« .. F . ' ' Page A2 grtt« llnrtbnfr (Wwturr August 11, 1999 PO L ie E N E W S Community Notification of a Sex Offender 2 5 0 0 block o» NE Alberta 8 0 0 block of NE Mason St 3 9 0 0 block of NE 1 5 ,n Ave The P ortland police bureau is notifying the com m unity o f a R egis­ tered Sex O ffender living in the P ort­ land area. Ors. 181.588 allow s law enforcem ent agencies to release such inform ation to the public regarding convicted offenders, who are required to register, w hen such inform ation w ill increase public aw areness and prom ote com m unity safety. The Sex O ffender has been con­ victed o f a sex offense that requires he register with a law enforcement agency in Oregon. His criminal history places him in a category, w hich indicates he m ay reoffend. The police does not w ant this subject at this time. The O ffender has served his sen- tence and is no longer begin super­ vised by the O regon D epartm ent ot Corrections. The purpose o f this com ­ munity notification is to reduce the chance o f further victimization by this offender as well as to prom ote com ­ munity aw areness and child safety. Intimidating, harassing, or threaten­ ing o f this registered offender will not be tolerated and may be a crime. Ifyou have any inform ation about any o f these offenders com m itting additional crim es please contact the D etectives ot the Sexual A ssault D etail at 823-4536. S u b je c t's n am es are C liffo rd C unningham , male, black, 53 years o f age, 6 ’, 240 lbs., black hair, and brow n eyes. Cunningham has been convicted o f A ttem pted Rape 1 and is no linger under supervision. He has targeted juvenile fem ales in the past. It is believed there is a substan­ tial risk C unningham could reoffend. Subject’s nam e is Jam es D. V ogh, m ale, white, 29 years o f age, 5 ’9 ”, 150 lbs., blond hair, and green eyes. V ogh has been co nvicted o f A t­ tem pted Rape 1 and is no longer under supervision. He has targeted juvenile fem ales in the past. It is believed there is a substantial risk V ogh could reoffend. Subject’sn a m eisJo h n W . Turner, m ale, white, 65 years o f age, 5 ’7", 150 lbs., brow n hair, and blue eyes. T urner has been convicted o f Sex A buse III and tw o counts o f S odom y I and is no longer under supervision. H e has targeted juvenile fem ales in the past. It is believed there is a substantial risk T urner is reoffend. C R IM E S T O P P E R S Douglas Clifton Bohanan P o rtlan d P o lic e B u reau F rau d Is a 32-year-old white male, with a in v e stig ato rs, in c o o p e ra tio n w ith date of birth of October 31, 1966. C rim e S to p p e rs, are a s k in g for He Is 5 '9 ” ta ll and weighs your help in lo c a tin g an d a p p re ­ approximately 265 pounds with h e n d in g S u z a n n e E l i z a b e t h brown hair and blue eyes. B o h a n an a n d D o u g la s C lif to n B ohanan. F elo n y a rre st w a rra n ts are on file in M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty , ch arging th e B o h a n an s w ith F irst D egree A g g ra v a te d T h eft. A cco rd in g to in v e stig a to rs, the B o h a n a n s c o lle c te d m o n ey for a concert th ey sa id w o u ld b e a fund raising b en efit for a ch ild ren s h o s­ pital in P o rtlan d . T h e fu n d ra ise r w as found to b e n o th in g m o re th an a scam , and in fac t, th e B o h a n an s had n ev er e v e r b een in c o n ta c t Suzanne Elizabeth Bohanan w ith the h o sp ital. is a 23-year-old white female, with a The B o h an an s have fam ily and date of birth of February 5, 1976. relatives living in the Portland m etro­ She Is S'S” tall and weighs politan area, and S u zan n e is believed approximately 200 pounds with to have been in the M inneapolis, M in- brown hair and hazel eyes. nesota area in April o f this year. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash you can rem ain anonym ous. Call w hich leads to an arrest in this case rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for in fo rm a­ C rim e S toppers at (503) 823-H ELP. or any unso lv ed felony crim e and tion, ltp reported S toppers, IIUII, j liv u to SVZ C ~ rim ......- e ......r i ------------_____------------------------ ------ -------------- -------------- Police Accountability Group Slams Moose’s Commendation of Officers Portland Copwatch, a civilian group September Primary Will ie Mail-Only Ballot • /*: , • « ; • . ; County Auditor Greg Kimsey ear­ lier proposed a vote-by-mail primary to the political jurisdictions involved in this odd year election. Now that suffi­ cient support had been given the deci­ sion has made to conduct the September 141*' Primary election ny m a n oaiiui. 