.41,. August 4, 1999 ■ Jyl ¡¡ty e Ç e r t la n i» (O b s e rv e r Page B5 • V» [ O Pope Pushes for Peace in Columbia C T he A s so c ia t e d P ress CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy - Pope John Paul II worried Sunday over s ta lle d e ffo rts to end Colombia’s civil war, saying the 35-year-old conflict was hurting the country and its people. Government and rebel negotia­ tors in Colombia have been unable to get peace talks under way, dead­ locked by a preliminary dispute over whether international moni­ tors should have any role. I alks on that issue failed Friday for the third time in less than a month. The 79-year-old pope seemed strong after weeks o f vacation, in the Italian Alps and now in the papal palace on the hills outside Rome. At times, he pounded his palm on his plastic podium in time with the chants o f the pilgrims below his window. John Paul told the faithful dur­ ing his weekly Sunday address he had been following the “sorrowful deeds” o f recent weeks in Colom­ bia: killings, kidnappings and de­ struction o f homes and religious buildings. “ It’s distressing ... to see the difficulties encountered in the ad­ vancement of the auspicious peace process, the only way possible for reconciliation among C olom bi­ ans,” John Paul said. The V atican supported Colombia’s clerics and all people of good will in their efforts forpeace in the country, John Paul said, and asked for the prayers o f all. o Ì T R V B 1I T U A James A. Curtis “Viva Colombia!” one man in the crowd cried out at the end of his remarks. Speaking on what for Italians is getaway weekend, the opening o f the August vacations, John Paul devoted most o f his remarks to the millions leaving the cities for the beaches and the mountains - and to busy families, in particular. “ Many times, it’s hard to find a calm moment and an uninterrupted time to enjoy intimacy, for discus­ sion, for talking over the problems and the projects ofeveryone!” John has been performing in Portland 10 years and has received numer­ ous song writing and performances awards. She is a regular headline event at the Portland Rose Festi­ val and has played many clubs and festivals throughout the Northwest. Other entertainment includes: Ju st for Kids magic and puppet shows; Second Fiddle youth Blue Grass Band; SCY (Sandy Chris­ tian Youth) Marimba Band; Geyer School of Dance performers; gym­ nasts from A m erican Elite Gym- Paul said. “ So vacation should serve first of all to bridge these gaps, that is to say, for humanity, for peace, and for friendship,” the pope said. V O IC E OF THE C R O S S - U PC I nastics; self defense demonstra­ tions for youth and adults form Kempo K arate; an aerobics team from the C ascade Athletic C lub; demonstrations by The R eptile M an ; face painting by Jenny Burgeson; and horse and buggy rides that will transport people from our festiv al site to the Gresham Saturday Market site. Anyone interested in attending the event may call 661-4444, ext. 310 for more information. You Can N ow Find U s On th e Web! h ttp :// w w w .portland observer.net (T ip ^ o r tla n b W H A T IS H A P P E N IN G IN YOUR ’ I THE HOUSE D IA R Y / o r A ll H om e O w n ers crusade Evangelist • Marvin Bembry • Detroit, Michigan Thursday, August 1 2 A Friday, August 1 3 Vancouver, WA at 7:30 p . m . Saturday, August 1 4 Sunday, August 1 5 Portland, OR 9:30 a . m . • Vancouver, WA at noon B L FAST E s e r v ic e house calls 4724 NE Kllllnösworth Portland, OR 97218 Johnny J. M oore 503-284-9582 Call for more information Rekey & Install locks 3 6 0 -5 2 1 -1 7 7 2 Summer Class Schedule P ortlandC ity PFumBing Co. Over 25 Years Of Experiei ce Summer School -a n ideal opportunity AT NORTH PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE... 4905 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon •For students to get a refresher course in Christian thinking before going away to secular college, •For NPBC students to earn an extra three credits toward that certificate or degree. * New Construction * Bathroom Additions * Remodeling * Leaky Faucets * Toilet Repair * Broken Water & Drain Lines * Sewer Line Cleaned * Poor Water Pressure * Rusty Pipes * Water Heaters - Service, Repair. Replacement FREE ESTIMATES By The Hour Or By The Job Call Today For Appointment 287-3866 1703 NE Alberta S t •To study with one of NPBC's newest, exciting instructors, Flev. Victor Reynolds ! Fully Insured and Bonded - Guaranteed - Work you Can Trust CCB# 12 7 729 •To enjoy the grandeur and the challenge of one of Paul's great letters, or •To enhance your computer skills Summer Term: August 3 - September 3 Classes meet twice a week, Tues. and Thurs. • 6:30 to 9:30 p . m . Bible class: The Book of Ephesians, on campus. EARNS THREE QUARTER CREDITS COMPUTER CLASSES AT TWO LOCATIONS: NPBC campus and New Hope Missionary Baptist Church For more information, or to register, call NPBC office: 288-2919 st- Ï -.*< Yv < • hi; ?.. «• kt i :v< From Scratch 8 1 5 N Lombard • Portland, OR 5 1 7 E Fourth Plain Blvd • Vancouver, WA • A ■y"' I IV e M ake Keys To o rder send $1 6 .9 5 (s h ip p in g is FREE!) W ow*W adda Co. P.O. Box 12223 P o rtlan d, OR 9 72 12 Great gift idea! Portland, OR at 6:00 p . m . D •■y I I] LOCKSMITH A KEYS The easiest to use, m ost com plete, best organized hom e recordkeep ing system fo r a ll types o f homes. I f yo u ow n y o u r hom e, you need th is book. Portland, OR at 7:30 p . m . 3 6 0 -7 3 7 -6 9 2 9 N E IG H B O R H O O D ... R F F O ? *< I ...A n d a r o u n d the w o rld ! Take It To The Streets ghost © b s c ru c r W AN TS YOU TO KNO W 2 nd A n n u a l h o ly os A funeral was held at 10 a.m., Friday, July 30, 1999, at Wilhelm Funeral Home for James A. Curtis, who died July 27, o f a brain an­ eurysm at age 51. Mr. Curtis was bom in Portland, July 22, 1948. He graduated from Jefferson High School in 1965. He had worked in the shipyards through the Laborers’ Union Local 296 and most recently w orked fo r W acker Siltronic. He had been a member o f Immanuel Free Methodist Church. Survivors include his sons David and James, their mother Ann Thompson, all o f Portland; his m other, W illie B. o f P o rtlan d ; brother, Monzella of Oak­ land, Calif.; sisters, Janice H udson and C h arlen e Buckner, o f Portland, Edna Willis of Dallas, Texas; and eight grandchildren. Disposition is by crema­ tion. The family suggests re­ membrances to D.A.R.E. Arrangements were handled by Omega Funeral & Cre­ mation Service. Ministry to Host First Annual Community Festival of Arts East Hill Institute o f Ministry will host a community-based event on August 21, 8:00 am — 9:00 p.m., in the vacant grassed lot on the com er o f 5,h and M iller streets in Gresham. Raising funds for students to pursue a degree in pas­ toral ministry is the guiding prin­ cipal o f the first annual A rts for Smarts festival. Activities include 50 arts and crafts booths repre­ senting artists throughout the day. The event will feature Portland own Tracy Klas and Band. Tracy > J *• », I I