Page B4 (Flj/jlortlnuì» ©beemer August 18,1999 Metro East Portland Interfaith Hospitality Network Preparing For the New Millennium is S 10 Rose City Park United Meth­ odist Church is located at 5830 N.E. Alameda. The building is handicapped accessible by eleva­ tor and located on Tri-M et bus lines #71. Please call the church office, 281-1229 for more infor­ m ation, or Betty Doss, 281-9030. W ell-know n pianist M ichael A llen Harrison will present a ben­ efit concert on Septem ber 24,8:00 p.m. at Rose C ity Park United M ethodist Church The concert is a benefit for the M etro East Portland Interfaith H ospitality Network (M EPIHN), a community group com posed of congregations from various spiri­ tual traditions and other service organizations that respond to the needs o f homeless fam ilies in the Metro East Portland area by pro­ viding temporary shelter and sup­ port as they look for housing and employment. About five times a year for one week periods church congregations provide overnight lodging, m eals, and hospitality from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Dur­ ing the day, a local day center is used to provide show er facilities, care for pre-school children, and provide guests with a m ailing ad­ dress and home base from which to conduct their housing search. 70% o f all families who work with MEPIHN eventually find housing and/or better em ploym ent oppor­ tunities. Tickets will be available at the office o f each involved party and advanced purchases are re­ quired. as seating is limited. Cost Host C h u rc h e s ^ ^ Ascension Catholic Church • Faith United Methodist Church • Gethsemane Lutheran Church • Our Savior Lutheran Church • Parkrose Community United Church o f Christ • Pleasant The Mighty Clouds of Joy are preparing for the new millennium in the studio with producer, Fred Hammond. It Was You, their first CGI/Platlnum entertainment album Is scheduled for an October release. (From left to right: Michael McCowIn, Ron Staples, and Richard Wallace of the Mighty Clouds of Joy: Fred Hammond: Joe Ligon, and Michael Cook of Mighty Clouds of Joy Home United Methodist Church • Host Churches Resurrection Lutheran Church • Rose City Ascension Catholic Church • Faith United Methodist Church • Gethsemane Lutheran Church Park United Church o f Christ • Our Savior Lutheran Church Waverly Heights United Parkrose Community United Church o f Christ Pleasant Home United Methodist Church Church o f Christ • Wh atridg" Foundation • Rose City Park United Church o f Christ • Zion United Church o f Christ Wheatridge Foundation • • • Resurrection Lutheran Church Waverly Heights United Church o f Christ Zion United Church o f Christ Mentors School Mothers in Basics of Parenting As kids head back to school this fall, som e mothers w ill need extra help outside the classroom to learn the basics o f parenting. F or a woman who has had little o p p o rtu n ity to learn parenting skills from her own parents and has experienced addiction, d o ­ m e s tic v io le n c e , p o v e rty o r hom elessness, a personal guide to help her catch up on the basics o f leading a family is invaluable. V olunteer m entors at Ecum enical M in istries o f O reg o n ’s Parent M entor Program help m others learn parenting attitudes and skills they m issed w hen they were grow ­ ing up. N ow beginning its third year, the program has provided m en­ tors to about 80 women with re­ sponsibility for about 160 chil­ dren. M entors help m others de­ velop control over their own lives and the lives o f their children th riu g h visits, w alks, heart-to- heart talks and other activities. A m entor designs activities to fit the individual p aren t’s needs. The m entor m ight show the m other how to organize a cupboard or a 0 not lim ited to p aren tin g skills. A fam ily also needs basic o p p o rtu ­ n ities and services in clu d in g af­ f o r d a b le h o u s in g , f o llo w -u p counseling after treatm ent for ad­ dictio n and high q u a lity adult edu catio n and child care. M en­ tors often express dism ay that the inadequacy o f such services for po o r m others saps th e ir en ­ ergy for raising children. By sup­ p o rtin g a m o th e r’s e ffo rts to m aneuver on this tough road, a m entor helps her stren g th en her p o sitio n as a parent and un d er­ THE JOYCE 'ON stand her po w er to a ffe c t the w orld around her. The Parent M entor Program is part o f the EMO com m unity m in­ istries dedicated to m eeting basic hum an needs. EMO is an asso c ia ­ tion o f 15 C hristian denom ina­ tions including Protestant, O rtho­ dox and Roman C atholic religious bodies that w ork together to re­ spond as a people o f faith to the needs o f O regonians. For more inform ation about the Parent M en­ tor Program , contact Sylvia Hart- Landsberg at (503) 231-3571. ^ o r tla n b (Observer S u b s c r ib e ! F ill On Sunday, September 12, at 3:00 p.m., Rose City United Meth­ o d ist C hurch w ill p re se n t the W estside Singer in concert. This concert is the first o f twelve con­ certs and marks the beginning of the 15th concert season