Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 04, 1999, Page 13, Image 13

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Social Services
Edgefield Children's Center,
providing residential and day treatment
s e r v ic e s fo r e m o tio n a lly and
behaviorally disturbed children ages
6-12. is currently recruiting for the
following positions:
Full-time position performs a vanety
of secretarial duties including heavy
amounts of telephone calls. Requires
high school diploma or equivalent and
one y e a r re la te d s e c re ta ry /
receptionist experience, be skilled in
organizing and m aintaining filing
system s, must have experience with
m ulti-line p h o n e s, be com p uter
literate, able to type 60 words per
minute and prefer dictation at 80
words per minutes. This position is
located at 2508 NE Everett in Portland.
Submit resume and cover letter to:
’ Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Columbia Rvr. Hwy.
Troutdale. OR 970 6 0
As an affirmative action employer,
we are seeking qualified minority,
fe m a le , v e te ra n and d is a b le d
applicants; however, all qualified
applicants will be considered.
Responses Must Be Received No
Later Than Friday, Aug 6, 1999
a d v e r t is in g
Washington County
Management Analyst II
Capital Project Management
Land Use & Transportation
$3,552 $4,317/m o
C loses August 27, 1999
Survey Technician III
$3,114 - $3,827/m o
C lose s August 13, 1999
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information. County
a p p lic a tio n and s u p p le m e n ta l
application form s required. Women,
minorities, and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4
Sportswear Com pany«
Work for One Tough Mother
Colum bia Sportsw ear Com pany
has proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a form ula for s u c ce s s.
Join o ur production team in the
follow ing position:
Sample Maker
Requirements include high school
education or equivalent, three to eight
y e a rs e x p e rie n c e in g a rm e n t
c o n stru c tio n . P o s s e s s advanced
knowledge of sewing skills, stitches
g a rm e n t
m a n u fa c tu rin g
techniques. Thorough knowledge of
specialty machines such as seam
s e a le rs , tw o n e ed le type stitch
machines and multi-needle machines.
Ability to read, write, and speak English.
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe rs
competitive com pensation/benefrts
package, and a business-oriented
team environment.
Please send resume and salary
history to: Human Resources, Dept.
SMPL. PO Box 83239, Portland OR
97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597.
Research Assistant for a project
being conducted in N and NE Portland
to promote success in middle school
and stre n g th e n the c o n n e c tio n
between families and schools. Pay is
$8.95 per hour. M ust enjoy working
with people and diverse cultural
populations. Interviewing experience
preferred. Four years college or
equivalent combination of experience
& training in research or related field.
10-20 hours per week. M ust have
open and fle xib le sch e d u le for
afternoon; evening, and weekend
work. D rive r's lice n se , car, and
insurance required. Call 282-3662
to have application sent or mail letter
of intent and resume by Friday, August
20“’ to: Project Alliance, Attn: Mary
P„ 2 7 3 8 NE Broadway, Portland,
OR 9 7 2 3 2 . EEO/AA._____________
Real Time Power Trader
The Eugene Water A Electric Board
a municipally owned utility located in
Eugene, Oregon is seeking to fill the
position of Real Time Power Trader.
Position will initiate, negotiate and
adm inister real time power sales,
purchases and exchanges with other
wholesale power entities. Requires a
minimum of three years’ experience as
a real-time trader, generation dispatcher,
or equivalent for full proficiency. High
school level mathematics, including
algebra, trigonometry andgeometry, and
electrical theory training. Salary $60,887
- $73,065/annually plus performance
incentives and benefits. Screening of
applicant may begin as early as Monday,
August 16, 1999. Position will remain
open util filled. EWEB requires a
completed employment application form
for all positions.
For information and application
packet contact: Eugene Water & Electric
Board, Attn: Human Resources, PO
Box 1 0 1 4 8 ,5 0 0 E 4 * Avenue, Eugene,
OR 97440. Call the Job Information Line
at (5 4 1 ) 4 8 4 -3 7 6 9 .
