# i a Page 8 August 18, 1999 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^JP q CUS Cardani» ©beerbet- L ocal A r tis t R evu e STRAIGHT SHOOTING Photo Project P ortland, O r - Straight Shoot ing ’99, the youth photo project that puts cameras into the hands of at risk youth, is in full swing at sites throughout the state, giving youth an opportunity to learn about photography and docum ent their lives through pictures. Designed to create public aware ness around the underlying issues fac ing at-risk and gang affected youth, Straight Shooting provides a positive and supportive learning environment in which youth can present their view of life in a non violent way. The pro gram also provides the community with insight into the lives of youth from throughout Oregon by the stun ning photos that result. S traight Shooting is currently in its 8th year of pairing at risk youth with professional photogra phers to learn the basics of pho­ tography and to apply those skills in ca p tu rin g the w orld aro u n d them . T hirty five O regon youth w orking from five sites, including Tri-C ounty, Hood River, M alheur, Salem and Y am hill are involved in the p ro g ram for 12 weeks, de veloping h u n d red s of rolls of film and logging num erous hours spent “shooting" w ith th eir cam eras, ei­ ther with th eir m entor, “on loca­ tio n ” in group field trip s, or on th e ir ow n.T heir photography of­ ten involves th eir friends and fam ily. A form er S traig h t Shooting youth serving as program assis­ ta n t at the P o rtlan d location, one m e n to r v isitin g fro m C o lim a , M exico, and a Spanish speaking youth are exam ples of a few of the “new ” stories of the p rogram this year. Also, this is the first tim e th a t S traight S hooting has been held d u r­ ing the summ er. T h e p h o to s from th is sum m er’s program will be dis played the month of October at the Oregon Council for His- panic A dvancem ent (OCHA) in Portland’s Pearl District. The First Thursday opening is scheduled for October 7 '\ 5.30 PM - 9 PM Sale! Sale! Sale! 10” ‘Two'Tone Disco Tarrings ‘Weaving 'Hair 99e (Motions 4 A p p lic a tio n ‘No^Lye'Relaxers $1 0 99 Tree Traids $095 Oster adjustable Clippers 52595 £Mrs. C’s p