Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 1999, Page 5, Image 5

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July 28,1999
(Fije -Portiani» ©baeruer
12 New Rules
fo r C areer
hange is the n am e o f th e
Z, Keep Educating
g a m e in th e w o rk p la c e .
P eo p le n ee d to e n su re th e ir
fu tu re m a rk e ta b ility by b ec o m in g L ifelo n g learners are b etter able
to m e et c o n sta n tly ch a n g in g w ork
c a re e r ac tiv ists.
and sk ill req u irem en ts.
S u cce ssfu l c a re e r a c tiv ists act
m o re like g u e rrilla s th an re g u la r-
arm y sold iers. T h ey are w e ll-in ­
r Understand the
fo rm ed , flex ib le, an d o p p o rtu n is­
Key Business
tic. T h ey d o n ’t p la y b y th e old
ru les.
H ere are M o s e s ’ 12 n ew ru les
U n d ersta n d the k ey b u sin e ss
for c a re e r su ccess:
trends that m ay affect you; assess
inform ation from a variety o f sources
to expand you r perspective.
M ake Sure You’re
Be Creative in
Choosing New
T o d a y ’s tech n o lo g y allow s (and
m ay req u ire) y o u to w o rk a n y ­
w h ere, an y tim e. It m ay be c ru c ia l
to learn new lan g u ag e s.
T h e m o s t im p o r t a n t s t e p in a n y
Be a Specialist
and a Generalist
New Jobs
U niqueness can get you noticed,
b ut m a n ag e m en t an d te am w o rk
sk ills rem ain im p o rtan t.
Be a Ruthless
By se ttin g p rio ritie s, e v a lu a t­
ing tim e c o m m itm en ts, and say in g
“ n o ” to ex c essiv e w o rk d em an d s.
Be Kind
to Yourself
about openings and job opportunities
You are there to get information about
the organization in general, and to give
them a chance to get to know you. Here
are seven rules o f researching that can
help you make the nght career choice:
1. Identify two areas of Interest.
2. Find people to talk to who are
involved in the areas you choose.
3. Call and make a 20-minute
appointment with them; that’s the
4. Prepare Questions for the
5. Do the interview.
6. Write a Thank You card.
7. Keep in Touch.
Following these steps will help you
find not only a job, but also a career that
will keep you going back every day o f
the week.
M A K E IT C O U N T !
In clu d in g d em o g ra p h ic, e c o ­
n o m ic , an d c u ltu re tre n d s th a t
c o u ld help id en tify h ig h -g ro w th
CareerMakers is in its first year o f
serving High School students in the
Self-Enhancementprogram(SEI). The
program runs in the spring, every Mon­
day evening from 6:00 to 9 :30p.m., for
four weeks, at SEI's building at 3920N.
Kerby Ave.
The CareerMakers program helps
students not only find a job, but also
explore possible careers. These days,
young people will often just look in the
Want Ads and pick a job, then try to get
an in terv iew .
T h ro u g h the
CareerMakers program, students learn
to do much more; they begin by writing
down their areas o f interest in a Job
Interest “Compass.” They then w nte in
the following headings for the career
area they have chosen: People they
would like to work with, preferred Lo­
cation o f the place o f employment,
W o rk Values o f the company, their
own Life Values, what W orking C on­
ditions they prefer, Money involved,
T raits the job must have, and the Skills
needed to fill the position. In order for
a person to gain employment that will be
fulfilling to them every time they go to
work, he or she must go a step above the
CareerMakers shows young people
how to prepare so that they get that extra
jum p on die competition. First off,
before the company even sees your
application you should do a little re­
search on your own. Try to set up an
Informational Interview with the com­
pany you have interest in. When you go
to the Informational Interview never
take a resume with you. and don’t ask
Jo b -en ric h in g sid ew ay s m o v es
can rew ard y o u w ith o p p o rtu n itie s
to d evelop.
Think About the
P eople w h o c ra ft clea r, v iv id
m e ssag e s can th riv e in an ag e o f
ad v a n c e d te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s.
R o o ir k k E dwards
Prepare for Areas
of Competence,
Not Jobs
F u tu re su ccess m ay d ep e n d on
y o u r a b ility to p la y m an y d iffe re n t
ro les.
Think Globally
So you can m ak e c a re e r d e c i­
sions b ased on w hat is rea lly im ­
p o rtan t to you.
M ake sure y o u ’re m a rk e ta b le
by ex p a n d in g y o u r sk ills an d c o n ­
sta n tly le arn in g ab o u t c u rre n t and
p ro sp e c tiv e c lien ts.
Build Financial
updated every Friday on
W W W .K P N W .O R G
Explore our website. You can review jobs, complete an application & request referrals
on-line. Or visit our employment office.
500 NE Multnomah St., Portland, OR 97232
Hours. Monday - Friday 8am-3:30pm
Phone: (503) 813-4701
• Dental • Nursing • Radiology • Pharmacy
• Laboratory • Office • Healthcare Management
In stead o f o b se ssin g o v er w h at
w ent w ro n g , rem in d y o u rs e lf o f
y o u r su ccesses.
• Information Management • Computer
• Medical Receptionist • Medical Assistants
Drug Free Workplace • AA/EOE
To Portland’s
of Life.
Diversity, challenge and growth are yours
as an employee of the Port of Portland.
The Port provides career opportunities for
qualified individuals in Aviation, Marine,
Engineering, Finance and Administration,
and Corporate staff offices.
For information on current position
vacancies, contact the Port’s job hot line
at (503) 731 -7480 or visit the Port’s home
page at:
he Bureaus of Water Works and Environmental
Services provide drinking water and protect
water quality for the citizens of Portland.
Five hundred employees of the Portland Water
Bureau deliver 39 billion gallons of high quality
drinking water each year to 850,000 people in the
Portland metropolitan area.
More than 400 employees of the Bureau of
Environmental Services provide city residents with
water quality protection, sewage treatment,
wastewater collection, and sewer installation, and
oversee solid waste collection and recycling services.
We are continuing to seek qualified and dedicated
people. For more information regarding opportunities
with Portland's public utilities, call the Bureau of Water
Works at 823-7451 or Environmental Services at 823-7589.
Bureau of Water Works
1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 600
Portland, Oregon 97204
Bureau of Environmental Services
1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 1000
Portland, Oregon 97204
The City o f Portland is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
BS 9002