As we leam more about Buford Oneal Furrow, the man who reportedly opened fire on children at a Jewish daycare center in Los Angeles, we experience a sick sense o f d6j8 vu. Once again, prejudice - this time against the Jewish community has turned violent Sanford Cloud, Jr , national President and CEO o f The National Conference for Com­ munity and Justice, had the following reaction to the pattern o f hate cranes seen in recent months “This pattern leaves us with choices W e can be silent, but we know that is wrong. Wecancondemnthehatecnmes. but we know that is not enough Wecan support comprehensive national and y*-» »,•« » • • » !►»» - • happiness, substance abuse, violence, or even su icid e at http // www.biologicalunhappiness .com. The test helps determine if someone has any o f a variety o f disorders, from Attention Deficit Disorder or Bipola Disorder, to Borderline Personality Dis­ order or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A recenlstudy conducted by the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and Harvard University, reveal that men­ tal illness, including suicide, accounts for over 15% o f the burden of disease in established market economies, such as the United States. This is more than the disease burden caused by all cancers. “If we catch the problems now, we can help stop more shootings,” says Dr. Heller. “No one has to suffer, or die.” Dr. Heller has answered a thousand "ask the doctor” questions for a website on the borderline personality disorder. You can email a question to him at the “Borderline Personality Disorder S a n c tu a ry ” at: < h ttp :// www -patty> state hate crime legislation.. .but that is not the complete answer. We must actively participate in the solution, come to know one another and leam how to work better together, and make our communities more inclusive for all." And we must do that in Oregon. It is Qmewecameoutofourcommunitiesof isolation and stood together in the effort to build a community where we all understand that a hate crime committed against any group is a crime committed against all humanity and only serves to deteriorate the very fiber this country was built upon. Nurofla Doum/tt I, NCCJ lead er o f the W orld C h u rch o f the C reato r, d ressed up an d w ent on m o rning talk show s w ith the ap ­ p ea ra n c e o f b ein g u n ju stly a c ­ cused, and claim ing that B enjam in S m ith had no lo n g er been asso ci­ ated w ith his group, w hen only w eeks b efo re he had g iven Ben S m ith his g ro u p ’s h ig h est p rize a n d m a d e h im h is a s s is ta n t. T o d a y ’s hate groups not only re ­ cruit in b eer jo in ts and back w oods, but th ey use the in tern et and look for lo n ely young m en on college cam puses. So o u r n a tio n ’s w ork ag ain st hate crim es m ust b eg in w ith law e n f o r c e m e n t a n d e n d in o u r sch o o ls, o u r co m m u n ities and our hom es. W e m ust w ork h ard to end the h ate, to stop the scap e-g o atin g and b lam in g o f o th ers in a v ariety o f w ays. E nding the hate m ust be a p rio rity for us all and w e can begin by le ttin g o u r co n g re ssp e rso n s know w here w e stan d on the H ate C rim es P rev en tio n A ct. (N o te : y o u c a n w rite y o u r co n g ressp erso n at U n ited S tates H ouse o f R ep resen tativ es, W ash ­ ington, DC 20515 o r call (202) 2 2 4 -3 1 2 1 ) The Slow And Silent Disaster ad. © 1996 TH E P O R T L A N D O B SE R V E R . A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D , R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T W I T H O U T P E R M J S S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D . ThrPotdanilO beerver-O regonsO U est Multicultural PoM ieanon-iiam em ber o fthe NaaonalNewspaper Asaociaboo-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Reptwrtuaiiye Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New tional origin or religion can be pro s­ ecuted and extend the coverage to in d iv i d u a ls w ith d i s a b i l i t i e s , w om en and gays and lesbians. N ow it is up to the H ouse o f R ep resen ta­ tives to pass this im portant leg isla­ tion w hich is now before the H ouse Ju d iciary C om m ittee. C lea rly , to u g h en in g the law s w ill not legislate hate crim es aw ay, b ut it w ill at least send a m essag e that th ese crim es w ill not be to le r­ ated and that w e as a n atio n w ill use every tool to elim in a te them . B ut our w o rk ca n n o t stop there. H ate groups are found in every region