E-M ail
Lead Treatment Coordinator»/
Treatment Coordinators
(FT/PT positions snd multiple shins available)
R e s p o n s ib ilit ie s
in c lu d e
supervising children and implementing
and participating in child treatment
plans. Bachelor'sdegreein behavioral
science or related field required for
both positions. Lead positions require
experience working with emotionally
& behaviorally disturbed youth.
Child Care Workers
(FT/PT positions and multiple shifts available)
Responsibilities include supervising
childre n and im plem enting child
treatment plan. Associate degree in
mental health or one year experience
working with children preferred.
Full-time positions are eligible for full
agency benefits. For more information
contact Charles @ 491-1673 or Kate at
6650157, ext 312 EEO____________
visit our web www.eweb.org.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Elementary Programs
Non-profit, feminist agency seeks
qualified applicants for Elementary
Programs Coordinator. Public speaking,
computer skills, & an understanding
of domestic violence and child abuse
required. Bilingual/Bicultural Spanish
skills a Plus. 40 hrs/wk at $10/hr with
excellent benefits. People of color
encouraged to apply. Com m unity
Advocates 280-1388. Closes Aug. 25.
EWEB values diversity in the work force and is
an equal opportunity em ployer
Program Specialist
Nat’l. nonprofit seek» creative,
organized individual with program design
& d e ve lo p m e n t e xp e rie n c e in
multicultural issues. Must have strong
oral and written communication skills.
Networking experience a plus. Full time,
excellent benefits. Send resume to NCCJ,
Director, 1422 E. Burnside, Portland
97214 or FAX: (503) 231-1780.
McMenamins Kennedy School
Now hiring for full time H osts, Ln
C o o k s , a n d D is h w a s h e rs at
M c M e n a m in s K e n n e d y S c h o o l.
Flexible schedule a must. We offer
excellent benefits and wages! Apply
at any McMenam ins location or on
line at www.m cm enam ins.com . No
phone calls please! E.O .E.
Radio A dvertising Sales fo r
Entercom Radio Stations. Advertising/
b ro a d c a s t s a le s a p lu s . G oo d
o rg a n iz a t io n a l,
w ritte n / v e rb a l
communications skills. Send resume/
references to Human Resources -
Entercom - 0700 SW Bancroft St.,
Portland, Or 97201.
K G O N /K FXX/K K SN /K N R K /
R osie/Sunny - Equal Opportunity
City Of Portland
Bureau Of Purchases
Sealed bids will be received by the Bureau of Purchases, 1120 SW Fifth
Ave, Room 1313, before 2:00 p.m. on the specified date. Bid invitations
specifications and applicable forms may be picked up at the aforementioned
office,or may be ordered by mail by callin g(5 0 3 )8 2 B 6 8 5 5 .B id specifications
include descriptions of EEO, Workforce Training, and Good Faith Effort
Requirements. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the time
stated. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered,
although the prices offered will be publicly listed along with all others.
Bid Number
Description for Advertisement
High Speed Copier
NE 162nd Ave Pollution Reduction Facility
Improvements to Well Sites Num bers 26,
29 and 32
Pendleton Park Improvements SW 55th
and SW Iowa Streets
Portland Building 2nd and 3rd Floor
Loggia Re-roofing
NE M ason St Local Improvement Phase III
Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation
Columbia Blvd W astewater Treatment
Plant Odor Control Sewer Cleaning
4 Inch Water Main SW/NW Waterfront Park
Temporary Emergency Operations Facility
Annual Supply of Concrete Meter Boxes,
C overs and Lids
Re-Coat 2nd Aoor Decks Yamhill and Alder
Street Garages
Portable Standby Genset
The Portland Bldg 7*. S’” and 9,h Poor
Social Work
Emergency Domestic Violence
Shelter Case Manager. Bi-lingual
preferred. Send resume to P.0. Box
2398, Portland OR 97208.
