» » August 11, 1999 rt Unió (ßbaeruer Page B3 Portland State Football Family Fun Day Scheduled For August 21st Seahawks’ Coach Holmgren Debuts the team. “ He ju st said, ‘W e’re going to pay m ore attention to details. Be­ cause if you c a n ’t do the little things, then you ca n ’t play for m e.’” A dded R ick y W atters, “ W ith coach H olm gren, w e ’re going to be B> MARK JEWELL © T hf A ssoc iated P ress CHENEY, Wash. (AP) - The Seattle Seahawks got a quick introduction to Mike 1 lolmgren’s practice philosophy at Sunday’s opening o f training camp. Rather than allow the team to ease into camp the first day, Holmgren in­ terrupted proceedings midway through a morning session and explained to the entire team what he expects to see in firet-and-10 situations. The chat session illustrated the new Seahawks’ coach’s emphasis on detail and his willingness to take time out from practice to discuss his philosophy. “ I w ant to explain to them w hat the drill was. I w ant to explain to them w hat I expect o f them ," said H olm gren, w hose predecessor, D en­ nis Erickson, typically took a m ore h ands-off approach in practice. A ccording to A ll-Pro defensive end M ichael Sinclair, H olm gren has m ade a strong early im pression on Seahaw ks players. “ W hen w e first cam e to cam p, he e x p lain e d h is p h ilo so p h y ," said Sinclair, starting his ninth year with T he second annual Portland State Football Fam ily Day will take place on Saturday, A ugust 21, from 1-3 p.m. at Civic Stadium . This event is free and open to the public, and will be followed by a team practice, w hich w ill also be open to the public. Football Fam ily Fun D ay is d e­ signed as an opportunity for fam i­ lies to com e out and m eet the P o rt­ land State football team in a fun atm osphere, get autographs and p ic­ tures, and play a little football, too. Stations w ill be set up on the field for kids to play catch w ith a V iking player, attem pt a field goal kick and try on som e o f the football eq uip­ m ent and uniform s, w ith Portland S tate football players and coaches as the host at each station. Parents can take advantage o f this o p p o rtu ­ nity to chat w ith players and coaches about the upcom ing 1999 season. Portland State football posters will be given aw ay during Fam ily Fun D ay, and everyone in attendance will have a chance to get their posters very disciplined.” But, W atters said, H olm gren's discipline also has a soft side. “C oach H olm gren is alw ays p o si­ tive,” the running back said. “Even w hen som ething goes w rong h e’s still positive about it.” H olm gren, the form er G reen Bay Packers coach w ho took over in Se­ attle after Erickson w as fired follow ­ ing an 8-8 season, is trying to get the Seahaw ks to the playoffs for the first tim e since 1988. H e liked w hat he saw Sunday. “T his was a good day. This is fun,” he said. “Y ou see a little b it o f the rust, but you also see great enthu­ siasm and great effort.” ForHolmgren,seeinghisplayeretake the field was a reward for the months o f preparations leading up to camp. “O nce w e get out on the field, th e re’s not a lot o f paperw ork,” he said. “ It’s ju st football, so it’s fun.” ^Lll -&ccd :& ifo « Recognize Your Friends, Business Accounts, Employees and Special Customers Bring In this coupon and receive a autographed. T here will be a portion o f the field set aside for autograph ta b le s w ith a ll- b ig p e rfo rm e rs O rsh aw an te B ry an t and C h arles Dunn, H ead C oach Tim W alsh and many others holding court. T he en tire P o rtlan d S tate fo o t­ ball team an d c o a c h in g s ta ff w ill be in a tten d a n ce , alo n g w ith the 1 9 9 9 -2 0 0 0 P o rtla n d S ta te cheerlead in g team an d school m as­ cot. V ic to r V iking. P o rtlan d S tate o p en s th e 1999 fo o tb all se aso n on the ro a d at F resno S tate on S ep te m b er 4. T he V ik in g s hom e o p en e r is S ep te m ­ b e r 11 vs. W estern W ash in g to n . Isiah Thomas Purchases Majority Interest in CBA P H O E N IX — N B A g reat Isiah T h o m as is b u y in g a m a jo rity stak e in the C o n tin en tal B a sk etb all A s­ so ciatio n for a b o u t $10 m illio n and p lan s to o v e rh a u l th e leag u e. “W e’re very ex cited about this opportunity, ’ ’ said T hom as, w ho led the D etroit Pistons to co nsecutive N BA titles in 1989 and 1990 and is form er co-ow ner and general m an ­ ager o f the T oronto Raptors. “T he Jefferson Democrat Football ‘99 by R oderick E dwards This year the Jefferson Democrats Football team plans on having a pro­ ductive season. Last season the Demo­ crats had a pretty good record o f 5-3 going into the 1 “ round o f the playoffs as the 4,h seed. H aving to play the defending cham pion M cNary Celts w asn’t going to be an easy task, and it w asn’t. The D em os ended up losing that game after a great