August 4, 1999 Page A2 î liv ^lortkiuò ©bseruer P O L IC E N E W S Sen. Hatfield Announces Life For A Life Act M IS S IN G CHILD Anyone who sees these Individuals Is urged to call 9-1-1 Immediately. Shaidaee, Blanche Shahaoz Hatfield and Chief Petitioners Unveil Tough Initiative Stressing Punishment, Restitution for Oregon’s Most Serious Criminals WF, D O B - 02/22/91 42"/50 Lbs. Dark Brown Hair to Mid-black, Dark Brown Eyes Suspect/Father failed to return the child to her custodial mother after an approved w eekend vacation to Disneyland. Father is an Iranian Na­ tional and may be attempting to leave the country and enter Iran with Blanche Form er U.S. Senator Mark O. Hatfield announced the petition filing for the Life For A Life Act, a new and tough approach to crim i­ nal sentencing which stresses pun­ ishment and restitution. The Life For A Life Act, w hich Hatfield is w orking to place on the November 2000 general election ballot, am ends the O regon consti­ tution and requires that anyone convicted o f aggravated m urder in the state o f O regon receive a m an­ datory life sentence w ithout the possibility o f release or parole. “The Life For A Life Act guar­ a n te e s th a t th o s e w h o ta k e som eone’s lif e - p e o p le convicted o f aggravated m urder - pay for their crim e by spending the rest o f their life in ja il, w ith no chance o f ever getting out again. It also Suspect: Shaidaee, Khosrow Dimitrios 1M, D.O.B. - 05/29/49 5’8", 175 Lbs. Dark Brown Salt and Pepper Hair, Brown Eyes A nyone having inform ation about these individuals should contact the Portland Police Bureau, M issing Persons U nit at 503-823-0400. Teen-age Driver Leaves Fatal Crash Site SALEM , Ore. (AP) — A fter sm ashing his car into a maple tree, a 17-year-old left a dead 15-year- old passenger in the front seat and went hom e, police said. A fter a neighbor discovered the Cop Relieved Of Command The com m ander o f the Port­ land Police B ureau’s C entral p re­ cinct is being relieved o f his com ­ m and follow ing a five-m onth in­ vestigation into the alleged m is­ use o f federal anti-drug funds. Com m ander Robert Kaufm an is accused o f allow ing officers to file for federal overtim e pay even af­ ter they w ent home before their shift was over. wreck at about 6 a.m. Saturday, em ergency w orkers cut the body o f G regory A llen Rose out o f the badly m angled Mazda. Salem Police Lt. Dan Dietz said Rose probably died upon impact in the accident, which is believed to have occurred about 2 a m. O fficers later found Ernesto Perez Jr. at home. At the teen-ager’s request, he was taken to a Salem H ospital for observation, D ietz said. He was in fair condition Saturday afternoon. The driver o f the car, w hose name was not released, has not been charged. Police said the driver w ill un- dergo blood and urine tests for substance abuse. Rose would have been a sopho- more at McKay High in the fall. from Tom P otter, a form er Port­ land C h ie f o f Police, that quoted P otter as saying, “ I have to adm it I have struggled over this issue for m any years. As a police o f­ ficer I have seen innocent m urder victim s and felt so m uch rage that I w anted the m urderers to be sen­ tenced to the sam e fate. . .m y b ig ­ gest co n cern w as th at a c o ld ­ blooded m urderer would walk free and perhaps to harm o th e rs.” “ The Life For A Life Act is the makes the crim inal w ork, and all their earnings from prison work must be used to pay part o f the cost o f their incarceration and as resti­ tution to the family o f their vic­ tim,” said Hatfield, one o f the chief petitioners o f the Life For A Life Act. “ This m easure also abolishes capital punishm ent in O regon, and I am honored to be its sponsor, because this m easure requires a life sentence for a life taken." H atfield is jo in ed by form er t . r . WOMENSTRENGTH Self-D efense Classes first m easure I could support. This tough, bold m easure abolishes capital punishm ent in Oregon, and it ensures that the m ost hardened crim inals - aggravated m urderers - w ill spend their lives behind bars - w ith no chance o f parole - ever,” continued