V' __ _______ August 11, 1999 Page 5 411?* llflrtlawì» ©bseruer----------- ------- < focus > ----------------------- The I n t e r n e t C o m m is s io n Thomas Frey is a w orld renowned Futuristand founder of the DaVinci Insti­ tute. He has an im­ pressive back­ ground as a former IBM engineer when he received more awards for his cre­ ative ideas than any other engineer - over 270. “v irtu a l c o u n try " . T h e v irtu a l co u n try is conceived as an entity th a t is n ot b o u n d ed by any spe­ cific geographical b o rd ers, and its citizenry is com prised of a volun­ tary m em bership. A virtual country would offer additional options for people to have a dual citizenship and actively p ar­ ticipate in both countries, or drop citizenship with the US and con­ tinue their residency as a foreign resident. N aturally, this proposal throws the traditional thinking about what a governm ent “is” into disarray. The tax im plications are m ind boggling. T he governm ents of existing land- based countries see this proposal as a direct threat to their sovereignty. T h e general public sees it as a way to reduce their tax burden and be treated with respect. Complications T he trad itio n alists argue that the inception of virtual countries will totally decim ate the funding base and integrity of these em er­ gency services. T h e virtual country prop o n en ts argue th at the biggest th reat to m ankind is now com ing from the new breed of techno-crim i­ nals, not the blood th irsty an ar­ chists of the past. A nd they envi­ sion a sharing of responsibility be­ tween the virtual and land-based countries. Some vocalize th eir con­ cern over a loss of national loyalty and the general state of confusion th at w ould be created. Lawyers see full em ploym ent for them selves for th e n ex t 1,000 years. B ut th e In tern et Com m ission sees it as a way to elevate its own status to ru ler of the en tire world. How would you solve this d i­ lemma? How m uch authority does the Internet Com mission have? Are they destined to becom e the first tru e global governm ent? W ho wins and loses with this proposal? Are we on a path to d estruction, or is this offering an unprecedented op­ portu n ity for o u r future? T hom as J. Frey, a form er IBM engineer, is senior research er and co-founder of the D aV inci In sti­ tu te , a future-studies o rganization th a t co n cen trates on inventions an d technology. H is w ebsite is w w w .m am m oth.org/-davinci. LO C A L H O T SPOT Women, what do these occupations have in common? ♦ An Electrician ♦ A Sheet Metal Worker ♦ A Sprinkler F itte r An Outside Electrical Lmeworker A Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmer The answer is they are all skilled trades that pay a Living Wage with great benefits and they are all recruiting fo r th e ir training programs NOW. I f you are a woman who is ♦ Living in the Portland area, or ♦ Receiving Public Assistance, or ♦ A dislocated worker, or ♦ Unemployed fo r 8 or more weeks, or ♦ In a low wage occupation, contact the ¿T’ Oregon Tradeswomen Network to find out more about the Portland Pathways to Success Program and how you can s ta rt on your pathway to self-sufficiency. *** H u r r y , some programs close A u g u s t 11, 1999 Call (503) 943-2228 to fin d out how you can s ta r t on your Pathway to Success Inform ation sessions about career opportunities fo r women in the skilled trades and the Portland Pathways to Success Program have been scheduled. They are FREE and open to all women who are interested. The next information session will be held on Thursday, August 19 from 9-00 a.m. until noon a t the Portland M etro W orkforce Training Center, 5600 NE 42nd Avenue (intersection o f NE 42nd Avenue and Killingsworth), Portland, in Room 102. Please call (503) 943-2228 to register ¿ s w REST, RELAXATION AND REJU VEN A TIO N . They’re all yours in our beautiful cuisine of lakeside setting. Indulge yourself in Midweek and weekend packages a pampering massage. Relax in our available. O nly 1-1/2 hours from natural mineral hot spring pools. Vancouver Sip a cappuccino at Miss Margaret's Seattle, the Harrison Hot Springs Copper and an 3 Room. hours all-tim e from Espresso Bai. Then savor the live Resort entertainment and Fraser Valley throughout the Pacific Northwest. F or is the favorite R E SE R V A T IO N S, CALL 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 2 6 6 . Springs « y V íjr ris o H BRITISH COLUMBIA • CANADA, VOM 1 KO • www.harrisonresort.com OPERATED BY HOSTMARK HOSPITALITY GROUP S l O i W i