Page B6 (The ÿ o r t h t u b © h a v r u e r August 11, 1999 Skills Tralner/Tracker W ashington County IN V IT A T IO N TO B ID J A £" v ' • j.; < V i if To M inority Contractors r * — ! F a c ilitie s M a in te n a n c e W o rk e r $ 2 ,2 7 9 - $ 2 ,7 7 0 /m o C loses August 2 0 , 1 9 9 9 B 6 5 0 S o u thw e st Tualatin Road Tualatin, Washington County, Oregon Æ O V E R 'r is ir s ic ; Skills T raln er/T racker needed to provide m ilieu supervision, tutorin g and to fa c ilita te skills groups and recreational a ctivities in a structured, after-school day reporting program for pre-adjudicated & probation youth referred from juvenile court. Position requires experience working with high- risk, de lin qu en t youth, and ability to m e e t co rp o ra te d riving e lig ib ility . S tarting salary is $ 9 .0 0 per hour + e xce lle n t b e n e fits. Please subm it cover le tte r and resum e to J. Fentress, Janus Youth Programs, 7 07 NE Couch, Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2 . T ra ffic M a in te n a n c e T e c h n ic ia n Value: $ 2 .5 M illion CALL FOR BID $ 2 ,9 2 2 $ 3 ,5 5 0 /m o Closes August 2 0 , 1 9 9 9 Estimated Start: Septem ber, 1 9 9 9 • Completion: 10 M onths Bids Date To P.C.C.: Monday, August 16, 1 9 9 9 • Bid Time: 10 :0 0 Multnomah County, Oregon a . m . Call (5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /T T Y (5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 - 4 8 9 8 in fo r m a t io n . C o u n ty a p p lic a t io n a n d s u p p le m e n ta l application form s required: W omen, m inorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Scope: Landscaping, irrigation, utilities, CMU & steel structural fram e, brick veneer/C M U & steel exterior walls, steel roof deck & deck, pyramidal skylight, alum inum storefro nt & windows, balastic glass, 3-holding cells, fire sprinklers, fire alarm s, rooftop m ounted packaged gas HVAC units. Bid No. B 9 6 8 -0 0 -5 5 8 6 Due Date: August 31, 1999 SE S ta r k S t. & T ro u td a le R. and 2 4 2 " ' & S ta r k S t. In te rs e c tio n Precision Construction Company Improvement. signal Installation And Loop Detector Replacement Pre-Bid Conference: M andatory - August 16. 1 9 9 9 . 2 :0 0 PM, in the C olum bia C onference room on the I “ floor, at the Yeon Annex, 1 6 2 0 SE Streets and Roads Description of work: Road widening, including: earthwork, concrete w a lks and pavem ent. Com plete signal in sta lla tion and loop replacem ent. Sealed b id s w ill be received until, but not after, 2 :0 0 P.M., buy M ultnom ah County Purchasing, 2 5 0 5 SE l l ,n Ave., Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 2 . Bids will be Program Specialist C olum bia County Jail & Justice Facility St. Helens, OR N a t'l. no np rofit seeks creative, organized Individual with program design & d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e rie n c e in multicultural issues. M ust have strong oral and written communication skills. Networking experience a plus. Full time, excellent benefits. Send resume to NCCJ, Director, 1 4 2 2 E. Burnside, Portland 9 7 2 1 4 or FAX: (503) 231-1780. Bid Package 3 Building Completion Divisions 2-17 (EXCLUDING SITE WORK, DOORS & FRAMES) Prebid Conference: August 3. 1999 At 9:00 AM Bid Date: August 1 7 , 1 9 9 9 • 2 :0 0 PM Drake C onstruction Company intends to bid on the Concrete and M iscellaneous Specialties Portland o f Bid Package 3. w w w .co .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s/p u rch / Each bid m ust contain a statem e nt whether bidder is a resident bidder, 4 3 7 N. Colum bia Blvd • Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 a i/r (5 0 3 ) 9 7 8 -0 8 0 0 Fax (5 0 3 ) 9 7 8 -1 0 3 1 DRAKE CCB #84045 tha n 1 0 says prior to the bid due date. PRE-QUALIFICATION APPLICATIONS DUE: AUGUST 2 1 ,1 9 9 9 . We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including M inority and Women-Owned Business, Disadvantaged. Disabled Veterans, and Emerging All bidders m u st com ply w ith the requirem ents o f the prevailing wage law in ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 . D etails o f com pliance are available from M ultnom ah County Purchasing, 2 5 0 5 SE l l ,h Ave., Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 2 , (5 0 3 ) 248- Sm all Business Enterprises. R EQ U EST FOR PR O PO SA LS # 9 9 2 3 Equal Opportunity E m p lo ye r In North Portland 4 6 8 A .7 2 0 . No bid will be considered unless bidder is registered with the Construction C ontractors Board as required by ORS 7 0 1 .0 5 5 or licensed by the State Landscape C ontractors Board as required b O R S 6 7 1 .5 3 0 . No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a surety bond, certified check, or a cashiers check payable to M ultnom ah County for the am ount equal to ten percent (10%) o f the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the board in the full am ount o f the contract. M ultnom ah County reserves th e right to reject any bid not in com pliance w ith all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may reject fo r good cause any or all bids if M ultnom ah County fin d s it is in the August 18, 1999 Send $11.95 to Money Delight • 7835 N Brandon • Portland, OR 97217 D / r v i c i r H a ir Connection S P A R K L E Full Service Salon 4603 N. Williams Ave. Portland, OR 97217 (503)288-3171 GREGORY HEN D ER SO N 4 9 1 -4 )2 ) r i t T o r y C A L O O • M e x ic a n S a lv a d o r e n a n d F o o d M E X IC A N M ENU SAMPLE: SALVADOREN M ENU SAMPLE: C a m e A sada Broiled Steak...................$7 95 P u p u sa D e Q u e so Cheese Pupusa................................ $2 50 P u p u s a D e C h ic a ro n Y Q u e so C h e e s e a n d Pork P u p u s a ...................$2.50 Y uca S a n c o c h a d a B oiled Y uca.............................................$2.50 P lán tan o s Fritos C o n C re m a Fried Plantain with C re am $3.75 (503)247-9132 8 2 5 N. K illin g sw o rth • Portland, OR 9 7 217 1' 0 0 A M - 6 F M 1 i E a r P s B a rb e r Shop DIXON'S 5804 N Inte rsta te A ve. P o rtla n d , O R 9 7217 Wad - Friday - 9 00 am 6:30 pm by Appointment • Saturday Walk-Ins RIB PIT Pgr. :503/441-3269 R e g g ie B rO W O B arber/Stylist ” 1 BEYOND CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CARE CARPET W P M and c o m m u n ic a te w ell. Experience a plu s, b u t n o t essential. E a rn $7 to $ 9 /h r. Call 24-hour Job Hotline at M a rk e t A D C (2 Room Minimum) D e c is io n s C o r p o r a tio n Call for appointment • (503) 232-6233 O ther Services At C om petitive Prices _____ C O T T M A N SPECIALISTS PROVIDE Peace-Of-Mftnd Y o u r Transm ission Specialist W ith O v e r 200 Centers Coast-to-C oast Over 3S Yeors In Business! S a a d A c n * S ty le . 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -8 5 0 0 Men -Thur» 11 AM - 1 CO AM Fri - Sat ’ 1 AM • 3 AM OosadonSun IN S U R A N C E 41/70 HOHE BUSINESS HEALTH life Rhonda Smith 5700 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 r °* | “ 503-287-6225 OO A ii 3 I O O W Oil Any Internal Automatic Transmission Repair e Smart.... Be among the first to get the updated 1999 version of Send $11.95 to Money Delight • 7835 N Brandon • Portland, OR 97217 Laminate Flooring $-1 83 Vinyl $4 t$ . BALLOONS Por All Occasions i Events Decorating Service • By Delivery Only * “ " ExfraonJinay G«l Baskets We're in the itartsho matt vou loofc atttC Zwnrartane STORkFORRENT WeOettve. Edwlna Jones When You Oelhwr (503)331-1101 Designer CO TTM AN CASH- The Bill Collectors Manual R« • 503-2» W07 ! 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 Locally Owned and Operated 7— Hour» 12X13 Rem $6 g fiû & FLOOR COVERING 2046 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 5 0 3 /2 8 4 - 1 2 7 2 AMERICAN FAMILY 453 T R A N S M IS S IO N TR O U B LE! Larry Matthews Owner WWOaenrt o t H u m a n Resources at (503) 245-4479 ext. 452 or Commercial $ 0 2 3 Carpet ^ MYD Portlands Costless Carpet (503) 797-2639 Equal Opportunity Employer *YAM YAM’S Bhrd. A v e • Portland. OR 9 7 2 1 2 SAVE BIG ON vacations and h olidays available. Flexible hours, day, a fte rn o o n a nd evening shifts. Type 25 A re a Jr. Im m e d ia te ( Ip c n in p * f o r i n t e r i te n e r * - A O SALES. N ew team stru c tu re in place to tra in and s u p p o rt new employees. W e ’ re c o m m itte d to 4 0 9 5 Each 4011 M E M artm Luther King M A R K E T R E S E A R C H IN T E R V IE W E R S y o u r success. Fun, p rofessional e n v iro n m e n t w ith advancem ent o p p o rtu n itie s . M e dica l, paid Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning M cM urphy's A ppliance Center * S ales • S ervice • Parts (503) 289-6062 5 0 3 /2 4 9 -5 0 6 8 Fax • 503-282-6001 1, C C a m a ro n e s C o n Aros Shrimp with Rice............$7.95 - r ' ‘ ' I ’- 'F A vV-tk •3 0 00 Mtnimum Purchase 112 NE Kenflsworth St Portland. Oregon 97211 f e C a m ita D e P u e rc o Pork Steak...................... $7.95 FLOOR • CARPET • UPHOLSTER CLEANING 1726 N.E. Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 i e N A IM ’S m m Office *503-211 5030 The Bill Collectors Manual Komi Kalevor • Portland Development Commission 1 9 0 0 SW 4 W, Suite 1 0 0 • Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 1 e and Be among the first to get the updated 1999 version of m ust be sub m itte d to: □ ABOVE e Smart.... The Portland Developm ent C om m ission seeks proposals for infill housing and redevelopm ent o f the Villa St. Rose Convent at t h e " Rosem ont Property’ in th e P iedm ont Neighborhood. The site is 7 .6 8 acres a t 5 97 N. Dekum and is bounded to the north by N. Bryant, to ea st by N. Congress and to the W est by a row o f single fam ily hom es th a t face N. Albina Avenue. The full request fo r p ro p o s a ls m ay be o b ta in e d fro m o u r w eb page a t h t t p . / / or tele ph on e Shelly Bird at (50 3) 8 2 3 -3 2 6 9 . Proposals public in te re s t to do so. MULTNOMAH COUNTY PURCHASING •N D A / - Ilc fW . F ull tim e p o s itio n d o in g jo b developm ent and career counseling for adults with disabilities. Knowledge about the em ploym ent needs o f people with disabilities; excellent communication and tim e m anagement skills; ability to work flexible schedule; willingness to ju m p in and assist with varying tasks: and computer literacy are requirements. Bilingual (Spanish/English); bachelor's degree; and jo b exp erience in a vocational program are preferred. To apply, send a cover le tte r and resum e to Cindy Chaffee, I AM CARES, 4 1 3 4 N. Vancouver Avneue, Suite 2 0 2 , Portland Oregon, 9 7 2 1 7 , or fax to (5 0 3 ) 3 3 5 -6 1 6 5 . For Infill Housing And Redevelopment 5 1 1 1 , by c o n ta ctin g [John Persen], C ontractors and subcontractors m ust be licensed for asbestos abatem ent w ork if th e project involves w orking with asb estos as set forth in ORS CALL T O M A K E .\F ? O lh » T /.U ? -.T • Employment Specialist D e v e lo p and im p le m e n t com prehensive corporate relations plan, including eve nts and m arketing op portunities. Requires ability to work w ith lo g is tic s & d e ta ils ; s o lic it spo nso rship s and develop corporate relatio ns. FT + b e ne fits. Send resum e & salary reqs. to: O regon Food B ank, 2 5 4 0 NE R iverside W ay, P ortland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 . Open until filled. DRAKE CONST. CO. n n An Equal Opportunity Employer Events/Corporate Relations The concrete and M iscellaneous Specialty Portions of Bid Package No. 3 will be subm itted to and opened by the Owner. as defined in ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 P re-Q ualifications Of Bidder may be required pursuant to th e M ultnom ah County Public C ontract Review Board A dm inistrative Rules (AR 4 0 .0 3 0 ). See S pe cifica tions for project cla sse s o f work. Pre-qualification application, or pro of o f P re-qualification by the Oregon Departm ent o f Transportation, m ust be received by, or postm arked to, M ultnom ah County Purchasing no later ¡UJMK.’ E " 'I Rainier School District has an opening for a high school special education teacher. M ust have valid Oregon teaching license, Handicapped Learner Endorsem ent preferred. Start 8 / 3 1 / 9 9 , licensed salary schedule, open until file d. Rainer School D istrict Attn: Diane Nash, PO Box 1 6 0 , Rainier OR 9 7 0 4 8 ; phone 5 0 3 -5 5 6 -3 7 7 7 , Fax 5 0 3 -5 5 6 -3 7 7 8 . E-mail: D ia n e _ n a sh @ rsd .kl2 .o r.u s SUB BIDS REQUESTED opened and read at 2 :1 5 P.M. the sam e day. Plans and S pe cifica tions are filed with M ultnom ah County Purchasing and cop ie s may be obtained from the above address for a $ 5 .0 0 non- refundable fee. Checks And M oney Orders Only. Plans and S pecifications Will Not Be M ailed w ithin the M etropolitan, Tri-County area. Bid list and occa sio nal bid/R FP dow nloads are available at web address h t t p : / / 1 J Education Apply To: W ashington County Human R esources Division 15 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0 Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 8025 NE Killingsworth • Portland, OR 97218 503-253-4827 • Fax 503-253-5177 1 9 0 * \ P ortland OR PreQuallflcatlon Required In classes of: Traffic Signals & Highways, We value diversity. EEO F a x (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -9 1 9 6 Spedai Eventa By Appointment P.O. Box 11442 • Portland, Origon 97211 •Em ail: adw(najon«s<9uswnt.nat 1*BBB‘A »TRACKS Try? 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 -2 2 5 7 K ra c h s Alantt B Security in skiatxxi / Rep»» O rego n (503) 288-7 716 W ashington (360) 885-2001 Fax (36 0) 892-0761 E' m a " a lra c k s 0 le le p o rt.c o m OAM E C a sca d e Plaza • Room 107A 4134 N orth V ancouver A venue • P ortland. OR 97217 Adm Ltd Energy • JLE Oregon / Washington • C C 8 #115473 • ALARMT‘016J3 A f f o r d a b le E f f ic ie n t S e c u r ity J u a t F o r You! L icensed • B onded • Insured