Page 8 (I he ÇurUauî» (Dbecruvr August 4, 1999 * ^ v I / I a X A UNION OIF KINDRED SPIRITS iy Bob Czimbal each other by the outflowing of spirit. My Contributing Writer he term Kindred Spirit is reserved spirit senses your spirit All o f the senses are sharp, alert and working together T knowingly. The energy is exciting, mixed mind and spirit level. Whole dimensions ofourbeingneedtobenurturedbywhole Flash Points beings. Kindred Spirits bring out the best that extends beyond their bodies. They for a special kind of relationship... a with a sense of calm. W e experience trust, deep friendship. Kindred Spirits com- safety, acceptance and openness in large 3ine elements of friendship, m am age doses. W e feel refreshed, joyful. Notice ind family such as trust, commitment how your spirit responds when you meet m d a sense o f belonging. a Kindred Spirit. Kindred Spirits charge A Kindred Spirit relationship is a the air with life. whole relationship, connecting onabody, Kindred Spirits have an energy field in each other. are grounded by their own sense of inner A Quest for Spiritual Intimacy peace and love. By hai ilionizing their Deep commitment and a high level of fields of energy, they amplify each others’ intimacy are the tw o main differences energy, and spirits. between a friend and a Kindred Spirit. Ceremony H um an beings need to be deeply con­ When a friendship deepens to the nected to one another. Kindred Spirit level of Kindred Spirits, consider making friendships are established to honor the amoreform alcom m itm enttoeach other. need to care and to be cared for. These Create a ritual to celebrate this bond of friendships are high spirited and require deep love and trust. Honor the commit­ ment lobe deeply engaged in each others’ a high level of maturity. Each Kindred Spirit decides the de­ growth. The ceremony can ei­ gree and kind of intimacy that is appro priale. O ne of the reasons for forming this ther be a private ritual or may include family and friends. Kin­ type of friendship is to create asupportive environment where warmth and affec­ dred Spirits mutually agree to tion can be freely exchanged. Intimacy and push the edges of generosity. frequently brings up fears. Kindred Spir­ its have the courage to find the path Give Kindred Spirits the value through fear to love. Kindred Spirits can act as guardiansof On the Path explore the limits of compassion they deserve...make asacred vow. each other’s spirits during a crisis. They Love and laughter are step­ ping-stones on the path. One of join together just as easily for fun, love and the most profound things you can enhancing each other's spiritual growth. do is to uplift your spirit and A Kindred Spirit can include two spread joy. Gather together to persons or a community of people, like a help each other cocreate a critical family o f choice. These friendships may mass of consciousness. We can exist within the same gender and across make a world of difference by gender lines. Kindred Spirits are not spiri­ realizing our spiritual bond with tually exclusive or loyal to just one per­ son. The love between Kindred Spirits is all living things. When the spirit evolves, the mind will follow. The like a web...strong, light and open. W hen Kindred Spirits are together, Path is full of challenges and re­ quires courage tofollow.Weknow the mass and energy of their spirits are that others will not always under multiplied. The light is clearer and purer. stand the path. W e must be will­ There is a synergistic interplay of light ing to go where no path yet exists, between Kindred Spirits. The two lights allowing our spirits to guide our combine and create new shades and tints, actions. Explore and leave a trail a fuller spectrum of colors. T im e to show for others to follow. Bob Czimbal is the author of your true colors. W hen Kindred Spirits meet there is “Vitamin T" and a counselor in spirit-to-spirit connection. W e are ener­ Southeast Portland. H e can be gized by their presence. We recognize reached at 503/232-3522. CLASS REUNION JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1969 WILL BE HA FING THEIR THIRTY YEAR REUNION ON A UGUST 20™, 21 st , AND 22 nd . PLEASE CONTA CT JIMI JOHNSON A T 286-4242 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. SPREAD THE WORD TO 69’ALUMNI AND FRIENDS. LET’S REUNITE!