• — Julv 28,1999 PageB 2 Çurtlaub © b w m tr Is a Change of Address Sean Elliott is Waiting for a Kidney Donor in Anthony’s Future? The guard say» he would rather stay and win In Portland than go elsewhere for more playing time B y S t iv i B hanpov long BEACH, Calif. — Trail Blazers fans who d o n ’t expect guard Greg Anthony to be with the team next season, or beyond, will be seriously m istaken if A nthony has his way. “I’m happier in Portland than 1 ever thought I would be,” Anthony said Sunday at the Long Beach Pyra­ mid, where he showed up a few days ago for a stint with the Blazers sum­ mer-league team. “1 didn’t under­ stand how much 1 would enjoy the city, the people, and the fans. I don t plan on not being a Trail Blazer. I want to play six more years, and 1 feel very confident about finishing my career in Portland.” Forget any thoughts that A n­ thony has had it w ith D am on Stoudam ire, w ho expressed his frustrations last season when A n­ thony wound up playing m ore than him in the fourth quarter. Forget the notion that Anthony, 31, will leave when his tw o-year, $2.1 m illion contract expires on July 1 simply because league rules might allow him to make more m oney w ith another team. Cepeda ill Hall of Fame S portsT icker COOPERSTOW N, New York (Ticker) — The Baseball Hall o f Fame opened its doors today to per­ haps its greatest class since 1936. N olan Ryan, G eorge Brett and R obin Y ount headlined a class w hich could be considered the best since the first one in 1936 that included Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb and W alter Johnson. A ccording to H all o f Fame ex ­ e c u tiv e d ire c to r J e f f Id e lso n , to d a y ’s inductions drew a record crow d o f close to 50,000. “This was a very exciting w eek­ end and this is a very special c la ss,” said com m issioner Bud Selig. “ 1 think the crow d here today indicates th a t.” Ryan — the all-tim e strikeout lead er — and B rett and Y ount — m em bers o f the 3,000-hit club — each ended their playing careers in 1993 and w ere firs t-b a llo t electees in January. The last first- y ear player selected was M ike Schm idt in 1995. The C lass o f 1999 also fea­ tured o utfielder O rlando C epeda, who w aited 25 years after his re­ tirem ent to be honored. In M arch, he was selected by the V eterans C om m ittee w ith um pire N estor C hylak, N egro L eague p itc h e r Sm okey Joe W illiam s and 19th century m anager Frank JJ LO C K S M ITH KEYS S y W E M A K E KEYS FROM SCRATCH 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE S e rv ic e ---------------- House Calls!!! 4724 NE Killingsworth Portland OR 97218 (503) 284-9582 T h e C o a lit io n o f B la c k M en III IISMU illlillll with T h e U r b a n I .v ague o f P o rtla n d A B rid g e B u ild e rs P r o g r a m COAL V A LLEY , 111. (A P) - There was no Tiger. N ot a G olden Bear or a Shark in sight. Instead, it was J.L. Lew is and Mike Brisky putting on a terrific display o f one-on-one g o lf at the John Deere Classic. Five holes into a p la y o ff at the Oakwood C ountry Club on Sun­ day, Brisky m issed a birdie putt and w atched as Lew is m ade his. And ju st like that, Lewis had his first PGA Tour victory and a check for $360,000 that more than tripled his tour earnings this year. “It’s been a long haul,” Lewis said. “I ’ve im proved a lot and I feel like the ability level is there. I ju st kept m yself going. I kept be­ lieving I was a good player.” Brisky, whose previous best fin­ ish was second at the 1995 Buick O pen, didn’t sound like a loser. © good new s is that there is a possi- bility that a m em ber o f m y fam ily p t e d r e P 0 r $0.00* phone Connection Fêê ■kJ “ I ’m not disappointed in the least for finishing second because he played great and I played great,” said B risky, w ho w on $216,000. “T h a t’s w hat it’s all about.” Lew is said that if B risky had w on, “ I w ouldn’t have felt like I lost.” Lew is Prevails in Five-H ole Playoff Ç R E D IT CHECKS D E P O S ITS TU R N D O W N S Limited Time Only Connections iti 2-3 days f Simply Cellular £ Telephone J 3939 NE Martin Luther King Blvd j 280-8000 | '1st month must be paid in advance, valid thru 6/15*93 «1 us west a r e a ^ ^ G ame ! W I a m CELEBRITIES Washington Mutual Pro-Am (S cheduler to irisai ) S usan A nton W illiam B evane H ire D uhleavy D en n is F arina G len n G C inry F rey R k n a r o K arn J ohn O 'H urley T ommy S mothers K evin S orbo S tern en S tills J ay T homas P a t r k i W arrurton k o in Q OFFICIAL TV STATION SUNDAY-ONLY TICKETS: $10 (Reg. $G0) • Washington M utual N ot vour usual golf tournament August 22,23,24 1999 lliimr ni I hr I rrd Mrvrr ( hallrngr • P acifi C orp S K I M , C O M F t T IT IO M — Ä 750 W O F F IC IA L R A O IO STATIOR4