14'*' Primary election by mail ballot. Twenty-fourofthejurisdictionsinclud- ra g A e C S y o fV a n c o u v ra .C tty o tC - «. • . ' . V T ___ F ire P ro te ctio n D istric t N os. 3,5,6.9,11,12,13 and 14 approved reso­ lutions calling for the Primary to be conducted by mail ballot WithaUofthe cities, the Town ofYacolt and the Clark County Board o f Commissioners giv- mg their approval, this provided suffi c e n t support to allow theC ^ ^ « . o m ^ i h e t o n » coraiuc, the vote-by-mail primary will: Increase voter turnout, which is tra­ ditionally low forprimaries in odd years. Reduce election costs fifteen p er­ cent because m ail ballots elections are less expensive to adm inister than standard polling place elections. planed to increase perma- nen' Kimsey “^ registrat,on by including ■ rz-»f promotingpoliceaccountabilitythrough o fficerap iled o n D o w afterp e^sp ray , _ ing e.«, him, „zvtir'zvl noticed hp he wasn t breathing, citizen action, has encouraged support- and called an ambulance. Witnesses ers to contact C hief Moose and Mayor say the police did not attempt to reviv e \ era Katz and complain about the letters Dow; they even turned away the help o f o f commendation given to four police a neighbor who offered to do C PR, so officers involved in the incident resulted the police did not attempt to revive in the death o f Richard “Dickie” Dow. Dickie; the story later changed during Apparently, several individuals who the grand jury inquest, and on July 22, have contacted the C h ief s office to get Moose honored the four anonymous the names o f the officers have been officers for allegedly helping to save refused this information. If it is the D ow ’s life. Since Dow died the morn­ city’s intention to honor these officers, ing after the incident, this is a dubious we can only wonder why their names award. are not being released. Officers were “This is a slap in the face not only to called to the scene in October when a D ow ’s family, but to the community as school l police uiucci officer icii felt threatened by — , - - ' -V; r ? > • •< •zV Q 5*1 %, • ..A r * *• • A 4 À % •. . the Primary by mail ballot was made in response to the changing make-up o f county voters. Almost forty percent ot registered voters are now permanent absentees voters and represent almost 90% o f the folks who will vote in the ™ ----------- upcoming Primary Kimsey believes the phasized that this mail-only pnmaiy is - not « a precedent for future elections but just a way to promote a higher voter turnout in this odd year. For m ore election inform ation, p le a s e v is it o u r w eb s ite at w w w .co.clark.w a.us/auditor Mayor to Lead Bicyclists to Trail Dedication M ayor Royce E. Pollard invites citizens to strap on a helmet, grab their bicycle and join him as he rides a 9- mile route to dedicate the newest sec­ tion o f Renaissance Trail along the waterfront Friday, July 30. Bicyclists will leave City Hall, 210 E. 13th St. at 5 p.m. and ride past Marshall C enter, O.O. Howard House, the Sculpture Garden on Broadway and spots where they can get tickets for a prize drawing. Those who prefer to walk can join a 10 K ilo m e te r (6 .5 -m ile ) sa n ctio n ed volkssport event w hich starts at 4 p.m. at the W ater Resource Education Cen­ ter, 4600 SE Columbia, or informally join the event by starting at any point _ gden . *«« join • • r* O will Ray H ickey from Tidew ater Cove and M ayor Pollard as speakers. Steve Dunn and N atali M armion, co-anchors for “channel 2 News This M orning,” will act as em ­ cees at the dedication. Other activities include signing s scroll for a time capsule to be opened in 2050 and an aerial group photo at 6:30 p.m. The Norman Sylvester Band will play blues and soul music at a Downtown Sounds concert starting at 7p.m. at Vancouver Landing, just west o f the Doubletree Hotel at the Quay. City Seeks Applicants along the waterfront trail. The formal dedication ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. on the Renais­ sance Trail, just east o f V ancouver’s W ater Resource Education Center. The new section connects Tidewater Cove and W inder Park to the rest o f the State Representatives Val ne trail. iraii. ounv The City o f V ancouver has ex­ tended the deadline for applicants for vacancies on the Building-Fire Code Board o f Appeals to Friday, Aug. 13. The board is seeking a licensed archi­ tect, residential contractor, m echani­ cal engineer, and electrical engineer. This seven-m em ber board m akes recom m endations to the V ancouver City Council regarding building and fire c o d e s an d p r o p o s e d c o d e changes. It hears appeals on code enforcem ent and interpretation; in­ vestigates building code, fire and construction-related problem s; and recom m ends uniform construction and fire-prevention regulations. Board members can serve as maxi­ mum oftwo-yearterms. Theboardis on call" and meets as needed. City resi­ dency is not a requirement The mayor and City