first half o f football. The second h alf determined the rest o f the game. “W e hope to go further in the playoffs this year if w e keep our heads on straight,” says returning D efensive End Sadiki Stone. W ith the returnees that the Demos have this year the season is looking very promising. First string Quarterback John Lee, and Running back Palmer Butler will be expected to lead the team. “This could be the best Q uarter- back, R unning back com bination in the state." Says recently discovered back up Q uarterback and D efensive Back Brandon Branch. T he only thing that the Dem ocrats will b e m issing this year is the big linem en that graduated w ith the class o f “99” . A s far as speed, athletic ability, and strength goes, the D em os have that covered from the L ine­ backer positions in Jesse M cCoun and D ale C asey to W ide Receivers Isaih Jackson and John Clark. A ll the D em os need this season is a com m itm ent from all the players to b e students first, football players second, leadership from the seniors, and h ard w ork. As far as preparing for the season the Jefferson Demos have been going to FREE M AG NET and receive T H IS AD YOUR FIRST 10% OFF Passing Leagues from Salem to Mil­ waukee Oregon Mondays. W ednes­ days, and Fridays from 5:30p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Jefferson High School the Demos hold Workouts in the Weight Room and a little field workout afterwards. Al­ though there ’ s not a big turnout the core group o f players are there working out. Some oftheplayere like Dale Casey and Jesse McCoun went to the UofO Foot­ ball Camp. While John Clark. John Lee, and Palmer Butler attended the UCLA Football Camp D aily D oubles start on A ugust 23, 1999 T h ese w orkouts a re n ’t a cakew alk, b ut if you are w illing to give it your all and stick through it, you w ill be the one that benefits. All that comes to watch the Demos go head to head with the opponent will be in for a real treat. So come support our 1999 Jefferson Democrats. G ame ! with the purchase of $20.00 and up. M E N T IO N CBA has alw ays had huge potential, but we look forw ard to help in g the league realize its full p o te n tia l.” T h e C B A ’s n in e team s a re o r­ gan ized as an a s so c ia tio n w ith a p ­ p ro x im a tely 40 o w n ers. T h o m a s said he p lan s to re o rg a n iz e it in to a sin g le e n tity leag u e w ith the n in e fran ch ises rep o rtin g to the leag u e. T he N B A w ill co n tin u e to use th e C B A as its d e v e lo p m e n ta l league an d p ro v id e b oth fin an c ial and p ro fe ssio n a l support. C T h i A m o c ia t u P rias BALLOON ORDER over $20.00 Offer Expire» 0 8 /3 0 /9 9 4 07 N.E. Mason & MLK #6 (2 blocks south of Precott on MLK) Special event and party decorating available. • T lic C o a lit io n ok* B la c k M e n in tissin ¡tilitin with T h e U rb a n League o f P o rtlan d Bridge Builders Program ^03-2,88- Minimum purchase for d e liv e r ^ O O O ^ and FUH. We The Coalition o f Black Men The Urban League o f Portland & The Bridge Builders Program Invites you to join them fo r a rewarding day o f fun-filled golf friends and food all fo r three worthy causes: do B oth ! TICKETS EASTIXX (503) 22*»-TIXX M onday, A u g u st 3 0 , 1 9 9 9 and Washington Mutual branches in Oregon and SW Washington Good Any Day $*»0 Season Ticket $100 { fy lfo t Eighth Annual Golf Tournament & Awards Dinner C olu m b ia-E d gew ater C ou n try Club 12220 NE Marine Drive • Portland, Oregon Rated one of Golf Digest Magazine's ‘Top 10 Courses" in ihe U.S.. Significantly challenging with bunkers and water coming into play on many holes Oregon home of the LPGA Tournament. Registration - 11:00 am Tee Off - 12:00 pm Awards Dinner & Auction in th^Clubhouse Happy H our featuring Live Music 5:30 - 7:00 pm Dinner & Awards Program 7:00 pm featuring Ken Bodie A u g u st 3 0 , 1OOO of KOIN TV - Channel 6 Master of Ceremonies PLAYERS (0 n ( HATH YU TO l ( AU IlM IN Il) B i h y A mdbads S t iw a it ( i n i J ohn ( o o i J o h n D aly G u n D ay S t i v i ì l i i h è i o n B u i F a xo n D a v i » F io s t J im Fulvi J ay H aas lllAN HlNNINttl T im H i i i o n J o h n H u sto n P i t i » J a c o is in T om L im m a n A h i i i w M u ti B ih y M a y ia ii S cott H c C a i i o n P n ii M k iiis o n A in o l » P a i n i » S t i v i P a t i ClAlt S t a i l i » F i i i v Z o llili ■ WMfvngton Mutual ! W. > A.\1 CELEBRITIES (SCMEOUICO IO AWAl) S usan A n to n W il l ia m D iv a n i H u t D u n iia v y D in n is F a u n a G u n n G ( in iy F i i y R k h a i i K a in J o h n O 'H u i u v T o m m y S m o t n iis K iv in Souo S t i m i n S t il l s J ay T h o m a s P a t ik i W a iiu it o n KDI n O Available only at Washington Mutual branches: Washington Mutual Pro-Am SUNDAY-ONLY TICKETS: $10 (Reg. $u>) August 22.23,24 1994 linn» of 11» 1 rnl Mewr ( hallende • RACIFlCORP Hi®