. ---- > -¿ S S - Page A 6 3Hf» IJprilanì» <0b«m>rr A u g u st 4 ,1 9 9 9 Cannon’s K ids’ N u tritio n Q & A August Q * ’> ’5» <4/ ? ï ( A : Is B ro c c o li m o re n u t r i ­ tio u s th a n S p in a c h ? A: Broccoli and Spinach are both nutritional powerhouses, says Dr. Michael Grusak, a plant physiolo­ gist with the USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College o f Medicine. Both are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories. Each has specific nutritional strengths, however. Spinach is richer in iron, foliate and vitamin A, but Broccoli has more vitam in C and calcium. In addition, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts and kale, c o n ta in g lu c o s in o la te s . G lu co sin alates are a group o f phytonutrients thought to help the body detoxify carcinogens and in­ crease human resistance to cancer. But, before going overboard on either broccoli or spinach, rem em ­ ber that variety is the spice o f life and key to good nutrition. So, don’t w orry w hich is m ore nutri­ tious - eat both! Q : A lth o u g h I w a n t to b re a stfe e d my new b a b y , I d o n ’t w an t to give u p h av in g an o cca­ sional glass o f w ine. Any advice? A: Tim ing and m oderation are th e a n s w e r, sa y s D r. Ju d y H opkinson, a lactation physiolo­ g is t w ith th e U S D A / A R S C h ild re n ’s N u tritio n R esearch C enter, a B aylor C ollege o f M edi­ cine in Houston. A lcohol does get into breast m ilk w hen you drink. But, if you lim it y o u rself to an o c c a sio n a l sin g le th re e -o u n c e glass o f wine and w ait two hours or more before nursing, your body w ill be able to clear both your blood and milk o f alcohol, making it safe to breastfeed. Exposure to alcohol could be­ come a problem for your infant, however, if you nurse too soon, Volunteers Needed! drink too much or drink frequently. A b aby’s body m etabolizes alco­ hol very slow ly, so even a small am ount can affect nursing and sleep patterns. Initially, alcohol reduces nursing time by inducing sleep. But it will enetually inter­ fere with sleep. Regular alcohol exposure can also affect a baby s behavior and coordination. Q: I say th a t fat accounts for 20 p e rc e n t of the calories in 80 p e rc e n t lean g ro u n d beef. My h u sb a n d disagrees. W h o ’s rig h t? A: He is. A ccording to nutri­ tio n is ts at th e U S D A /A R S C h ild re n ’s N u tritio n R esearch Center, at Baylor College o f M edi­ cine, ground b e e f labeled 80 per­ cent lean is 20 percent fat by w eight, not caloric content. W hat makes this distinction im­ portant is that each gram o f fat yields 9 calories, while a gram o f protein yields just 4. For example: a 100-gram burger (about three and o n e-half ounces) made from 80 percent lean ground b e e f con­ tains a total o f 260 calories and 20 grams o f fat. Since that 20 grams o f fat yield 180 calories, the per­ cent o f calories from fat is 180/ 260, or nearly 70 percent. A lthough this might be surpris­ ing, don’t let your new insight turn you against iron-rich red meats Rem em ber that the heart healthy goal o f keeping your fat calories to 30 percent or less o f total calo­ ries applies to your overall diet, not a single food. So, on days when you w ant to enjoy a lean beef burger ju st rem em ber to control the portion size and w atch your 1999 overall fat intake during the rest o f the day. This is easier if you choose m ore fruits, vegetables and whole g ra in foods, and few hig h -fat snacks and convenience foods Q : Is h o m em ade bab y food h e a lth ie r th a n sto re -b o u g h t? A: Commercially prepared baby food is nutritionally equivalent to the home-made version, says Dr. Debby Demory-Luce, a registered d ie titia n w ith the U SD A /A R S Children ’ s N utrition Research Cen­ ter at Baylor College o f M edicine. So, the decision comes dow n to personal preference. Som e parents enjoy m aking their own