The C ity of P ortland is a c c e p tin g
a p p lic a tio n s
fo r
B u ild in g
M a in te n a n ce M e c h a n ic H o u rly
Wage: $18.41 at entry - $20.01
after six months
Deadline: July 2 3 ,1 9 9 9
Help Wanted
Adolescent & Adult MH &
Addictions Services
$3525 to $4760 per month
Excellent Benefits
C lackam as County’s M en tal
Health Division is seeking a Program
Supervisor for Mental Health and
Addictions Treatment Services serving
adolescents and adults. This position
serves asan administrative and clinical
supervisor for these programs serving
adolescents and adults and providing
community-based prevention services.
S e e k in g c a n d id a te s with stro n g
s u p e rv is o ry s k ills , e xp . In the
assessm ent and tx of adolescents,
adults and their families dealing with
s e rio u s m e n ta l/ e m o tio n a l and
addictive disorders. Requirements: A
M asters Degree in the Mental Health
Field. Licensed as a Mental Health
Professional in the State of OR. Meet
requirements as a Clinical Supervisor
for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs.
County Employment Application
Application materials available
at Clackamas County Personnel, 900
Main Street, Oregon City, OR 97045 or
download an application from our web
site: http://www.CQ.clackamas.orus/
personnel/jobs.html, (503) 655-8459.
Closing date, Friday, August 20,1999,
Public Works Dlrector/City
Engineer -M ilw a u k ie , OR
(Salary: $51,708-$65,988annually).
City of 20,000 just south of Portland
seeks energetic, competent professional
engineer with strong public service ethic
and progressive leadership ability to
direct the Public Works Department.
Responsibilities include Engineering,
Sewer, Surface Water, Streets and Water.
Manage staff of 25 professionals;
operating/capital improvement budget
of $18 million, physical plant, equipment
and supplies over $1 million. Reports
directly to the A C M /C om m unity
Development and serves on the senior
management team. Represents City as
City Engineer with other jurisdictions,
d e ve lo p e rs and general pu blic.
Successful candidates will possess ten
years of progressively responsible public
w orks m anagem ent e xp e rie n c e ,
including 5 ye ars' application of
p ro fe s s io n a l e n gine e rin g s k ills ;
Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or
related field; or equivalent combination
education/experience and possession/
and or ability to obtain P.E. certification
in O regon w ithin 6 m onths of
appointment. For application materials,
contact Gwendolyn Harvey, Public Sector
Search Consultant, at (503) 636-3265
or gwendo@teleport.com. Application
Deadline: Friday, August 27. All qualified
applicants are encouraged to apply. EEO.
Priorto hiring, applicants will be required
to satisfactorily complete a drug test.
5:00 PM.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Job Announcement
Housing Management Director for
Housing Our Families. This position
will be responsible for the financial
and physical health of all of HOF s
rental properties and will lead HOF’s
property management team.
Duties include supervising staff,
preparing and m onitoring annual
p ro p e rty b u d g e ts , c o n d u c tin g
inspections of properties to assess
physical condition and determine
re p a ir/ re p la c e m e n t and c a p ita l
im p ro ve m e n t n e e d s , re vie w in g
recertifications, overseeing evictions,
acting as H O F s primary contact for
rem aining current on appropriate
regulations and ensuring all required
reports are submitted tim ely and
accurately, keeping financial records,
o verseeing tenant screening, and
monitoring contracts with outside
p ro p e rty m a na ge m e nt firm s on
properties not directly managed by
HOF. Starting salary is $33,279 to
$35,306. Benefits include health &
life insurance and retirement plan.
Women and people of color encouraged
to apply. HOF is an Affirmative Action/
Equal Opportunity Employer.
