1 r , • ■ ■ ¿ d e s b SB3K£-.5 ^ - 1 —* . . f . I *- - ' • j . ' »-■ .•/n <•"«» I : ti «' ' I Volume \ \ l \ . Num ber 31 Com m itted to C u ltu ra l Diversity \u « ’ ust 4, 1999 ® he Jäorthm h ffiheeruer n nt nt u n i t n a Ie ttò a r (Ö Summer Swimming Lessons Miss summer swim registration? Getting lessons started a little late? No problem! W hile lessons are rapidly filling up at Portland Parks and Recre­ ation pools, there are still plenty of opportunities for children and adults to leant to swim! The Parks’ Aquatics Division has classes through the rest of the summer in two, two-week-long ses­ sions: August 9 - August 20; August 23 - September 3. The 30-minute classes run Monday through Friday. Spaces are filling fast, so register soon! E x p lo re th e ir w e b site at www.parks,ciJg0Itland,9T,US- D ¿4 The African Arts Day Camps offer children an alternative to the traditional summer camp experience... Help Needy Children The L.I.F.E. (Low-Income Fami­ lies Emergency) Center is having its 16th annual back-to-school drive for needy children (K-12). The drive will continue through August 10,1999. The Center needs new and good usable clothing to ensure needy children are properly prepared for the upcoming school year. Ifyou need more informa­ tion or would like to volunteer for the giveaway, call Leslie Garth at 503/ 28 4 -6 8 7 8 . A ll d o n a tio n s m aybe dropped o ff at the L.I.F.E. Center at 2746 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Or, call the Center for a pick-up. Divorce Recovery Support Groups Beaverton Christian Church offers a DIVORCE Recovery Group on Monday evenings at 7 PM at Beaverton Christian Church, 13600 SW Allen Blvd. This group provides an opportunity for sup­ port, sharing and guidance. It is designed as a support group - not as a substitute for individual therapy. If you are interested in the group, contact Dr. Randy Christian at 503/646-2151, ext. 240. Children's Fair The N/NE Taskforce is sponsoring a Children’s Fair! It will be held on Satur­ day, August 14 from 10 AM to 3 PM at Common Bond, located at 4919 NE 9* (behind St. Andrews Church). All fami­ lies, child care providers and children are welcome to participate in games, music, dance, food and fun! Last year over 500 families attended the fair. The Children’s Fair will also feature infor­ mation on childhood development, help­ ful parenting tips, community resources, and a free lead testing clinic. A limited number o f sc holarships are available for non-profit agencies who are unable to afford the $10 donation. Call Joann Borud at 503/256-0432 X225 to re­ quest a scholarship application. B Children Beat Their Own Drum at Musical Summer Camp Y2K Preparation As Y2K approaches, SBA (Small Business Association) can help. Small and home-based businesses should be aware o f the problem, and what it af­ fects. Acquire the hardware and soft­ ware fixes and prepare a contingency plan if the patches fail either in your firm or your trading partners. Y ou can do that by getting the facts from SBA 's home page at www.sba.gov/y2k if you have Internet connectivity or use the free SBA fax-back capability at 877/ 789-2565 or contact the SBA office at 503/326-2682. Ancient Forest Picnic Join ONRC friends and families for a day o f guided ancient forest hikes, games, swimming, music and fabulous vegetarian bar-b-que. Learn about the Oregon W ild campaign to protect wil­ derness in Oregon on Sunday, August 22 from 11 AM - 5 PM. The cost is $5 for adults, $3 for kids 8-18. This will get you the entire day’s activities and all-you-can-eat. For more information or directions, contact Catherine at 503- 283-6343 ext.211 or visit their website page at cttaionrc.org. SECTION Beating an African drum is ju s t part of the fun. ozens o f Portland area chil­ dren are participating in the Homowo A frican Arts & Cul- tures Day Camps, a unique summer camp that exposes them to African art forms including basic Ghanaian hand drumming techniques, dance m ove­ ments, weaving, painting and drawing. In ternationally know n artist Obo Addy and m em bers o f his traditional group O kropong have conducted two o f the w eeklong cam ps at E ast Port­ land C om m unity C enter (July 19-23) and W hitaker M iddle School (July 26-20). The rem aining tw o cam ps w ill take place at Friendly H ouse in northw est Portland, A ugust 2-6 and A ugust 9-13. “The A frican A rts D ay Cam ps o f­ fer children an alternative to the tra­ ditional sum m er cam p experience,” said Susan A ddy, executive director o f H om ow o A frican A rts & C ultures. “B eating an A frican drum is ju st part o f the fun. P articipants also explore the history o f another culture through storytelling, m usic and art - a whole N ew W orld is opened to them .” T h e A fric a n A rts & C u ltu re s C am ps, sp onsored by P ortland G en­ eral E le c tric , are an ex ten sio n o f the annual H om ow o festiv al, a tra d i­ tional G hanaian festival o f w elcom e and th an k sg iv in g . A ddy says the festiv al is rooted in the values o f h o sp ita lity , to leran ce and re c o n c ili­ ation. The festival w ill take place this year in the South Park B locks at P o rtlan d State U n iv ersity A ugust 21 and 22. For m ore inform ation about the H om ow o F estival and o th er re ­ la te d ev en ts, co n tact Susan A ddy at 5 0 3 -288-3025. P G E ’s gift o f $8,000 supports the A frican A rts D ay Cam p, scholarships for underprivileged youth and spon­ sorship o f the H om ow o Festival. Instructor Charles Armah teaches Shakell Greely the fine art of drumming at the Homowo African Arts Day Camp. Camp was held July 19-23 at East Portland Community Center. NOBLE’S Youth Participated in Memorial March N O BLE focused on the them e “C o u n t­ dow n to the M illen n iu m ...W ill You Be R ead y ?’ W h at’s ahead for our youth in the new m illennium ? W orkshops w ere held for the youth in the com m unities as well as the youth attending the conference as fam ily m em ­ bers o f attendees. T opics such as ’C h a l­ lenges to the youth o f Law E nforcem ent," ’Y outh Financial M anagem ent," “Y outh Law enforcement executives take a moment out to speak to the Portland Observer about what they hope to accomplish with their stay In the “City of Roses.” The officers shown from left to right Include: Stan Reeves, Deputy Chief of the Vancouver Police Department; Mac Lockett, retired Chief of Police of Portland Public Schools; Michael D. Bryant, Chief of Police of Portland International Airport; Roy A. Brown, Captain Patrol Commander of the City of Eugene. and the M edia,” w ere covered ju s t to nam e a few. NO BLE is a 3500 m em ber, nonprofit organization o f com m and-level m inority law enforcem ent o ffic ia ls from federal, state and m unicipal law en fo rcem en t agencies across the country. The organization is based in Arlington, V A, just outside ofWashington, D.C. NOBLE is committed to Justice By Action. Photos by M. Washington