at the church The W estside Singers, a mixed vo­ cal ensemble with instrumental trio backup, have been entertaining au­ diences for over 50 years. Their repertoire focuses on jazz and swing while including show tunes and con­ temporary music. Their concert will include familiar swing and jazz hits from the 20s through the 90s - from Irving Berlin’s “Puttin’ on the Ritz” to Billy Joel’s “River o f Dreams.” Rose City Park United Methodist Church is located at 5830 N.E. Alameda. Admission to the concert is a free will offering taken at inter­ mission with net proceeds to benefit tw o local agencies, F IS H and Loaves & Fishes. Free childcare is available. The church is located on Tri-M et bus line #12 and #71 and is handicapped accessible by an el­ evator located at the Alameda en­ trance. Please call Patricia Holman, Concert Coordinator, 288-0353, should you require any additional information. Season brochures are available by calling the coordinator or the church office at 281-1229. out , ig a netteiyc :ommunit C l ip o u t & s e n d t o : •ruer T he P o r tla n d O b s er ver I continuing thisjo iving legacy by >rs from our coinn'i bnriy scJjwWFsn them«cW£ve their A t t n : S u b s c r ip t io n s $ 6 0 .0 0 N a m e : a ibution to the Joyce W ashingtol Memorial Scholarship Fund in care of Bank of America. Your support will be ruly appreciated. Call your local Bank o f America fo r more information. Yep can help bwsending your coi PO B o x 3 1 3 7 • P o r t l a n d , OR 9 7 2 0 8 Y ear I ♦ A ddress : C ity / S t a t e / Z ip : Talk about looking good! Have you seen the Fall schedule for B I TU ARY Emily Jean Harris was bom in Kansas City Missouri on January 20, 1931 to Mr. Mrs. John Lee I calendar for exam ple, find career clothes in resale shops, take kids to the C h ildren’s M useum, or su rf the Internet. The deeper value o f m entoring, though, lies in the relational skills a m other develops. “ How can a m other give her children affec­ tion and affirm ation she has never experienced herself?" asks P ro­ g ra m D ir e c to r S y lv ia H a rt- Landsberg. “A relationship w ith a m entor increases the pro b ab il­ ity that a woman can learn to nur­ ture h e rse lf and her children.” The Parent M entor Program as­ signs m ost m entors to current or form er clients o f the Letty Owings C enter, a residential drug and a l­ cohol treatm ent facility for p reg ­ nant and/or parenting women. A f­ ter com pleting treatm ent, the typi­ cal client sets up a new household independent from fam ily m em ­ bers who m ight not help her pro­ m ote a safe environm ent for her children. D uring this transition the m other appreciates a friend to help her practice new behaviors and express her feelings. The “b a sic s” o f parenting are Westside Singer’s Concert NORTH PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE? A community Bible College for local community concerns Davis. She passed away on July 13,1999 in Portland, Oregon. She was preceded in death by her par­ ents. Emily moved to Port­ land, Oregon as a child in 1944. She attended grade school in Vandport City. She attended high school at Girls Polytechnic in Portland, Or­ egon. She married William Harris Jr. in Stevenson, Wash- ington on April 1,1957. Unto that union three children were bom. In 1971 she began 24 years o f employment with Multnomah County Depart­ - ment and retired in 1995. She devoted her life to helping people; her children and grandchildren. She gave her “all" to benefit others. As a result her influence will last throughout our lives and will long be remembered by those she loved. Shejoined Saint Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church where Mother Alcena is Priest. She was devoted to her church and per­ formed many services including preparing lunches on Saturday. She also volunteered at Buckman and King Elementary Schools. She leaves to cherish her love and warmth two sisters, Merl “Jean" Stewart and Maxine Paden; three children; William “Billy” Hams HI, Stephanie Harris and Bruce Harris. Seven grandchildren; Tina Harris, Mashawn Lincoln, Angela Moore, Emily M. Hams, Morieo Harris, Jacqueline Harris and Sarah Harris; one great grand­ son Chico S. Bailey Jr. She also leaves to mourn a host o f nieces, nephews and friends. Emily is now “RETIRED!" More classes - more variety - new teachers - practical help Who goes to Bible college? Preachers? Yes, but also teachers, social workers, office personnel, community activists, child-care providers, church leadership at all levels, parents looking for answers to give their children, searchers for the meaning of life, discoverers of the joy of knowing God better .. the list goes on. Is college for you? Many have found the answer to that question by attending classes at NPBC. Begin your college career while still working. NPBC classes are mostly in the evening. Affordable - only $25 per credit hour Call the NPBC office for a free copy of the entire Fall 1999 Schedule (503)288-2919 North Portland Bible College 4905 N. Vancouver Ave , 97217, at Humboldt I - * • • •> • ♦ w * * **