Page B6 $»}» Fortiani» (©baerwer August 4, 1999 NA IM S H a ir Connection h ull Service Salon Larry Matthews *Y A M YAM’S 50 31284-1272 .._ O a * a c < 1 1 2 N E K S n o s w o r t h Si P o tta n a . O t« 0 o n 9 7 2 1 1 PAUL L. PATTERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL". Construction Includes "Division 5: Cold-Formed Metal Framing/ Expansion Joint covers: Division 6: Finish Carpentry/ Casework; Division 7: Dampproffing/ Water Repellents/ Building Insulation/ Fiber Cement Siding/ Arestopping and Sm okestopping/Joint Sealers; Division 8: Door Assemblies; Division 9: finishes; Division 10: Specialties; Division 11: Equipment; Division 12: Furnishings; Division 15: Mechanical: and Division 16: Electrical' for the Orenco Elementary School and the Paul L. Patterson Elementary School in Hillsboro, Oregon. C ontract D ocum ents may be reviewed at the follow ing locations: Lease Crutcher Lewis (C M /G C )/P ortlan d, OR; C onstruction Data and N e w s/ Portland, W ilsonville, OR; C onstruction M arket D a ta /P ortlan d, OR; Daily Journal Plan C e nter/P ortia nd , OR; Im pact B usiness C onsultants, P .C ./ Portland, OR; Oregon Association o f M inority E nte rprise s/P o rtlan d. OR; Oregon C o ntractors Plan C e n te r/C la cka m a s, OR; Salem C o ntractors Exchange/S alem , OR; Southw est W ashington C ontractors A s s o c ia tio n / IN S U R A N C E AUTO HOME BUSINESS HEALTH LIFE Rhonda Smith 5700 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Office • 503-281 -5030 Fax • 503-282-6001 ABOVE and Res • 503-259 9907 BEYOND Vancouver, WA. C ontract D ocum ents may be purchased in th e ir entirety or in part from Precision Im ages, (5 0 3 ) 2 7 4 -2 0 3 0 . All bidders m ust comply with the following requirements: Prevailing Wage Law, ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 , Licensed with Construction Contractors Board ORS 6 7 1 .5 3 0 , Resident Status ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . Bidders m ust obtain business licensesto perform work in th e City o f Hillsboro, priorto mobilizing on the jobsite. No bid will be considered un le ss received by 3 :0 0 p.m . PDT on August 19. 1 9 9 9 . and fully com pleted in the m anner provided by the "In stru ctio n s to CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CARE Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 4095 Each Area (2 Room Minimum) Call for appointment • (503) 232-6233 Other Services At Competitive Prices M A R K E T R E S E A R C H IN T E R V IE W E R S Im m e d ia t e ( I p c n in jÿ i Itx r in te r v ie w e r * Orenco Elementary School and Paul L. Patterson Elementary School th e C ontract Docum ents. Bids will be received a t the offices of Lease Crutcher Lewis, 9 2 1 SW W ashington. Suite 1 5 0 , Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 5 , until 3 :0 0 p.m. PDT, August 1 9 ,1 9 9 9 , at which tim e the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly marked "ORENCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL & H a u t« M e n -T h u ts 11 A M - 1 0 0 A M F n - S a l 11 A M - 3 A M C lo s e d o n S u n J 3 0 0 0 M rw rru m P u t e r * » Multnomah County currently has th e follow ing op po rtu nitie s available: AovomacMCNT for : Orenco Elementary School and Paul L. Patterson Elementary School Division 5: CoW-Formed Metal Framing/ Expansion Joint Covet«: Division 6: Finish Carpentry/ Caaewortx; Division 7: Dampprooflng W ater Repellent»/ Building Insulation/ Fiber Cement Siding/ Arestopping and Smokestopping/ Joint Sealer*; Division 8: Door Assemblies: Division 9: Rnlshes; Division 10: Specialties: Division 11: Equipment; Division 12: Fumtshlr W P M and co m m un ica te w ell. Experience a plus, b u t n o t essential. E a rn $7 to $ 9 /h r. (503) 245-4479 ext. 452 or 453 ADVERTISEMENT FOR Equal O p portunity Em ployer Lewis and Clark Elementary “Roofing, Interior Finishes. Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection" TRANSMISSION TROUBLE! C O T T M A N SPECIALISTS PROVIDE Peace-Of-Mlnd Y o u r Transm ission Specialist W ith O v e r 200 C enters Coast-to-C oast Over 3 5 Years In Business! 5 0 3 -2 8 2 - 8 5 0 0 2046 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland. OR 97212 Locally Owned and Operated C O T T M A N "C A S H ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any Internal Automatic Transmission Repair $m noo n « I wTl 1>B8B»A»TRACKS 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 -2 2 5 7 Lease Crutcher Lewis, serving as the C onstruction M anager/G eneral C ontractor (CM /G C) fo r the St. Helens School D istrict, is soliciting bids for th e roofing, interior fin ish e s, m echanical, electrical, plum bing and fire protection at Lewis and Clark Elementary in St. Helens, Oregon. Term s and co n d itio n s o f th e bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM.GC) “ Invitation to B id", dated July 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 , attached to and made a part o f the C ontract Docum ents. Bids will be received at the offices of Lease Crutcher Lewis, 9 2 1 S W W ashington Suite 1 5 0 , Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 5 , until 3 :0 0 p.m. PDT, August 1 7 , 1 9 9 9 a t which tim e the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly marked “Lewis and Clark Elementary" Roofing, Interior Rnlshes, M echanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection". Construction includes metal roofing and siding, built-up roofing, mechanical, fire protection, electrical system s, drywall and m etal studs and all interior fin ish e s, eq uipm en t and m iscellaneous spe cia lties at Lewis and Clark OAM E C a scad e Plaza • Room 107A 4134 North Vancouver Avenue • Portland. OR 97217 A dm Ltd Energy • JLE Oregon i Washington • C C B # i 15473 • ALA R M T016J3 Elem entary fo r St. Helens School District. C ontract D ocum ents may be reviewed at th e follow ing locations: Lease Crutcher Lewis (C M /G C )/P ortland, OR; C onstruction Data and N e w s/ Portland, W ilsonville, OR; Construction M arket D a ta /P ortlan d, OR; Daily Journal Plan C e nter/P ortia nd , Tigard, OR; Im pact B usiness C onsultants, P .C ./P ortland, OR; Oregon Association o f M inority E nterprises/P ortland, OR' Oregon C ontractors Plan C enter/C lackam as, OR; Salem Contractors Exchange/Salem , OR; Southw est W ashington C ontractors A sso cia tio n / A f f o r d a b le E ffic ie n t S e c u r ity J u s t F o r You! Vancouver, WA. C ontract D ocum ents may be purchased in its entirety or in part from O regon (503) 288-7716 W ashington (360) 885-2001 Fax (360) 892-0761 K rachs E' m a" atracks@ Alarm A Security instaHabonTRepaT L ic e n s e d • B o n d e d • S A V E B IG O N CARPET & FLOOR COVERING P o rtlands C o stless C arp et 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 503-287-6225 n su red Commercial $ Q 2 2 ^/SQVD Carpet 12X13 Rem $ 6 9 » Laminate Flooring $ 1 1 8 SO 3 FT Vinyl $ ^ ¿ T 2 2 BTTY A N D S E L L JAY’S MOWER & CHAINSAW S mall E ngine R epair S harpning 8 :3 0 T o 6 :3 0 T hru F 9 :3 0 To 3 :0 0 S at 287 6610 PORTLAND OR 97212 BALLOONS (jrtraordinsyGMBUMs We re in the n w M to make you look gne< QALORC-N-MORII CW*«* (Moon B ou Q u « For AU Occasion* A Event» OseoreHnp Servie» • By Dettwry Only CoTHXJf»fv««S stork tor « emt We Denver Edwba Jones Designer Precision Im ages, (5 0 3 ) 27 4-2 030 . All bidders m ust comply with the following requirements: Prevailing Wage Law ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 , Licensed with Construction Contractors Board ORS 6 7 1 5 3 0 , Resident Status ORS 2 7 9.02 9. Bidders m ust obtain business licensesto perform work in theCity of St. Helens priorto mobilizing on the jobsite. No bid w ill be considered unless received by 3 :0 0 p.m ., PDT on August 1 7 ,1 9 9 9 , and fully com pleted in the m anner provided by the "Instructio ns to B id de rs” , upon the Bid form provided. “ NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive Order 1 1 2 4 6 )'. Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM /GC) is com m itted to ta kin g affirm ative action to encourage and fa c ilita te the participation o f M inority/w om en-ow ned bu sin ess en terprises (M /W BE) in State projects and encourage C ontractors to provide sim ila r o p po rtu nitie s for the ir Subcontractors. sqyo 328 NE SHAVER ST. Tobacco Prevention Program Full-tim e; $ 1 3 .9 9 per hour. Apply by August 13. Health Information Specialist II HIV/STD and H e p a titis Prevention and Testing 3 P ositions; full-tim e; $ 1 3 .9 9 per hour. Apply by August 13. Senior Data Analyst 4 Positions; full- and part-time; $38,003 - $53,204 annually. Apply by August 6. X-Ray Technician 4 P ositions; full-tim e; $ 1 3 .1 2 - $ 1 5 .0 4 per hour. Apply by August 20. Health Services Administrator Preim ary Care Full-tim e; $ 4 7 ,6 7 0 - $ 6 6 ,7 3 9 annually. Apply by August 2 0 . Health Clinic Operations Supervisor Prim ary Care Full-tim e; $ 3 1 ,2 6 5 - $ 4 3 ,7 7 1 annually. Open until filled. H ealth Services A d m inistra to r C orrections Health Full-tim e; $ 4 7 ,6 7 0 - $ 6 6 ,7 3 9 annually. Open until filled. Community Health Nurse Bilingual English & Spanish preferred; various po sitio ns (full- and part- tim e ); $ 1 7 .8 1 - $ 2 3 .9 2 per hour. Open continuous. A pplication m a te ria ls and form al jo b announcem ents are available at: w w w .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s /jo b s / in person or by m ailin g a self-addressed stam ped envelope requesting application fo rm s to; Multnomah County Employe« Service«, 1 X 2 0 SW 5th Ave, FI ret Floor Lobby, P 0 Box 1 4 7 0 0 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . A ssisted access to M ultnom ah County jo b in fo rm atio n and w e b site is available a t M ultnom ah County Libraries. Equal Opportunity Employer R E Q U E S T FOR Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S # 9 9 2 2 City of Portland, Oregon Portland Development Commission St. Helens School District No. 502 St. Helens, Oregon (503) 797-2639 o r H u m a n Resources at C o r p o r a tio n Health Department Health Information Specialist II A D V E R T IS E M E N T FOR B ID S Lewis And Clark Elementary School C all 24-hour Job H o tlin e at ADC Family Intervention Specialist C om m unity Program s and Partnerships $ 1 6 .8 8 per hour ($ 1 6 .8 8 - $ 1 9 .4 7 full range). Apply by August 13. Exam 6 3 0 5 0 2 C A L M A Y E R • P R O JE C T M A N A G E R vacations and h olidays available. Flexible hours, day, a fte rn o o n and evening shifts. Type .5 D e c is io n s Mental Health Consultant Family Enhancem ent (half-tim e p o sitio n ) Behavioral Health Division $ 1 8 ,2 6 per hour ($ 1 8 .2 6 - $ 2 1 .1 5 full range). Apply by August 13. Exam 6 3 6 5 2 2 L E A S E C R U T C H E R L E W IS ( C M / G C ) N ew ream stru ctu re in place to tra in and s u p p o rt new employees. W e ’ re c o m m itte d to y o u r success. Fun, professional e n v iro n m e n t w ith advancem ent o p p o rtu n itie s . M e dica l, paid M a rk e t Community & Family Services When You Oeftve« (503)331-1101 Fax (503) 281-9198 Spedai Events By Appdnenent P.O. Box 11442 • Portland. Origon 97211 • E-mail: sd*An«|onss®uswsst.nst v- a. > " Marketing and Graphic Design Services for Implementation of the MLH Jr. Blvd. Commercial Development Strategy T he P ortland D evelopment C ommission is seeking a professional consultant or consultant team to provide m arketing and graphic design services to support efforts to revitalize the M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The consultant will work closely with area businesses and com m unity organizations, primarily the North- Northeast Business Association to prepare marketing strategies and design m arketing too ls over a two-year period to support current businesses and attract new