in this nation. T oo often w e w rite them o f f as a few kooks or p reten d that they d o n ’t exist. T oo often the actions o f young m en w ho are on the fringes o f these groups - cro ss-b u rn in g s, sp ray painting, h a­ rassin g o f people o f co lo r in their com m unities - are excused as “boys b eing bo y s” or as kids w ho had a few too m any beers. B ut m ore and m ore h ate g roups are tak in g on new clo th es o f re ­ sp e cta b ility . D avid D uke, o n ce a K.KK g ran d d rag o n , has run for p u b lic o ffice an d co v ered up som e o f his o ld rh eto ric. M att H ale, the B y A griculture S ecretary D an G lickman Despite its devastating effects, drought doesn’t get the attention it w arrants because, unlike hurricanes, tornados or floods, it is the kind o f disaster that has to be around for aw hile before anyone feels its ef­ fects. The fact is, year in and year out, drought causes many more prob­ lems for A m erican agriculture than the natural disasters we hear about more often. Drought sneaks up on you. A long dry spell can happen alm ost any­ where in the nations, but you never know specifically where or when it will hit. But every year there is drought somewhere. Last year it was the southwest - New M exico, A ri­ zona, Texas and Oklahoma. This year it’s the mid-Atlantic, northeast and some areas in the northwest. The mid-Atlantic region is experiencing the worst drought since the 1930s, and there is no end in sight. The droughts o f the past two years are making a bad situation worse. They are com pounding and already tough situation for farmers w ho are experiencing historically low com ­ m odity prices for row crops. In this decade alone, U SD A had paid out $3.4 billion in crop in su r­ ance benefits due to drought, co m ­ pared to $268 m illion for corps dam aged by floods. U SD A is p ro ­ v id in g so m e e m e rg e n c y r e li e f through low cost loans. A nd w e are p r o v id in g c o s t- s h a r e b e n e f its through our E m ergency C o n serv a­ tion and E m ergency W atersh ed P rogram s, to help w ith w ater needs such as installing pipes, drilling new or deepening ex istin g w ells, supplying em ergency w ater for ex ­ isting irrigations system s, and more. But, most importantly, this Ad­ m inistration is working very hard with Congress to m ake sure farmers and ranchers receive sufficient em er­ gency assistance to help them get through the present crisis. In doing so, we need to heed the lesson w e are being taught by repeated disasters - be prepared. In addition to helping farm ers to be b etter prepared for em ergencies like drought, we m ust also provide aid for fam ily operations to help them cope w ith adverse conditions beyond their control. Rem oving the cap on loan rates, expanding and im proving crop insurance and en ­ larging the C onservation R eserve Program are the kinds o f actions w hich will give farmers greater flex­ ibility. I also w ant to see a new farm bill that w ill grant m ore em er­ gency authorities for the S ecretary o f A griculture - for exam ple, ex ­ tending com m odity loans, helping to provide on-farm storage, tncreas- ing food aid d o n atio n s, aid d ona­ tio n s, o r p ro v id in g a d e q u a te ly funded liv esto ck feed assistance. L ast m o n th , I o p en ed th e first m eeting o f the N atio n al C o m m is­ sion on D ro u g h t, w hich w ill rep o rt back to the P resid en t w ith a co m ­ preh en siv e p lan on how to p rep are for drought. Som e o f the issues the co m m is­ sion will review include co o rd in at­ ing drought m anagem ent through a single governm ent agency, enhanc­ ing crop insurance, a rapid response style program to p rovide im m edi­ ate re lie f in em ergencies, d ev elo p ­ ing b etter preparedness, w ater co n ­ servation program s, and m ore tech ­ nical assistan ce that w ill help farm ­ ers w ith stand drought, for exam ple, b etter irrigation techniques or ro ta­ tional grazing. I also want to see better coordina­ tion betw een federal, state, local and tribal officials. W e m ust recognize that m anag­ ing o u r w ater resources is not ju st an ag ricu ltu ral issue. It is so m e­ thing urban, suburban and rural com m unities all have a stake in. So as w e act qu ick ly to help farm ers and ranchers now - and I believe that the A dm inistration and C o n ­ gress w ill do so - at the sam e tim e, w e m ust leam from this experience and act for the long-term . 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