For an application packet, please
call 503/335-0947 x 314._________
D e v e lo p
an d
im p le m e n t
com prehensive corporate relations
plan, including events and marketing
opportunities. Requires abilityto work
w ith lo g is tic s & d e ta ils : so licit
sponsorships and develop corporate
relations. FT + benefits. Send resume
& salary reqs. to: Oregon Food B a n k .
2 5 4 0 NE Riverside Way, Portland,
OR 97211- Open until filled.
University Instructor/
Assistant Professor
Univ. Instructor/Assistant Professor
for Bilingual Teacher Pathway Program,
Portland State U. Qualif: bilingual/
bicultural, m aster’s in education/
expertise in bilingual Ed, etc. for job
description & applications information
call 725-4756 (Mary Witse) or http;//
www.ed.pdx./employ Posrtion open until
filed. Review will begin immediately.
PSU is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity institution.
Lose Weight Now!
100%guaranteed. Dr. recommended.
Call Rita 888-449-3758.
Mem bers.tripod.com /NSFord
Employment Specialist
Full tim e p o s itio n d o in g jo b
development and career counseling for
adults with disabilities. Knowledge about
the employment needs of people with
disabilities: excellent communication
and time management skills; abilityto
work flexible schedule; willingness to
jump in and assist with varying tasks;
and computer literacy are requirements.
Bilingual (Spanish/English); bachelor’s
degree; and jo b experience in a
vocational program are preferred.
To apply, send a cover letter and
resume to Cindy Chaffee, 1AM CARES,
4134 N. Vancouver Avneue, Suite
202, Portland Oregon, 97217, or fax
to (503) 335-6165.
P arking
F acility
O perator
Ceres Behavioral Healthcare
Systems, a Managed Behavioral
Healthcare Organization that is an
Affiliate of Magellan Behavioral Health,
a national behavioral healthcare
company, is accepting applications for
clinical support specialist positions.
Responsibilities include providing
support services to mental health
clinicians including benefit verification
and appointment scheduling. Includes
telephone contact with clients. Strong
computer skills required. Customer
service background and experience
with health insurance preferred.
Ceres offers competitive salaries,
a benefits package including 401K,
plus a great working environment.
Qualified applicants are invited to
send resum es to:
Ceres Behavioral Healthcare
System s, LLC
Attn: Human Resources
921 SW Washington Street, Suite 550
Portland, OR 97205
Fax: 503/219-6892
Equal Opportunity Employer
Drive Hunger Out Of Oregon!
Driver/Warehouse Assistant -
energetic, reliable person for Pick-up
and delivery of product in Portland Metro,
warehouse duties, and assist with
special events. Job includes loading/
unloading trucks, maintenance of
inventory records, and routine truck
maintenance. Supervision of volunteer
projects. Requires excellent driving
record (CDL-B), minimum of 6 months
experience driving 24' straight truck,
and proficiency in operating forklifts
and other warehouse equipment.
Complete application by 8/11/99 at
Oregon Food Bank, 2540 NE Riverside
Way, Portland, OR 97211.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Im m ediate opening for fu ll and
part-time lot attendant with
P ortland's leading parking
Company. We are seeking
dependable individuals with
a neat appearance and a
positive attitude.
• $ 7 .2 5 starting wage
• Advancement potential
• Medical, Dental and 4 0 1 K
A p p lica n ts m u s t have va lid
license, subm it to drug te s t
and background check.
Apply in person between 1 2 :0 0
and 1:00 PM daily at City Center
Parking at 2 15 SW 6”’.
T he C a li . T akes
A F ew M im tes . T he
E xperience L asts A
L ifetime .
(503) 335-4738
Find out how you can receive extra
money to pursue further education, as
you develop new skills and receive
Montgomery Gl Bill, in the Air Force
Reserve. Along with a monthly
salary, you can receive checks for
educational expenses totaling more
than $9,000. And the experience
you’ll gain will be priceless. Call the
Air Force Reserve today. And let
freedom ring.
$ 1 7 9 ,0 0 0
Exciting Portland In A Few Minutes!