Council select members Applicants are available through Peggy Fumo, City Manager s Office, City o f Vancouver, PO Box 1995, Vancouver, WA98668- 1995,orby FAX at 696-8049. Completed applications must be submitted by Friday, Aug. 13 _ On August 1, 1998, 8 year old Lucas Nathaniel Ritz died while swim­ ming in the water at Castleman s Wharf, 25200 N.W . St. H elens Highway. Lucas was swimming w ith three other boys and was wearing a life jacket. The medical examiner has ruled that Lucas Ritz died from electrical shock. A b o at at the m arina apparently w as u sin g on shore pow er. T hat pow er w as transferred from the boat Abduction D tn ^ g to e e a rly m o m in g hours o f 08/05/99 Multnomah County S heriff s deputies found a naked sem i-con scious adult fem ale lying beside a road on L arch M ountain in east M ultnom ah county. The victim ap­ parently was abducted after leaving a dow ntow n restaurant/bar (Cisco and Ponchos 107N W 5lh). Deputies found the victim ’s clothing strew n along Historic C olum bia R iverH ighw ay. It appears appears that uiai the uic victim vivmu w as assaulted , Homeless to Get a Big Roof in Vancouver ,i H om eless v eteran s w ill get a b o o st from b o th federal g o v ern ­ m ent and the V a n c o u v er H ousing A u th o rity w hen a 12 4-room h o u s­ ing p ro jec t is d ed ica ted A ug. 11 on the grounds o f the P ortlan d VA M e d ic a l C e n te r in V a n c o u v e r, W ash. C e n tral P ark P lace, a new four-sto ry ap artm en t com plex d e­ signed for the h o m eless and those w ho are at risk o f b ec o m in g h o m e­ less , is a cu lm in a tio n o f a tw o -y ear co nstruction p roject driven by m ore than 4 0 h u m an itarian and g o v ern ­ m ent agencies. T he $6 m illion p ro jects m ajo r partn ers are the U .S . D epartm ent o f V eterans A ffairs and the V an c o u v er H o u sin g A uthority. Construction was made possible through an ■E nhanced use lease" agree ment between the federal government S X l » be,ng leased thrtragh the Department o f Veterans Affairs and __ U m ic in n A n t h n r i t v the Vancouver housing Authority. C on stru ctio n w as m ade possible th ro u g h an "e n h a n c e d use lease" a g re e m e n t b e tw e e n th e fed e ra l g o v ern m e n t and the V an co u v er H o u sin g A u th o rity . T he land is b ein g leased th ro u g h the D e p a rt­ m ent o f V eteran s A ffairs, in e x ­ c h a n g e for an ag reem en t th at sets asid e h a lf o f the ap a rtm en ts for v eteran s. D u rin g p erio d s in w h ich no veteran s qualify for apartm ents, n o n -v ete ra n s can use u n o ccu p ied room s. T he dual n atu re o f the b u ild in g m akes it th e first o f its kin d in th e n ation. Ollie Hinson, a 51-year old Army veteran who says he was homeless for 13 years in Oregon and Washington, will be in the building s night manager. Hinson, a Portland VA patient who r a V » r tn a r a .» « to f in d ,n : t o r n e i » given Iran “a new chance at h fe »* Coirl r>an HanHelman. a _ ...i_ whole.” Said Dan Handelman, a spokesperson for Copwatch. It is reminiscent o f when George Bush par­ doned several key Iran-Contra figures in December 1992 as he was leaving office, insisting all the w hile they had never done anything wrong. Since M oose's last day on the job is July 28. there is not enough time to pull together dem onstrations against police practices, like the one held O ctober 24,h last year shortly after D ow 's death. W e can only hope that the current interim C h ief and her suc­ cessor will not place m ore value on •saving face" for the Bureau than on healing com m unity w ounds oy Electrocuted in Water •■: ' t Ground, City o f Ridgefield, City o f La Center, City o f Woodland, Town o f Yacolt, Clark County. Camas School District, Evergreen School District, Ridgefield School D istrict, Green Mountain School District, Vancouver Port District, Camas-Washougal Camas- wasnougai Port ru n District, Hazel Dell Sewer District, and Dow.amentaUychallengedman. Eight Central P Park CCTltTill a l Police offers cooking, dining and laundry facilities on each floor, in shared areas There are also meeting rooms, a lounge and balcony space. The building is handicapped accessible. The space can be adapted for residents with disabilities. Rents will range between$295and$385permonth. Elderly or disabled persons d e­ sign thirty-five o f the apartm ents for perm anent residence. The building offers safe, affordable, transitional housing for single adults w ho are currently o rp o ten tially h o m eless. In addition to housing, residents will have a chance to get a jo b counseling social services and other support in helping them rebuild their lives. Central Park Place is a drug-and al­ cohol-free environm ent. N early one in three hom eless per­ sons in the U nited States is a veteran, according to the U.S. D epartm ent of to a second boat. Investigators sus­ pect that lack o f im portant ground­ ing caused the current to enter the w ater. L ucas w as sw im m ing w ithin 2-3 feet o f the boat w hen he ap ­ peared to be in distress. