Page August n , 1999_______________ ______________________________ ( T i n ' | J o r t l a u b Y es! Someone you know could find Jesus Christ this summer at Portland Festival ’99! And you can help that happen. Portland Festival ’99 is a FREE evangelistic event taking place at Waterfront Park Downtown Portland this August 20 and 21. WE WANT YOU TO BE PART OF THIS EVENT! Bring you unsaved friends, fam­ ily members, and co-workers to the park this summer and help us share the message o f Jesus Christ with the people o f this state. PORTLAND FESTIVAL 99 is going to be the most dynamic evan­ gelistic event this area has seen in a long, long tim e.. .maybe ever. ❖ o # a * GET READY, GET REA D Y ... Come Experience A SPIRITUAL BLOWOUT! "R e v iv a l" 3 DAYS ONLY Wed- Fri. • Aug. 25,h - 27* Evang. Willie James Campbell (St. James COGIC) Chicago. IL. 7:00 p . m . Nightly Greater Solid Rock COGIC 1705 NE D ekum St. Portland, OR. 97211 H ost P astor Bishop A. R. Hopkins Sr. For more info, please call 503-283-1524 First Night Family with music from Audio o f Grace, 4Him, Bob Carlisle, Nikki Leonti, and The Tribe Called Judah. Second Night Youth Focus with music from Audio Adrenaline, Third Day, Nikki Leonti, and Dawkins & Dawkins. W e’re going to be on TV and the radio telling people about Portland Festival ’9 9 ...w e’re training hun­ dreds ofw orkers.. .w e’re publishing a ton o f printed m aterials...w e’re promoting it via the Internet...the list goes on and on! Churches are pouring in as much manpower as they can. W e're al­ ready trained 5,300 people in friend­ ship evangelism! And for all ot that. I’m grateful. But the truth is, Portland Festival ’99 is going to be SO HUGE, the Dawkins & Dawkins only way it can succeed is if all of G od’s people stand up and take the lead. ( P b e e v u e r --------------------------------------------------- Which is why I’m writing you. I believe you have a love o f God and for lost people in the Portland area... and God has given me a vision for this event to reach those people. I believe through this event Chris­ tians are going to witness the salva­ tion o f people they’ve been praying for for years .. .children and grand­ children, parents, brothers and sis­ ters, friends, colleagues on the job, neighbors... It’s going to be so easy for thou­ sands o f believers to say, “Come down to W aterfront Park with me for a concert!” It’s going to be so easy for thou­ sands o f unbelievers to say, “Sure, why not? Sounds like fun!” And when they get there, it will be fun! They’re going to find that there is no admission price. No gimmicks, nothing that will embarrass you or them. Just GREAT music-and GOOD NEWS! But as Portland Festival ’99 un­ folds... ...I want you also to have the deep-down satisfaction o f knowing that YOU HELPED MAKE. IT HAP­ PEN. This concert will be yours. Because vour prayers were in­ vested in it. And your generosity made it pos­ sible! H ere’s an opportunity for all o f us P o rtla n d -a re a C h ristia n s to “come out o f hiding” and let our light sh in e...p ain t a fresh picture o f C hristianity... a picture o f joy, excitem ent, and loving concern for people! You know, even though I have had the privilege o f sharing Christ Luis P a la u all around the world, my heart is here in Portland. This is my hometown. East-West Spiritual Practices At Interfaith |J LOCKSMITH & KEYS Spiritual Center a f f o r d a b l e H/e Make Keys From Scratch Free classes on spiritual practices from the w orld’s religions are of­ fered at the Interfaith Spiritual Cen­ ter, located at 3910 SE 1 l lh in Port­ land. The classes will be held on first Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. September through December. The calendar includes: "Centering Prayer” led by Sr. Cecilia Ranger and Scott Benge on September 1”. “Spiritual Practices for Daily Life" led by Ashley McCormack and Dale Rhodes on October 6,h. “ Walking Meditation” led by Ri­ chard Eaton and Dale Rhodes on November 3rd. “ B u ddhist M editation T ech­ niques" led by Karin Miles and Rich­ ard Eaton on December 1 ”. For a brochure on these or other programs, call the Interfaith Spiri­ tual Center at (503) 233-2026. The Interfaith Spiritual Center (ISC) offers a wide variety o f re­ sources for spiritual development and growth. Spiritual mentors from vari­ ous world religious traditions offer individual direction and mentoring, as well as retreats and workshops on spiritual life and practices of the major world religions. All services and re­ sources are provided on a sliding tee scale that is based on income and ability to pay. The ISC offices are located at 391 OS.E. Il"1 in Portland, Oregon. Free parking is ample and the building is wheel chair acces­ sible. For more information about the center, or to arrange a meeting with a spiritual mentor, please call the ISC at 233-2026. FAST S E R V IC E HO USE CALLS 4724 NE Kllllngsworth Portland, OR 97218 Johnny J. Moore 503-284-9582 Rekev & Install Locks Summer Class Schedule Sum m er School -a n ideal o p p o rtu n ity Seaside Motel 6 #4062 AT NORTH PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE... 4905 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, O regon John W olf Owner 2369$. Holladay Drive •For students to get a refresher course in Christian thinking before going away to secular college. •For NPBC students to earn an extra three credits toward that certificate or degree. •To study with one of NPBC's newest, exciting instructors. Rev. Victor Reynolds. •To enjoy the grandeur and the challenge of one of Paul’s great letters, or •To enhance your computer skills S u m m e r T e rm : A u g u s t 3 - S e p te m b e r 3 Seaside, OR 97138 Office: 503-738-6269 Fax: 503-738-4276 C lasses meet tw ice a week, Tues. and Thurs. • 6:30 to 9:30 p . m . Bible class: The Book of Ephesians, on campus. EARNS THREE QUARTER CREDITS For Reservations Call 1-800-4-MOTEL-6 ALicemee of Motel 6 Operating IF. COMPUTER CLASSES AT TWO LOCATIONS: NPBC campus and New Hope Missionary Baptist Church For more information, or to register, call NPBC office: 288-2919