M «iati , » T , i Pa A ugust 11, 1999 (The 'Portland (Dbeeruer Free Lead Testing For Children Sunscreen May Lull Users ____ Childhood lead poisoning is a major and preventable env ironmental health problem and lead-based paint is nou the primary source o f lead exposure. Free lead testing for chil­ dren will take place the second Satur­ day of each month, from 10 a.m. to 2 pm at Common Bond, 4919 N.E. Ninth Avenue (Northeast Ninth and Alberta behind St. A ndrew ’sChurch). Blood lead testing o f children should be perform ed at ages 1 and 2 orat least before age 6 if no previous testing has been done and any risk factors for lead poisoning are present. Children who live in or regularly stay in a home, apartm ent, o r child care center constructed before 1978 are a greater risk o f developing lead poi­ soning, especially if there is rem od­ eling or peeling paint. O ther risk factors include fam ily m em bers with exposure to lead and low fam ily in­ come (including those on M edicaid, WIC, or O regon H ealth Plan). The effects o f lead poisoning . . • ity and the Coalition o f Black Men, with help from Volunteers o f America, C om m on Bond, CLEA RC orps, the Urban League o f Portland, and O ld W iv es’ Tales R estaurant. Special thanks to M ultnom ah County H ealth D epartm ent for providing laboratory testing and supplies. are rev e rsib le ifd e te c te d early by a b lo o d test. If u n d etected , lead p o i­ so n in g d am ag es the b rain , cau sin g , learn in g and b eh av io ral p ro b lem s in a ffec ted ch ildren. The testing is co-sponsored by volunteers from the O regon Chapter o f Physicians for Social Responsibil­ Homowo Festival Seeks Volunteers V olunteers are needed to stage the IO11’ annual H om ow o Festival for A frican A rts on A ugust 21 and 22. Produced by G hanaian m aster drum ­ m er O bo A ddy, the H om ow o Festi­ val features m usic, art and pageantry from G hana and other parts o f A f­ rica. If you have the personality for greeting the public, selling bever­ ages, giving inform ation, assisting vendors load in their supplies or se­ curing the backstage area w e want you on your team. A frican and A fri­ can A m erican volunteers are also needed for the A frican Processional, a grand, royal parade that m arks the official beginningofthe festival. This y ear’s festival is w ill be held A ugust 21 and 22 in the park blocks at P ort­ land State U niversity from 2-8 p.m T hree shifts include: 12:30-3:00, 3:00-5:00 and 5:00-8:00. T o volun­ teer or for m ore inform ation, call R aina B eavers at 284-1483. HIV Levels Influence Transmission C T he A ssociated P ress The higher the level o f HIV in a pregnant w om an’s blood, the more likely she was to transmit the virus to her baby, researchers reported today in the New England Journal ofM edicine The researchers also found that pregnant w om en w ith the highest lev­ els o f H IV w ere one-third less likely to transm it the virus if they w ere treated w ith the anti-retroviral drug AZT than those w ho w ere not. T he researchers concluded that aggressive anti-retroviral therapy is probably the best w ay to low er the risk that babies w ill be born w ith AIDS. H ow ever, they w arned that the benefits m ust be w eighed against the possible long-term effects o f the drug, w hich are unknow n. O ne study, led by Dr. Lynne M ofenson o f the N ational Institutes o f H ealth, looked at w om en who w ere treated w ith A ZT w hile p reg­ nant and w hose babies also were treated w ith the drug for several weeks after birth. Among the 84 mothers in the study who had undetectable levels o f the HIV at 20 to 30 weeks o f pregnancy, none o f the babies tested positive for HIV. T he second study, led by Dr. Patricia G arcia ofN orthw estem U ni­ v ersity , lo o k ed at 552 p reg n a n t w om en from 1990 to 1995. It found that am ong w om en w ith the highest levels o f H IV , represent­ ing the m ost advanced cases o f AIDS, 20 percent o f those w ho had been treated w ith A ZT transm itted the v i­ rus to their babies com pared to a 63 p ercent tran sm issio n rate am ong those not treated w ith