Potter. H a tfie ld announced that his fellow c h ie f p e titio n e r, Dr. W il­ liam C o n n o r, w ill file the Life For A L ife A ct p e titio n later at the S ecretary o f S ta te ’s o ffices in Salem . The Life For A Life Act is sup­ ported by a broad coalition o f elected officials, religious lead­ ers, m em bers o f the law enforce­ ment com m unity, and crim e vic­ tim s groups. The Life For A Life Act does the follow ing: • R equires a M andatory life sen­ tence, w ithout the possibility o f release or parole, for all persons convicted o f aggravated m urder • Repeals the “life with a minimum sentence” provision • R equires that the convicted party w ork w hile in prison, and all earn­ ings from prison work be used to pay for a portion o f the cost o f their incarceration or as restitu­ tion to the fam ily o f their victim • A bolishes capital punishm ent arone Convictions Upheld August 1 9 9 9 ally assaulting and killing three women in 1992. C esar Barone was sentenced to death for the murders o f C hantee W oodm an and M arga­ (SA LEM ) - The O regon Su­ prem e Court has upheld the m ur­ der convictions and death sen­ tences o f a man convicted o f sexu­ Registration begins on July 6 Mondays, August 2, 9, 16 • 6:15-9:1 5 pm E ast P ortland C o m m u n ity C enter 740 SE 106th (Take 1-205 to Washington/Stark exit. Take Washington east to 106th. Turn right. Center is about 2 blocks down on the left.) Bus line: 15, 26 ret Schm idt. B arone still faces charges in another state. He faces prosecution in Florida for killing a retired school teacher there. Wednesdays, August 4, 11, 18 • 6:15-9:15pm YWCA 1111 SW 1 Oth Avenue (Downtown on 1 Oth Avenue between Main and Jefferson, next to the downtown Safeway. Parking is available on the street, or you can use the Smart Park garage 4 blocks north on 10th Avenue. Enter the YWCA, check in at the reception desk, then take the elevator to the 3rd floor Board Room. Auditions Scheduled for Fashion Show Vancouver-Clark Parks and Rec­ reation seeks people ofall ages, back­ grounds and abilities to model cloth­ ing from local stores and provide talent in the production o f the 8,h annual “It’s a Fashionable Life” fash­ ion show. Auditions are scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 10 from 6-8 p.m. at O regon S uperintendent o f Public E d u c a tio n N o rm a P a u lu s and O H SU p h y s ic ia n W illia m E. C o nnor, w ho a ll serv e as the in itia tiv e ’s c h ie f petitioners. At the press conference, H atfield in­ troduced M ichele K ohler, a local a tto r n e y a n d c o - f o u n d e r o f SA FE S, a crim e v ictim s right groups. “ My father was m urdered nineteen years ago, and I w ill spend the rest o f my life m issing him. T h a t’s w hy I am a strong advocate for the Life For A Life A ct - because 1 w ant the m an who took my father from me to spend the rest o f his life in prison. And I w ant him to spend the rest o f his life paying us back for the cost o f him being in ja il. T h a t’s real ju s ­ tic e ,” said K ohler. H atfield also read a statem ent LuepkeCenter, 1009 E. McLoughlin. Rehearsals will be every Tuesday evening until show time. The fashion show celebrates di­ versity and demonstrates the ben­ efits o f parks and recreation with a fun experience involving all kinds o f people. The event will be held »inU33H3> Saturday, Sept. 25, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Luepke Center, 1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd. The show will be televised on Clark-V ancouver Television Channel 47. Call Connie Irwin, Vancouver- Clark Parks and Recreation Services, 696-8218 for more information. Reward yourself for joining the fight against bland chicken! Take home a FREE 2 Liter Coke when you buy 12 pieces or more o f Popeyes1 favorful, delicious New Orleans Spicy1" or Louisiana Mild™ chicken at regular menu price. H urry in to 'Popeyes...because a deal this cool can’t last forever, especially in this heat! (Jleo-£illian Social (Jlub Check Out These Cool Deals! ;p.|, 4 li :.»l'tlP»IIM,WSl».iM’«IS 3041 N . 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