Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 04, 1999, Page 3, Image 3

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(Fiji Çortlanh ©haeruvr
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Gunman’s Children Laid to Rest
C T he A ssck iattd P wias
LITHIA SPR IN G S, G a. (Aug. 2) -
An A m erican flag and a blanket o f pink
roses draped the caskets o f M ark O.
B arton’slw ochildren today as relatives
and triends gathered to m ourn the young­
est victim s ofB arton ’ s deadly rampage.
M atthew Barton, 11, and his sister,
M ychelle, 7, w ere bludgeoned by their
father on W ednesday, the day after
Barton, 44, killed his w ife in her subur­
Church, 11 m iles w esto fM aco n , w here
M rs. B arton grew up. ’ ’G o d ’s answ erto
how to go on is love.”
O n Thursday, the day after the chil­
dren died, B arton m arched into two
brokerage firms in A tlanta’s B uckhead
com m ere lal distnc t and opened fire wi th
tw o handguns, killing nine people and
w ounding 13 others. H ours later. Barton
com m itted suicide w hen police cor­
nered him at a gas station.
Fred H erder, w ho w as w ounded in
the back in the attack, told T he Atlanta
Journ al-C o n stitu tio n h e jo k e d w ith
Barton w hen the assailant arrived at All-
husband’s children.
‘ ’She w asasoccerm om for Matthew
andaG irl Scout leader for M ychelle,’ ’ he
said. Sev eral Girl Scouts, w earing their
blue uniforms and sashes, passed a pack­
age o f tissues am ong themselves.
Davis also read a letter from Mrs.
B arton’s sister, D ana R eeves, that ad­
dressed the 27-year-okl b y her nick­
nam e, "G o ld ilo ck s.”
* ’ 1 only w ish I could have spared you
all o f th is... I know you are in a safe place
Mexico Slaps Dumping
Tariffs on U.S. Beef
M E X IC O C IT Y , A ug 1 (R euters)-
M exico said on Sunday it w as slapping
com pensatory tariffs o f up to 215 per­
cent on U.S. b e e f im ports, saying U.S.
producers w ere sending m eat across
the border at artificially low prices.
O nly live cattle im ports from the
Tech Investm ent G roup that morning.
" I asked him , ‘W here w ere you
yesterday? Y ou m ake too m uch m oney
or w hat?’” H erder,55;told the new spa­
per in a story published today. A couple
o f m inutes later, he heard three shots.
B usinessm an Sang 'Yoon, 34, was
tried to cope with the violence.
S e rv ic e s fo r s h o o tin g v ic tim
V adew attee M uradlidhara. 44, were
held Sunday afternoon inPeachtreeCity.
She will be b uned in her native Trinidad.
shot in the arm w hile sitting at a com ­
puter term inal at A ll-Tech. H e said he
will never return to the high-intensity
w orld o f day trading because he fears
Payne said at the service.
A m em orial service also w as held
for Allen Charles Tenenbaum , w ho was
c o u n try ’s n orthern n eig h b o r w ere
spared from the tariffs, w hich the trade
m inistry said w ere set in order to pro­
tect the local industry from “unfair
international trade practices.”
The com plex set o f tariffs w as bound
to raise foe ire o f U.S. producers, w ho
have disputed charges they are dum p­
ing b eefo n foe M exican market, saying
M exican consum ers w ould only suffer.
T he m inistry specifically cited Ex­
cel C orp, IBP Inc., Farm land N ational
B e e f Packing C o., and C onA gra Inc.
as U.S. com panies that w ould b e af­
violence from other traders.
‘ ’ I think 1 m ay buy another dry c lean­
buried Friday.
In its Aug. 9 issue, N ew sw eek m aga­
zine reports that Barton recently changed
fected b y the tariffs.
T he steepest tariff, o f 214.52 per­
cent, w as set on im ports o f edible b e e f
ing business,’ ’ he said.
A t church Sunday, D avis urged the
m ourners not to allow the violence to
his profile on his A m erica O nline ac­
count to include guns as a hobby and
" M a k e m y d a y ” - th e lin e C lin t
strippings, except for specifically m en­
Eastw ood’s character D irty H arry ut­
tered before gunning crim inals - as his
• M rs. Barton. The Rev. D oug D avis
rem em bered the song as one o f her
favorites, with its soaring chorus often
" c lo u d o ur m em o ry .”
" I ’m afraid th ere’s a tem ptation to
becom e focused o n the horrible events
o f last w eek ,” D avis said. " I f w e give
into that tem ptation, w e do a great dis­
blaring from her car.