A ZT. In co u n tries th a t ca n n o t affo rd A Z T treatm en t, ab o u t o n e-fo u rth o f all b ab ies b o m to H IV -p o sitiv e m others get the virus. S in ce A Z T th erap y b ec am e sta n d a rd in the U nited S tates, th at rate h as dro p p ed © T he A ssociated P ress C H IC A G O (A P) - H yperactive boys treated with drugs such as Ritalin w ere m uch less likely to abuse alco­ hol and other drugs as teen-agers than sim ilar boys w ho had not been treated, researchers say. Some experts not involved in the study said it was flawed and too small to reach m eaningful conclusions. B u t au th o rs o f the stu d y - w h ich in v o lv e d 212 b o y s, in c lu d in g 75 w ith a tte n tio n -d e fic it h y p e ra c tiv ­ ity d iso rd e r, o r A D H D - sa id the findings should help allay concerns that g iv in g ch ild ren p o te n tia lly ad ­ d ic tiv e d ru g s su c h as R italin m ay p ro m o te h arm fu l h ab its later. A n e s tim a te d 3 m illio n sc h o o l- ag e c h ild re n h av e A D H D , an d as m any as h a lf m ay be ta k in g R italin o r o th e r stim u la n ts, p a st re se a rc h in d icates. “T here has been a m ythology that the use o f these m edications could ‘p rim e’ children to b ecom e addicts in the future o r could develop ‘a culture o f drug taking,” ’ said Dr. Joseph B iederm an o fM assach u setts G eneral H ospital, lead author o f the study. It is p u b lish ed in the A ugust issu e o f P e d ia tr ic s ’ “ e le c tro n ic pages,” an Internet extension o f the journal published by the A m erican A cadem y o f P ediatrics. “ W e b e lie v e th a t c h ild re n w ith A D H D w ho are m e d ic a lly tre a te d w ill h av e few er p ro b le m s re s u lt­ ing from th e ir d iso rd e r and m o re su c c e ssfu l liv e s, p ro b ab ly g iv in g them few er rea so n s to ex p e rim en t w ith su b stan ce a b u s e ,” he said. R ita lin a c ts on d o p a m in e , a b ra in ch e m ic al that h elp s re g u la te th in k in g . It is b e lie v e d to calm hyperactivity by h elping c h ild re n 's b ra in s d is r e g a r d d is tr a c tin g stim u li, such as c la ssro o m n o ise, so th ey can focus on learn in g . T he su b je c ts for th e rese arch w ere p a rt o f a p re v io u s stu d y o f fam ilies w ith an A D H D c h ild and fam ilies w ith no A D H D ch ild ren . T he ch ild re n and th e ir m o th e rs w ere in te rv ie w e d on th ree o c c a ­ sions - w hen they en tered the study, one y ear la ter an d four y ea rs afte r en ro llm en t. T he a u th o rs stu d ie d 56 A D H D p atien ts w ho w ere on m e d ica tio n . 19 A D H D p atien ts not on m e d ic a ­ tio n an d 137 p atien ts w ith o u t the d iso rd er. A t the s tu d y ’s en d , 75 p erc en t o f the u n m e d ica te d A D H D su b ­ je c ts h ad su b stan ce ab u se d iso r­ ders, c o m p ared w ith 25 p e rc e n t o f the m e d ic a te d su b je cts. A bused su b stan ces included alco h o l, m ari­ ju a n a , h a llu c in o g e n s, co c ain e and o th e r stim u lan ts. E ig h teen p ercen t o f the n o n -A D H D su b je cts w ere su b sta n c e ab u sers. A critic o f the study, p sy ch o lo ­ gist N ad in e L am bert o f the U n iv er­ sity o f C alifo rn ia at B erkeley, said l i iiiL in k L i > l i t v ib Bi KATHERINE PHEGER .c T he A ssoc iated P ress W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) - F ive years ago, M elissa Beaudet jo in ed in a w alk to end hunger and cam e hom e with a blistering sunburn Ever since, the 21-year-old Wash­ ingtonian lias liberally applied sunscreen - nothing lower than a sun-protection factor of8 - when she’s in the sunshine. “I can see m y friends aging, and I know cancer is som ething you can get if y o u ’re not careful,” she said, soaking in the rays at G eorgetow n Sw im m ing Pool in W ashington. But B eaudet’s careful approach m ay not be fully protecting her from the threat o f cancer after all. The Journal o f the N ational C an­ cer Institute reports in today’s edition that European researchers found that people who use stronger sunscreens stay out longer in the sun because it takes