Page 2 August 18, 1999 Teaching Mrs. Tingle Focus A (Tlie Jjjprtlanh ffibevruer Focus From Kevin W illiam son, the writer o f years has terrorized the stu d en ts o f w ho play s by her own set o f rules and who their fates in to their ow n hands, on ly to “D awson's C reek” and “Scream," com es G ra n d sb o ro H igh . N o w three b est gets a nasty thrill out of flunking even the w atch them veer w ildly out o f control. a new movie; O K a wicked movie... frien d s, falsely accu sed o f ch eatin g and very best students. W e’ve all b een face-to- 'Treachery m eets hilarity as the stu­ A ll her life L eigh A n n W atson (Katie in com p letely over their h ead s, have to face with an invincible Mrs. Tingle at one d en ts tu m the tables o n their torturous H olm es) has d o n e the right thing. N ow p rove their in n o cen ce an d find a way tim e or another. But no on e has ever teach er, h o p in g to finagle her into fair ^ o rik u tb in her senior year o f h igh sch ool, her out o f an im p ossib le situ ation . The real found a way to fight back, and still gradu­ n ess but in stead to u ch in g off a series o f on ly ticket out o f tow n is the on e schol­ fun b egin s w h en , to stay in the gam e, ate with honors...until now. hilariou s hairpin turns and com ic m is (©baeriier arship that g o e s to her sch o o l’s top they h ave to ou tsm art their teacher student. A ll sh e n eed s is an “A" in w ith the very rules sh e created. SU P l‘ L E M KN T O F history. T h e r e ’s just o n e problem : Mrs. Tingle, the history teacher w h o for 20 W ith T E A C H IN G M RS. T IN G L E , adventures. A s a cat-and-m ouse gam e K evin W illia m so n brings forth a hip, b etw een students and teacher unfolds, Mrs. Tingle is an age-old nightmare. energetic and w ickedly smart film about o n e thin g is clear: the on ly way to beat She’s the teacher w h o refuses to be pleased. three best frien d s w h o attem pt to take Mrs. T in g le is to outsm art her. Publisher Chuck Washington W * V- \ V tsr a invites you and a guest to any showing of Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. “Teaching Mrs. Tingle” Director o f Advertising Tony Washington compliments of the Portland Observer and Union Avenue Glass. Copy Editor Joy Ramos Tickets and posters are free at the Portland Observer at 4747 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. GET THEM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. Creative Director Heather Fairchild THREE STUDENTS ARE ABOUT TO GET EVEN 02354669 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-2884)033 Fax 503-2880015 e-mail: news@ D e a d lin e s fo r s u b m itte d m a te ria l: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs can be returned if ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Photo By Bruce Birmelin Helen Mirren and Katie Holmes in Kevin Williamson's TEACH­ ING MRS. TINGLE.__________________________________ H a p p y B ir t h d a y O mar All created display ads become the sole property of the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ sent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. F rom Y o ur L o v in g F a m il y * Tke Portland n b w v e r TEACHING MRS.TINGLE S tay S t r o n g STARTS FRIDAY AUGUST 20™ IN THEATRES EVERYWHERE!