‘ ’The question lies before us, ‘H ow
service to L eigh Ann.
D avis said one o f the greatest im ­
do w e go on from here?’ ’ ’ D avis said to
about 400 m ourners at Lizella Baptist
pressions that he had of M rs. Barton
w as how she loved and cared for her
ban apartment.
Pallbearers today w ere m em bers o f
the young victim s’ B oy Scout and G irl
Scout troops.
The Rev Kenneth H ennesy ofU m on
G rove Baptist C hurch asked the 300
mourners not to ask w hy M atthew and
M ychelle died, but to celebrate the fact
that they have gone on to a better life.
’’The Lord said, ‘Let y o u r heart not
be troubled,’” H ennesy said. ‘ T m s u r e
w e have a lot o f questions w hy, but the
Lord w ill provide.”
The flag draped the casket o f M at­
thew and the roses blanketed M ychelle ’ s
casket at a funeral hom e chapel in Lithia
Springs, west o f Atlanta.
O n Sunday, the gospel tune ‘T U Fly
A w ay” reverberated through a rural
church at Lizella, G a., at a service for
n o w ,” the letter said.
M is. B arton’s w as o n e o ftw o funer­
als held Sunday as A tlanta area churches
‘ ’ She w as alw ays v ib ran t She never
really w as dow n,” friend D oleford
personal motto.
The children’s mother, D ebra Barton,
and maternal grandm other were hacked
to death in A labama in 1993. Police said
Barton, who was having an affair with
First Lady Explains Husband’s Actions
Hillary Clinton Tells Magazine
President C lin to n ’s Infidelity
Stems from Childhood Conflict
the boy.
"S h e describes the chaos.
describes an incident in w hich Bill s
grandm other and she literally w ere pull­
o T ub A ssociattd P ress
ing him apart.” with one tugging on a
shoe and theother on an arm. Franks said.
N E W Y O R K (A ug. 2) - First lady
H illary R odham C linton called her
husband’s infidelity " a sin o f w eak­
W h ite H o u s e s p o k e s m a n Jo e
Lockhart said he w asn ’t sure if Clinton
knew prior to the interview that Mrs.
Clinton w ould discuss the incident from
n ess” and insisted in a magazine inter­
view that she has stayed w ith him out o f
love and not for her ow n benefit.
In an interview w ith T alk m agazine.
M rs. C lin to n e m p h asized th at h er
husband's affair w ith M onica Lewinsky
happened after the deaths o f his m other
and her father, and the 1993 suicide o f
their close friend V incent Foster.
" Y o u know in Christian theology
there are sins o f w eakness and sms o f
m alice, and this w as a sin o f w eakness, ”
she sa id
President C linton w as im peached
by the H ouse for lying about his affair
w ith the form er W hite H ouse intern; the
Senate acquitted him after a trial in
his childhood.
" H e knew som e time ago that she'd
done this interview and the story was
com ing out,” Lockhart sa id * The ar­
ticle paints a portrait o fM rs. C linton that
is quite positive and it speaks for itself.
H e said C linton ‘ ’believes that like
m any young people, he had difficult
tim es within his family, but he feels he
has been blessed with love and a w on­
derful life.”
Mrs. C linton told Franks that, since
the Lewinsky scandal, her husband' has
been w orking on h im self very h a rd ....
H e has becom e m ore aw are o f his past
and w hat w as causing this behavior
affected parties in foe T rade M inistry
investigation, w hich studied im ports
betw een June and D ecem ber 1997, the
received no tariffs.
W hole and half carcasses, fresh re­
frigerated or frozen, were hit by a 5.24
percent tariff while ConAgra, Excel,
Farm land and IBP did not receive tanffs.
T he four com panies that received
m inistry said.
It said the tanffs announced w ere
prelim inary and that futher investiga­
tion in foe com ing m onths w ould yield
a definitive ruling on the b e e f issue.
tioned com panies.
For exampleConAgra’sstrippings will
have a 11.42 percent tariff, IBP’s 36.22
percent, Excel’s 17.10 and Farmland’s
2.67 percent, foe ministry said
F ro z e n to n g u e im p o rts re c e iv e d
the n ex t-h ig h est tariff, at 198.07 p e r­
cen t, e x c e p t fo r sp e c ific a lly m e n ­
tio n e d c o m p an ies.
then-Leigh A nn Vandiv er, w as a suspect
although he was never charged.
low er tariffs took part as potentially
percent tariff, w ith IB P ’s boneless cuts
to p ay 4.14 percent and C onA gra’s
7.66 percent F arm lan d ’s and E xcel’s
For instance, Excel’s frozen tongues
S h a k e y o u r fins
to some great
w ill have a tariff o f 23.17 percent,
IB P ’s 5.29 percent, C onA gra’s 16.91
percent and F arm land’s 8.45 percent,
She defended him as a good m an, i the m inistry said.