With 3, maybe 4 bedrooms, this
unique home in Burlingame gives you
lots of room for the $. Vaulted ceiling
in LR, HW firs, 2 FP's cozy bckyd.
Don’t miss out - look today! JoAn
Meloy 503-699-3978.
A i r F o r c e
R eserve
A B O V E fe B E Y O N D
APN 10-908-0030
^ ►
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has a vacancy for an independent contractor to
C o lu m b ia
operate the following retail liquor store:
Portland - Rose City A-179 located 7 3 3 3 N.E. Fremont Street
Sportswear Company»
Sellwood Outlet - Full Time Sales
As a Sales Associate, you will be
responsible for selling, stocking,
cashiering and other duties while
providing sales assistance and service
to th e g re a te s t p e o p le in the
w orld...our custom ers.
You must be self-motivated, willing
to work flexible hours, and have
previous apparel sales experience
along with the abilityto provide a very
high level of customer service.
We offer medical/dental, 401(k),
competitive wage, sales incentives,
employee discount, and the training
you will need to be successful with us.
Please forward your resume, salary
history and cover letter to: Human
Resources, Dept. SELSA, Columbia
Sportswear PO Box 83239 Portland
OR 97283-0239, or FAX to: (503)
7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E q ual O p p o rtu n ity
We evaluate all applicants on background, knowledge and work experience in:
• Retail business management
• Inventory/cash management
• Retail sales
• Customer service/public relations in a retail environment
The successful applicant m ust be able to:
• Enter Into an agency agreement contract with the OLCC
• Qualify for a fidelity bond
___ . „ » . h i .
• Negotiate the lease or purchase of the store location or propose a more suitable
location serving the same community subject to s ta ff requirements
• Meet the operating expense of the agency
. Purchase the fixtures and equipment as specified in the agency information sheet
• Begin operation on the date specified above
• Install POS system
Selected finalists will be notified and interviewed by the s ta ff screening
Portland. Final selection will be made by the Commission, based on set criteria at Its public
meeting in October.
The appointed agent is an independent contractor for the State of Oregon. This person will
operate the liquor store on behalf o f the OLCC and have no own­
ership or property rights In the agency. Only Individuals may be
appointed agents.
For application form s and additional information, contact:
9 0 7 9 SE McLoughlin Blvd.. Portland, Or 9 7 2 2 2
phone 8 7 2 - 5 0 1 5 (T o ll-free ( 8 0 0 ) 4 2 6 -2 0 0 4 ) Separate appli­
cation form s are required for each store. Applications are due in
the Store Operations office. Room 124 at the above address, by
5:00 p.m., Friday. August 13. 1999.
comprehensive economic analysis services,
analyzes economic development projects and
efforts, and examines policy issues related to
economic development. Qualifying experience
• V iila t *
m ethods,
procedures and techniques in the field of
economic analysis; applying statistical and
forecasting principles and procedures;
planning and designing research projects;
writing technical research reports and/or documents, and using statisbca
computer software packages. Salary is $3.193 to $ 0 6 6 3
excellent benefits. Announcement 4LE990720. Contact the Human
Resources Office at (503) 9 8 6 0 0 9 5 for the required application |»ck«rt
or v is it our web site a t w w w .e co n .e tite .o r.u e for th e fu ll Job
announcement Including application process. Closing date is August 23.
