Page A2 (Tin- |lnrtlauì< ©hevnu’r August 18, 1999 P O L IC E N E W S Gresham Hears News of Neighbor A 39-year-old convicted rapist who has been out o f ja il for one m onth has been the topic o f con­ versation this week in Gresham . Six M ultnomah County parole and probation officers have gone door to door alerting neighbors o f K en­ neth N eal about the m an ’s b ack ­ ground. Police say Neal met two women in a bar, offered to give them a ride home, kidnapped them and held them at knifepoint. One woman got away and he sexually assaulted the other. Neal is taking anger m anagem ent classes as part o f his rehabilitation. Cops Fingered In OT Scam Thirty Portland police officers were allegedly involved in an over­ time pay scam at Central Precinct. Interim C h ief Lenae Berg says $165,000 was paid to officers for bogus overtime during drug missions in Portland’s Old Town district. Now that the Portland Police Bureau adm inistration review is com plete, the M ultnomah County D istrict A ttorney’s O ffice desires to further review the case. The Portland Police Bureau has and w ill continue to provide any and all information and documents that the M ultnom ah County D istricts A ttorney’s office requests. Cops Lose Disorderly Conduct Case A M ultnom ah C ounty judge says Portland Police used a disor­ derly conduct statute that was un­ constitutional when trying to con­ trol a dem onstration last D ecem ­ ber. Protesters rallied in dow n­ tow n P o rtlan d w hen the U.S. bom bing o f Iraq began. The judge says the crackdow n was illegal and, as a result, eight disorderly conduct cases against the protest­ ers have been dropped. Cash Award for Hit and Run Info A Washington ConstructionCom- pany is offering one-thousand dol­ lars for information regarding a hit- and-run accident last month that killed one o f its workers. The offer comes from Westline Construction inOlym- pia, which wants to find the person driving a white Ford Bronco that hit 29-year-old Tith Mao as he worked on Interstate-Five near Tualitan. d eath s o f tw o G resham girls. T hirty-tw o-year-old Todd Alan Reed was questioned, but never arrested by police in those cases. On Monday, August 9, 1999, Nelson J. Gani, 15 years old, was arrested for the July 22nd homicide of 16 year old Ram Singh. Nelson Gam was arrested at Marshall High School where he was attending summer school. NelsonGanihasbeencharged with 1 count of Murder, 1 count of Conspiracy to Commit murder and is lodged at JDH. Nelson Gam is a southeast Portland resident and has no criminal record. Evidence taken from the scene is b e in g e x a m in e d fo r D -N -A m atches. The Gresham girls were also strangled. Slaying May Be Gang-Related M ore inform ation is coming out on the man who was shot to death Friday morning in Northeast Portland. Police found him dead at N orth­ east M allory and Failing streets and identified him as 22-year-old M ichael Hernandez, who had just ing ow ners thousands o f dollars in clean-up costs. W here public property is defaced, that cost is ultim ately paid for by taxpayers. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1000 for inform a­ tion, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime; you can remain anonymous. Call Crime Stonners (503) 823-HF.LP. Murder Suspect Arrested Forest Park Suspect May Have Killed More Police now think the man they suspect o f killing three women by strangulation in Portland s Forest Park was involved in the 1987 The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crim e Stoppers is asking for your help in identify­ ing and apprehending two indi­ viduals who are currently vandal­ izing buildings, bridge supports, and other structures with spray painted graffiti. To date, the indi­ v id u a ls w ho u se th e le tte r s “ B T O E ” and “ S E N IK ” have d e­ faced p ro p e rty in N o rth w e st, Southwest, and low er Southeast Portland. The vandalism , in addition to being an eyesore, can cost build- recently been released from prison. Police are investigating the possi­ bility that the shooting may have been gang-related. Homicide in SE Portland On M onday, A ugust 9, 1999, the body o f a 61-year-old male was found inside the residence located at 3 5 9 2 '/ j SE H arrison. A friend who had not heard from the victim in several w eeks discov­ ered the body. Due to the decom ­ position o f the victim and length o f tim e involved, the cause o f death was not immediately known. The autopsy determ ined that the cause