baby food and find it more econom ical. The texture o f hom em ade foods can also be eas­ ily varied to prom ote chew ing skills in babies who are develop- m entally ready. Should you decide to make your own baby food, be sure to keep cleanliness and food safety in mind during preparation and storage? Clean hands, preparation surfaces, utensils, and containers are a must. A lso, avoid adding sugar, honey, salt, or seasonings to your b a b y ’s food, w hether purchased or hom e­ made. A dding honey is particu­ larly dangerous because it can har­ bor a bacteria that causes a poten­ tially fatal illness in babies less than 1 year o f ace. (FORMERLY CHUCK HINTON’S) Catering & Take-Out • • • • Sandwiches Salads Dinners Catering Chicken * Pork Ribs « • Beef Ribs • SUMMER HOURS BARBERS PROFESSI MONDAY: TUB0AY: or P a rt T im e M a le o r F e m a le WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: v a ila b le • S a la r y a n d FRIDAY: A L S O SATURDAY SUNDAY: S H O E S H IN E 11 :00 am -9:00 pm 11 :00 a m -9:00 pm 11:00 am -1 p m a 4 pm -9 pm 11 :00 a m -9:00 pm 11:0 0 a m -10:00 pm 11 :00 a m -10:00 pm 1:00 p m -8 pm 33rd 8t N.E. KILLINGSWORTH (3328 N.E. Killingsworth) bby’s B arber Sh r ^2535 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 288-3836 (503) 331-0712 Totally Dynamic LTD and Tamm Entertainment-Sports and Marketing Agency present.... The 1st Annual rtlapdUrban Fest|v THE LARGEST. MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST July 20 through August 3,1999 End Domestic and Sexual Violence A Celebration of Community and Support o, The Portland W omen’s Cri­ sis Line is seeking dedicated women to answer our 24 hour a day crisis line and to provide additional support services for victims / survivors o f domestic and sexual violence. PW CL provides an intensive 46 hour training over a three week period beginning Septem­ ber 14, 1999. For information and an appli­ cation call Eden at 232-9545. Application deadline for the next training is August 31". Senior Women and Women o f Color are encouraged to apply! 30 OFF b ALL FABRIC 6^ ,e*v Acu yìùes tor all ages G»#*®* L im ite d t o s t o c k o n h a n d Court to Rule on Adoption Law The O regon Court o f Appeals is expected to decide soon whether a new law allow ing adult adoptees to view their birth certificates should be enforced. “The O regonian" re­ ports that M easure 58, which passed in Novem ber, has been stalled in court by six birth m others who op­ pose the change. The court will have to decide w hether to allow the law to go into effect, or honor the confidentiality thousands o f women were prom ised years ago when they relin q u ish e d th e ir ch ild ren for adoption. Outdoor Warehouse Sale Continues 10-6 Daily N e w A d d it io n s W e e k ly *1 • ‘ 2 • *3 • *4 p e r y d . Corne out and picnic with the family Join us to help bring about awareness ot AddictionsJ Minimum cut 1 yard All merchandise as-b All sales final r i i substance abuse I AKKK D E P O T ( O t PO N Simplicity ’ Patterns ' 4 DAYS ONLY *1.99 • Limit 6 per cou p on • Valid July 22-25, 1999. S a tu r d a y , A u g u st 2 8 E veut sponsorships und 1 0 :0 0 a m — 1 0 :0 0 p m B oolli space limited. C a l l t o d a y ! 331-9554 in the Emanuel Legacy Lot (comer of Williams and Russell •Due (Mints dt) not apph to pmtotish discounted or marttrd down items 7tV lW ihm 8 X i J r XX HOI 1 X XII IK n R"' vehicle ut suppuri, saying “ NO " tu drugs, dumeslic and gung viuleuce. in NE Portland) Admission is FREE! BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS' R1 1 XII HOI RS View the premiere issue of luuigine Thai! magazine— a RETAIL - WHOLESALE 700 S.E. 122ndAve Portland, OR 2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 Visit our website at w w w fahriedepot com Out thanks la Volunteers of America Oregon far the donation of graphic services and event volunteers. 1-8OO-392-3376 fita s ; . • ' * i ‘ '* " * * r * t* ..... ........ ’