o f (M e ,
Events/Corporate Relations
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Customer Support
J ? n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of career» ^ ' a“ e
com petitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings e xist In the
following agencies:
Transportation. Purchasing and Print Services Division
Principal Executive/Manager B
Mall Distribution Manager
The Department of Administrative Services, Transportation, Purchasing and
Print Services Division, is seeking an experienced Mail Distnbution
Manager This position Is located at the State's Central Publishing and
Distribution facility in Salem. The position manages the mail processing and
X o n a, rne central
as well as all =
Requires five years' experience in lead work, supervision, staff-technical (X
professtonaHevel work which included managing a complex mail l*ocessing
or m ail/package distribution facility. This experience must hawHrxriuded
participation In the management o, a program, section a unit including one
or more of the following areas: a) development o f program rules and
policies b) development of long- and short-range goals and plans, c)
e v a lu a te ex d) budget txeparation. A Bachelor s degree or
courses in a field related to management such as Business or Public
Administration may be substituted for up to three years of the required
experience Salary is $2.717 to $4.024 a month For a dot a r d
Announcement. «LE990713, co nta ct your local
« M t th e State web site a t www.oregonjebs.org. or call (503) 3 7 8 4 6 8 8 .
Closing date is August 1 6 ,1 9 9 9
T ^ r e ’ T L i Attorney vacancy in the Special Litigation Unit of the Thai
Division m Salem. Attorneys m this unit take a 's trik e ,orce’
S T X *
vanety of state laws and programs Must ^ ° SBr ^
t S* ' * X i t « ‘ ) t f
to $6.427 a month, depending on experience F o r r a c e « *
announcement, cell (503) 3 7 6 5 5 5 5 . exV 321 (TTY <5031 ’ 7” ’ ” £
the heertng Impaired) or Mett our web site at www.doj.state.oius.
Research Analyst 4
T i c X
’ cwnm unity Development Department invites
The purpose of this position is to rekey locks, repair lock and key systems,
issue keys, cut new or duplicate keys, take pf^reical inven,w7 andn^ t®
entry on computerized record keeping system. Must have a vateIdnver s
license Salary is $2.084 to $2.398 a month.
Human Resource.. 14th A Jefferson. C o r v o l H s O R c*
(541) 737 3103 (TTY (800) 7 3 8 1 2 3 2 for the hearing Impaired) tor
application material». OSU is AA/EOE. Application materials m ust be
received by 5:00 p.m. on the closing date of August 1 2 , 1999.
Parking Services
Campus Patrol Officer
For this position, applicant must possess a valid Oregon driver s license
and a clean driving record for the three years prior to appointment. A lsa
must have computer experience, customer service
knowledge o f parking regulations. M a pr duties include patrolling campus
on foot In order to enforce parking regulations, issuing citations for
violations such as: no permit displayed, parked overtime, parked in
firelane or drtvelane. parked on sidewalk, crosswalk or on the lawn,
misused or altered permits, student in s ta ff parking, ~ P ? * " * * * J ;
reserved area, and circumventing regulations; using EHT40 hand h e ld
computerized ticket writer using the POMS program; occasion ally operating
the Information Booth providing parking instructions and directions to
buildings on campus; may assist In replacing parking tot signs. ^ ^ Y / 5
$1 4 0 0 to $1,898 a month. Contact OSU Office of Human Reeourcee,
14th • U m o n . C o rv id .. OR 9 7 3 3 1 2 1 3 1 e, cad (5 41 ) 7 3 7 -3 1 03
(TTY (8 0 0 ) 7 3 6 1 2 3 2 for the hearing Impaired) for applicationrnatartala.
OSU is AA/EOE. Application materials m ust be received by 5 :0 0 p.m . on
the closing date of August 6. 1999.
AA/EOE. Closing date is August 2 0 .1 9 9 9 .
^ ^ ( ^ X
Facilities Services
position provides
^ h o o o are just some of the current opening.
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the Stefa of Oregon
Application Form and a mom complete announcement M n g . c m the
State Jeb line (Oregonian InoJdo Uno) (5 0 3 ) 7 2 6 5 5 5 5 o»t. 7J77^ TTY
(5 03 ) 3 7 6 4 8 7 2 , vie« your local employmontdopartment or Idoftourwob
site at xrww.oregonjobe.org. The State ef Oregon end ad It . dhrieJone are
proud to be epuel opportunity employer».
Work From Homel
F/T P/T Free Information