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S h e r if f s R iver Patrol responded to the call at 5”33 p.m. W hen they arrived, his m other and another adult had pulled the boy from the water. His father and another adult perform ed CPR until the Scappoose Rural Fire D e­ partm ent arrived on the scene. Em er­ gency Personnel assisted in the first aid efforts. The boy w as transported to Em anuel H ospital w here he w as pronounced dead. M ultnom ah County S h e riff s O f­ ficers expect to com plete their inves­ tigation w ithin the next day. No charges have been filed at this time. robbed, raped and dum ped on the side o f the road after the incident. The suspect is described as a w hite male, in his 4 0 ’s 5 ’ 5 to 5 ’ 8 tall, medium build 170-180lbs.;shortcropped brown hair with significant graying and a re­ ceding hairline, stubble goatee, last seen wearing wire rim glasses, white shirt with black lettering and Levi pants. The S h eriff s Office has located the car involved in yesterday’s incident on Larch Mountain. Deputies have mter- viewed a person o f interest but no arrests have been made at this point. Inform ation has been sent to all area police agencies, d etectives are actively p u rsuing all leads and a n y ­ one w ith inform ation is asked to call the M ultnom ah C o u n ty ’s S heriffs Homicide Victim Identified The victim in the homicide which occurred this morning at NE Mallory Ave. and NE Failing St., has been identified as 22 year old M ichael Angelo Hernandez Jr., o f northeast Portland. The motive for the homicide has not been determined at this time. D e te c tiv e S e r g e a n t R o b e rt H eim bach and D etective Sergeant D avid H ow e have been assigned the investigation. A nyone w ith infor­ m ation should call the P ortland Po­ lice B ureau D etective D ivision at 823-0400. office at 255-3600. Portland Officer Remains Jailed Form er Portland police officer Steven Gomez will remain jailed until his trial. Gomez is accused o f abusing his ex-wi fe during the July Fourth week- end. A little more than two years ago, Gomez shot his ex-wife Josephine nearly killing her. W hile on probation for the shooting, G om ez allegedly slapped, choked and threatened to kill his ex-wife during an argument. Search For Missing Jumper Ends A t a p p ro x im a te ly 11:20 p.m . Saturday night, M ultnom ah County S h e r i f f s O ffic e d e p u tie s w e re ca lled to the C ro w n P o in t area o f the C o lu m b ia G o rg e on a m issin g / o v erd u e “b ase-ju m p e r , The M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S h e r if f s O ffice Search and R escue E x p lo re P ost 631 w as deplo y ed ab o u t 1:00 am this m orning and at 7 :2 0 am , M r. Jo s h u a M ic h a e l M cV ay, D O B 0 5 /0 2 /7 4 o f C orbett, O reg o n w as found dead at a spot ab o u t 450 feet below C row n Point. A pparently, Mr. M cVay w as at­ tem pting a 600ft base-jum p from Crow n Point, a ju m p he has success­ fully com pleted m any tim es before, when he experienced a problem and fell to his death. C lose friends o f Mr. M cV ay as­ sisted E xam iner’s O ffice will con­ tinue the investigation Inform ation from Sergeant Brent Ritchie, Pager 499-7563. Search Beware Of Woman Continues Running Scam For Kidnapper P o lice in O reg o n , W ash in g to n an d fiv e o th e r states are k ee p in g a w atc h fu l eye for a w om an accu sed W a sh in g to n C o u n ty S h e r if f s c a n ’t seem to find a m an w h o tried to ab d u c t a 2 0 -y e a r-o ld w o m an e a r ly S u n d a y . S e v e r a l y o u n g p eo p le w itn e sse d the in c id e n t on S o u th w est Je n k in s n ear E d g em o re A venue in B eav erto n . T h ey ru sh ed to help the yo u n g w om an w ho cred ­ o f co n n in g m oney w ith a sob story. F o rty -n in e y ea r old S h irley U rich is accu sed o f p e rsu a d in g p eo p le to give h e r th o u sa n d s o t d o lla rs by claim in g she n eed s air fare to v isit a d y in g ch ild S he has re p o rte d ly u sed 30 aliases. Artist Arrested For Graffiti A lo c a l a rtis t is in p o lic e c u s ­ to d y . A u th o ritie s b e lie v e he is re ­ sp o n sib le fo r th e c o stly g ra ffiti th ro u g h o u t th e P o rtla n d area. T he g ra ffiti sp e lls th e w o rd “ h u g e ." N in e te e n -y e a r-o ld A aro n R e im en is a c c u s e d o f d e fa c in g se v e ra l b u ild in g s. H e p le a d e d n o t g u ilty to 1 5 -felo n y co u n ts o f c rim in a l m isch ief. its th em fo r h e r release. H ealth and H um an Services. «•er M M M