o f death was a gunshot w ound to the head. The victim has been identified as 61 year old David Bolles. D etectives are asking anyone w ith inform ation to call D etec­ tive D ivision at 823-0400. D e­ te c tiv e S e rg e a n t S h ir le y M cL aughlin, D etective Sergeant Jon Rhodes and D etectives Ser­ geant Bill Mac D onald are a s­ signed the investigation. Suspect Wanted In Tennessee Arrested in Portland On Thursday, August 12, 1999, at approxim ately 10:00 AM. two officers from Southeast Precinct contacted a male subject on the east bank o f the W illam ette River just south o f the Steel Bridge. O fficers spoke with the male, who was identified as 37 year old Elton Travis W ager who had two out­ standing warrants from Tennessee for two unrelated homicides, which occurred in June o f 1999 Check out our Elton W ager attem pted to es­ cape from officers and fought when they took him into custody. Elton W a g e r w as lo d g e d at the M ultnomah County Jail. ^ortlanb ©becruer Web-Site! (Ohscrnhuj Clean Water Task Force Presents Draft Funding Recommendation Vancouver, WA - Clark County is conducting a second series o f pub­ lic gatherings to get feedback on a funding structure to pay additional county stormwater services. The public gatherings will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on: Monday, August 23 Camas Community Center (ball­ room), 718 SE 7,h Ave., Camas. Tuesday, August 24 Alki Middle School (commons are a ), 1800 NW B liss Rd., Vancouver. Wednesday, August 25 Hockinson Middle School (com­ mon area). 15916 NE 182nd Ave., Hockinson Thursday, August 26 La Center High School (commons area), 725 Highland Rd., La Center Tuesday, August 31 Prairie High School (commons area), 11500 NE 117,h Ave., Brush Prairie This round o f public gatherings will focus on the draft funding recom m endation developed by a citizen's Clean W ater Funding task force. The task force is leaning toward a recommendation in which the storm w ater charge is based on a com bination o f land use and the amount o f im pervious surface, us­ ing a typical single-fam ily house as a base unit. The funding structure would differentiate between single-fam ­ ily homes on small and large lots, Attempted Abduction On A ugust 4,1999, a black male suspect assaulted and attempted to abduct a W ashington State Fish & Game em ployee w hile she was working at Chinook Landing in Eastern M ultnomah County. The victim successfully fought o ff her attacker, causing him multiple lac­ erations to his eyes. The suspect fled the scene by stealing the v ictim 's Government vehicle. Suspect description; Black male, late 20s to 30 years old, approxim ately 5 ’5" - 5 ’ 10” tall, thin build, having short black hair, a thin face w ith dark skin, w earin g a flu o re sc e n t o ran g e (highway worker style) tee-shirt, a red or m aroon colored vest and dark pants. Suspect last seen bleeding profusely from both eyes as a result o f injuries sustained from victim. Suspect last seen driving a sto­ len Government white 1998 Ford van bearing Government License Plate G4366706. Vehicle had no markings other than a “Government Fleet Sticker" in rear window. Unknown direction o f travel. Sus­ pect is believed to be in possession o f two fish fillet style knives Persons with information should contact Deputy Mike Gates, tele­ phone number (503) 251-2471. m ulti-fam ily units, and com m er­ cial and industrial developm ent. There would be no charge for un­ developed land. In addition, the draft recom ­ m endation would offer opportuni­ ties for schools to provide speci fie service and use Best M anagement P ra c tic e s in lie u o f p a y in g storm w ater fees. More Info on Vancouver Homicide On Tuesday, August 10, 1999, at approxim ately 3:15 a m., offic­ ers from C en tral P recin ct re ­ sponded to a call o f a man running naked in the area o f SW 10,h Ave and Salmon St. O fficers contacted the subject, a 29 year old male, at SW Park Ave. and Salmon St. af­ ter a short foot pursuit. O fficers observed blood on the individual he indicated to the officers that there was a deceased person in­ side a residence in V ancouver, W ashington. O fficers then called the Vancouver Police D epartm ent who checked the address at 9513 NE 9th Ave., and discovered a ho­ m icide had occurred. Any additional questions re­ garding this investigation should be directed to S ergeant K ing. Vancouver Police Department, and (360) 397-2211 ext. 4713. *!**>**• • * ♦ • « • • • • •