longer for them to bum . A nd the prolonged exposure only increases their risk o f getting skin cancer. “ It’s not due to the fact that sun­ screens are bad, but people have a bad attitude - using them to increase the am ount o f tim e they spend in the sun,” said Dr. Ferdy Lejeune, an au­ thor o f the study. The researchers gave 87 French and Swiss college students sunscreen to take on vacation and record their sun habits - horns o f exposure, amount o f sun- Health Division Waiting To Enforce Open Adoption Law it w as too sm all to show sig n ifican t d ifferen ces in rates o f drug abuse. H er o w n re s e a rc h in v o lv in g m ore than 200 A D H D su b je cts trac k ed fo r m ore th a n 20 y ears sh o w s th a t th o se w h o to o k stim u ­ lan t m e d ica tio n w ere m o re lik ely to b e c o c ain e and to b a c c o ab u sers as ad u lts th an n o n -m e d ic a te d su b ­ je c ts , she said. L am bert said she is n o t o p p o sed to trea tin g A D H D y o u n g ste rs w ith stim u la n ts b ec au se th e b e n e fits h av e b ee n sh o w n c le a rly , b ut she b eliev e s th e re are risk s an d th ey sh o u ld b e ac k n o w led g e d . their records.” O rders for preadoption records have been com ing into the H ealth D iv isio n since the initiative was passed, and the backlog o f orders w ill be processed in the order in w hich they w ere received. to 9 percent. d lS G s h o shown w n tllk lt C people w ho use also that screen applied, clothing and sunburn. h d S has sunscreen have increased incidence H alf the participants were given o f m elanom a and other skin cancers sunscreen with a sun-protection fac­ Dr. Karen Emmons, a researcher tor, or SPF, o f 30. The other h alf with the Dana-I arber Cancer Institute, received SPF 10. But neither group said the study should not deter people knew w hich product they were using. from applying sunscreen - liberally T hose who applied SPF 30 stayed No one should say, “O h w ell, I m outside 25 percent longer, spending still going to get skin can cer so w hy a m ajority o f that tim e sunbathing. bother,” Em m ons said. “ I t’s very Lejeune said the students often im portant that people use sunscreen w aited until their skin turned red and apply it appropriately.” before finding shade. V acationers Emmons recom m ends that in ad ­ with the stronger sunscreen w aited dition to lotions, people should avoid even longer, increasing their expo­ direct sunlight by staying in th e shade sure to ultraviolet radiation. and wearing hats and oth er p ro tec­ "Instead o f being protected, it’s tive clothing. ju st the opposite because their be­ In a study published in D ecem ­ havior is bad,” he said ber, the same researchers reported V ivian Clark, 49, o f W ashington, that o f 631 European school ch il­ said she uses com m on sense when dren, those using the m ost sunscreen applying sunscreen. In years past, were m ost likely to have sun-caused when she has sunbathed on her row moles, a sign that skin can cer m ight house roof, she has worn an SPF 10 develop later in life. W hile the lotion or 12. This year, she’s found that she itself did not cause m oles, it m ay can avoid burning if she m onitors have m ade parents o v erco n fid en t how m uch time she spends in the sun about how long their children could and w ears a low er SPF. safely play outdoors. “ I h av en ’t burned at all,” she said. Children are especially v u ln er­ “M aybe I started tanning slow er or able to ultraviolet radiation and need m aybe it’s the weather. W ho know s?” more than ju st protective lotions, Even so, som etim es she d o esn ’t Em m ons said. m ind a rosy glow, she adm itted. “The No. 1 w ay that ch ild ren are A lthough skin cancer is prevent­ protected from the sun is using sun­ able, the incidence o f m elanom a in screen,” she says. “A nd parents need the U nited States increases 4 percent to get with the program and start a year, according to the N ational using other kinds o f p rotection.” Cancer Institute. Previous research c i - m - n u r .n l I.., I r l n l h i n u a n i l s l l l l b u i l l . Legal obstructions to B