business in the greater Portland area. The project boundanes along MLK Jr. Boulevard are Lombard Street to the north and Broadw aytothe south. Alberta Street is also included in the subject area from MLK Jr. Boulevard to 3 3 rd Street. Requests for the full Request for Qualifications may be obtained by phone or fax to: M s. Alex Doreey • Portland Development Commission 1 9 0 0 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 1 0 0 Portland. OR 9 7 2 0 1 Phone# (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -3 3 1 1 • Fax# ( 5 0 3 , 8 2 3 -3 3 6 8 Proposals m u s t be received by the Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission no la te r tha n 5 :0 0 pm on August 1 1 ,1 9 9 9 . The Portland Development Commission strongly encourages the participation of Minority. Women and Emerging Small Business contractors in its projects The successful contractor must be certified by the City as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and be licensed to do business in the City of Portland S U B B ID S R E Q U E S T E D Columbia County Jail & Justice Facility St. Helens, OR Bid Package 3 B u ild in g C o m p le tio n D iv is io n s 2 -1 7 (EXCLUDING SITE WORK, DOORS & FRAMES) P reb id C onferen ce: A u g u st 3 , 1 9 9 9 A t 9 :0 0 AM Bid Date: August 1 7 , 1 9 9 9 • 2 :0 0 PM Drake C onstruction Company intends to bid on the Concrete and M iscellaneous Specialties Portland o f Bid Package 3. The concrete and M iscellaneous Specialty Portions o f Bid Package No. 3 will be subm itted to and opened by the Owner DRAKE CONST. CO. 4 3 7 N. Colum bia Blvd • Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 Small Business E Social Work Child A d vo ca te in C h ild re n 's Program in a d o m e s tic violence shelter. One-orvone interactions. Send resum e to P.O. Box 2 3 9 8 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 . Vending Business: M&M Mars 5 0 Locations. $ 8 0 0 -$ 1 2 0 0 solid m onthly incom e. Cost $ 2 9 9 5 . 1-8 0 0 -9 6 3 -6 1 2 3 . n t e r p r is e s . SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. If su b sid ized u n its are n o t ava ila ble a t th is tim e , q u a lifie d a p p lica n ts may be place d on W a itin g L ists. G uardian M a nage m en t C orporation is co m m itte d to "EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY." Front Desk - Reception Part-time. BHingual Spanish/English. 3 years experience in office setting preferred. Detail and multi task oriented, com p uter experience. A pplications available: Albina Head Start 3417 NE 7 Portland, OR Closing date 8 /1 2 /9 9 . CCB #84045 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned Business Disadvantaged. Disabled Veterans, and Emerging L E A S E C R U T C H E R L E W IS ( C M / G C ) M IK E D A Y • S E N IO R P R O JE C T M A N A G E R M cM enam lns now hiring FT Pubstaff, F in e D in in g S e rv e rs , Housekeeping, Front Desk, and PT Bartender fo r o u r Edgefield location. Also hiring FT Servers and H osts a t our Kennedy school location and Cooks for downtown. M ust be at least 21 yrs. to apply for Pubstaff, Server, and Bartender p o s itio n s . We o ffe r e x c e lle n t benefits and wages! Apply at any M cM enam ins location o ro n line at No phone calls please. E.O.E (5 0 3 ) 9 7 8 -0 8 0 0 Fax (5 0 3 ) 9 7 8 -1 0 3 1 □RAKE Lydia Roy Court ¿V 735 N. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 287-2162 SÎÎÏ.T557Î M A K E S IO O O ’ S • W EEKLY & D A IL Y A > H ave th e c o m p a n y d o 9 5 % o f th e w o rk fo r you. M a s s A d 's d o n e fo r you to o v e r 1 0 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p le . That’s why people m ake m oney so quickly C o lle c t m o n e y fro m m o re th a n o n e c o m p a n y . P e o p le are m a k in g $ l,O O O 's o f d o lla rs w ith in 2 w e e k s Paid to you directly P aid D aily! G U A R A N T E E D OR Y O U R M O N E Y B A C K ! C A L L N O W 1-800-830-2037 ext. 3426724 Press #