Frozen liver im ports w ere slapped
but said: "Y es, he has w eaknesses, yes
w ith a 106.24 percent tariff, w ith indi­
he needs to be m ore responsible, m ore
vidually nam ed com panies receiving
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Mre. Clinton refuted suggestions that I sm aller tariffs.
B eefcutsw ifobonesreceiveda 12.76
she stuck with the president for h er ow n
percent ta riff although im ports from
C onA gra, Excel and EBP w ere ruled
‘ ’ Everyone has som e dysfunction in
exem pt from foe tariffs. F arm land’s
their families. T hey have to deal w ith it.
im ports got a 7.6 percent tariff
Y ou d o n ’t w alk aw ay if you love som e­
B oneless cuts got hit by a 74.98
one. Y ou help the person,” she said.
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“ A nd it is love, isn’t it?” Franks
“Yes, it is. W e have love,” she replied.
Mis. Clinton acknow ledged the pain
o f the infidelities, but said it did not
outw eigh the close relationship the
couple have built.
" I s he asham ed? Y es. Is h e sorry?
Y es. B ut does this negate everything
he has done as a husband, a father, a
p re s id e n t? ,” M rs. C lin to n ask ed .
"T h e re has been enorm ous pain, en o r­
m ous anger, but I have been w ith him
h a lf m y life and he is a very, very good
man. W e ju st have a deep connection
that transcends w hatever happens. ’ ’
S h e sa id sh e an d h e r h u s b a n d
Trout Aid D a t e s : _______________________ ________
Dan Seals & Joni H arm s...........................Wednesday, August 11
Bo Diddley.........................................................Sunday, August 22
re m a in c lo se .
‘ 'W e talk. W e talk in foe solarium , in
foe bedroom , in foe kitchen - it’s just
constant conversation,” she said. ‘ ’W e
like to lie in bed and w atch old m ovies,
you know , those little individual video
m achines you can hold on your lap.”
Mrs. Clinton also talked about her
m ove toward a run for a Senate seat from
N ew York. "N o w for foe first time I am
m aking m y ow n decisions. 1 can feel the
difference. It is a great relief,’ ’ she said
Heart & Kerosene D ream ............................. Saturday, August 28
Jonatha Brooke, Wes Cunningham,
Sara Hickman & Nicole Campbell................... Sunday, August 29
/ V
Portland General E lectnt
P E O P L E ,
‘'H eco u ld n ’tprotectm e, so belied,”
M is. C linton said.
B ut the reaction, M is. C linton said,
"w a s harm tul to the co u n try .... People
are mean. 1 think it’s a real disservice, the
w ay w e sort o f strip aw ay everybody’s
sense ofdignity, ofprivacy. People need
support, not disdain.
T he article appears in T alk ’s first
issue, w hich reaches stands Tuesday.
Its author, Lucinda Franks, told C N N
today she believes M is. C linton chose
to talk now about her m arriage and its
problem s to fight her public im age,
w hich ranges from "c o ld , calculating
political w ife” to a ‘ ’kind o fso ft thinker
o f rom ance and fantasy.
"S h e has been stereotyped in a w ay
that has been very painful to her. I think she
feels that people don’t understand her,
don’t get her,” said Franks, who is mar­
ried to Manhattan District Attorney Rob­
ert Moigenthau, a prom inent D em ocrat
M rs. C lin to n ’s s p o k e s w o m a n ,
M aisha Berry, said today Franks is
‘ ’ som eone she (Mrs. C 1 inton) knew and
felt com fortable with. She had a friend­
ship w ith this reporter." B erry said the
interview "speaks for itself."
In the article, M rs. C linton said she
thought her husband’s infidelity "w a s
resolved 10 yeare a g o .... I thought he
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grandm other,” she said.
‘’Apsychologist once told m e that for
a boy being in the m iddle o f a conflict
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Mrs. C linton blam ed h er h u sb an d 's
infidelity on a desire to please w om en
that can be traced to his childhood
" H e w as so young, barely 4, w hen
he w as scarred by abuse. There w as a
terrible conflictbetw een his m other and
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betw een tw o w om en is the w orst pos­
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Franks said C linton’s m other, V ir­
ginia Kelley, w rote in her autobiogra­
phy about a physical tussle w ith her
son’sgrandm otheroverw ho w ould raise
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