: As serial killer Son of Sam terrorizes New York City, four friends from the Bronx, (left to right) Ritchie (Adrien Brody), Ruby (Jennifer Esposito), Vinny (John Leguizamo) and Dionna (Academy Award winner Mira Sorvino), find their relaitonships tested by pressure, infidel­ ity and paranoia, in Touchstone Pictures' drama, "Summer of Sam." ...... ............. t Photo by David Lee ■ CCTi L cljj ORTLAN *• ■ T his is a great story. Come and experience Portland's premiere Hot Tubbing By-The-Hour We feature private Hot Tubs complete with shower, towels, and music tra it th at is both intim ate 80th sc Stark • 256-4TAN and pan­ oramic. Jo h n L eg u izam o , A d rie n Brody, M ira Sorvino and J e n n ife r Esposito lead an ensem ble cast in “Sum ­ m er of Sam ,” Photo by David Lee h i c _ _ h c h r o n i c l e s While filming "Summer of Sam," director Lee (right) how Son o f discusses a scene with star John Leguizamo (left). SAVE 25% Off j Sun-Thursday Expires 9 /3 0 /1 9 9 9 Sam ’s plague ofterrordisintegratedaneigh- b o rh o o d , tu rn e d frie n d s against each other and trans­ formed trust into dread. T he process started with a conversation between direc- to r/w riter Spike Lee and Michael Imperioli, an actor who has appeared in several of the filmmakers’ previous films. Imperioli and his friend Victor Colicchio co-wrote the script and approached Lee to be involved as executive pro­ ducer, rather than as a direc­ tor. Lee agreed. Imperioli and Colicchio searched unsuccess­ fully for a director who might be able to help them realize their vision. T heir fortunes changed when Lee decided to take a second look at the project himself. “Sum m er of Sam ” was ■» * T H EATER M ovies N ightly W IT H W E E K E N D M ATINEES For schedule & information call: 2 8 8 -2 1 8 0 *Z> -V4 McMenamins Kennedy School 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon (503) 249-3983 www.mrvnrnamins.i <»m • £ /*. / ’.r • 5 * p,” ». ' >, • ■