allot M ea­ sure 58, the open A doption Law, appear to have been rem oved and the O regon H ealth D ivision is ready to im plem ent the law once it receives a final go-ahead from the D epartm ent o f Justice. O n Thursday, July 15, a Marion County Judge upheld the initiatives, passed by voters in November 1998, to open sealed adoption records. But ad­ ditional legal steps still need to occur before the Health Division can enforce the law, according to Dr. Melvin Kohn, Deputy State Epidemiologist. “W e have already received or­ ders from more than 590 individuals w ho are seeking their preadoption birth records,” K ohn said. “As soon as w e receive final instruction from state attorneys, we will begin pro­ cessing those applications. The origi­ nal, sealed records are not held on site, so it will take at least two w eeks before the first application receive Study Eases Hyperactivity Bv BRENDA C. COLEMAN_________ u. 20% Off SAFEWAY FO O D & DRUG M e a t S a le ! Look For Your Safeway Weekly ’E m dudes Servke Deli Meat items, retail quantities only No sales to dealers or wholesalers uMv 11 sáfe .¡Ä-. J jflb Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday 1^^ Gallon Lucerne Milk ...and save more by shopping at Safeway 1%, 2%, Fat Free, Skim Supreme or Whole Milk. Limit 2, Indudes FREE one. CLV1B SAVE up to $3.19 on 2 Nectarines or Peaches Visit Safeways Web site at www.safeway.com Grown in California SAVE up to 89< b. PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 19« 18 Mon 1O Tue Wed TT Thur Frt Sat 12 13 14 BUY ONE GET ONE FRB Safeway Club Price .39, Safeway Club Price 17 «W «1 « W W M S*WM * IJuanMn o» «T» «n« m« bt X» uiRKt » M* Rrrm * prxrx t Nrt renwmeir kx vpogupNcAi or pnwW wren W» reww •* KS ; in the Portland Metro Area Sun Kohn em phasized that applicants w ho request records should identify them selves as an adoptee seeking a preadoption birth record. I f the re ­ quest is made by a legal representa­ tive o f the adoptee, the request should include a w ritten notarized statem ent from the legal representative indicat­ ing w ho they represent and giving the current legal birth record infor­ m ation listed above. Because sealed adoptive records are stored off-site at the State Archives in Salem, applicants should expect a two to three w eek delay before receiv­ ing their records once the backlog o f orders is completed and new orders can be processed on a regular basis. Phone orders may be placed by calling (503) 731 -4108 during regu­ lar business hours; fax orders by d i­ aling (503) 731-4084, or in person at the Portland State O ffice building, second floor, 800 N E O regon Street in Portland. M ailed request should be sent to PO Box 14050, Portland O R, 97293. A dditional inform ation about ordering preadoption records can be found on the H ealth D ivision’s w e b s ite at h ttp :// w w w .o h d .h r.sta te .o r.u s/c d p e /c h s/ certif'preadopt.htm U nless a delay is im posed by the courts w hile the case is on appeal, sta ff at the H ealth D ivision expect to w ork on the backlog for several weeks and then begin w orking on any new orders that are received. P ersons interested in ordering records m ust m eet the follow ing cri­ teria: the adoptee m ust be 21 years o f age and have been b o m in Oregon. The application for the records m ust be the ad optee’s legal representa­ tive. O ther family m em bers are not eligible. A pplicants m ay fax order by m ail, by phone or fax, or in p er­ son. All applications m ust include: The adoptee’s full legal nam e, (after adoption), date o f birth, place ofbirth, adopted m other’s lull maiden nam e, adoptee father’s full nam e; and applicant’s m ailing address and daytim e telephone num ber. $15 in cash, m oney order or check payable to O regon H ealth Division. Fax or telephone orders m ust use a credit card (give card num ber and expiration date).The $15 fee is the standard non-refundable fee for ob­ taining any birth record and covers thé cost o f search for the current legal records, retrieval o f the sealed file and issuance o f the certified record. Now the savings are in the Card! I