Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 1999, Page 6, Image 6

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    July 28, 1999
Page A6
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Airport MAX
Fundraiser for
Loaves & Fishes
M cM enam ins
Breweries is hosting a
fundraiser for Loaves & Fishes,
the Meals On Wheels people,
Tuesday, August 3"*, 5 pm to
The Port of Portland, Tri-
Met, the City of
Portland, the Portland
Commission and Bechtel
have joined together to
form a unique public/
private venture, it’s the
first of its kind to use
public and private funds
to build light rail in
connection with
developing a high-
density, transit-oriented
project on airport
property. The $12 5
million project extends
from the Gateway
Transit Center, along I-
2 0 5 to the PDX
terminal's south
baggage claim area.
Major construction of
the project began in
June after the financing
plan was finalized.
A IR P O R T m a x
McMenamins Pub at 2 0 5
9710 SE Washington St.
Portland, OR • 254-5411
Highland Brewery & Pub
4225 SE 182nd Ave.
Gresham • 665-3015
McMenamins on Broadway
'ake a night o ff from doing the
dishes and help Loaves & Fishes!
We h eartily w elcom e the en-
; n eighborhood and business
mmunity to bring their friends
d fam ily to one o f the eight
:ations listed below for a great
:al and lots o f fun! C hildren are
>st welcom e!
M cM en am in s is d o n a tin g '/i
a ll p ro c e e d s ra ise d on th is
en in g to L o av es & F ish es I
le M eals O n W heels P eople,
lis in clu d es all ta k e -o u t or-
rs o f food, w ine and ales.
This is a fun way to support
ch a great cause! So please, mark
iur calendars and plan to jo in us
r dinner and fun at one o f the
llow ing locations:
1504 NE Broadway, #900
Portland • 299-9498
McMenamins Market Street Pub
1526 SW 10lh Ave.
Portland • 497-0160
John Barleycorns
14610 SW Sequoia Pkwy
Tigard • 684-2688
M cMenamins Tavern & Pool
1716 NW 23rd
Portland • 227-0929
M cMenamins at Cedar Hills
2927 SW Cedar Hills Blvd.
Beavarton • 641-0151
McMenamins St. Johns Pub
8203 N .Ivanchoe
Portland • 283-8520
WomenStrength Program Turns Twenty
This month, the Portland Police
Bureau’s WomenStrength Program
proudly celebrates its twentieth year.
Since July 1979, WomenStrength has
“A Caribbean Cruise
Affair” Fashion Show
As more African Americans pre­
pare to take cruises this summer,
local merchants say these vacation­
ers are looking for versatile, colorful
clothing for the occasion.
Diana McKnight, ownerofW orld
Village Boutique, will showcase an
array of colorful cruise wear during a
free fashion show entitled. "A C arib-
bean Cruise Affair from 3 p.m. to 5
p.m. on July 31 at W orld Village,
5126 N .E . Martin Luther King Blvd.
Refreshments will be served.
M cK night, whose store carries
a variety o f ethnic styles, decided
to host a Caribbean cruise fashion
show because an increasing num­
ber o f her custom ers are shopping
for upcom ing cruises.
Janet Hames, ownerofStatements
Cruise and Travel, said McKnight’s
instincts are on target. Hames, who
has been involved with the travel
industry for 10 years, said more Af­
rican Americans are taking cruises
than in previous years. “Cruising was
once only for the elite,” said Hames,
“but now, some cruise lines have
made it affordable.”
M cK night’s show will feature
the work o f New York designers
who have created bold, colorful
ethnic clothing that is made with
hand-painted fabrics. “ W ith the
influx o f people from other coun­
tries, designers have influenced new
concepts, new cuts and new styles,”
M cK night said.
For exam ple, the fashion show
w ill feature dresses that can be
w orn four different w ays and con­
verted from daytim e to m ghtim e
w ith the adjustm ent o f a button,
M cK night said. The show also will
feature scarves that make great
accessories because they can be
w o rn d if f e r e n t w a y s su c h as
headw raps and bodyw raps.
McKnight said the fashion show
will be a great event to attend before
residents leave for their summer geta­
ways. “W ith the increase in travel
today, the avid traveler would love
clothing from World Village."
To reserve a seat at the fashion
show call 503-249-3790. Call now.
Seating is limited.
Title Wave Bookstore To Close
For Three Weeks Of Filming
M ultnom ah C ounty L ibrary’s
Title Wave Used Bookstore, located
at 216 N.E. Knott, will be closed to
the public from Monday, August 2,
through Saturday, August 21.
During its three-week closure,
the bookstore will be come one o f
several Portland film sets for the
taping o f “Navy Diver,” a new mul-
timillion-dollar feature film from
20th Century Fox. Starring Robert
DeNiro and Cuba G ooding, Jr.,
“Navy Diver” is the story o f the first
African American inducted into the
U.S. N avy’s diving program.
The volunteer-operated Title
W ave Used B ookstore recycles old
library m aterials, offering shop­
p e rs a se le c tio n o f over
20,000 used books, records,
m agazines and cassettes at
b a r g a in p r ic e s . R e g u la r
hours o f operation, which
will resume Monday, August
23, are M onday - Saturday
from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m . The
store is closed on Sundays.
W omenStrength self-defense class
( 1984-1997. and Stephame Reynolds
to the public, with a focus on sexual
assault, domestic violence, and danger
on the street WomenStrength educates
the public in primarily two formats:
nine-hour physical self-defense classes
for women and teen girls, and one and a
half-hour non-physical personal safety
workshops for women, men. and teens.
WomenStrength is the only free, city-
sponsored, ongoing self-defense pro­
gram in the United States.
During these past two decades,
many citizens around the Portland area
have learned valuable safety skills
throughWomenStrength.Over 18,000
women and girls have taken the self-
detenseclass, and over67,000 women,
men, and teens have attended a per­
sonal safety workshop. The following
are typical o f the comments on class
evaluations: “1 feel much better. What
a gift. Thank you.” "All instructors
were very effective, compassionate,
and professional. 1 had no idea until the
last class that they were all volun­
teers!” “Great class. Well worth the
time and effort. And free! Wow!”
Highly trained volunteer instruc­
tors have provided most o f Women
Strength’s services for the past twenty
years, making it possible to offer the
program to the public free o f charge.
Since the program’s inception, there
have been 223 volunteers and four
program directors. The volunteers are
m o stly
g rad u ates
who had such a life-changing experi­
ence that they wanted to share the
knowledge and skills with others The
four directors o f the program have
been Lynne Landau (1979-1981), Teri
Poppino (1981-1984), Mary Otto
For m ore in fo rm atio n about
W om enStrength, call Stephanie
Reynolds at (503) 823-0296 or visit
the website atwww.teleport.com/~po-
Sale! Sale! Sale
10” ‘Disco
‘E arrings
'W eaving H a ir
4 A pplication
‘No-Tye‘Rei axers
‘Tree ‘Braids
iM rs . C ’s
‘Wig & ‘Hair £are Center
707 ‘N T ‘Frem ont • P o rtlan d , O'R 97212
(503) 281-6525
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